705 research outputs found

    A New Species of \u3ci\u3eHydrochara\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) from the Western Great Lakes Region

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    A new species Hydrochara simula (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) is described from Wis- consin and separated from other western Great Lakes species by a key. It is similar to H. obtusata (Say) and H. soror Smetana, but males can be easily recognized by a dorso-basal concavity of the aedeagus. Females can be distinguished from H. obtusata and H. soror by the more elongate penultimate segment of the maxillary palpus and other less consistent characters

    The Female of \u3ci\u3eGraphoderus Manitobensis\u3c/i\u3e With Notes on Identification of Female \u3ci\u3eGraphoderus\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)

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    Ten male and II female Graphoderus manitobensis were collected in April and May, 1980 and 1981 from a pond 16 kIn west of Madison, WI. Females can be distinguished from female G. fascicollis (Harris) by their much narrower metastemal wings and more pronounced conugated sculpturing on the pronotum. The SCUlpturing and markings on the pronorum. width of the metastemal wings, and projections at the base of the ovipositer are used to identify females of G. manitobensis and three closely related species

    Initial Considerations for Navigation and Flight Dynamics of a Crewed Near-Earth Object Mission

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    A crewed mission to a Near-Earth Object (NEO) was recently identified as a NASA Space Policy goal and priority. In support of this goal, a study was conducted to identify the initial considerations for performing the navigation and flight dynamics tasks of this mission class. Although missions to a NEO are not new, the unique factors involved in human spaceflight present challenges that warrant special examination. During the cruise phase of the mission, one of the most challenging factors is the noisy acceleration environment associated with a crewed vehicle. Additionally, the presence of a human crew necessitates a timely return trip, which may need to be expedited in an emergency situation where the mission is aborted. Tracking, navigation, and targeting results are shown for sample human-class trajectories to NEOs. Additionally, the benefit of in-situ navigation beacons on robotic precursor missions is presented. This mission class will require a longer duration flight than Apollo and, unlike previous human missions, there will likely be limited communication and tracking availability. This will necessitate the use of more onboard navigation and targeting capabilities. Finally, the rendezvous and proximity operations near an asteroid will be unlike anything previously attempted in a crewed spaceflight. The unknown gravitational environment and physical surface properties of the NEO may cause the rendezvous to behave differently than expected. Symbiosis of the human pilot and onboard navigation/targeting are presented which give additional robustness to unforeseen perturbations


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    Recombinant protein C characterized by a high percentage of active protein can be obtained in the milk of transgenic mammals that incorporate DNAs according to the present invention. Transgenic mammals of the present invention are produced by introducing into developing embryos DNA that encodes protein C, such that the DNA is stably incorporated in the DNA of germ line cells of the mature mammals and inherited in normal, mendelian fashion

    An Autonomous Onboard Targeting Algorithm Using Finite Thrust Maneuvers

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    In earlier investigations, the adaptation and implementation of a modified two-level corrections (or targeting) process as the onboard targeting algorithm for the Trans-Earth Injection phase of Orion is presented. The objective of that targeting algorithm is to generate the times of ignition and magnitudes of the required maneuvers such that the desired state at entry interface is achieved. In an actual onboard flight software implementation, these times of ignition and maneuvers are relayed onto Flight Control for command and execution. Although this process works well when the burn durations or burn arcs are small, this might not be the case during a contingency situation when lower thrust engines are employed to perform the maneuvers. Therefore, a new model for the two-level corrections process is formulated here to accommodate finite burn arcs. This paper presents the development and formulation of the finite burn two-level corrector, used as an onboard targeting algorithm for the Trans-Earth Injection phase of Orion. A performance comparison between the impulsive and finite burn models is also presented. The present formulation ensures all entry constraints are met, without violating the available fuel budget, while allowing for low-thrust scenarios with long burn durations

    Differences in coronary flow and myocardial metabolism at rest and during pacing between patients with obstructive and patients with nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Fifty patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy underwent invasive study of coronary and myocardial hemodynamics in the basal state and during the stress of pacing. The 23 patients with basal obstruction (average left ventricular outflow gradient, 77 ± 33 mm Hg; left ventricular systolic pressure, 196 ± 33 mm Hg, mean ± 1 SD) had significantly lower coronary resistance (0.85 ± 0.18 versus 1.32 ± 0.44 mm Hg min/ml, p < 0.001) and higher basal coronary flow (106 ± 20 versus 80 ± 25 ml/min, p < 0.001) in the anterior left ventricle, associated with higher regional myocardial oxygen consumption (12.4 ± 3.6 versus 8.9 ± 3.3 ml oxygen/min, p < 0.001) compared with the 27 patients without obstruction (mean left ventricular systolic pressure 134 ± 18 mm Hg, p < 0.001).Myocardial oxygen consumption and coronary blood flow were also significantly higher at paced heart rates of 100 and 130 beats/min (the anginal threshold for 41 of the 50 patients) in patients with obstruction compared with those without. In patients with obstruction, transmural coronary flow reserve was exhausted at a heart rate of 130 beats/min; higher heart rates resulted in more severe metabolic evidence of ischemia with all patients experiencing chest pain, associated with an actual increase in coronary resistance. Patients without obstruction also demonstrated evidence of ischemia at heart rates of 130 and 150 beats/min, with 25 of 27 patients experiencing chest pain. In this group, myocardial ischemia occurred at significantly lower coronary flow, higher coronary resistance and lower myocardial oxygen consumption, suggesting more severely impaired flow delivery in this group compared with those with obstruction. Abnormalities in myocardial oxygen extraction and marked elevation in filling pressures during stress were noted in both groups.Thus, obstruction to left ventricular outflow is associated with high left ventricular systolic pressure and oxygen consumption and therefore has important pathogenetic importance to the precipitation of ischemia in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Patients without obstruction may have greater impairment in coronary flow delivery during stress

    Analyticity and Integrabiity in the Chiral Potts Model

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    We study the perturbation theory for the general non-integrable chiral Potts model depending on two chiral angles and a strength parameter and show how the analyticity of the ground state energy and correlation functions dramatically increases when the angles and the strength parameter satisfy the integrability condition. We further specialize to the superintegrable case and verify that a sum rule is obeyed.Comment: 31 pages in harvmac including 9 tables, several misprints eliminate

    Efficacy of the Young Women's CoOp: An HIV Risk-Reduction Intervention for Substance-Using African-American Female Adolescents in the South

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    HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) risk-reduction interventions are needed to address the complex risk behaviors among African-American female adolescents in disadvantaged communities in North Carolina. In a two-group randomized trial, we reached 237 sexually active, substance-using African-American female adolescents, to test a risk-reduction intervention, the Young Women’s CoOp (YWC), relative to a nutrition control. In efficacy analyses adjusting for baseline condom use, at three-month follow-up participants in the YWC were significantly less likely to report sex without a condom at last sex relative to control. There were mixed findings for within-group differences over follow-up, underscoring the challenges for intervening with substance-using female youths