43 research outputs found

    Large Eddy Simulations of complex turbulent flows

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    In this dissertation a solution methodology for complex turbulent flows of industrial interests is developed using a combination of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) concepts. LES is an intermediate approach to turbulence simulation in which the onus of modeling of “universal” small scales is appropriately transferred to the resolution of “problem-dependent” large scales or eddies. IBM combines the efficiency inherent in using a fixed Cartesian grid to compute the fluid motion, along with the ease of tracking the immersed boundary at a set of moving Lagrangian points. Numerical code developed for this dissertation solves unsteady, filtered Navier-Stokes equations using high-order accurate (fourth order in space) finite difference schemes on a staggered grid with a fractional step approach. Pressure Poisson equation is solved using a direct solver based on a matrix diagonalization technique. Second order accurate Adams-Bashforth scheme is used for temporal integration of equations. Dynamic mixed model (DMM) is used to model subgrid scale (SGS) terms. It can represent large scale anisotropy and back-scatter of energy from small-to-large scale through scale-similar term and maintain the energy drain through eddy viscosity term whose coefficient is allowed to change with in the computational domain. This code is validated for several bench-mark problems and is demonstrated to solve complex moving geometry problem such as stator-rotor interaction. A number of parametric studies on jets-in-crossflow are performed to understand complex fluid dynamics issues pertaining to film-cooling. These studies included effects of variation of hole-aspect ratio, jet injection angle, free-stream turbulence intensity and free-stream turbulence length scales on the coherent structure dynamics for jets-in-crossflow. Fundamental flow physics and heat transfer issues are addressed by extracting coherent structures from time-dependent three dimensional flow fields of film-cooling by inclined jet and studying their influence on the film-cooled surface heat transfer. A direct method to perform heat transfer calculations in periodic geometries is proposed and applied to internal cooling in rotating ribbed duct. Immersed boundary method is used to render complex geometry of trapped vortex combustor on Cartesian grid and fluid mixing inside trapped vortex cavity is studied in detail

    Design and Analysis of Electric Power Production Unit for Low Enthalpy Geothermal Reservoir Applications

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    The subject of this paper is the design analysis of a single well power production unit from low enthalpy geothermal resources. A complexity of the project is defined by a low temperature heat source that usually makes such projects economically disadvantageous using the conventional binary power plant approach. A proposed new compact design is numerically analyzed. This paper describes a thermodynamic analysis, a working fluid choice, downhole heat exchanger (DHE) and turbine calculation results. The unit is able to produce 321 kW of electric power from a low enthalpy underground heat source utilizing n-Pentane as a working fluid. A geo-pressured reservoir located in Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, USA is selected as a prototype for the field application. With a brine temperature of 126℃, the optimal length of DHE is determined as 304.8 m (1000ft). All units (pipes, turbine, and pumps) are chosen from commercially available parts to bring this project closer to the industry requirements. Numerical calculations are based on petroleum industry standards. The project is sponsored by the Department of Energy of the US

    Design and Analysis of Electric Power Production Unit for Low Enthalpy Geothermal Reservoir Applications

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    The subject of this paper is the design analysis of a single well power production unit from low enthalpy geothermal resources. A complexity of the project is defined by a low temperature heat source that usually makes such projects economically disadvantageous using the conventional binary power plant approach. A proposed new compact design is numerically analyzed. This paper describes a thermodynamic analysis, a working fluid choice, downhole heat exchanger (DHE) and turbine calculation results. The unit is able to produce 321 kW of electric power from a low enthalpy underground heat source utilizing n-Pentane as a working fluid. A geo-pressured reservoir located in Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, USA is selected as a prototype for the field application. With a brine temperature of 126℃, the optimal length of DHE is determined as 304.8 m (1000ft). All units (pipes, turbine, and pumps) are chosen from commercially available parts to bring this project closer to the industry requirements. Numerical calculations are based on petroleum industry standards. The project is sponsored by the Department of Energy of the US

    A comparative review of peridynamics and phase-field models for engineering fracture mechanics

