17 research outputs found

    Field dependence-independence and brain organization: the confluence of two different ways of describing general forms of cognitive functioning? A theoretical review

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    We reviewed a total of 67 studies of the relationship between the cognitive style dimension of field dependence-independence and brain organization. To date, such studies have followed three basic lines of approach: (1) cerebral localization of processes involved in field dependence-independence; (2) evaluation of the relationship between field dependence-independence and hemisphericity; (3) evaluation of the relationship between field dependence-independence and hemispheric differentiation. The results of all three types of study are largely coherent with the differentiation theory formulated by Witkin and his coworkers. In addition, findings to date are of interest in that they suggest new directions for more detailed investigation of the relation­ship between field dependence-independence and brain organization. These directions appear very promising for improving our understanding of both the nature of cognitive styles and the functioning of the brain in generalS

    Perceived Social Support from Significant Others among Binge Drinking and Polyconsuming Spanish University Students

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    Sense of acceptance is conceived as a central component of perceived social support and is thought to be a key resilience factor for adjustment during transition to university. The current study examines how a binge drinking pattern of alcohol consumption and the co-consumption of binge drinking and cannabis in first-year university students are related to perceived acceptance from family, mother, father, and friends. The study sample consisted of 268 women and 216 men, of average age 18.25 years (SE = 0.01), enrolled in the first year of different degree courses at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Participants were classified in three groups (control, binge drinking, polyconsuming) on the basis of the Timeline Followback for alcohol and cannabis. Perceived sense of acceptance was measured using the Perceived Acceptance Scale. Analysis of the data revealed that perceived acceptance was lower in polyconsuming students than in the binge drinking and control groups (p < 0.05; with η 2 ranging between 0.009 and 0.020). A curvilinear relationship between binge drinking and perceived acceptance from friends was identified. Social support should be considered in future investigations and interventions as a vulnerability marker for detrimental consequences of substance use and risk of consumption disorders, as well as adolescent maladjustment.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad—Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2015/034) and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PSI 2015-70525-P), co-funded by the European Regional Developmental Fund (FEDER)S

    Binge Drinking, Cannabis Co-Consumption and Academic Achievement in First Year University Students in Spain: Academic Adjustment as a Mediator

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    Little is known about how binge drinking or the combination of binge drinking and cannabis consumption affect academic achievement in students during the transition to university, or about the mechanisms that mediate this relationship. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between this pattern of alcohol/cannabis consumption and academic achievement, considering academic adjustment as a possible mediator. A total of 258 Spanish, first-year university students (145 females and 113 males), enrolled in undergraduate degree courses, were categorized into three groups on the basis of their patterns of alcohol/cannabis consumption: control, binge drinkers and co-consumers. The findings showed a significant effect of the combined binge drinking/cannabis consumption, but not of binge drinking alone, upon academic achievement and academic adjustment. Grade point average (GPA) and academic adjustment were lower in the co-consumers than in the other groups. Regarding the mediation effect, 34.33% of the impact of combined alcohol/cannabis use on GPA was mediated by academic adjustment. The combined consumption of alcohol and cannabis led to difficulties in adaptation to academic life, which in turn contributed to poorer performance at university. The implications of the findings are discussed.The study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad -Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2015/034) and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PSI2015-70525-P) co-funded for European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)S

    Attention and visuospatial abilities: neuropsychological approach in field-dependent and field-independent schoolchildren

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    The aim of this study was to explore cognitive processes that may underlie the poor school performance of children with a field-dependent cognitive style. One-hundred-and fortynine children between the ages of 8 and 11 were evaluated using the Children Embedded Figures Test (CEFT) and classified as field-dependent, field-independent, or intermediate field-dependent- independent (FDI). The Digit Span and Digit Symbol, as well as the Visual Search and Attention Test (VSAT) were administered as tests of attentional function. The Block Design and the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test were administered as tests of visuospatial abilities. Fieldindependent children obtained higher scores than field-dependent children on the tests of attentional function. With regard to visuospatial tasks, field-independent children obtained higher scores than both field-dependent and intermediate FDI children on the Block Design test. On the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test, field-dependent children obtained lower scores than both field-independent and intermediate-FDI childrenS

