15 research outputs found

    The relationship between postpartum social support and attitudes towards breastfeeding: A cultural perspective

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    Aim: This study intends to provide an analysis of the relationship between postpartum social support and women’s breastfeeding attitudes from different cultural perspectives. Method: This study was conducted between April-September 2019.The study population comprised of 430 women with 4-24 week old babies who visited health centers in the provinces of Adıyaman (Region 1), Kahramanmaraş (Region 2) and Malatya (Region 3). Findings: The mean scores of women from the BAES were 105.54 ± 13.16 in Region 1, 103.30 ± 15.77 in Region 2, and 99.46 ± 13.47 in Region 3 (P<0.05).The mean scores of women from the “Importance of the Need” subscale on the PSQ were 157.38±45.57 in Region 1, 140.73±55.18 in Region 2, and 144.89±48.144 in Region 3 (P<0.05).The mean scores of women from the “Support Received” subscale on the PSQ were 112.39±51.58 in Region 1; 116.87±52.69 in Region 2, and 108.89±50.79 in Region 3 (P>0.05).In Region 2, a significant and positive correlation was found between the subscales “Importance of the Need” and the “Perceived Support” on the BAES and the PSQ (r=0.259, r=0.255, P<0.05, respectively). Conclusion: A comparison of the relationship between postpartum social support and attitudes towards breastfeeding revealed major differences between the Regions

    Osteoma Originating from Mastoid Cortex

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    Mastoid osteomas are very rare and defined as benign masses growing gradually in size. Temporal bone computed tomography is the examination of choice for their diagnosis and differentiation. Surgical resection is used to treat mastoid osteomas causing cosmetic deformity. Prognosis is good in cosmetic and curative aspects, and recurrences are very rare. No case of malign transformation has been reported. In this study, an adult patient who was treated because of a mastoid osteoma is presented with review of the current literature

    Bilateral Nasolabial Cyst as a Rare Case Report

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    The etiology, clinical features, and treatment of an extremely rare case of a bilateral nasolabial cyst have been evaluated in this report. A 60-year-old female presented to our clinic with a pain-free swelling above the upper lip for a year and obstruction of the left nasal cavity for two months. On undergoing a physical ENT examination, she showed bulging of both nasal fossae and effacement of the bilateral nasolabial groove with a fluctuating smooth mass. A paranasal sinus CT scan showed a smooth, ovoid mass of 20×13 mm at the right side and 26×22 mm at the left side occupying the floor of the nasal fossa and restricted to the soft parts of the premaxillary region, without any bony destruction. The patient underwent surgical excision under general anesthesia via sublabial approach. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of bilateral nasolabial cyst. The patient was asymptomatic during 18-month of postoperative follow-up. Bilateral nasolabial cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cystic masses of the nasal vestibule and deformities of the premaxillary region. Although endonasal endoscopic cyst marsupialization is a relatively new treatment, surgical resection with the sublabial approach is the treatment of choice

    An Analysis on The Effect of Organizational Acceptance Level and Demographic Characteristics of Academic Staff on Organizational Acceptance

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    Bu çalışma da, 2008 yılında kurulan Ardahan Üniversitesinde görev yapan akademik personelin örgütsel kabullenme düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve demografik özelliklerine göre örgütsel kabullenme düzeyleri arasındaki farklılıkların incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Toplam 165 öğretim elemanından 96’sının gönüllü katılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak birinci bölümde 10 soruluk kişisel bilgiler ve ikinci bölümde 5’li likert ölçeği tipinde tasarlanmış 13 soruluk (Örgütsel Kabullenme Ölçeği) iki bölümden oluşan form kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada; katılımcıların örgütsel kabullenme düzeyleri cinsiyet, medeni durum, görev yeri, idari görev ve eşin çalışıp çalışmama özellikleri bakımından herhangi bir farklılık göstermez iken (p>0.05), yaş, gelir düzeyi, akademik ünvan, toplam hizmet süresi ile bu kurumdaki (Ardahan Üniversitesi) hizmet süresi bakımından farklılık olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Öğretim Elemanlarının örgütsel kabullenme düzeylerinin yüksek olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.The purpose of this study is to determine the organizational acceptance levels of academic staff working in Ardahan University founded in 2008 and to reveal the differences between their organizational acceptance levels by their demographic characteristics. The study was conducted with the voluntary participation of 96 people (Lecturer, Instructor and Research Assistant) among 165 academic staff. As the data collection tool, 10-question personal information was used in the first part and two-part Organizational Acceptance Scale composed of 13 questions designed as a 5-point Likert Scale type was used in the second part. While the organizational acceptance levels of the participants don’t differ by sex, marital status, place of employment, administrative function and employment status of the spouse (p>0.05), they have been determined to differ by age, income, academic title, total service period and the service period in the last employment (Ardahan University) (p<0.05). It has been concluded that the organizational acceptance levels of academic staff are high

    Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirus ve adenovirus prevalansı

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    Aim: To establish the prevalence of rotavirus and adenovirus infections in pediatric patients with acute gastroenteritis. Method: A total of 65 symptomatic pediatric patients (0-5 years of age) were enrolled in this study. The diagnosis of rotavirus and adenovirus were based on shell-vial cell culture method by Vero and HEp-2 cell line, respectively. The Vesikari score was used for assessing the severity of the illness by the clinicians. Results: Among 65 stool samples tested, 37 (56.9 %) and 3 (4.6 %) were determined to be positive for rotavirus and adenovirus, respectively. Rotavirus infection was observed to peak in December. Rotavirus positivity was found in 93.1 % of the patients with Vesikari scores 9 and more. Conclusion: Rotavirus plays an important role in pediatric gastroenteritis during the winter season. Shell vial cell culture assay to detect rotavirus and adenovirus antigen in stool specimens may be used safety for routine diagnosis, safely.Amaç: Akut gastroenteritli çocuk hastalarda rotavirus ve adenovirus prevalansını araştırmak. Yöntem: 0-5 yaş arasındaki toplam 65 akut gastroenteritli hasta çalışma kapsamına alındı. Klinik örneklerden rotavirusun saptanmasında Vero, adenovirusun saptanmasında HEp-2 hücre dizisi kullanılarak, etkenler “shell-vial” hücre kültürü yöntemi ile izole edildi. Klinisyenler tarafından her hastada gastroenetritin şiddeti Vesikari skorlaması ile sınıflandırıldı. Bulgular: Toplam 65 dışkı örneğinin 37’sinde rotavirus (% 56.9), 3’ünde adenovirus (% 4.6) pozitif bulundu. Rotavirus en fazla aralık ayında (% 66.6) gelen örneklerde pozitifti. Vesikari skorlamasına göre skoru 9 ve üzerinde olan hastaların % 93.1’inde rotavirus pozitifliği saptandı. Sonuç: Rotavirus kış aylarında görülen çocukluk çağı gastroenteritlerinde önemli bir role sahiptir. “Shell-vial” hücre kültürü yöntemi rotavirus ve adenovirusun dışkı örneklerinden izole edilmesinde rutin tanı testi olarak güvenle kullanılabilir

    Borsa İstanbul’da İşlem Gören Tekstil Firmalarının TOPSIS ve MOORA Yöntemi İle Analizi

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    Günümüz koşullarında artan rekabet ortamında işletmelerin varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri için performans analizi büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Araştırma, 2010-2015 döneminde hisse senetleri Borsa İstanbul (BIST)’da işlem görentekstil sektöründe faaliyette bulunan 23 şirketi ve bu şirketlere ait mali tablolardan elde edilen verileri içermektedir. Çalışmada, hisse senetleri Borsa İstanbul (BIST)’da işlem gören şirketlerin incelenen dönem itibariyle finansal performanslarının ölçümü için bu finansal oranların belirlenmesinde ulusal ve uluslar arası yapılan literatür taraması baz alınarak 10 kriter esas alınmış, TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to IdealSolution) ve MOORA (The Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis Method) çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemleri kullanılarak firmaların finansal performans puanlarına ulaşmak ve şirketleri performanslarına göre sıralamak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada incelenen şirketlerin 2010-2015 dönemine ait finansal performansları analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda tekstil sektöründe faaliyette bulunan şirketlerin performans puanlarının analiz döneminde genel olarak benzerlik gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir