2,558 research outputs found

    Adjuvant chemotherapy for completely resected non-small-cell lung cancer

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    For many years, surgery alone was the standard treatment for patients with stage I-IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, recent studies have demonstrated that adjuvant chemotherapy provides a survival benefit. The first adjuvant chemotherapy for NSCLC was performed in the 1960s using a key drug known as cyclophosphamide. In the 1980s and early 1990s, a new anti-cancer drug, cisplatin, was developed. The first meta-analysis of this drug was conducted by the Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Collaborative Group in 1995. This analysis comparing surgery with surgery plus chemotherapy containing cisplatin produced a hazard ratio of 0.87 and suggested an absolute benefit of chemotherapy of 5% at 5 years;this difference was not statistically significant (p0.08). Several clinical trials of adjuvant chemotherapy were planned after the meta-analysis conducted in 1995, but the efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy remained a matter of controversy. However, useful evidence was reported after 2003. The International Adjuvant Lung Cancer Collaborative Group Trial (IALT) demonstrated a 4.1% improvement in survival for patients with stage I to III NSCLC. The JBR. 10 trial demonstrated a 15% improvement in 5-year survival for the adjuvant chemotherapy arm in stage IB or II (excluding T3N0) patients. The Adjuvant Navelbine International Trialist Association (ANITA) trial reported that the overall survival at 5 years improved by 8.6% in the chemotherapy arm and that this survival rate was maintained at 7 years (8.4%) in stage II and IIIA patients. A meta-analysis based on collected and pooled individual patient data from the 5 largest randomized trials was conducted by the Lung Adjuvant Cisplatin Evaluation (LACE). This analysis demonstrated that cisplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy improved survival in patients with stage II or III cancer. Alterna-tively, uracil-tegafur has been developed and tested in Japan. The Japan Lung Cancer Research Group (JLCRG) on Postsurgical Adjuvant Chemotherapy reported a 5-year overall survival advantage of 11% in the uracil-tegafur group patients with stage IB cancer. The efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy with uracil-tegafur was confirmed in a meta-analysis. In conclusion, the results of phase III trials and a meta-analysis have confirmed the benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy for resected stage IB, II, and IIIA NSCLC.</p

    Computer simulation for tube-making by the cold roll-forming process

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    The conventional design of forming rolls depends heavily on the individual skill of roll designers which is based on intuition and knowledge gained from previous work. Roll design is normally a trial an error procedure, however with the progress of computer technology, CAD/CAM systems for the cold roll-forming industry have been developed. Generally, however, these CAD systems can only provide a flower pattern based on the knowledge obtained from previously successful flower patterns. In the production of ERW (Electric Resistance Welded) tube and pipe, the need for a theoretical simulation of the roll-forming process, which can not only predict the occurrence of the edge buckling but also obtain the optimum forming condition, has been recognised. A new simulation system named "CADFORM" has been devised that can carry out the consistent forming simulation for this tube-making process. The CADFORM system applied an elastic-plastic stress-strain analysis and evaluate edge buckling by using a simplified model of the forming process. The results can also be visualised graphically. The calculated longitudinal strain is obtained by considering the deformation of lateral elements and takes into account the reduction in strains due to the fin-pass roll. These calculated strains correspond quite well with the experimental results. Using the calculated strains, the stresses in the strip can be estimated. The addition of the fin-pass roll reduction significantly reduces the longitudinal compressive stress and therefore effectively suppresses edge buckling. If the calculated longitudinal stress is controlled, by altering the forming flower pattern so it does not exceed the buckling stress within the material, then the occurrence of edge buckling can be avoided. CADFORM predicts the occurrence of edge buckling of the strip in tube-making and uses this information to suggest an appropriate flower pattern and forming conditions which will suppress the occurrence of the edge buckling

    Semantic Incompleteness of del Cerro and Herzig's Hilbert System for a Combination of Classical and Intuitionistic Propositional Logic