    Estilo cognitivo dependencia-independencia de campo: un análisis del funcionamiento atencional

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    Previous research has indicated that field-dependent children display poorer performance than field-independent children in almost all academic subjects and cognitive tasks. However, the processes underlying this poorer performance remain unclear. The present study aimed to assess whether children with different FDI cognitive styles show differences in performance of tasks measuring aspects of attentional functioning. Specifically, 149 children aged 8 - 11 years were classified according to FDI cognitive style (field-dependent, intermediate, or field-independent), and to storage capacity (Digits Forward Test), verbal working memory (Digits Backward Test), capacity to focus, shift, and maintain attention (Digit Symbol Test), and capacity for sustained attention (Visual Search and Attention Test). Field-independent children displayed better performance than intermediate and field-dependent children on all tests except the Digits Forward Test. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussedInvestigaciones previas han indicado que los niños dependientes de campo obtienen peores rendimientos que los independientes de campo en casi todas las asignaturas escolares y en diferentes tareas cognitivas. Sin embargo, los procesos que subyacen a este peor rendimiento no están lo suficientemente delimitados. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar si niños con diferentes estilos cognitivos manifiestan diferencias en tareas que miden aspectos concretos del funcionamiento atencional. Específicamente, se explora el rendimiento de 149 niños entre 8 y 11 años en cuatro tareas que evalúan, capacidad de almacenamiento (Dígitos en orden directo), memoria de trabajo verbal (Dígitos en orden inverso), capacidad para dirigir, cambiar y mantener la atención (Claves) y atención sostenida (Test de atención y búsqueda visual). Los resultados indican que los niños independientes de campo mostraron un mejor rendimiento que los dependientes de campo y los del grupo intermedio en todas las tareas a excepción de la prueba de Dígitos en orden directo. Se discuten algunas implicaciones para la teoría y la prácticaS

    The student adaptation to college questionnaire (SACQ) for use with spanish students

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    The main purpose of this study was to adapt the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) for use with Spanish students and to examine the psychometric properties of the scores. The adapted version of the scale was applied to a sample of 300 first-year university students. The internal consistency of the full scale and of the subscales was adequate, although the structure of the scale, analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis, did not fit satisfactorily to the four-factor model proposed by Baker and Siryk. The goodness of fit of each of four one-factor models, corresponding to each subscale, was tested separately in order to propose a short form of the scale. The resulting scale, comprising 50 items, shows high internal consistency and the relationships between its dimensions are consistent with those obtained in other studies.S

    Estilo Cognitivo e Estratégias de Aprendizagem em Estudantes Universitários Brasileiros: Repercussões no Rendimento Acadêmico

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    In the present study, the influence of the cognitive style called field dependence-independence on academic achievement of Brazilian university students was explored as well as the mediating effect of learning strategies on that influence. Learning strategies of 313 first-year university students (189 women and 124 men; M age = 20.86, SD = 3.86) from different fields, with upper, medium and lower scores on field dependence-independence were assessed on a self-report questionnaire and their overall academic marks in the first year were registered. Results of a regression analysis showed that cognitive style and learning strategies significantly contributed to academic achievement. A path analysis revealed that planning strategies mediated the influence of cognitive style on achievementNo presente estudo, a influência do estilo cognitivo dependência-independência de campo no rendimento acadêmico de estudantes universitários brasileiros foi explorada, bem como o efeito mediador das estratégias de aprendizagem nesta influência. As estratégias de aprendizagem de 313 estudantes universitários de primeiro curso (189 mulheres e 124 homens, idade M=20,86, DP= 3,86) a partir de diferentes domínios, com pontuações elevadas, intermediárias e baixas em dependência-independência de campo, foram avaliadas em um auto questionário e as suas médias globais de rendimento acadêmico no primeiro ano foram registradas. Resultados de uma análise de regressão mostraram que o estilo cognitivo e as estratégias de aprendizagem contribuem significativamente para o sucesso acadêmico. Uma path analysis revelou que as estratégias de planejamento mediam a influência do estilo cognitivo na sua realizaçãoS

