63 research outputs found

    On a simple cyclic plasticity modeling with implicit kinematic hardening restoration

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    10 pagesInternational audienceThis paper presents a fully three-dimensional plastic constitutive modeling framework suitable for the prediction of cyclic loading at large number of cycles. It can require only one yield surface and is motivated by a simple rheological model where a restoration of the kinematic hardening is introduced. The classical kinematic hardening rules are then simply adapted leading to time-dependent evolution laws that are consistent with continuum thermodynamics requirements. The resulting behavior is physically motivated by many man-made materials of engineering interest such as bituminous material. This framework allows all types of yield functions to be easily implemented numerically. This is first illustrated with algorithmic details through a simple associative pressure-insensitive model example of the von Mises type. Then a more elaborated model is given where the present framework is applied to the description of bituminous materials submitted to triaxial static creep and to large number of cyclic loadings. Of particular interest is the ratcheting and the mean stress relaxation. The responses agree well with some experimental test results found in the literature

    Une approche de la pensée bouddhique

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     « La dualité de la confirmation de soi et de la dissolution de soi dont notre époque donne signe, nous mène-t-elle à une autre approche de la quête du sens de l’être ? On se demande – si l’être, compris a priori dès le début de la philosophie comme un SOI, un et tout, qui, en  se posant et en se tenant solidement en lui-même, par lui-même et pour lui-même, pourra couvrir tout le champ de la quête de l’Essentiel dans les cultures autres que notre tradition philosophique ? – Ou même, si le SOI, un élément constituant de notre existence, un destin dont ce préjugé ontologique est signe, bloque par son propre pouvoir l’accès au sens de l’être ? – Et si le sens de l’être pourra se révéler dans la tension, dans le conflit même entre la suffisance heureuse du Soi et l’inquiétude face à l’Inconnu, autre que le soi ? » Le petit exposé qui précède, intitulé « une approche de la pensée bouddhique » tend à présenter, dans le cadre de la problématique de la thèse, les limites des tentatives de recherche de soi, et une autre voie de la quête de la Vérité et de l’approche du sens de l’existence comme souffrance, ou soif d’un X, autre que le soi. “Does the duality of self-confirmation and self-disintegration of which our times gives sign open to another inquiry approach of the meaning of being ?The questions are : Whether being, understood a priori from the very start of philosophy as a SELF, one and all, while setting itself up and self-confining constantly in itself, by itself and for itself, could cover all the fields of the inquiry of Essence in the cultures other than our philosophical tradition ? Or even, whether the SELF, a constituent element of our existence, a destiny of which this ontological prejudice is the sign, obstruct the access to the meaning of being by its own capacity ? And whether the meaning of being could reveal itself amid the tension, amid the conflict even between the happy sufficiency of Self and the anxiety facing the Unknown, other than the self ?”The preceding prospectus, entitled “a bouddhic thinking approach” tends to present, within the framework of the problems of the thesis, the limits of the attempts to search for self, another way to search for the Truth, and the approach to the meaning of the existence like suffering, or desire for X, other than the self

    Le conflit entre le Soi et la Vérité

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    Résumé de la thèse de Doctorat en Philosophie  soutenue le 18   octobre  2006 à l’Université Paul Verlaine de Metz   Membres du jury : MM. François Gallichet, professeur émérite à l’Université de Strasbourg (17è section),  Pierre Gauthier, professeur émérite à l’Université de Strasbourg (74è section), Benoît Goetz, MCF en philosophie à l’Université de Metz (HDR), Bernard  Ibal, chargé de cours à l’Université Toulouse III,  Jean-Paul Resweber, professeur à l’Université de Metz (Directeur). La..

    Une approche de la pensée bouddhique

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     « La dualité de la confirmation de soi et de la dissolution de soi dont notre époque donne signe, nous mène-t-elle à une autre approche de la quête du sens de l’être ? On se demande – si l’être, compris a priori dès le début de la philosophie comme un SOI, un et tout, qui, en  se posant et en se tenant solidement en lui-même, par lui-même et pour lui-même, pourra couvrir tout le champ de la quête de l’Essentiel dans les cultures autres que notre tradition philosophique ? – Ou même, si le SOI, un élément constituant de notre existence, un destin dont ce préjugé ontologique est signe, bloque par son propre pouvoir l’accès au sens de l’être ? – Et si le sens de l’être pourra se révéler dans la tension, dans le conflit même entre la suffisance heureuse du Soi et l’inquiétude face à l’Inconnu, autre que le soi ? » Le petit exposé qui précède, intitulé « une approche de la pensée bouddhique » tend à présenter, dans le cadre de la problématique de la thèse, les limites des tentatives de recherche de soi, et une autre voie de la quête de la Vérité et de l’approche du sens de l’existence comme souffrance, ou soif d’un X, autre que le soi. “Does the duality of self-confirmation and self-disintegration of which our times gives sign open to another inquiry approach of the meaning of being ?The questions are : Whether being, understood a priori from the very start of philosophy as a SELF, one and all, while setting itself up and self-confining constantly in itself, by itself and for itself, could cover all the fields of the inquiry of Essence in the cultures other than our philosophical tradition ? Or even, whether the SELF, a constituent element of our existence, a destiny of which this ontological prejudice is the sign, obstruct the access to the meaning of being by its own capacity ? And whether the meaning of being could reveal itself amid the tension, amid the conflict even between the happy sufficiency of Self and the anxiety facing the Unknown, other than the self ?”The preceding prospectus, entitled “a bouddhic thinking approach” tends to present, within the framework of the problems of the thesis, the limits of the attempts to search for self, another way to search for the Truth, and the approach to the meaning of the existence like suffering, or desire for X, other than the self


