870 research outputs found

    Aphids on Cruciferous Crops: Identification and Management

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    8 pp., 24 color photos, 6 illustrationsAt least five species of aphids attack cruciferous crops (cabbage, collards, cauliflower, broccoli, kale and others). This publication explains the characteristics that can help producers identify aphids and the damage they cause. Suggestions for scouting, management and control are included, along with an illustrated key to aphid identification

    Focal Spot, Winter 1983/84

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    Aphids on Cruciferous Crops: Identification and Management

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    8 pp., 24 color photos, 6 illustrationsAt least five species of aphids attack cruciferous crops (cabbage, collards, cauliflower, broccoli, kale and others). This publication explains the characteristics that can help producers identify aphids and the damage they cause. Suggestions for scouting, management and control are included, along with an illustrated key to aphid identification

    A Key to Common Caterpillar Pests of Vegetables

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    8 pp., 39 color photos, 7 illustrationsThis publication is an aid to identifying caterpillar pests. There are detailed drawings, color photos, and an illustrated identification key. Depicted are fall armyworm, cabbage looper, saltmarsh caterpillar, tomato pinworm, parsley worm and many others

    Prélèvement à la source de l’impôt sur le revenu : comment faire ?

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    Le gouvernement a décidé de reporter le prélèvement à la source de l’impôt sur le revenu (IR) à janvier 2019. A partir de cette date, les employeurs prélèveront directement l’impôt sur la fiche de paie à un taux transmis par l’administration fiscale. Ce taux sera calculé sur la base de la déclaration fiscale effectuée au printemps 2018 (sur les revenus 2017). En 2019, l’impôt sera ainsi payé sur les revenus 2019. L’avantage principal de la réforme réside dans cette contemporanéité : si les revenus d’un ménage baissent (chômage, départ à la retraite, …), l’impôt baissera proportionnellement[1]. En cas de changement de situation conduisant à une baisse prévisible significative de l’impôt dû, les ménages pourront demander en cours d’année sur le site impots.gouv.fr une mise à jour de leur taux de prélèvement à la source, de sorte que la baisse de l’impôt payé sera plus que proportionnelle. Le prélèvement à la source évite ainsi les difficultés de trésorerie pour les personnes dont la situation change en cours d’année. Du point de vue de l’Etat, le prélèvement à la source permettrait également une plus grande efficacité des stabilisateurs automatiques (l’IR variera en temps réel avec les revenus). [Premier paragraphe

    Cocoon-spinning behavior and 20-hydroxyecdysone regulation of fibroin genes in Plutella xylostella

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    The diamondback moth Plutella xylostella is a serious pest of crucifers. It has high reproductive potential and is resistant to many insecticides. Typically, the last-instar larvae of P. xylostella, before pupation, move to the lower or outer plant leaves to make a loose silk cocoon and pupate inside for adult formation. To better understand this pivotal stage we studied the cocoon-spinning behavior of P. xylostella and measured three successive phases by video-recording, namely the selection of a pupation site, spinning a loose cocoon and padding the scaffold cocoon. Subsequently, we cloned three fibroin genes related to cocoon production, i.e., fibroin light chain (Fib-L), fibroin heavy chain (Fib-H), and glycoprotein P25. A spatio-temporal study of these three fibroin genes confirmed a high expression in the silk glands during the final larval instar silk-producing stage. In parallel, we did an exogenous treatment of the insect molting hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), and this suppressed fibroin gene expression, reduced the normal time needed for cocoon spinning, and we also observed a looser cocoon structure under the scanning electron microscope. Hence, we demonstrated that the expression levels of key genes related to the synthesis of 20E [the three Halloween genes Spook (Spo), Shadow (Sad), and Shade (Shd)] decreased significantly during spinning, the expression of the 20E receptor (EcR and USP) was significantly lower during spinning than before spinning, and that the expression levels of CYP18-A1 related to 20E degradation were significantly up-regulated during spinning. The significance of the cocoon and the effects of 20E on the cocoon-spinning behavior of P. xylostella are discussed

    Circadian rhythms of feeding, oviposition, and emergence of the boll weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Circadian rhythm of feeding, oviposition, and emergence of boll weevil adults were determined at five different photophases (24, 14, 12, 10, and 0 hours) and a constant 27°C temperature, 65% RH in the laboratory. Squares from Petri dishes, where they were exposed to boll weevil females, were removed and examined for feeding and oviposition punctures every 4 hours during daylight (0700–1900 h) and every 12 h at night (1900–0700 h) over eight consecutive days. Cohorts of randomly selected egg-punctured squares were sampled from ovipositing females at 0700, 1100, 1500, and 1900 during 24 hours and under different photophase treatments, and maintained in Petri dishes at 27 ± 1°C, 65% RH. Dishes were observed twice daily (1900 and 0700 h) for adults emerging at day or night. Circadian rhythm of oviposition was not affected by the length of the photophase. The boll weevil has round-the-clock circadian rhythm of oviposition, with a daytime preference. We observed that 82.4%-86.0% of the boll weevil eggs were deposited between 0700 and 1900 h, and 14.0%-17.6% between 1900 and 0700 h during a 24-h period. Feeding of boll weevil females in photoperiods 24: 0 h (complete light) and 0: 24 h (complete darkness) did not significantly change between 0700–1900 h versus 1900–0700 h, while the daily cycle of light and darkness in other photoperiods significantly increased the feeding punctures from 0700–1900 compared with 1900–0700 h. The circadian rhythm of emergence depended significantly on the time of oviposition and the length of the photophase. Investigation of boll weevil circadian rhythm provides a better understanding of boll weevil ecology and reveals potential weak links for improving control technologies targeting their reproductive strategies
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