61 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Postponement of parenthood in recent years is a problem not only at national but also at European level. A number of statistical analyzes in the field of demography show that the number of infertile families in the world can reach 15%. The etiology of late parenting is diverse, often combining different factors. This in turn leads to a number of personal and public problems, including reproductive, psychological, demographic and others. To overcome this problem it is necessary to work in many directions with the competent intervention of institutions and specialists. To some extent, this is also the task of medical universities, where future health professionals are trained. In response to modern educational requirements, they face the challenge of provoking attitudes and building competencies in future midwives to work with women and men with reproductive problems. The good stimulus provokes young people to generate modern ideas and approaches to reduce reproductive problems and overcome the demographic crisis in the country.Aim: The aim of this study is to establish the attitude of midwifery students about counseling men and women of childbearing age who delay parenthood.Materials and methods: An anonymous survey was conducted among students majoring in Midwifery, who study at the Shumen Affiliate of the Medical University of Varna. Their number is a total of 40 students, distributed as follows: 20 first and second year students and 20 third and fourth year students. The study was conducted in February 2022. The method on the basis of which the study was developed is based on comparative analysis.Results and discussion: To establish the attitude of future midwives to work with men and women who postpone parenthood, the key question was to find out if they are willing to work with such families. The results we received are encouraging with the predominant number of students who indicated thattheir professional activity, they associate with women and men who postpone parenthood (I and II course - 80%; III and IV course - 90%). None of the respondents gave a negative answer, and those who did not think whether they would work in this direction are approximately ¼ (1st and 2nd year - 20%) and significantly less (III and IV) course 10%).Conclusion: The attitude of future midwives is to apply their knowledge and skills in all areas of obstetrics and gynecology. Students who are at an advanced stage of their education have confidence and would consciously apply what they have learned to improve reproductive health. The answers make it clear that in the initial stage of their training, future health professionals are still not well aware ofthe directions in which their competencies would be effectively applied. The surveyed students from the 3rd and 4th year, as expected, show greater confidence and a relatively small share are those who are not yet oriented in which direction of obstetrics and gynecology would find their place. The education and training of future midwives is a chain structured of many elements - personality traits; high professionalism of the trainers; good training conditions; constructive and effective clinical practice; continuity from graduate colleagues, etc. Consistency and unity between each of the elements is needed


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    Introduction: A number of medical publications and studies on the level of health culture among the population and health education in early childhood indicate that there is a deficit in these areas. In recent decades, the health of the population has been at the forefront of negative statistics for cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases, use of tobacco products in early adolescence, etc.Objective: The objective is to establish the level of health awareness among people of childbearing age regarding reproductive health.Materials and methods: An anonymous survey was conducted among men and women registered for treatment in reproductive medicine centers, as well as female patients hospitalized in the maternity ward and pathological pregnancy ward. Obstetricians - gynecologists, embryologists, senior midwives and midwives - were also included in the study. nurses, midwives and nurses. The structure of the examined medical facilities are of the MBAL type; UMBAL; MK and MC from the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Shumen, Veliko Tarnovo and Tutrakan.Results and discussion: We tried to find out if there is a relationship between the  evel of awareness about the appropriate age for having a first child and the religion they practice. For respondents who profess Islam, the most suitable age for having a first child is 20-25 (23.1%), because the younger thewoman, the easier pregnancy and childbirth are (33.3%). The expressed opinion of patients professing Orthodox Christianity about the appropriate age for giving birth to a first child is in a relatively wide range: from 25-30 years (84.6%) to 30-35 years (88.9%).Conclusion: The obtained results have a direct relationship with the religious dogmas preached by Islam. A key feature of marriage in the Muslim community is that the ideal model recommends marriage at a fertile age

    ‘Giving Memory a Future’: Confronting the Legacy of Mass Rape in Post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    Responses to the prevalence of wartime rape in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the 1990s civil war has been characterised by a conflicting paradox between the international legal attempts by the ICTY to prosecute perpetrators, and Bosnian society’s silence, marginalisation of individual victims, and the pronounced desire to “forget” about certain aspects of wartime victimisation. Given that the contemporary prospects of retributive justice and inter-ethnic reconciliation in Bosnia-Herzegovina remain a distant prospect, the question of what can be done to reassert the ethical value of the victims of mass rape and violence continues to be of great importance. Minow’s response to this question is that even “if the rigor of prosecution and punishment are not pursued, some other form of public acknowledgement, overcoming communal denial, is the very least that can be done to restore dignity to victims” (1998: 17). Pertaining to this, women’s testimonies of wartime violation have resulted in the conception of critical and reflective cultural texts such as the two analysed in this paper. As if I Am Not There (Drakilić, 1999) and Esma’s Secret (Žbanić, 2006) attempt to confront Bosnian society about its neglect of the women who suffered wartime rape. The texts further broach the subject of the social significance of the children who were born as a result of these rapes. The underlying focus of these texts is an attempt to propose and work towards a vision of post-conflict Bosnian society based on a future of reconciliation and the refusal to differentiate along ethnic lines

