3,430 research outputs found

    Análisis de la transición de la física clásica a la relativista desde la perspectiva del "cambio conceptual"

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    Interviews about special relativity are realized with students of a Modern Physics course. The results of the interviews' analysis suggest that conceptual change doesn't mean a substitution of classic physics conceptions by the relativistic ones but that there is an interactive coexistence of both

    Sustainability of non-residential buildings and relevance of main environmental impact contributors’ variability. A case study of food retail stores buildings

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    European tertiary sector represents about 13% of EU-28 final energy consumption. As an example, food retail stores sector amounts about 3% of EU members’ electricity consumption. Furthermore, currently, fluorinated gases, which are the most used refrigerants for space conditioning and refrigeration systems, involve 2% of EU emissions, having risen since 1990 by 60%. Specifically, commercial refrigeration is responsible for 35% of EU-27 CO2-eq emissions related to refrigerants. A methodology based on Life Cycle Assessment standards is presented in this study to assess the energy and environmental implications of non-residential buildings, adapted to particularities of food retail stores buildings, in terms of Primary Energy Demand, carbon footprint and water demand. Relying on a reference building, constructive improvements are tested and evaluated. Then a sensitivity analysis of several configurations of food retail stores are studied considering their building location, refrigerant typology and schedule. Results show that electricity and refrigerants are the main contributors and sensitive to potential improvements. In fact, static calculations reveal that a food retail store may involve, in terms of Global Warming Potential, about 800 kgCO2- eq/m2 year, more than 20 times higher than a regular building. Thus, future scenarios are estimated through a dynamic calculation methodology. Due to optimal dimensioning and configuration of the refrigeration system, together with refrigerant replacement, an 80% of Global Warming Potential minimization can be reached. Furthermore, temporal dynamic assessment can present a variability of environmental impacts estimation from static Life Cycle Assessment of more than 15%, by considering a wider approach towards sustainability assessment of non-residential buildings

    Conductance Distributions in Random Resistor Networks: Self Averaging and Disorder Lengths

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    The self averaging properties of conductance gg are explored in random resistor networks with a broad distribution of bond strengths P(g)\simg^{\mu-1}. Distributions of equivalent conductances are estimated numerically on hierarchical lattices as a function of size LL and distribution tail parameter μ\mu. For networks above the percolation threshold, convergence to a Gaussian basin is always the case, except in the limit μ\mu --> 0. A {\it disorder length} ξD\xi_D is identified beyond which the system is effectively homogeneous. This length diverges as ξDμν\xi_D \sim |\mu|^{-\nu} (ν\nu is the regular percolation correlation length exponent) as μ\mu-->0. This suggest that exactly the same critical behavior can be induced by geometrical disorder and bu strong bond disorder with the bond occupation probability ppμ\mu. Only lattices at the percolation threshold have renormalized probability distribution in a {\it Levy-like} basin. At the threshold the disorder length diverges at a vritical tail strength μc\mu_c as μμcz|\mu-\mu_c|^{-z}, with z=3.2±0.1z=3.2\pm 0.1, a new exponent. Critical path analysis is used in a generalized form to give form to give the macroscopic conductance for lattice above pcp_c.Comment: 16 pages plain TeX file, 6 figures available upon request.IBC-1603-01

    The RoPES project with HARPS and HARPS-N. I. A system of super-Earths orbiting the moderately active K-dwarf HD 176986

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    We report the discovery of a system of two super-Earths orbiting the moderately active K-dwarf HD 176986. This work is part of the RoPES RV program of G- and K-type stars, which combines radial velocities (RVs) from the HARPS and HARPS-N spectrographs to search for short-period terrestrial planets. HD 176986 b and c are super-Earth planets with masses of 5.74 and 9.18 M_{\oplus}, orbital periods of 6.49 and 16.82 days, and distances of 0.063 and 0.119 AU in orbits that are consistent with circular. The host star is a K2.5 dwarf, and despite its modest level of chromospheric activity (log(R'hk) = - 4.90 +- 0.04), it shows a complex activity pattern. Along with the discovery of the planets, we study the magnetic cycle and rotation of the star. HD 176986 proves to be suitable for testing the available RV analysis technique and further our understanding of stellar activity.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures, 7 table

    Shimura varieties in the Torelli locus via Galois coverings of elliptic curves

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    We study Shimura subvarieties of Ag\mathsf{A}_g obtained from families of Galois coverings f:CCf: C \rightarrow C' where CC' is a smooth complex projective curve of genus g1g' \geq 1 and g=g(C)g= g(C). We give the complete list of all such families that satisfy a simple sufficient condition that ensures that the closure of the image of the family via the Torelli map yields a Shimura subvariety of Ag\mathsf{A}_g for g=1,2g' =1,2 and for all g2,4g \geq 2,4 and for g>2g' > 2 and g9g \leq 9. In a previous work of the first and second author together with A. Ghigi [FGP] similar computations were done in the case g=0g'=0. Here we find 6 families of Galois coverings, all with g=1g' = 1 and g=2,3,4g=2,3,4 and we show that these are the only families with g=1g'=1 satisfying this sufficient condition. We show that among these examples two families yield new Shimura subvarieties of Ag\mathsf{A}_g, while the other examples arise from certain Shimura subvarieties of Ag\mathsf{A}_g already obtained as families of Galois coverings of P1\mathbb{P}^1 in [FGP]. Finally we prove that if a family satisfies this sufficient condition with g1g'\geq 1, then g6g+1g \leq 6g'+1.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in Geometriae Dedicat

    The HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG XI. GJ 685 b: a warm super-Earth around an active M dwarf

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    Small rocky planets seem to be very abundant around low-mass M-type stars. Their actual planetary population is however not yet precisely understood. Currently several surveys aim to expand the statistics with intensive detection campaigns, both photometric and spectroscopic. We analyse 106 spectroscopic HARPS-N observations of the active M0-type star GJ 685 taken over the past five years. We combine these data with photometric measurements from different observatories to accurately model the stellar rotation and disentangle its signals from genuine Doppler planetary signals in the RV data. We run an MCMC analysis on the RV and activity indexes time series to model the planetary and stellar signals present in the data, applying Gaussian Process regression technique to deal with the stellar activity signals. We identify three periodic signals in the RV time series, with periods of 9, 24, and 18 d. Combining the analyses of the photometry of the star with the activity indexes derived from the HARPS-N spectra, we identify the 18 d and 9 d signals as activity-related, corresponding to the stellar rotation period and its first harmonic respectively. The 24 d signals shows no relations with any activity proxy, so we identify it as a genuine planetary signal. We find the best-fit model describing the Doppler signal of the newly-found planet, GJ 685\,b, corresponding to an orbital period Pb=24.1600.047+0.061P_b = 24.160^{+0.061}_{-0.047} d and a minimum mass MPsini=9.01.8+1.7M_P \sin i = 9.0^{+1.7}_{-1.8} M_\oplus. We also study a sample of 70 RV-detected M-dwarf planets, and present new statistical evidence of a difference in mass distribution between the populations of single- and multi-planet systems, which can shed new light on the formation mechanisms of low-mass planets around late-type stars.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&