49 research outputs found
The Influence of Pupil Alignment on Spectator Address in Manet's Portraiture
Participants judged 94 portraits painted by Édouard Manet (70), Gustave Courbet (12) and Henri Fantin-Latour (12) for horizontal and vertical pupil misalignment and gaze ambiguity (Experiment 1) and focal point of gaze (Experiment 2). Eye movements were also measured as participants considered the extent to which sitters in the same portraits acknowledged viewers (spectators; Experiment 3). The results showed Manet portraits to be frequently painted with misaligned pupils that are associated with gaze ambiguity, especially when misaligned on the vertical axis. This ambiguity of gaze was associated with the average focal point of gaze as being judged further up and to the left of the centre for ambiguous relative to non-ambiguous portraits. These decisions in relation to portraits displaying ambiguous gaze were associated with increased eye-movements to the eye region relative to those portraits not displaying ambiguity. Finally, ratings of acknowledgement taken in Experiment 3 correlated with those of gaze ambiguity taken in Experiment 1. The results are interpreted in terms of the role of eye gaze in influencing spectatorship of portraits and, specifically, Fried’s theory of the ‘double relation’ (Fried 1980; Fried 1996) between painting and spectator in the paintings of Manet
The Spectatorship of Portraits by Naïve Beholders
The spectatorship of portraits by naïve viewers (beholders) was explored in a single experiment. Twenty-five participants rated their liking for 142 portraits painted by Courbet (36 paintings), Fantin-Latour (36 paintings) and Manet (70 paintings) on a 4-point Likert scale. The portraits were classified in terms of focussed versus ambiguous nature of sitter gaze and the presence of salient features in the context beyond sitters. Participants rated portraits while having their eye movements recorded. The portraits were split into regions of interest (ROIs) defined by faces, bodies and context. Participants also completed individual difference measures of attention and task focus. Results showed naïve spectatorship to be subject to attentional capture by faces. Paradoxically, the presence of salient features in the context amplified the attentional capture by faces through increasing participants liking of portraits. Attentional capture by faces was also influenced by sitter gaze and task focus. Unsurprisingly, the spectatorship of portraits by naïve beholders is dominated by faces, but the extent of this dominance is influenced by exogenous and endogenous attentional factors
Wykorzystanie macierzy blokowych do modelowania układu napędowego oraz sterowania dysków twardych
In the article block matrix theory is employed to model of the branched kinematics chains. It allows for convenient construction of total dynamic matrix of complex branched kinematic system of head positioning system used in hard disk drives, with respect to enlargement of numbers of branches in kinematics chain. It allows giving the general expressions for individual matrix elements (in terms of basic kinematic parameters) before and after it inversion. In chapter 3 the block matrix inversion is discussed and finally in cheapter 4 the exemplary simulation results of time optimal control is presented.W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie teorii macierzy blokowych do formułowania modeli matematycznych rozgałęzionych systemów pozycjonowania głowic pamięci masowych, z uwzględnieniem zwiększania liczby gałęzi łańcucha kinematycznego. Metoda pozwala na zapisanie ogólnej postaci na każdy element macierzy bezwładnościowych przed i po jej odwróceniu. W rozdziale 3 przedstawiono proces odwracania macierzy blokowej, a w rozdziale 4 przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki symulacyjne, potwierdzające prawidłowe sformułowanie modeli
Inlet air filtration efficiency tests of UTD-20 engine of BWP-1 vehicle
Scharakteryzowano systemy filtracji powietrza wlotowego silników spalinowych pojazdów mechanicznych. Pokazano charakterystyczne cechy układu zasilania powietrzem silnika UTD-20 bojowego wozu piechoty BWP-1. Przedstawiono wyniki badań skuteczności odpylania i oporów przepływu standardowego filtru powietrza BWP-1. Wykazano konieczność zmian konstrukcyjnych układu zasilania powietrzem silnika UTD-20. Przeprowadzono analizę możliwości poprawy efektywności odpylania powietrza wlotowego silnika UTD-20 bojowego wozu piechoty - BWP-1. Zaproponowano dwustopniowy system filtracji powietrza wlotowego do silnika BWP-1. Zaprojektowano i wykonano konstrukcję drugiego stopnia filtracji powietrza - filtru przegrodowego. Wyznaczono charakterystyki skuteczności filtracji φ = f(mp) i oporu przepływu p ∆p= f(mp), ∆p = f(QG) zaprojektowanego filtru. Określono chłonność filtru dla nominalnego strumienia powietrza silnika BWP-1.Filtration systems of inlet air used in vehicle combustion engines are characterized. The parameters of air for motor vehicles filtration efficiency assessment are presented. The basic mechanisms of filtration at porous partition are described. The possibilities of air purification efficiency improvement for UTD-20 engine of BWP-1 vehicle were analysed. Specific features of air inlet system of BWP-1 vehicle UTD-20 engine are shown. The tests results of purification efficiency and air flow drag for BWP-1 vehicle air filter standard version are presented. The necessity of UTD-20 engine air supplying system constructional changes are proved. Two-stage inlet air filtration system for engine BWP-1 is proposed. Th ere is designed and made the second stage of air filtration system-the porous filter. The characteristics of the air purifi cation efficiency φ = f(mp) and flow drag ∆p = f(mp), ∆p = f(QG) for designed air filter were done. Absorbency of filter for air nominal stream of engine BWP-1 was specified
