94 research outputs found

    Statistical Function Tagging and Grammatical Relations of Myanmar Sentences

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    This paper describes a context free grammar (CFG) based grammatical relations for Myanmar sentences which combine corpus-based function tagging system. Part of the challenge of statistical function tagging for Myanmar sentences comes from the fact that Myanmar has free-phrase-order and a complex morphological system. Function tagging is a pre-processing step to show grammatical relations of Myanmar sentences. In the task of function tagging, which tags the function of Myanmar sentences with correct segmentation, POS (part-of-speech) tagging and chunking information, we use Naive Bayesian theory to disambiguate the possible function tags of a word. We apply context free grammar (CFG) to find out the grammatical relations of the function tags. We also create a functional annotated tagged corpus for Myanmar and propose the grammar rules for Myanmar sentences. Experiments show that our analysis achieves a good result with simple sentences and complex sentences.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 8 tables, AIAA-2011 (India). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0912.1820 by other author

    Who continues to stock oral artemisinin monotherapy? Results of a provider survey in Myanmar.

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    BackgroundArtemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) is a key strategy for global malaria elimination efforts. However, the development of artemisinin-resistant malaria parasites threatens progress and continued usage of oral artemisinin monotherapies (AMT) predisposes the selection of drug resistant strains. This is particularly a problem along the Myanmar/Thailand border. The artemisinin monotherapy replacement programme (AMTR) was established in 2012 to remove oral AMT from stocks in Myanmar, specifically by replacing oral AMT with quality-assured ACT and conducting behavioural change communication activities to the outlets dispensing anti-malarial medications. This study attempts to quantify the characteristics of outlet providers who continue to stock oral AMT despite these concerted efforts.MethodsA cross-sectional survey of all types of private sector outlets that were stocking anti-malarial drugs in 13 townships of Eastern Myanmar was implemented from July to August 2014. A total of 573 outlets were included. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regressions were conducted to assess outlet and provider-level characteristics associated with stocking oral AMT.ResultsIn total, 2939 outlets in Eastern Myanmar were screened for presence of any anti-malarial drugs in August 2014. The study found that 573 (19.5 %) had some kind of oral anti-malarial drug in stock at the time of survey and among them, 96 (16.8 %) stocked oral AMT. In bivariate analyses, compared to health care facilities, itinerant drug vendors, retailers and health workers were less likely to stock oral AMT (33.3 vs 12.9, 10.0, 8.1 %, OR = 0.30, 0.22, 0.18, respectively). Providers who cut blister pack or sell partial courses (40.6 vs 11.7 %, OR 5.18, CI 3.18-8.44) and those who based their stock decision on consumer demand (32.8 vs 12.1 %, OR 3.54, CI 2.21-5.63) were more likely to stock oAMT. Multivariate logistic regressions produced similar significant associations.ConclusionPrivate healthcare facilities and drug shops and providers who prioritize consumers' demand instead of recommended practices were more likely to stock oral AMT. Malaria elimination strategies should include targeted interventions to effectively reach those outlets

    Serotyping of dengue virus in 2016-17 outbreak in Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia

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    An outbreak of dengue in Kudat, northern Sabah in 2016-2017 provided an opportunity to investigate the circulating serotypes of dengue viruses of cases at Hospital Kudat. Between September 2016 and December 2017, a total of 156 dengue positive sera(tested positive by either NS1 antigen, or IgM & IgG antibody rapid test) were collected from dengue patients who had acute fever and showed signs and symptoms suggestive of dengue. RNA was extracted from the sera using QIAamp RNA Blood Mini Kit, and molecular amplification was performed using one-step RT-PCR kit, followed by nested PCR using HotStart Taq master mix kit with the primers of the dengue C-prM gene. There were 81 (52%) male and 75 (48%) female cases. The age group with the highest number of cases was the 10-19 years old, while the youngest infected was 8 months old and the oldest was 83 years old. RT-PCR results showed 88 sera dengue positive, 48 infected with a single serotype while another 40 with multiple serotypes. All four DENV serotypes were co-circulating during the outbreak period and DENV-1 was predominant. Molecular analysis also indicated 69.2%, 50.0%, 51.9% and 48.9% respectively of the NS1, IgM, IgG and IgM & IgG positive sera were RT-PCR positive for dengue. High number of cases were seen in December 2016, February and May 2017. The dengue outbreak might be related to switching of predominant serotype from DENV 4 to DENV 1

    Escape from Original Home: Do Metastatic Cells Stay Dormant or Destructive?