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    Computational modeling of the initiation and propagation of complex fracture is central to the discipline of engineering fracture mechanics. This review focuses on two promising approaches: phase-field (PF) and peridynamic (PD) models applied to this class of problems. The basic concepts consisting of constitutive models, failure criteria, discretization schemes, and numerical analysis are briefly summarized for both models. Validation against experimental data is essential for all computational methods to demonstrate predictive accuracy. To that end, the Sandia Fracture Challenge and similar experimental data sets where both models could be benchmarked against are showcased. Emphasis is made to converge on common metrics for the evaluation of these two fracture modeling approaches. Both PD and PF models are assessed in terms of their computational effort and predictive capabilities, with their relative advantages and challenges are summarized. © 2022, The Author(s)

    A comparative review of peridynamics and phase-field models for engineering fracture mechanics

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    Computational modeling of the initiation and propagation of complex fracture is central to the discipline of engineering fracture mechanics. This review focuses on two promising approaches: phase-field (PF) and peridynamic (PD) models applied to this class of problems. The basic concepts consisting of constitutive models, failure criteria, discretization schemes, and numerical analysis are briefly summarized for both models. Validation against experimental data is essential for all computational methods to demonstrate predictive accuracy. To that end, the Sandia Fracture Challenge and similar experimental data sets where both models could be benchmarked against are showcased. Emphasis is made to converge on common metrics for the evaluation of these two fracture modeling approaches. Both PD and PF models are assessed in terms of their computational effort and predictive capabilities, with their relative advantages and challenges are summarized

    In silico characterisation of novel rice transcripts differentially expressed in phosphorus dificient conditions suggests a role of these transcripts in multiple abiotic stresses

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    Phosphorus deficiency adversely affects crop productivity. The mechanism of tolerance in plants is not well understood. The current study successfully annotated a set of highly significant (Log2 RPKM ≥3) nine novel sequences up-regulated in P deficient condition identified from a low P tolerant rice genotype. Sequence annotation identified two transcripts (Os01g37260 and Os02g11060) carrying known domains, F-box and WD, respectively. Multiple Expectation maximization for Motif Elicitation (MEME) revealed presence of conserved domains like D[LP][HY][CL]D[CM][DT]C[AP][DQ][IQ]C, [EH][DN]HN[HS] [ER][FY][EP]I[HN]H which might play a role in phosphorus deficiency tolerance. Analysis of the upstream regions indicated presence of stress responsive elements like E Box, ABRE, and MYBCORE suggesting regulation of the novel transcripts by DNA binding. Protein localization prediction tool suggests that these novel proteins might be targeted to nucleus, chloroplast and cell wall. Transcripts Os02g03640 and Os02g10250 revealed potential target sites for microRNA binding suggesting role of novel miRNAs in low phosphorus response. Our analysis suggests that an F-box protein, Os01g37260 (OSFBx14) might be a promising candidate gene playing a role in multiple abiotic stresses including P deficiency

    Optical spectroscopy of Gaia detected protostars with DOT: can we probe protostellar photospheres?

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    Optical spectroscopy offers the most direct view of the stellar properties and the accretion indicators. Standard accretion tracers, such as HβH\beta, HαH\alpha, and, Ca II triplet lines, and most photospheric features, fall in the optical wavelengths. However, these tracers are not readily observable from deeply embedded protostars because of the large line of sight extinction (Av \sim 50-100 mag) toward them. In some cases, however, it is possible to observe protostars at optical wavelengths if the outflow cavity is aligned along the line-of-sight that allows observations of the photosphere, or the envelope is very tenuous and thin such that the extinction is low. In such cases, we can not only detect these protostars at optical wavelengths but also follow up spectroscopically. We have used the HOPS catalog (Furlan et al. 2016) of protostars in Orion to search for optical counterparts for protostars in the Gaia DR3 survey. Out of the 330 protostars in the HOPS sample, an optical counterpart within 2" is detected for 62 of the protostars. For 17 out of 62 optically detected protostars, we obtained optical spectra { (between 5500 to 8900 A˚\AA) using the Aries-Devasthal Faint Object Spectrograph \& Camera (ADFOSC) on the 3.6-m Devasthal Optical Telescope (DOT) and Hanle Faint Object Spectrograph Camera (HFOSC) on 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT)}. We detect strong photospheric features, such as the TiO bands in the spectra {(of 4 protostars)}, hinting that photospheres can form early on in the star formation process. We further determined the spectral types of protostars, which show photospheres similar to a late M-type. Mass accretion rates derived for the protostars are similar to those found for T-Tauri stars, in the range of 107^{-7} to 108^{-8} MM_\odot/yr.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures accepted in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy as part of the "Star formation studies in the context of NIR instruments on 3.6m DOT" special issu

    uGMRT observations of the hot-Saturn WASP 69b: Radio-Loud Exoplanet-Exomoon Survey II (RLEES II)