The experimental assessment of air supply system modification on inlet air filtration efficiency and military vehicle engine effectiveness improvement
Specific features of air inlet system of BWP-1 vehicle UTD-20 engine are shown. The tests results of filtration efficiency and air flow drag for BWP-1 vehicle air filter standard version are presented. The necessity of UTD-20 engine air supplying system constructional changes are proved. The inlet air filtration system for BWP-1 engine with the porous filter was proposed and performed. The characteristics of the air purification efficiency (fi=f(mp) and flow drag Delta p- f(mp) Delta p= f(Omega c) for designed air filter were determined. Absorbency of filter for air nominal stream of engine BWP-1 was specified. The designed and executed partition air filter was subjected to comparative tests on an engine test bench. The influence of modernized air filter and fuel dose increase on engine effective parameters were determined. The tests covered comparison of effective parameters (determined for maximum load) of a UTD-20 engine equipped with a standard air filter (variant 1), a modernized air filter (variant 2) and additionally, for the modernized air filter, with injection pump with fuel dose increased (variant 3). There were determined the influence the proposed changes on indicated and effective torque during engine free acceleration and its mechanical efficiency as well
Rachunek symboliczny - narzędzie do szybkiej analizy poliharmonicznego modelu silnika z wirnikiem klatkowym
This article focuses on the methods of: selecting the MMF space harmonics and deriving the so-called poliharmonic models of an induction machine by means of symbolical calculation. The rules for selecting the most important harmonics and the algorithm for fast deriving the poliharmonic models (using symbolical calculation) are presented.Artykuł przedstawia metody: wyboru harmonicznych przestrzennych SMM i tworzenia tak zwanych poliharmonicznych modeli maszyny indukcyjnej przy użyciu rachunku symbolicznego. Przedstawiono zasady wyboru najważniejszych harmonicznych oraz algorytm szybkiego otrzymywania modeli poliharmonicznych (przy użyciu rachunku symbolicznego)
Modelling the operational characteristics of induction torque converter
W artykule przedstawiono przegląd rozwiązań przekładni magnetycznych. Zaprezentowano koncepcję indukcyjnego przemiennika momentu, który jest w założeniu przekładnią magnetyczną o zmiennym przełożeniu kinematycznym i dynamicznym, wykorzystującą do przeniesienia napędu zjawisko indukcji napięcia i momentu elektromagnetycznego w przewodniku w zmiennym polu magnetycznym. Łączy cechy przekładni magnetycznych z magnesami trwałymi, takie jak: tłumienie drgań, brak fizycznego styku pomiędzy elementami nadawczym i odbiorczym, cicha praca, z cechą hydrokinetycznego zmiennika momentu, czyli zmiennym przełożeniem kinematycznym i dynamicznym. Zaprezentowano model obwodowo-polowy i numeryczny przemiennika oraz wyznaczone charakterystyki pracy. Na podstawie charakterystyk pracy wariantów przemiennika przeprowadzono analizę możliwości jego zastosowania w napędach maszyn przeróbczych.The solutions of magnetic gears are reviewed. A concept of induction torque converter, which is a magnetic gear of variable kinematic and dynamic gear ratio, which uses the induction of voltage and electromagnetic torque in a conductor in a changeable magnetic field to transfer drive torque, is presented. It has the features of magnetic gear with permanent magnets such as suppression of vibrations, lack of physical contact between transmitting and receiving components, silent operation and the features of hydro-kinematic torque converter, i.e. variable kinematic and dynamic gear ratio. Circuit-and-field model and numerical model of converter as well as its operational characteristics are given. The possibilities of using the converter in drives of processing machines were analysed on the basis of operational characteristics of torque converter variants
Numerical solver of acoustic field in simulation of artery wall thickness examinations
The aim of the study was the elaboration of a mathematical model to describe the process of acoustic wave propagation, generated by an ultrasonic probe in a inhomogenous loosing medium. Numerical calculations make it possible to define waveforms for electric signals that are generated when ultrasonic waves, being reflected and backscattered by an artery model, are then received by the ultrasonic probe. It is the signal that pretty well corresponds with the actual RF signal that is obtained during measurements at the output of the ultrasonic apparatus. The developed solver of acoustic field was used for simulation of the artery wall thickness examination. The theoretical model of the artery for the creating the simulated ultrasonic reflected echoes was used. The internal radius of the artery model was 3 mm for the diastolic pressure and 3.3 mm for the systolic pressure. The intima-media thickness (IMT) of the artery wall was changed from 0.48 mm to 0,44 mm respectively. The solver based on zero-crossing method was used for detecting changes of the IMT