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    Metastasis is defined as tumour implants discontinuous with the primary tumour. It is responsible for most cancer-related mortality. Many factors relating to the tumour and host factors are involved in the presence of metastasis and the long-term prognosis of the disease process. This study observed available literature and aims to emphasise tumours and their interaction with the tumour microenvironment. Epigenetic and genetic influences on pathogenesis, tumour and microenvironment interaction, role of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in metastasis are essential determinants of advanced malignant diseases. Early detection of metastatic disease is an essential part. The histopathological aggressiveness of a tumour and its biological behaviour determine the probability of metastasis and advanced disease. Understanding these factors has a benefit to improving the current therapies and diagnostic approaches to an advanced level, leading to the prevention of metastasis and more successful management of patients

    Immune System in COVID-19: Is It Temporarily Defeated While Conquering?

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is spreading worldwide and becomes a major cause of mortality. In addition to major pathology in lungs such as pneumonia or respiratory failure, multiorgan failure and frequently haematological disorders such as thromboembolic manifestations are leading causes of mortality. This study reviews the interaction of the immune system with target cells, the role of cytokines and other components such as complements encountered in the pathophysiology of major disease processes and possible post-recovery complications. Although there are some clinical effects induced by strong immune reactions, long term immunity against the virus is found in the majority

    New discovery of a large-sized Tetraconodon (Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation, Myanmar

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    New fossil dentitions of a large-sized Tetraconodon (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Suidae) were discovered from the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation, Migyaungye Township, Magway Division, central Myanmar. These specimens are the largest among the Tetraconodon specimens ever found in Myanmar. The molar dimensions of these specimens are similar with those of Tetraconodon magnus but are smaller in the dimensions of last two premolars than T. magnus. Therefore, we assigned these specimens as Tetraconodon sp. cf. T. magnus. The occurrence of a large Tetraconodon confirms an Upper Miocene age for the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation

    A clinically silent tumour of adrenal myelolipoma: A case report

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    ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Adrenal myelolipoma is a rare, non-functional, benign neoplasm which is constituted of mature haematopoietic elements and adipose tissues in various proportions. It is diagnosed accidentally and frequently with the widespread use of imaging modalities. PRESENTATION OF CASE: We report a 63-year-old lady with incidental findings of adrenal tumour on computed tomography (CT) scan during a routine medical check-up. She underwent tumour resection in view of a large tumour of 7 cm in size. DISCUSSION: CT scan is sensitive to diagnose adrenal myelolipoma in view of its fat-laden property and useful to monitor the tumour progress. Even previously she opted for conservative management; the decision for surgery was made in view of enlarging tumour and risk of surrounding tissue compression. CONCLUSION: With increased awareness, the detection rate of this tumour is improving, hence able to prevent the complications of a large tumour such as compression, bleeding and tumour necrosi

    Suicidal Hanging, is suicide true? A rare case report

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    Hanging is one of the most common methods of suicide worldwide, and is increased in number of deaths by years. This report describes rare case of hanging which was done by the age of 10 year-girl as suicidal hanging of a child is very uncommon. The investigating officer and forensic team immediately visited the crime scene and checked the possible foul play. Autopsy study supported the suicidal hanging with motive

    Performance Test and Structural Analysis of Cross-Flow Turbine

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    Myanmar is a developing country, the annual consumption of electricity has been increasing rapidly throughout the country.  The main source of energy for generating electricity is hydropower because of her hilly regions with rivers and water-falls.  Myanmar, where 75% of the populations live in rural area, has a low level of access to electricity.  Small-scale hydropower production may be the most cost-effective way to supply electricity to remote villages that are not near transmission lines.  The objectives of this research is to design low cost with high efficient cross-flow turbine especially for low head, to analyze the blade structural and modal of the turbine runner by using ANSYS 14.5 software, to construct the designed cross-flow turbine and test the performance of constructed cross-flow turbine in selected site location.  The designed cross-flow turbine is capable of producing up to 300 watts AC power at the head of 6m and water flow rate of 0.009 m3/s.