    Reframing bi-nationalism in Palestine-Israel as a process of settler decolonisation

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    This paper examines some of the emerging critical civil society debates in relation to the one-state solution being the most appropriate geo-political arrangement for the articulation of freedom, justice and equality in Palestine-Israel. This is done with reference to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions’ 2012 statement in support of a bi-national state and the ensuing critiques it attracted from Palestinian supporters of the one-state position. Drawing on these debates which have largely revolved around Jewish Israeli rights to political self-determination in Palestine-Israel, this paper proposes that alternative versions of self-determination as cultural rights for the established Hebrew-speaking national community represent a more inclusive form of self-determination in the eventuality of decolonisation

    Competence Of Women To Recognize The Moments Of Emergency During Pregnancy

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    Introduction: Pregnancy is a normal process that leads to physiological and psychological changes. A normal pregnancy can be accompanied by some problems and complications that are potentially life-threatening for the mother and fetus. Worldwide, one woman dies every minute from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. Therefore, it is essential for pregnant women to recognize the moments of urgency and the signs of complications that require urgent medical intervention among pregnant women.Aim: The aim is to study the competence of women to recognize moments of urgency and signs of complications during pregnancy.Materials and methods: An anonymous survey was conducted in September 2019 on 42 pregnant women hospitalized in the Department of Pathological Pregnancy - Hospital in Shumen. Results and discussion: The majority of respondents receive sufficient information about emergencies during pregnancy (76%). A small proportion of respondents indicated that this was never discussed in the Women's Consultation (14%), followed by those who did not recognize the moments requiring medical intervention (10%). When amniotic fluid is suspected, the majority of respondents say that they would seek medical help (71%), some are adamant that if there is no pain it is not necessary to seek medical help (19%). pregnant women who think they have to wait before going to a medical facility (10%).Conclusion: Emergencies requiring immediate medical attention are still not well known in the majority of pregnant women

    Activities Performed by Nurses When Conducting a Hemodialysis Procedure

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    Nurses have a major role in the dialysis team. Their activity is not limited to the execution of the physician’s orders, but also requires taking independent decisions, in view of their competences, to care for patients. Care, approach, attitude, and the related activities are specific and require a lot of attention, patience and love. The nurse performs various activities, has obligations and responsibilities that distinguish her from nurses, working in the other units of the hospital; the work is intense and mentally burdensome. Developing algorithms for nurse work in patient hemodialysis procedures is a way to standardize and improve the quality of health care. The introduction of algorithms increases the efficiency of medical care, optimizes the activity of nurses and the practical significance is determined by the ability to trace results and ensure a better organization of the workflow

    Reframing Israel-Palestine: critical Israeli responses to the Palestinian call for Just Peace

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    This thesis examines how Israeli critical activist engagement with the Palestinian call for just peace reframes Israel-Palestine. The thesis makes a political-theoretical intervention by arguing that Israeli civil society engagement with the principles underlying just peace requires, if it is to be successful, the utilisation of non-statist conceptualisations of peace politics. The thesis draws upon feminist critical theory and postcolonial critique to theorise peace politics as a practice of solidarity. From this perspective the conflict is analysed through the prism of Nancy Fraser’s ‘all affected’ principle which asserts that all those whose lives and wellbeing are affected by an institution of power, whether that be a state or a transnational corporation, are subjects of justice in relation to that institution, whether they hold the same citizenship as its representatives or not. Thus, by virtue of sharing the same, albeit politically diffentiated, geo-political space Israelis and Palestinians residing in Israel within its 1948 borders, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as the refugees outside Israel-Palestine, are subjects of justice and potential solidarity. As such, the Palestinians have the right to demand justice not only from the state of Israel but also from its citizens. The activist work, narratives and responses of three critical Israeli case study groups are examined in relation to the call for just peace: Anarchists Against the Wall (AATW), the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), and Zochrot (Remembering). The activist narratives and practices examined testify to the way in which critical Israeli engagement with nonviolent ethical responsibility towards the Palestinian people can result in unprecedented narrative convergence, practical solidarity, and the possibility for non-domination and cohabitation. These critical activist practices reveal just peace as an emergent and ongoing project to reframe and rearticulate the contemporary relations of oppression and domination in Israel-Palestine

