97 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Tight-Binding Approximation for Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Lattice

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    The dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in a deep optical lattice is governed by a discrete nonlinear equation (DNL). Its degree of nonlinearity and the intersite hopping rates are retrieved from a nonlinear tight-binding approximation taking into account the effective dimensionality of each condensate. We derive analytically the Bloch and the Bogoliubov excitation spectra, and the velocity of sound waves emitted by a traveling condensate. Within a Lagrangian formalism, we obtain Newtonian-like equations of motion of localized wavepackets. We calculate the ground-state atomic distribution in the presence of an harmonic confining potential, and the frequencies of small amplitude dipole and quadrupole oscillations. We finally quantize the DNL, recovering an extended Bose-Hubbard model

    Inverse Ising problem for one-dimensional chains with arbitrary finite-range couplings

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    We study Ising chains with arbitrary multispin finite-range couplings, providing an explicit solution of the associated inverse Ising problem, i.e. the problem of inferring the values of the coupling constants from the correlation functions. As an application, we reconstruct the couplings of chain Ising Hamiltonians having exponential or power-law two-spin plus three- or four-spin couplings. The generalization of the method to ladders and to Ising systems where a mean-field interaction is added to general finite-range couplings is as well as discussed.Comment: Published version, typos correcte

    Non-abelian anyons from degenerate Landau levels of ultracold atoms in artificial gauge potentials

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    We show that non-abelian potentials acting on ultracold gases with two hyperfine levels can give rise to ground states with non-abelian excitations. We consider a realistic gauge potential for which the Landau levels can be exactly determined: the non-abelian part of the vector potential makes the Landau levels non-degenerate. In the presence of strong repulsive interactions, deformed Laughlin ground states occur in general. However, at the degeneracy points of the Landau levels, non-abelian quantum Hall states appear: these ground states, including deformed Moore-Read states (characterized by Ising anyons as quasi-holes), are studied for both fermionic and bosonic gases.Comment: Published versio

    Dipole Oscillations in Fermionic Mixtures

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    We study dipole oscillations in a general fermionic mixture: starting from the Boltzmann equation, we classify the different solutions in the parameter space through the number of real eigenvalues of the small oscillations matrix. We discuss how this number can be computed using the Sturm algorithm and its relation with the properties of the Laplace transform of the experimental quantities. After considering two components in harmonic potentials having different trapping frequencies, we study dipole oscillations in three-component mixtures. Explicit computations are done for realistic experimental setups using the classical Boltzmann equation without intra-species interactions. A brief discussion of the application of this classification to general collective oscillations is also presented.Comment: Published versio

    Statistical Mechanics of an Ideal Gas of Non-Abelian Anyons

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    We study the thermodynamical properties of an ideal gas of non-Abelian Chern-Simons particles and we compute the second virial coefficient, considering the effect of general soft-core boundary conditions for the two-body wavefunction at zero distance. The behaviour of the second virial coefficient is studied as a function of the Chern-Simons coupling, the isospin quantum number and the hard-coreness parameters. Expressions for the main thermodynamical quantities at the lower order of the virial expansion are also obtained: we find that at this order the relation between the internal energy and the pressure is the same found (exactly) for 2D Bose and Fermi ideal gases. A discussion of the comparison of obtained findings with available results in literature for systems of hard-core non-Abelian Chern-Simons particles is also supplied.Comment: Submitted versio

    Characterization of the Bose-glass phase in low-dimensional lattices

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    We study by numerical simulation a disordered Bose-Hubbard model in low-dimensional lattices. We show that a proper characterization of the phase diagram on finite disordered clusters requires the knowledge of probability distributions of physical quantities rather than their averages. This holds in particular for determining the stability region of the Bose-glass phase, the compressible but not superfluid phase that exists whenever disorder is present. This result suggests that a similar statistical analysis should be performed also to interpret experiments on cold gases trapped in disordered lattices, limited as they are to finite sizes.Comment: 4+ epsilon pages and 4 figure

    Integer Factorization by Quantum Measurements

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    Quantum algorithms are at the heart of the ongoing efforts to use quantum mechanics to solve computational problems unsolvable on ordinary classical computers. Their common feature is the use of genuine quantum properties such as entanglement and superposition of states. Among the known quantum algorithms, a special role is played by the Shor algorithm, i.e. a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for integer factorization, with far reaching potential applications in several fields, such as cryptography. Here we present a different algorithm for integer factorization based on another genuine quantum property: quantum measurement. In this new scheme, the factorization of the integer NN is achieved in a number of steps equal to the number kk of its prime factors, -- e.g., if NN is the product of two primes, two quantum measurements are enough, regardless of the number of digits nn of the number NN. Since kk is the lower bound to the number of operations one can do to factorize a general integer, one sees that a quantum mechanical setup can saturate such a bound.Comment: 7 pages, 3 Supplementary Materials, 3 figure

    Deviations from Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order in One-Dimensional Quantum Systems

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    A quantum system exhibits off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) when the largest eigenvalue λ0\lambda_0 of the one-body-density matrix scales as λ0N\lambda_0 \sim N, where NN is the total number of particles. Putting λ0NC\lambda_0 \sim N^{{\cal C}} to define the scaling exponent C{\cal C}, then C=1{\cal C}=1 corresponds to ODLRO and C=0{\cal C}=0 to the single-particle occupation of the density matrix orbitals. When 0<C<10<{\cal C}<1, C{\cal C} can be used to quantify deviations from ODLRO. In this paper we study the exponent C{\cal C} in a variety of one-dimensional bosonic and anyonic quantum systems. For the 1D1D Lieb-Liniger Bose gas we find that for small interactions C{\cal C} is close to 11, implying a mesoscopic condensation, i.e. a value of the "condensate" fraction λ0/N\lambda_0/N appreciable at finite values of NN (as the ones in experiments with 1D1D ultracold atoms). 1D1D anyons provide the possibility to fully interpolate between C=1{\cal C}=1 and 00. The behaviour of C{\cal C} for these systems is found to be non-monotonic both with respect to the coupling constant and the statistical parameter.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum dynamics of few dipolar bosons in a double-well potential

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    We study the few-body dynamics of dipolar bosons in one-dimensional double-wells. Increasing the interaction strength, by investigating one-body observables, we study in the considered few-body systems tunneling oscillations, self-trapping and the regime exhibting an equilibrating behaviour. The corresponding two-body correlation dynamics exhibits a strong interplay between the interatomic correlation due to non-local nature of the repulsion and the inter-well coherence. We also study the link between the correlation dynamics and the occupation of natural orbitals of the one-body density matrix.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Corrections on abstract and the main text, submitted versio

    Holographic realization of the prime number quantum potential

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    We report the experimental realization of the prime number quantum potential VN(x), defined as the potential entering the single-particle Schrödinger Hamiltonian with eigenvalues given by the first N prime numbers. Using computer-generated holography, we create light intensity profiles suitable to optically trap ultracold atoms in these potentials for different N values. As a further application, we also implement a potential whose spectrum is given by the lucky numbers, a sequence of integers generated by a different sieve than the familiar Eratosthenes’s sieve used for the primes. Our results pave the way towards the realization of quantum potentials with arbitrary sequences of integers as energy levels and show, in perspective, the possibility to set up quantum systems for arithmetic manipulations or mathematical tests involving prime numbers.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe