15,646 research outputs found

    Observation of the anisotropy in arrival direction of Cosmic Rays with IceCube

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    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a kilometer-scale detector currently under construction at the South Pole. In its final configuration the detector will comprise 5160 Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) deployed on 86 strings between 1.5-2.5 km deep within the ice. While still incomplete, the detector has already recorded tens of billions of cosmic ray muons with a median energy of 20 TeV. This large sample has been used to study the arrival direction distribution of the cosmic rays. We report the observation of an anisotropy in the cosmic rays arrival direction at two different angular scales. The observed large scale anisotropy seems to be a continuation of similar structures observed in the Northern Sky by several experiments. IceCube observes also significant features on the angular scale of 203020^{\circ} - 30^{\circ} that might be part of the larger scale structure

    Nurses’ Perceptions of Parents Staying during Chronically Ill Child’s Hospitalization: Learning to Speak the Same Language

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    Since parents and nurses are at the forefront of a hospitalized child’s care, it is crucial to understand the views of parents and nurses to provide the best care for the patient. Parental views have been examined by previous research; thus, this qualitative research study assesses nurses’ perceptions concerning the parental role during a child’s hospitalization. Assessing where nurses’ place parents in the medical world will help the overall care of the patient. The results of the semi-structured interviews of two nurses corresponds with the hypothesis that nurses’ view parents as integral to the care of the patient, even if that view creates logistical issues for the nurses. Nurses’ perspectives can inform the pediatric healthcare system to appreciate the vital role of parents in providing the best patient care. Further research can expand on this important area by interviewing different pediatric nurse specialties to establish more comprehensive viewpoints

    Pattern Research Project: An Investigation of The Pattern And Printing Process - ZigZag

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    2017 Pattern Research Project Matthew Toscano - ZigZag (pattern) The Pattern Research Project involves research and analysis of contemporary patterns found in the textiles and wallcoverings of the built interior environment. Patterns use motif, repetition, color, geometry, craft, technology, and space to communicate place, time, and concept. Through this research and analysis, built environments - their designers, occupants, construction, and context - can be better understood. Matthew Toscano, VCU BFA 2020, selected the “Chevron Black” pattern by Tina Raparanta for Spoonflower for the 2017 Pattern Research Project. The text below is excerpted from the student’s work: “My sample of ‘Chevron Black’ is printed on cotton and is one of the many mass manufactured and continually produced textiles of the custom digital printing company, Spoonflower. The cloth itself is simple, tightly woven and slightly rough to the touch. Inks are eco-friendly, 100% biodegradable, and non-toxic, contributing to a sustainable and attractive business model.”https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/prp/1004/thumbnail.jp

    NTF model concept for the X-29A. Part 2: Design and fabrication concept

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    The first concept was done to determine if a small model to fit the NASA Langley sizing criteria could accommodate aerodynamic and mechanical requirements. For a model wing span of 1.7 ft (and a length of 3 ft), the model is 6.25 percent (1/16 scale). The results were encouraging enough for Grumman to request, in early December 1981, that the design concept be refined at NASA Langley, where up-to-date cryogenic model design information was available. This working session was completed by a Grumman designer by mid-December. In its present form, the concept will be the basis for any continued effort

    The blob and the block. When the rhetoric of the smooth and the striated went all wrong

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    This paper conforms to a view of architecture and the distribution of urban space as bio-political parameters of dominance and resistance. Using G. Deleuze & F. Guattari’s seminal essay on 1444. The Smooth and the Striated, I intend to show how Global Capitalism, by replicating the discourse of the smooth and the ungraspable, has voided Dialectics of its subversive potential.El presente artículo contempla la arquitectura y la distribución del espacio urbano como parámetros biopolíticos de dominación y resistencia. Valiéndose del ensayo 1444. Lo liso y lo estriado, de Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, se pretende demostrar cómo el capitalismo global, gracias a su capacidad para emular el discurso de lo fluido y lo intangible, habrá conseguido despojar a lo dialéctico de su potencial subversivo

    A Computable Measure of Algorithmic Probability by Finite Approximations with an Application to Integer Sequences

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    Given the widespread use of lossless compression algorithms to approximate algorithmic (Kolmogorov-Chaitin) complexity, and that lossless compression algorithms fall short at characterizing patterns other than statistical ones not different to entropy estimations, here we explore an alternative and complementary approach. We study formal properties of a Levin-inspired measure mm calculated from the output distribution of small Turing machines. We introduce and justify finite approximations mkm_k that have been used in some applications as an alternative to lossless compression algorithms for approximating algorithmic (Kolmogorov-Chaitin) complexity. We provide proofs of the relevant properties of both mm and mkm_k and compare them to Levin's Universal Distribution. We provide error estimations of mkm_k with respect to mm. Finally, we present an application to integer sequences from the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences which suggests that our AP-based measures may characterize non-statistical patterns, and we report interesting correlations with textual, function and program description lengths of the said sequences.Comment: As accepted by the journal Complexity (Wiley/Hindawi