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    This paper shows Hilbert system (C+J)-, given by del Cerro and Herzig (1996) is semantically incomplete. This system is proposed as a proof theory for Kripke semantics for a combination of intuitionistic and classical propositional logic, which is obtained by adding the natural semantic clause of classical implication into intuitionistic Kripke semantics. Although Hilbert system (C+J)- contains intuitionistic modus ponens as a rule, it does not contain classical modus ponens. This paper gives an argument ensuring that the system (C+J)- is semantically incomplete because of the absence of classical modus ponens. Our method is based on the logic of paradox, which is a paraconsistent logic proposed by Priest (1979)


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    Dry Small Pleural Dissemination of Adenocarcinoma of the Lung Preoperatively Detected by PET/CT: A Report of Two Cases

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    Dry pleural dissemination in non-small cell lung cancer, defined as solid pleural metastasis of lung cancer without pleural eff usion, is a condition occurring in T4 lung cancer. Positron emission tomography (PET) has been reported to be useful for the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. It has been reported that positive findings on PET scans of indeterminate pleural abnormalities at computed tomography (CT) are sensitive to malignancy. We encountered two cases of dry small pleural dissemination of adenocarcinoma of the lung preoperatively detected by PET/CT. A 75-year-old man and a 66-year-old man underwent CT scan, which demonstrated solitary tumor in the lung, an enlarged mediastinal lymph node, and a small pleural nodule less than 10 mm in size, all of which were positive findings on the fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET portion of an integrated PET/CT. Both patients underwent thoracoscopic biopsy of the dry pleural nodule revealing dissemination of adenocarcinoma of the lung (T4). Whereas histological thoracoscopic diagnosis remains mandatory before planning treatment, our cases may suggest that PET/CT will be useful as a screening modality for dry pleural dissemination of lung cancer.</p

    Semantic Incompleteness of Hilbert System for a Combination of Classical and Intuitionistic Propositional Logic

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    This paper shows Hilbert system (C+J)−(\mathbf{C+J})^{-}, given by del Cerro and Herzig (1996) is semantically incomplete. This system is proposed as a proof theory for Kripke semantics for a combination of intuitionistic and classical propositional logic, which is obtained by adding the natural semantic clause of classical implication into intuitionistic Kripke semantics. Although Hilbert system (C+J)−(\mathbf{C+J})^{-} contains intuitionistic modus ponens as a rule, it does not contain classical modus ponens. This paper gives an argument ensuring that the system (C+J)−(\mathbf{C+J})^{-} is semantically incomplete because of the absence of classical modus ponens. Our method is based on the logic of paradox, which is a paraconsistent logic proposed by Priest (1979).Comment: 9 page

    Advances in the Molecular Biology of Malignant Mesothelioma

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    Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a highly aggressive tumor with a dismal prognosis. The incidence of MM is increasing as a result of widespread exposure to asbestos. As for the molecular alterations that occur in MM, chromosome alterations including homo-deletion of the P16 and P14 genes located in the 9p21 are well known. Mutations are rare in the P53 and Ras genes, which are frequently present in epithelial solid tumors. However, mutations are frequently present in the neurofi bromatosis type 2 gene. Epigenetic alterations including DNA methylation have been found in the MM, the profi le of which is diff erent from that of lung cancer, although differential diagnosis is sometimes clinically difficult. As in other malignant tumors, genes that are related to immortalization, proliferation, metastasis, angiogenesis, and anti-apoptosis are also overexpressed in MM, contributing to its malignant phenotype. It is of interest that simian virus 40 has been implicated to be one of the causative factors of MM in western countries. Although the causative role of asbestos is well-known in MM, much less information is available for MM than for other malignant tumors regarding the molecular alterations that occur in the disease. In terms of future tasks, it will be necessary to apply the knowledge that is learned about molecular alterations to clinical practice and to further elucidate the pathogenesis of MM with extensive research.</p
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