94 research outputs found

    Handicap e inclusione sociale. Un esame della normativa italiana

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    The ideal of individual self-realisation, which has become one of the fundamental values of Western societies, is likely to generate a non-inclusive vision of the social system, if not coupled with a strong idea of social integration. An inclusive welfare state protects against this risk of a social-darwinistic vision of the social system. The critical examination of the Italian Law 104/1992 (and subsequent modifications), often referred to as a good example of inclusive normative, shows a latent conception of the social system as an entity demanding a “functional” adaptation of individuals with disabilities: e.g. people with disabilities have to prove their capabilities or acquire skills to enter tasks in “normal” work situations. Instead, the authors contend that work situations, as well as other life-situations, are always adaptable to the needs of well-being of the individuals

    “Se sei maschio i genitori sono più tranquilli”. La socializzazione al genere attraverso le regole della vita familiare: un affondo su insegnamenti e modelli di lavoro domestico e di cura

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    Come avviene la socializzazione al genere in famiglia? Si può ancora assistere a modelli educativi differenziati a seconda del genere dei figli? È possibile riscontrare delle pratiche di de-costruzione del genere messe in atto da genitori e figli nei processi di socializzazione? Il presente contribuito si propone di fornire alcuni elementi per comprendere come si diventa giovani donne e uomini all’interno del contesto familiare, osservando le norme, regole, insegnamenti e saperi pratici veicolati in famiglia da un lato e il grado di accordo/disaccordo dei figli rispetto a tali sistemi normativi dall’altro. Attraverso 60 interviste discorsive rivolte a 15 nuclei familiari con figli di genere opposto e residenti per lo più nel nord Italia è emerso un quadro variegato e non privo di contraddizioni: tradizione e innovazione continuano infatti a persistere e a coesistere nelle identità, nei comportamenti e nelle aspettative di genere, così come nei percorsi educativi e di socializzazione. I primi risultati empirici della ricerca sono analizzati alla luce di un quadro teorico che punta a integrare gli studi sul genere e quelli sulla socializzazione, nonché a tenere insieme la duplice natura, strutturale e processuale, del genere

    Leaving home in insecure conditions: the role of labour market policies and the housing market in Europe

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    Leaving home is regarded as one of the key markers of the transition to adulthood. Previous studies have shown that the degree to which labour market vulnerability affects decisions about leaving the parental home and forming a family differs across countries and across different welfare state regimes. In countries that provide more generous supports for youth, the impact of labour market weakness on housing autonomy is reduced. Still, it remains unclear what dimensions of the institutional setting may be most important when it comes to buffering the relationship between labour market insecurity and individual autonomy among young people. Against this background, the paper uses multilevel models to investigate whether and how passive labour market policies and the structure of the housing market can moderate the relationship between labour market exclusion and youth housing autonomy. The results show that the level of expenditure on passive labour market policies, as well as the level of coverage of these policies, do not play a moderating role on the association between unemployment and housing autonomy, suggesting that further investigation in this domain would benefit from the inclusion of qualitative information on the design of passive measures. On the contrary, the structure of the housing market shows a positive role, although relatively low, in moderating the association between unemployment and housing autonomy, together with a negative moderating role of the level of indebtedness of the households. These findings shed light on the domains where policy intervention might provide better returns when it comes to fostering the achievement of housing autonomy for youth

    Leaving Home in Insecure Conditions. The Role of Labour Market Policies and the Housing Market in Europe

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    Leaving home is regarded as one of the key markers of the transition to adulthood. Previous studies have shown that the degree to which labour market vulnerability affects decisions about leaving the parental home and forming a family differs across countries and across different welfare state regimes. In countries that provide more generous supports for youth, the impact of labour market weakness on housing autonomy is reduced. Still, it remains unclear what dimensions of the institutional setting may be most important when it comes to buffering the relationship between labour market insecurity and individual autonomy among young people. Against this background, the paper uses multilevel models to investigate whether and how passive labour market policies and the structure of the housing market can moderate the relationship between labour market exclusion and youth housing autonomy. The results show that the level of expenditure on passive labour market policies, as well as the level of coverage of these policies, do not play a moderating role on the association between unemployment and housing autonomy, suggesting that further investigation in this domain would benefit from the inclusion of qualitative information on the design of passive measures. On the contrary, the structure of the housing market shows a positive role, although relatively low, in moderating the association between unemployment and housing autonomy, together with a negative moderating role of the level of indebtedness of the households. These findings shed light on the domains where policy intervention might provide better returns when it comes to fostering the achievement of housing autonomy for youth