66 research outputs found

    Educating Labour’s Professionals

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    Cultures of Teaching

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    This paper explores some of the hidden regularities of classroom practices in adult education and examines possible explanations towards developing a clearer understanding of the social practice of teaching

    Workplace Literacy: A Labour Perspective

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    This paper explores the policies and practices of Canadian unions in the area of workplace literacy. Specifically, it examines the roles that unions play in workplace literacy education and how labour-initiated workplace literacy programs might enhance education for working people and inform critical issues in workforce education

    Training for Labour’s Professionals

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    This article addresses an issue arising from a comparative study of the nature of education and training for Canadian full-time union staff and officials. The specific question is how can education for union officials address both the social and the servicing demands placed on them? The article locates the discussion about such training within the contexts of existing approaches to labour education and current debates about the revitalization of the labour movement. It concludes with a call for more systematic discussion of these issues and further analysis of different programmatic training models. Cet article porte sur une question découlant d’une étude comparative de la nature de l’éducation et de la formation données aux dirigeants et dirigeantes et membres du personnel à plein temps des syndicats au Canada. La question est celle de savoir comment l’on peut voir à ce que la formation donnée à ces « cadres » syndicaux leur permette de répondre aux exigences sociales et de prestation de services qui leur sont imposées. L’article place cette formation dans le contexte des approches actuelles d’éducation syndicale et du débat au sujet de la revitalisation du mouvement syndical. Il se termine par un appel à un examen plus méthodique de ces questions et à une analyse plus poussée de différents modèles de programmes de formation

    Educating Labour\u27s Professionals

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    This study examined the nature of education and training for full-time labour union officials in Canada. It was designed to complement similar studies in other countries and more general discussions of labour education

    Canadian Adult Education: Still Moving

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    Two of Canada’s veteran adult educators have recently discussed what they claim as the “death” of the Canadian adult education movement. In this paper, we challenge this claim and provide evidence to show that adult education in Canada remains vigorous and vital, expanding in some areas and overall still deserving of being called a movement

    From the Bottom Up: Developing a Literacy Practitioner Research Network in British Columbia

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    This roundtable will address the developments and challenges involved in building research capacity among literacy practitioners in the province of British Columbia through collaborative partnerships between various agencies. Case examples of different approaches will be presented with opportunities for questions and discussion

    Keepers of the Metaphorical Gate: The Role of Journal Editors

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    Academic journals are central to a discipline’s professionalism and are the principal means of communication. The purpose of this symposium is explore the nature academic journals, their purposes and what they reveal about the field from the perspective of nine editors whose primary mission is to cover the broad field of adult education

    Visual consumption, collective memory and the representation of war

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    Conceiving of the visual as a significant force in the production and dissemination of collective memory, we argue that a new genre of World War Two films has recently emerged that form part of a new discursive “regime of memory” about the war and those that fought and lived through it, constituting a commemoration as much about reflecting on the present as it is about remembering the past. First, we argue that these films seek to reaffirm a (particular conception of a) US national identity and military patriotism in the post–Cold War era by importing World War Two as the key meta‐narrative of America’s relationship to war in order to “correct” and help “erase” Vietnam’s more negative discursive rendering. Second, we argue that these films attempt to rewrite the history of World War Two by elevating and illuminating the role of the US at the expense of the Allies, further serving to reaffirm America’s position of political and military dominance in the current age, and third, that these films form part of a celebration of the generation that fought World War Two, which may accord them a position of nostalgic and sentimental greatness, as their collective spirit and notions of duty and service shine against the foil of what might frequently be seen as our own present moral ambivalence