15 research outputs found

    Alokasi Anggaran Daerah Dalam Pembangunan Manusia Kabupaten/Kota Di Provinsi Sumatera Utara 2001-2009

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    Peningkatan kemampuan sumberdaya manusia untuk mencapai taraf hidup sejahteraperlu mendapat tempat dalam perencanaan pembangunan. Dukungan dibutuhkan dari pihakpemerintah melalui belanja pembangunan APBD. Sehingga, penelitian ini bertujuan untukmelihat pengaruh anggaran daerah terhadap tingkat pembangunan manusia yang ada diProvinsi Sumatera Utara.Data anggaran yang digunakan adalah belanja pembangunan sektor pendidikan,kesehatan, dan ekonomi APBD. Besar anggaran dianalisis terhadap pencapaian nilaimasing-masing indeks pembangunan manusia dua tahun setelahnya.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa besarnya anggaran tidakberpengaruh langsung terhadap pertumbuhan masing-masing nilai indeks dimensi dari IPMdi Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Anggaran yang besar tidak menjamin peningkatan nilai indeksyang ada. Hal sebaliknya jika anggaran rendah juga tidak menjamin pencapaian indeksnyakecil. Beberapa daerah di Sumatera Utara memiliki peningkatan nilai IPM meskipunanggaran menurun. Di satu sisi, anggaran yang kecil juga dapat menghasilkan pertumbuhandan pencapaian nilai dimensi IPM yang tinggi

    Pengaruh Supervisi Akademik, Kompetensi Guru Dan Kedisiplinan Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA Negeri 3 Slawi Kabupaten Tegal

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    This research is aimed at finding out the impact of academic supervision, teacher\u27s competence, and discipline towards the performance of teachers of SMA Negeri 3 Slawi, Tegal. This research used survey method. The data was collected using questionnaire and observation. There were 52 teachers as respondents. The data analysis used was percentage, multiple linear regression, F test and t test. The finding was : 1) academic supervision, teacher\u27s competence and discipline of SMA 3 Slawi teachers were very good, 2) academic supervision, teacher\u27s competence, and discipline together had impact towards teachers\u27 performance, 3) academic supervision, teacher\u27s competence, and discipline separately had impact on teachers\u27 performance, and 4) discipline had the strongest impact towards teachers\u27 performance. With this result it is suggested that the Diknas (the regential ministry of education) intensify the academic supervision, continually developing teacher\u27s competence, and enforcing discipline on teachers and schools. Key words: academic supervision, competence, discipline, teacher\u27s performanc

    Neutronic Analysis on Irradiation of the Leu Electroplating Target in the Rsg-gas Reactor for Production of 99mo Radionuclide

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    RSG-GAS reactor is a research reactor operated for radioisotope production, neutron activation analysis, research material testing, industry demand, R & D institutions and universities. One of the routine activities performed for RSG-GAS reactor operation is irradiation of LEU targets into the core to produce 99Mo radionuclide. The target insertion in the core will change the neutronic characteristic of the core so it can exceed the safety limits of reactor operation. This paper analyzes the neutronic parameters due to the insertion of the LEU electroplating target into the reactor core irradiation facility. The neutronic parameters for optimizing the LEU electroplating irradiated target are important for the safety of the reactor operation. Neutronic parameter calculations were performed using WIMS/D5 and Batan-3DIFF codes routinely used for RSG-GAS core calculations. Based on calculations by irradiating the LEU electroplating target in a CIP irradiation position of 36 g causes a reactivity change of 597.724 pcm and a maximum radial power peaking factor of 1.3078. Both of these quantities are within the limits permitted for the safety of the reactor operation

    Verifikasi Program Pwr-fuel dalam Manajemen Bahan Bakar Pwr

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    VERIFIKASI PROGRAM PWR-FUEL DALAM MANAJEMEN BAHAN BAKAR PWR. Majemen bahan bakar dalam teras PWR tidak mudah karena jumlah perangkat bahan bakar dalam teras sebanyak 192 perangkat sehingga banyak kemungkinan penempatan bahan bakar dalam teras. Konfigurasi perangkat bahan bakar dalam teras harus tepat dan akurat sehingga reaktor beroperasi aman dan ekonomis. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan verifikasi program PWR-FUEL yang akan digunakan dalam manajemen bahan bakar PWR. Program PWR-FUEL didasarkan pada teori transport neutron dan diselesaikan dengan pendekatan metode difusi nodal banyak dimensi banyak kelompok dan metode difusi beda hingga (FDM). Tujuannya untuk memeriksa apakah program berfungsi dengan baik terutama untuk desain dan mana-jemen bahan bakar teras PWR. Verifikasi dilakukan dengan model pencarian teras setimbang pada tiga kondisi yaitu bebas boron, konsentrasi boron 1000 ppm dan konsentrasi boron kritis. Hasil perhitungan distribusi fraksi bakar rata-rata perangkat bahan bakar dan distribusi daya pada BOC dan EOC menunjukkan tren yang konsisten dimana perangkat bahan bakar dengan dengan daya yang tinggi pada BOC akan menghasilkan fraksi bakar yang tinggi pada EOC. Pada teras tanpa boron diperoleh faktor multiplikasi yang tinggi karena tidak adanya boron dalam teras dan efek produk fisi pada teras sekitar 3,8 %. Efek reaktivitas larutan boron 1000 ppm pada BOC dan EOC masing-masing 6,44 % dan 1,703 %. Distribusi fluks neutron dan kerapatan daya menggunakan metode NODAL dan FDM mempunyai hasil yang sama. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan bahwa program PWR-FUEL berfungsi dengan baik terutama untuk desain dan pengolahaan bahan bakar dalam teras PWR