    Specifics of the workplace conflict in the implementation of state health control

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    Конфликтът е неразделна част от нашия живот. За съжаление той е наше всекидневие и реалност. При осъществяването на държавен здравен контрол служителите често попадат в конфликтни ситуации, които се отразяват неблагоприятно на психоемоционалното им състояние. Дейността на здравните инспектори е строго специфична с ненормирано работно време и мобилни работни места, които, освен че са разнообразни поради вида на посещаваните обекти, са и с широк териториален обхват. Необходими са сериозни познания на действащата нормативна уредба и високо ниво на професионална компетентност. В процеса на работа здравните инспектори общуват и взаимодействат с разнообразни хора. Деловите умения за воденето на проверки, срещи и работа с граждани са от голямо значение за служителите от държавните инспекции, тъй като са важна предпоставка за управление и намаляване на конфликтите на работното място.Целта на настоящото проучване е да се установи степента и спецификата на конфликта при осъществяването на държавен здравен контрол.Проведено е анкетно проучване на служители от Регионалните здравни инспекции и Областните дирекции по безопасност на храните в градовете Варна, Добрич и Сливен.Данните показват, че много служители при изпълнение на служебните си задължения попадат в конфликтни ситуации поне веднъж седмично. Като най-честа причина за възникналите конфликтни ситуации анкетираните посочват остарялата нормативна уредба, недостатъчната информация, достигаща до гражданите, лошата икономическа ситуация и голямото психическо натоварване по време на работа. Добрата комуникация, деловият тон и положителната нагласа винаги помагат конфликтите да се разрешават лесно и бързо.Conflict is an integral part of our lives. Unfortunately, everyday we are part of it. In implementing state health control, employees often fall into conflict situations that adversely affect their psycho-emotional condition. The activities of health inspectors are very specific with irregular working hours and mobile workplaces, which in addition to being different because of the type of sites visited are also with a wide territorial range. Serious knowledge of the current legislation and a high level of professional competence are necessary. While working, health inspectors communicate and interact with various people. Business skills for conducting inspections, meetings and work with citizens are of great importance for employees from state inspections for the management and reduction of the conflict at the workplace.The purpose of this study was to determine the extent and specifics of the conflict in the implementation of state health control. A survey of employees of Regional Health Inspections and District Directorates of Food Safety in Varna, Dobrich, Sliven was conducted. Data show that all employees, in the performance of their duties, fall into conflict situations at least once a week. As the most common cause of emerging conflict situations, respondents indicated outdated regulations, lack of information reaching the public, the poor economic situation and the great mental stress at work. Good communication, business conduct and positive attitude always help and conflicts can be resolved easily and quickly

    Reframing Israel-Palestine: critical Israeli responses to the Palestinian call for Just Peace

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    This thesis examines how Israeli critical activist engagement with the Palestinian call for just peace reframes Israel-Palestine. The thesis makes a political-theoretical intervention by arguing that Israeli civil society engagement with the principles underlying just peace requires, if it is to be successful, the utilisation of non-statist conceptualisations of peace politics. The thesis draws upon feminist critical theory and postcolonial critique to theorise peace politics as a practice of solidarity. From this perspective the conflict is analysed through the prism of Nancy Fraser’s ‘all affected’ principle which asserts that all those whose lives and wellbeing are affected by an institution of power, whether that be a state or a transnational corporation, are subjects of justice in relation to that institution, whether they hold the same citizenship as its representatives or not. Thus, by virtue of sharing the same, albeit politically diffentiated, geo-political space Israelis and Palestinians residing in Israel within its 1948 borders, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as the refugees outside Israel-Palestine, are subjects of justice and potential solidarity. As such, the Palestinians have the right to demand justice not only from the state of Israel but also from its citizens. The activist work, narratives and responses of three critical Israeli case study groups are examined in relation to the call for just peace: Anarchists Against the Wall (AATW), the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), and Zochrot (Remembering). The activist narratives and practices examined testify to the way in which critical Israeli engagement with nonviolent ethical responsibility towards the Palestinian people can result in unprecedented narrative convergence, practical solidarity, and the possibility for non-domination and cohabitation. These critical activist practices reveal just peace as an emergent and ongoing project to reframe and rearticulate the contemporary relations of oppression and domination in Israel-Palestine