    Perceived social support and self-regulated learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Self-regulated learning (SRL) is conceived as an active, constructive process aimed at the attainment of personal learning goals. It is considered essential for academic achievement and life-long learning. Distal and proximal social influences, among which perceived social support (PSS) has been receiving increasing attention, are thought to play a key role in the development and display of SRL. In this paper, we aim to summarize the available data on the relationship between PSS and SRL by reviewing published studies that include samples comprising students at different stages of education, ranging from elementary school to university. We conducted a systematic literature review and meta-analysis, seeking to examine the association between PSS and SRL, by considering the possible moderating effects of different support provisions and sources. In addition, we tentatively propose explanations for the relationship based on broadly supported theoretical models of PSS and SRLThis publication is part of Project PID2021–126981OB-I00, funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, and by Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2022/17)S

    A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the relationship between social support and binge drinking among adolescents and emerging adults

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    Binge drinking (BD) is a high-risk pattern of alcohol consumption that is remarkably prevalent among teenagers and emerging adults. This pattern is thought to alter social networks, affecting access to social support (SS), which is considered essential for adjustment during transitional periods and may in turn play a proactive role against risk behaviors. In this review, we aim to synthesize the available data on the relationship between BD and SS in teenagers and emerging adults. Therefore, a search on three electronic databases was conducted (Web of Science, PsycInfo and PubMed). Articles were screened using eligibility criteria in line with the investigation question and the methodological quality of the studies were reported. Data were analyzed using a narrative synthesis approach. Cross-sectional and longitudinal data suggested that SS is associated with the onset, frequency, and intensity of BD; this relation varies with age, gender, and source of support (family or peers). From developmental and socio-cognitive points of view, the following conclusions were reached: (a) effects beyond the detrimental consequences of BD must be considered in order to interpret the data, and (b) social support should be taken into consideration in intervention strategiesThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación–Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento (Award Number: PID2021-126981OB-I00), co-funded by the European Regional Developmental Fund (FEDER) and by Axudas á Consolidación e Estruturación de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas (GRC, ED431C 2022/17)S

    Adaptive teaching and field dependence-independence: instructional implications

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    AbstractCognitive styles are among the dimensions of individual differences considered particularly relevant in adaptive teaching. Field dependence-independence is one of the most heuristic cognitive style constructs and has been shown consistently to determine academic results of students, regardless of their educational level or cultural origin and the area of knowledge considered. This fact has prompted attempts to train field independence and a thriving line of investigation focused on the adaptation of instructional methods to cognitive style, which has been offering data which should be considered in educational practice. Studies made to date both on training and instructional adaptation have been gathered and synthesized in the present revision, and some general lines of action when adapting teaching to cognitive style have been extracted.ENSE&Ntilde;ANZA ADAPTATIVA Y DEPENDENCIA-INDEPENDENCIA DE CAMPO: IMPLICACIONES INSTRUCCIONALESResumen&nbsp;Los estilos cognitivos se encuentran entre las dimensiones de diferencias individuales consideradas relevantes en la ense&ntilde;anza adaptativa. De especial valor heur&iacute;stico se mostrado la dependencia-independencia de campo, dimensi&oacute;n que influye, de manera consistente en los resultados acad&eacute;micos de los estudiantes, al margen de su nivel educativo y su origen cultural y del &aacute;rea de conocimiento evaluada. Esta constataci&oacute;n ha inspirado intentos de entrenar a los estudiantes en las habilidades de los independientes de campo, as&iacute; como una l&iacute;nea de investigaci&oacute;n centrada en la adaptaci&oacute;n de los m&eacute;todos intruccionales al estilo cognitivo, que ha venido proporcionando datos que deber&iacute;an ser considerados en la pr&aacute;ctica educativa. En el presente trabajo, se sintetizan los estudios realizados hasta el momento sobre entrenamiento y adaptaci&oacute;n instruccional y se proponen algunas l&iacute;neas generales de actuaci&oacute;n en la adaptaci&oacute;n de la ense&ntilde;anza al estilo cognitivo