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    Graphene has received enormous attention in the semiconductor industry during the last two decades. However, since graphene is a gapless semiconductor, it has critical challenges to be engineered into semiconductor devices. Recent reports have shown that penta-graphene stands out as a promising semiconductor candidate with an electronic bandgap between 2.2 and 4.3 eV; thus, it can surmount graphene’s obstacles. However, when being heated, penta-graphene can transform its configurations from pentagonal lattices to hexagonal graphene-like heterostructures, resulting in a significant electronic modification. In this paper, we investigate the effect of heating rates on the non-equilibrium phase transition of a two-dimensional penta-graphene by using molecular dynamic simulations. We have shown that, with a fast-heating process, penta-graphene naturally transforms to graphene without a clear phase separation point. Nevertheless, with a sufficiently slow heating protocol, this transition is a first-order phase transition from a pentagonal to a more stable hexagonal configuration. These results provide the possibility to implement penta-graphene in future optoelectronic devices.Graphene đã được chứng minh là vật liệu mang tính đột phá cho ngành vật liệu bán dẫn. Tuy nhiên, với độ rộng vùng cấm gần như bằng không, graphene có những hạn chế nhất định khi được ứng dụng để chế tạo linh kiện điện tử. Các nghiên cứu gần đây cho thấy penta-graphene với độ rộng vùng cấm 2,2–4,3 eV và độ bền cơ – nhiệt cao có thể dung hòa nhược điểm của graphene. Tuy nhiên, khi bị nung nóng, penta-graphene có thể chuyển từ cấu trúc vòng 5 điển hình sang cấu trúc vòng 6 của graphene, nhưng điều kiện cụ thể để quá trình chuyển pha này hình thành vẫn chưa được nghiên cứu chi tiết. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi nghiên cứu sự ảnh hưởng của tốc độ nung đến tính chất nhiệt động phi cân bằng của penta-graphene bằng phương pháp mô phỏng động học phân tử. Ở tốc độ nung lớn, penta-graphene sẽ dần chuyển sang graphene mà không có điểm chuyển pha rõ nét. Tuy nhiên, nếu penta-graphene được nung rất chậm, quá trình chuyển pha từ penta-graphene sang graphene là quá trình chuyển pha loại I với sự gián đoạn của thông số nhiệt động tại điểm chuyển pha. Kết quả này sẽ góp phần bổ sung các thông số kỹ thuật quan trọng trong việc ứng dụng vật liệu penta-graphene để chế tạo các linh kiện quang – điện tử trong tương lai


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    ABSTRACT – QMFS 2019The functional food development by adding probiotic bacteria is getting a lot of concern. In this study, Bifidobacterium bifidum AS 1.1886 was encapsulated in calcium-alginate 2% w/v (C sample) or the mix of calcium-alginate 2% (w/v) and whey protein 1% (w/v) (CW sample) or calcium-alginate 2% (w/v) coated by whey protein 1% (w/v) (CcW sample) by extrusion method, and added to mayonnaise product. The pH changes, the survival rate of probiotic bacteria, and total yeast and mold count during storage, as well as the probiotic survival in simulated gastric medium, were evaluated. The result showed that the pH changes were not significantly different in all mayonnaise samples in this test. The viability of the free probiotic cell was significant decrease about 5.85 log CFU/g compared to 0.26 ÷ 1.14 log CFU/g in encapsulated cell samples after four weeks of storage. None of the free cells survived after six weeks of storage. The total yeast and mold count in samples related to the probiotic count, the viability of probiotic cells higher 6 log CFU/g might be controlling the growth of yeast and molds in mayonnaise. Whey protein has been shown to significantly improve the survival rate of B.bifidum and calcium-alginate coated by whey protein, indicating the most effective protection. The result showed that the application potential of encapsulated probiotic in mayonnaise product

