
Dry Small Pleural Dissemination of Adenocarcinoma of the Lung Preoperatively Detected by PET/CT: A Report of Two Cases


Dry pleural dissemination in non-small cell lung cancer, defined as solid pleural metastasis of lung cancer without pleural eff usion, is a condition occurring in T4 lung cancer. Positron emission tomography (PET) has been reported to be useful for the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. It has been reported that positive findings on PET scans of indeterminate pleural abnormalities at computed tomography (CT) are sensitive to malignancy. We encountered two cases of dry small pleural dissemination of adenocarcinoma of the lung preoperatively detected by PET/CT. A 75-year-old man and a 66-year-old man underwent CT scan, which demonstrated solitary tumor in the lung, an enlarged mediastinal lymph node, and a small pleural nodule less than 10 mm in size, all of which were positive findings on the fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET portion of an integrated PET/CT. Both patients underwent thoracoscopic biopsy of the dry pleural nodule revealing dissemination of adenocarcinoma of the lung (T4). Whereas histological thoracoscopic diagnosis remains mandatory before planning treatment, our cases may suggest that PET/CT will be useful as a screening modality for dry pleural dissemination of lung cancer.</p

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