281 research outputs found

    National compliance with UK wide guidelines for usage of valproate in women of childbearing potential.

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    Valproate (VPA) is an effective treatment for epilepsy and also used in bipolar disorder. However, VPA is associated with a significant risk of birth defects and developmental disorders if used during pregnancy. This has led to the introduction of measures to reduce the use of valproate in women of childbearing potential such as the 'Prevent' pregnancy prevention program (PPP) and the completion of an annual risk acknowledgement form (ARAF). The aim of the current audit was to assess compliance with the guidance. An audit tool was made available to neurologists registered with the Association of British Neurologists (ABN) and to epilepsy nurse specialists via the Epilepsy Nurses Association (ESNA) in the UK. Data were collected between November 2020 and March 2021. The main indication for valproate was generalised epilepsy (55.8%), followed by focal (22.5%). For most, there was documentation that the woman had been informed about the risks associated with taking valproate during pregnancy (93.1%) and the need to be on highly effective contraception or that this was not deemed appropriate (92.2%). A signed ARAF was available in the notes for 81.2% although only 66% were <12 months old. Although information had been made available for most women, there were still individuals where this was not documented. Further work is needed to facilitate identification of women taking valproate and implementation of a digital ARAF. For clinicians, the audit highlights a need to carefully counsel women about the teratogenic risks of continuing to take valproate versus the risk of deteriorating seizure control if the drug is withdrawn. This is particularly true of women with focal epilepsy, where there may be safer, equally effective, alternative anti-seizure medication (ASM). The aim should be to create a partnership of trust between the patient and clinician in order to arrive at the best clinical decision for that individual

    Audit of healthcare provision for UK prisoners with suspected epilepsy

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    SummaryPurposeTo describe the prevalence and nature of epileptic seizure disorders in a typical UK prison and compare the care offered to prisoners to the recommendations of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE).MethodsOver a 14-month period, all prisoners identified as having epilepsy were registered by prison primary healthcare services at a category ‘C’ prison holding 640 male adults. Prison and National Health Service health records were reviewed, prisoners were re-assessed by members of a specialist secondary care service based in the local general hospital NHS.ResultsTwenty-six prisoners were thought to have epilepsy. 61.5% of diagnoses had not been made by epilepsy specialists, 73.1% had uncontrolled seizures, only 19.2% had had computed tomography, none magnetic resonance imaging. At review, 30.8% of prisoners were thought to require neuroimaging, 19.2% cardiac investigations. The diagnosis of epilepsy was confirmed in only 57.9% of those prisoners considered to have the condition by prison healthcare services. 53.8% of those prisoners confirmed as having epilepsy had not had a medical review in the past 12 months; 63.2% required a change in their antiepileptic drugs (AEDs).ConclusionAlthough the prevalence of epilepsy in this prison population appeared high at first sight, a critical review of the diagnoses reduced the difference to the prevalence of epilepsy in the population at large. Fewer prisoners than expected achieved seizure control. Collaboration with specialist epilepsy services was poor. There were significant discrepancies between the healthcare provision in prison and the NICE epilepsy guidelines

    Inferred support for disturbance-recovery hypothesis of North Atlantic phytoplankton blooms

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    Analyses of satellite-derived chlorophyll data indicate that the phase of rapid phytoplankton population growth in the North Atlantic (the ‘spring bloom') is actually initiated in the winter rather than the spring, contradicting Sverdrup's Critical Depth Hypothesis. An alternative disturbance-recovery hypothesis (DRH) has been proposed to explain this discrepancy, in which the rapid deepening of the mixed layer reduces zooplankton grazing rates sufficiently to initiate the bloom. We use Bayesian parameter inference on a simple Nutrient-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton (NPZ) to investigate the DRH and also investigate how well the model can capture the multiyear and spatial dynamics of phytoplankton concentrations and population growth rates. Every parameter in our NPZ model was inferred as a probability distribution given empirical constraints, this provides a more objective method to identify a model parameterisation given available empirical evidence, rather than fixing or tuning individual parameter values. Our model explains around 75% of variation in the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton concentrations, 30% of variation in their population rates of change, and correctly predicts the phases of population growth and decline. Our parameter-inferred model supports DRH, revealing the sustained reduction of grazing due to mixed layer deepening as the driving mechanism behind bloom initiation, with the relaxation of nutrient limitation being another contributory mechanism. Our results also show that the continuation of the bloom is caused in part by the maintenance of phytoplankton concentrations below a level that can support positive zooplankton population growth. Our approach could be employed to formally assess alternative hypotheses for bloom formatio

    UK framework for basic epilepsy training and oromucosal midazolam administration.

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    BACKGROUND: UK wide Oromucosal Midazolam is used as an emergency treatment in community for seizures administered by family/carers with the right training. The Joint Epilepsy Council (JEC) UK which produced the training guidelines disbanded in 2016. PURPOSE: Provide standards for basic epilepsy education and rescue medication (Midazolam) administration. METHODS: The Epilepsy Nurses Association (ESNA), The International League against Epilepsy, British Chapter (ILAE) and the Royal college of Psychiatrists (RCPsych), used the Delphi process to update guidelines for the administration of oromucosal midazolam including developing a voluntary on-line test for carers. During 2017-2019 a facilitator worked with two ESNA committees to update the existing guidance and another to develop a question-bank. Both committee outputs were circulated to the ESNA membership, then ILAE and RCPsych for review. Patient-facing organizations and charities' opinions were solicited. All feedback was assimilated. A private provider was contracted to deliver the test. RESULTS: A consensus process involving two task and finish groups of 19 people each compared, reflected, debated, and engaged with stakeholders across three stages. The updated ratified guidelines were circulated nationally. The Delphi process highlighted many regions and individuals had local assessment tools and procedures in place, while others (around 50%) had no assessment provision. 278 carers with a 95% pass-rate and 100% positive feedback have undertaken the online test (10/2020). CONCLUSION: The UK-wide care provision gap in basic epilepsy-training and safe rescue medication administration is now addressed. A two-yearly update to the guidelines and test is planned

    Non-linear changes in modelled terrestrial ecosystems subjected to perturbations

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    Perturbed ecosystems may undergo rapid and non-linear changes, resulting in ‘regime shifts’ to an entirely different ecological state. The need to understand the extent, nature, magnitude and reversibility of these changes is urgent given the profound effects that humans are having on the natural world. General ecosystem models, which simulate the dynamics of ecosystems based on a mechanistic representation of ecological processes, provide one novel way to project ecosystem changes across all scales and trophic levels, and to forecast impact thresholds beyond which irreversible changes may occur. We model ecosystem changes in four terrestrial biomes subjected to human removal of plant biomass, such as occurs through agricultural land-use change. We find that irreversible, non-linear responses commonly occur where removal of vegetation exceeds 80% (a level that occurs across nearly 10% of the Earth’s land surface), especially for organisms at higher trophic levels and in less productive ecosystems. Very large, irreversible changes to ecosystem structure are expected at levels of vegetation removal akin to those in the most intensively used real-world ecosystems. Our results suggest that the projected twenty-first century rapid increases in agricultural land conversion may lead to widespread trophic cascades and in some cases irreversible changes to ecosystem structure

    Eslicarbazepine acetate as a replacement for levetiracetam in people with epilepsy developing behavioral adverse events

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    BACKGROUND: Psychiatric and behavioral side effects (PBSEs) are a major cause of antiepileptic drug (AED) withdrawal. Levetiracetam (LEV) is a recognized first-line AED with good seizure outcomes but recognized with PBSEs. Eslicarbazepine (ESL) is considered to function similarly to an active metabolite of the commonly used carbamazepine (CBZ). Carbamazepine is used as psychotropic medication to assist in various psychiatric illnesses such as mood disorders, aggression, and anxiety. AIM: The aim was to evaluate the psychiatric profile of ESL in people who had LEV withdrawn due to PBSEs in routine clinical practice to see if ESL can be used as a possible alternative to LEV. METHODS: A retrospective observational review was conducted in two UK epilepsy centers looking at all cases exposed to ESL since its licensing in 2010. The ESL group was all patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy who developed intolerable PBSEs to LEV, subsequently trialed on ESL. The ESL group was matched to a group who tolerated LEV without intolerable PBSEs. Psychiatric disorders were identified from case notes. The Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D) was used to outcome change in mood. Clinical diagnoses of a mental disorder were compared between groups using the Fisher's exact test. Group differences in HAM-D scores were assessed using the independent samples t-test (alpha=0.05). RESULTS: The total number of people with active epilepsy in the two centers was 2142 of whom 46 had been exposed to ESL. Twenty-six had previous exposure to LEV and had intolerable PBSEs who were matched to a person tolerating LEV. There was no statistical differences in the two groups for mental disorders including mood as measured by HAM-D (Chi-square test: p=0.28). CONCLUSION: The ESL was well tolerated and did not produce significant PBSEs in those who had PBSEs with LEV leading to withdrawal of the drug. Though numbers were small, the findings suggest that ESL could be a treatment option in those who develop PBSEs with LEV and possibly other AEDs

    Differing marine animal biomass shifts under 21st century climate change between Canada's three ocean