    Robust acoustic scene classification using a multi-spectrogram encoder-decoder framework

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    This article proposes an encoder-decoder network model for Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC), the task of identifying the scene of an audio recording from its acoustic signature. We make use of multiple low-level spectrogram features at the front-end, transformed into higher level features through a well-trained CNN-DNN front-end encoder. The high-level features and their combination (via a trained feature combiner) are then fed into different decoder models comprising random forest regression, DNNs and a mixture of experts, for back-end classification. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of this framework on various ASC datasets, including LITIS Rouen and IEEE AASP Challenge on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) 2016 Task 1, 2017 Task 1, 2018 Tasks 1A & 1B and 2019 Tasks 1A & 1B. The experimental results highlight two main contributions; the first is an effective method for high-level feature extraction from multi-spectrogram input via the novel CNN-DNN architecture encoder network, and the second is the proposed decoder which enables the framework to achieve competitive results on various datasets. The fact that a single framework is highly competitive for several different challenges is an indicator of its robustness for performing general ASC tasks

    Village Baseline Study: Site Analysis Report for Tra Hat Village, Vinh Loi, Bac Lieu, Viet Nam (VNM 03)

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    This report presents data collected from the Village Baseline Study conducted on 2-4 October 2014 at the Tra Hat village, Vinh Loi district, Bac Lieu, Vietnam. Data were collected through focus group discussions and participatory resource mapping with community members in the village. The Village Baseline Study is part of the baseline activities conducted under the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS) in South East Asia. The purpose is to collect data for indicators that will allow site comparability and monitoring to assess changes in terms of food security and natural resource management across time. Results show that the men and women in Tra Hat village consider farmland, rivers and canals as important natural resources. The quality, however, of land, water and wildlife habitats has declined in the last decade along with the improvement of farming techniques and intensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Infrastructures such as roads, internal canals, hospitals, schools, water supply station and electricity transformer station have improved. The future is envisioned to have improved internal canals in farmlands and a developed irrigation system, dykes and sluices to support high agriculture production. Home garden diversification was also believed to enhance food security and improve livelihood resilience. To turn the vision into reality, the community expects support from the different organizations working in the area considering current impacts of salinity intrusion and sea level rise, the need interventions of CCAFS and its partners. Strengthening the irrigation system, improving local rice variety, and introducing modern farming techniques taking into account negative impacts of climate change are major recommendation for future intervention

    Viral Metagenomic Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with Acute Central Nervous System Infections of Unknown Origin, Vietnam.

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    Central nervous system (CNS) infection is a serious neurologic condition, although the etiology remains unknown in >50% of patients. We used metagenomic next-generation sequencing to detect viruses in 204 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from patients with acute CNS infection who were enrolled from Vietnam hospitals during 2012-2016. We detected 8 viral species in 107/204 (52.4%) of CSF samples. After virus-specific PCR confirmation, the detection rate was lowered to 30/204 (14.7%). Enteroviruses were the most common viruses detected (n = 23), followed by hepatitis B virus (3), HIV (2), molluscum contagiosum virus (1), and gemycircularvirus (1). Analysis of enterovirus sequences revealed the predominance of echovirus 30 (9). Phylogenetically, the echovirus 30 strains belonged to genogroup V and VIIb. Our results expanded knowledge about the clinical burden of enterovirus in Vietnam and underscore the challenges of identifying a plausible viral pathogen in CSF of patients with CNS infections

    Clinical presentations, diagnosis, mortality and prognostic markers of tuberculous meningitis in Vietnamese children: a prospective descriptive study

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    Background Tuberculous meningitis in adults is well characterized in Vietnam, but there are no data on the disease in children. We present a prospective descriptive study of Vietnamese children with TBM to define the presentation, course and characteristics associated with poor outcome. Methods A prospective descriptive study of 100 consecutively admitted children with TBM at Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City. Cox and logistic regression were used to identify factors associated with risk of death and a combined endpoint of death or disability at treatment completion. Results The study enrolled from October 2009 to March 2011. Median age was 32.5 months; sex distribution was equal. Median duration of symptoms was 18.5 days and time from admission to treatment initiation was 11 days. Fifteen of 100 children died, 4 were lost to follow-up, and 27/81 (33 %) of survivors had intermediate or severe disability upon treatment completion. Microbiological confirmation of disease was made in 6 %. Baseline characteristics associated with death included convulsions (HR 3.46, 95CI 1.19–10.13, p = 0.02), decreased consciousness (HR 22.9, 95CI 3.01–174.3, p 5 years) and hydrocephalus were also associated with the combined endpoint of death or disability. Conclusions Tuberculous meningitis in Vietnamese children has significant mortality and morbidity. There is significant delay in diagnosis; interventions that increase the speed of diagnosis and treatment initiation are likely to improve outcomes