158 research outputs found

    Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction

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    Journal ArticleFor 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measure d from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model discrepancy and model smoothness terms. This paper introduces a new nonlinear model smoothness term for surface reconstruction based on variations of the surface normals. A direct solution requires solving a fourth-order partial differential equation (PDE), which is very difficult with conventional numerical techniques. Our solution is based on processing the normals separately from the surface, which allows us to separate the problem into two second-order PDEs. The proposed method can smooth complex, noisy surfaces, while preserving sharp, geometric features, and it is a natural generalization of edge-preserving methods in image processing, such as anisotropic diffusion

    Feature preserving variational smoothing of terrain data

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    Journal ArticleIn this paper, we present a novel two-step, variational and feature preserving smoothing method for terrain data. The first step computes the field of 3D normal vectors from the height map and smoothes them by minimizing a robust penalty function of curvature. This penalty function favors piecewise planar surfaces; therefore, it is better suited for processing terrain data then previous methods which operate on intensity images. We formulate the total curvature of a height map as a function of its normals. Then, the gradient descent minimization is implemented with a second-order partial differential equation (PDE) on the field of normals. For the second step, we define another penalty function that measures the mismatch between the the 3D normals of a height map model and the field of smoothed normals from the first step. Then, starting with the original height map as the initialization, we fit a non-parametric terrain model to the smoothed normals minimizing this penalty function. This gradient descent minimization is also implemented with a second-order PDE. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with a ridge/gully detection application

    Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction

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    technical reportFor 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measured from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model discrepancy and model smoothness terms. This paper introduces a new nonlinear model smoothness term for surface reconstruction based on variations of the surface normals. A direct solution requires solving a fourth-order partial differential equation (PDE), which is very difficult with conventional numerical techniques. Our solution is based on processing the normals separately from the surface, which allows us to separate the problem into two second-order PDEs. The proposed method can smooth complex, noisy surfaces, while preserving sharp, geometric features, and it is a natural generalization of edge-preserving methods in image processing, such as anisotropic diffusion

    Higher-order nonlinear priors for surface reconstruction

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-For surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data, a Bayesian estimation approach can improve the overall quality of the surfaces. The Bayesian approach to surface estimation relies on a likelihood term, which ties the surface estimate to the input data, and the prior, which ensures surface smoothness or continuity. This paper introduces a new high-order, nonlinear prior for surface reconstruction. The proposed prior can smooth complex, noisy surfaces, while preserving sharp, geometric features, and it is a natural generalization of edge-preserving methods in image processing, such as anisotropic diffusion. An exact solution would require solving a fourth-order partial differential equation (PDE), which can be difficult with conventional numerical techniques. Our approach is to solve a cascade system of two second-order PDEs, which resembles the original fourth-order system. This strategy is based on the observation that the generalization of image processing to surfaces entails filtering the surface normals. We solve one PDE for processing the normals and one for refitting the surface to the normals. Furthermore, we implement the associated surface deformations using level sets. Hence, the algorithm can accommodate very complex shapes with arbitrary and changing topologies. This paper gives the mathematical formulation and describes the numerical algorithms. We also show results using range and medical data

    Enhancement of cell boundaries in transmission electon microscopy images

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    Journal ArticleTransmission electron microscopy (TEM) is an important modality for the analysis of cellular structures in neurobiology. The computational analysis of neurons entail their segmentation and reconstruction from TEM images. This problem is complicated by the heavily textured nature of cellular TEM images and typically low signal-to-noise ratios. In this paper, we propose a new partial differential equation for enhancing the contrast and continuity of cell membranes in TEM images

    Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction

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    Journal ArticleFor 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measured from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model discrepancy and model smoothness terms. This paper introduces a new onlinear model smoothness term for surface reconstruction based on variations of the surface normals. A direct solution requires solving a fourth-order partial differential equation (PDE), which is very difficult with conventional numerical techniques. Our solution is based on processing the normals separately from the surface, which allows us to separate the problem into two second-order PDEs. The proposed method can smooth complex, noisy surfaces, while preserving sharp, geometric features, and it is a natural generalization of edge-preserving methods in image processing, such as anisotropic diffusion

    Cramer-Rao bounds for nonparametric surface reconstruction from range data

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    technical reportThe Cramer-Rao error bound provides a fundamental limit on the expected performance of a statistical estimator. The error bound depends on the general properties of the system, but not on the specific properties of the estimator or the solution. The Cramer-Rao error bound has been applied to scalar- and vector-valued estimators and recently to parametric shape estimators. However, nonparametric, low-level surface representations are an important important tool in 3D reconstruction, and are particularly useful for representing complex scenes with arbitrary shapes and topologies. This paper presents a generalization of the Cramer-Rao error bound to nonparametric shape estimators. Specifically, we derive the error bound for the full 3D reconstruction of scenes from multiple range images

    Disjunctive Normal Level Set: An Efficient Parametric Implicit Method

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    Level set methods are widely used for image segmentation because of their capability to handle topological changes. In this paper, we propose a novel parametric level set method called Disjunctive Normal Level Set (DNLS), and apply it to both two phase (single object) and multiphase (multi-object) image segmentations. The DNLS is formed by union of polytopes which themselves are formed by intersections of half-spaces. The proposed level set framework has the following major advantages compared to other level set methods available in the literature. First, segmentation using DNLS converges much faster. Second, the DNLS level set function remains regular throughout its evolution. Third, the proposed multiphase version of the DNLS is less sensitive to initialization, and its computational cost and memory requirement remains almost constant as the number of objects to be simultaneously segmented grows. The experimental results show the potential of the proposed method.Comment: 5 page

    Mutual Exclusivity Loss for Semi-Supervised Deep Learning

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    In this paper we consider the problem of semi-supervised learning with deep Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets). Semi-supervised learning is motivated on the observation that unlabeled data is cheap and can be used to improve the accuracy of classifiers. In this paper we propose an unsupervised regularization term that explicitly forces the classifier's prediction for multiple classes to be mutually-exclusive and effectively guides the decision boundary to lie on the low density space between the manifolds corresponding to different classes of data. Our proposed approach is general and can be used with any backpropagation-based learning method. We show through different experiments that our method can improve the object recognition performance of ConvNets using unlabeled data.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figures, ICIP 201