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    Identificadors digitals: Digital object identifier for the 'European Research Council' (http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000781) and Digital object identifier for 'Horizon 2020' (http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100007601)Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MUnder climate change, species composition and abundances in high-latitude waters are expected to substantially reconfigure with consequences for trophic relationships and ecosystem services. Outcomes are challenging to project at national scales, despite their importance for management decisions. Using an ensemble of six global marine ecosystem models we analyzed marine ecosystem responses to climate change from 1971 to 2099 in Canada's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) under four standardized emissions scenarios. By 2099, under business-as-usual emissions (RCP8.5) projected marine animal biomass declined by an average of −7.7% (±29.5%) within the Canadian EEZ, dominated by declines in the Pacific (−24% ± 24.5%) and Atlantic (−25.5% ± 9.5%) areas; these were partially compensated by increases in the Canadian Arctic (+26.2% ± 38.4%). Lower emissions scenarios projected successively smaller biomass changes, highlighting the benefits of stronger mitigation targets. Individual model projections were most consistent in the Atlantic and Pacific, but highly variable in the Arctic due to model uncertainties in polar regions. Different trajectories of future marine biomass changes will require regional-specific responses in conservation and management strategies, such as adaptive planning of marine protected areas and species-specific management plans, to enhance resilience and rebuilding of Canada's marine ecosystems and commercial fish stocks

    Next-generation ensemble projections reveal higher climate risks for marine ecosystems

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    Projections of climate change impacts on marine ecosystems have revealed long-term declines in global marine animal biomass and unevenly distributed impacts on fisheries. Here we apply an enhanced suite of global marine ecosystem models from the Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project (Fish-MIP), forced by new-generation Earth system model outputs from Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), to provide insights into how projected climate change will affect future ocean ecosystems. Compared with the previous generation CMIP5-forced Fish-MIP ensemble, the new ensemble ecosystem simulations show a greater decline in mean global ocean animal biomass under both strong-mitigation and high-emissions scenarios due to elevated warming, despite greater uncertainty in net primary production in the high-emissions scenario. Regional shifts in the direction of biomass changes highlight the continued and urgent need to reduce uncertainty in the projected responses of marine ecosystems to climate change to help support adaptation planning

    Awareness of social care needs in people with epilepsy and intellectual disability

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    Background: Nearly a quarter of people with intellectual disability (ID) have epilepsy with large numbers experiencing drug-resistant epilepsy, and premature mortality. To mitigate epilepsy risks the environment and social care needs, particularly in professional care settings, need to be met. Purpose: To compare professional care groups as regards their subjective confidence and perceived responsibility when managing the need of people with ID and epilepsy. Method: A multi-agency expert panel developed a questionnaire with embedded case vignettes with quantitative and qualitative elements to understand training and confidence in the health and social determinants of people with ID and epilepsy. The cross-sectional survey was disseminated amongst health and social care professionals working with people with ID in the UK using an exponential non-discriminative snow-balling methodology. Group comparisons were undertaken using suitable statistical tests including Fisher's exact, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney. Bonferroni correction was applied to significant (p < 0.05) results. Content analysis was conducted and relevant categories and themes were identified. Results: Social and health professionals (n = 54) rated their confidence to manage the needs of people with ID and epilepsy equally. Health professionals showed better awareness (p < 0.001) of the findings/recommendations of the latest evidence on premature deaths and identifying and managing epilepsy-related risks, including the relevance of nocturnal monitoring. The content analysis highlighted the need for clearer roles, improved care pathways, better epilepsy-specific knowledge, increased resources, and better multi-disciplinary work. Conclusions: A gap exists between health and social care professionals in awareness of epilepsy needs for people with ID, requiring essential training and national pathways

    Past and future decline of tropical pelagic biodiversity

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by the National Academy of Sciences in PNAS on 26/05/2020.Available online: https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/117/23/12891.full.pdfA major research question concerning global pelagic biodiversity remains unanswered: when did the apparent tropical biodiversity depression (i.e., bimodality of latitudinal diversity gradient [LDG]) begin? The bimodal LDG may be a consequence of recent ocean warming or of deep-time evolutionary speciation and extinction processes. Using rich fossil datasets of planktonic foraminifers, we show here that a unimodal (or only weakly bimodal) diversity gradient, with a plateau in the tropics, occurred during the last ice age and has since then developed into a bimodal gradient through species distribution shifts driven by postglacial ocean warming. The bimodal LDG likely emerged before the Anthropocene and industrialization, and perhaps ∼15,000 y ago, indicating a strong environmental control of tropical diversity even before the start of anthropogenic warming. However, our model projections suggest that future anthropogenic warming further diminishes tropical pelagic diversity to a level not seen in millions of years.acceptedVersio
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