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    The era of globalization is called the era of technological revolution 4.0, where technology is developing rapidly, all-digital technology is an absolute requirement for human resources to enter the world of work and business. There are still limited levels of education, skills, competence. The weaker motivation of human resources is the impact of rampant downsizing of the workforce, the bankruptcy of large and small companies. This paper aims to comprehensively present the role and influence of innovation and strategic management on the readiness of human resources to enter the world of work and business in the era of globalization – technological revolution 4.0, interpreted using a descriptive qualitative method of reviewing various literature and study results to enrich writing insights. The results of the writing show that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a very large and significant impact on all aspects of human life and almost all government institutions/organizations/companies in the world, in the economic, social, political, etc. fields, will become history that will never be forgotten for all people. who live in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The occurrence of various technological changes is required to increase innovation and creativity in managing strategies to deal with it. Technological change does not automatically bring goodness. Digital literacy is different from a digital mindset. In innovation and strategic execution/implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the most important stages and government alignment (regulation, conducive alignment)


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    Changes in the business, economic, employment and income climate during the Covid 19 pandemic caused the global financial crisis to weaken economic growth, increase unemployment and people's purchasing power. This paper aims to present the various entrepreneurial potentials of Bedouin palm sugar, accelerate innovative technology and empower human resources for Bedouin palm sugar craftsmen to exist in the never-ending Covid-19 era. With the mixed method BEP, R/C ratio, SWOT which is interpreted descriptively qualitatively and reviews various research results and related literature. From the field findings it can be predicted that the high potential and entrepreneurial development that can be carried out by the Bedouin community in general. It is necessary to evaluate agricultural development policies from the institutional aspect of processed products, so that processed product strategies are not just raw materials and efforts to accurately formulate policies in supporting the increase in rural agro-industry going forward. Strategies for access to technology and information according to needs, the existence of adequate operational policy tools, the functioning of various supporting institutions (research, counseling, marketing), as well as regulatory support as government policies that are more focused and one-sided to accelerate the achievement of technological innovation


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    Changes in the business, economic, employment and income climate during the Covid 19 pandemic caused the global financial crisis to weaken economic growth, increase unemployment and people's purchasing power. This paper aims to present the various entrepreneurial potentials of Bedouin palm sugar, accelerate innovative technology and empower human resources for Bedouin palm sugar craftsmen to exist in the never-ending Covid-19 era. With the mixed method BEP, R/C ratio, SWOT which is interpreted descriptively qualitatively and reviews various research results and related literature. From the field findings it can be predicted that the high potential and entrepreneurial development that can be carried out by the Bedouin community in general. It is necessary to evaluate agricultural development policies from the institutional aspect of processed products, so that processed product strategies are not just raw materials and efforts to accurately formulate policies in supporting the increase in rural agro-industry going forward. Strategies for access to technology and information according to needs, the existence of adequate operational policy tools, the functioning of various supporting institutions (research, counseling, marketing), as well as regulatory support as government policies that are more focused and one-sided to accelerate the achievement of technological innovation


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    The era of globalization is called the era of technological revolution 4.0, where technology is developing rapidly, all-digital technology is an absolute requirement for human resources to enter the world of work and business. There are still limited levels of education, skills, competence. The weaker motivation of human resources is the impact of rampant downsizing of the workforce, the bankruptcy of large and small companies. This paper aims to comprehensively present the role and influence of innovation and strategic management on the readiness of human resources to enter the world of work and business in the era of globalization – technological revolution 4.0, interpreted using a descriptive qualitative method of reviewing various literature and study results to enrich writing insights. The results of the writing show that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a very large and significant impact on all aspects of human life and almost all government institutions/organizations/companies in the world, in the economic, social, political, etc. fields, will become history that will never be forgotten for all people. who live in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The occurrence of various technological changes is required to increase innovation and creativity in managing strategies to deal with it. Technological change does not automatically bring goodness. Digital literacy is different from a digital mindset. In innovation and strategic execution/implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the most important stages and government alignment (regulation, conducive alignment)

    Materi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Di Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Era Global

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    A Challenge for education in the ongoing era of globalization is the demand for qualityin human resources. Qualifiedhuman resources are thoese having a competent professionalism, acrativity in recognizing social gaps and finding their solutions, and a global view.The teaching materials in classes of Civic Education have tended to teach the students about the physical aspects of defending the country. The development of demoeratic values, social values of the society, awareness of law, and social disipline has not been the main purpose of the Civic Education class. The teaching method employed has also been the same as that of the class of Pancasila, of which the essence is indoctrination in the truthfulnes of Indonesia Ideology. Thes will only bring results in the cognitive sphere, and leave the aspects of attitude and behavior untouche