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    Exomoons have so far eluded ongoing searches. Several studies have exploited transit and transit timing variations and high-resolution spectroscopy to identify potential exomoon candidates. One method of detecting and confirming these exomoons is to search for signals of planet-moon interactions. In this work, we present the first radio observations of the exomoon candidate system WASP 69b. Based on the detection of alkali metals in the transmission spectra of WASP-69b, it was deduced that the system might be hosting an exomoon. WASP 69b is also one of the exoplanet systems that will be observed as part of JWST cycle-1 GTO. This makes the system an excellent target to observe and follow up. We observed the system for 32 hrs at 150 MHz and 218 MHz using the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT). Though we do not detect radio emission from the systems, we place strong 3σ3\sigma upper limits of 3.3 mJy at 150 MHz and 0.9 mJy at 218 MHz. We then use these upper limits to estimate the maximum mass loss from the exomoon candidate.Comment: Accepted in MNRAS, 8 pages, 4 Figure

    Identifying the population of T-Tauri stars in Taurus: UV-optical synergy

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    With the third data release of the Gaia mission GaiaGaia DR3 with its precise photometry and astrometry, it is now possible to study the behaviour of stars at a scale never seen before. In this paper, we developed new criteria to identify T-Tauri stars (TTS) candidates using UV and optical CMDs by combining the GALEX and Gaia surveys. We found 19 TTS candidates and 5 of them are newly identified TTS in the Taurus Molecular Cloud (TMC), not catalogued before as TMC members. For some of the TTS candidates, we also obtained optical spectra from several Indian telescopes. We also present the analysis of the distance and proper motion of young stars in the Taurus using data from GaiaGaia DR3. We found that the stars in Taurus show a bimodal distribution with distance, having peaks at{-1.24}^{1.31} pc and{-5.00}^{1.86} pc. The reason for this bimodality, we think, is due to the fact that different clouds in the TMC region are at different distances. We further show that the two populations have similar ages and proper motion distribution. Using the GaiaGaia DR3 colour-magnitude diagram, we show that the age of Taurus is consistent with 1 Myr.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Investigating Protostellar Accretion-Driven Outflows Across the Mass Spectrum: JWST NIRSpec IFU 3-5~μ\mum Spectral Mapping of Five Young Protostars

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    Investigating Protostellar Accretion (IPA) is a Cycle 1 JWST program using the NIRSpec+MIRI IFUs to obtain 2.9--28 μ\mum spectral cubes of five young protostars with luminosities of 0.2 to 10,000 L_{\odot} in their primary accretion phase. This paper introduces the NIRSpec 2.9--5.3 μ\mum data of the inner 840-9000 au with spatial resolutions from 28-300 au. The spectra show rising continuum emission, deep ice absorption, emission from H2_{2}, H~I, and [Fe~II], and the CO fundamental series in emission and absorption. Maps of the continuum emission show scattered light cavities for all five protostars. In the cavities, collimated jets are detected in [Fe~II] for the four <320< 320~L_{\odot} protostars, two of which are additionally traced in Br-α\alpha. Knots of [Fe~II] emission are detected toward the most luminous protostar, and knots of [FeII] emission with dynamical times of <30< 30~yrs are found in the jets of the others. While only one jet is traced in H2_2, knots of H2_2 and CO are detected in the jets of four protostars. H2_2 is seen extending through the cavities showing they are filled by warm molecular gas. Bright H2_2 emission is seen along the walls of a single cavity, while in three cavities, narrow shells of H2_2 emission are found, one of which has an [Fe~II] knot at its apex. These data show cavities containing collimated jets traced in atomic/ionic gas surrounded by warm molecular gas in a wide-angle wind and/or gas accelerated by bow shocks in the jets.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure