10 research outputs found

    Koronapotilaiden vasta-ainevasteen ja rokotusten vaikutusten seurannasta tietoa tuleviin pandemioihin

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    Yhteenveto Kainuun sote kutsui kaikki 170 kainuulaista, jotka sairastivat koronan aikavälillä huhtikuu 2020 — huhtikuu 2021, antamaan kolme verinäytettä koronavirusvasta-aineiden mittaamista varten. Ensimmäinen näyte annettiin keskimäärin 4 kk taudin jälkeen, toinen 9 kk ja viimeinen näyte noin vuoden kuluttua sairastumisesta. SARS-CoV-2-virusta vastaan muodostuneiden vasta-aineiden tasot vaihtelivat erittäin paljon henkilöiden välillä. Kuudella potilaalla vasta-ainetaso oli alle positiivisen diagnoosin raja-arvon ensimmäisessä näytteessä. Jos potilasta ei rokotettu ennen seuraavan seeruminäytteen ottamista, SARS-CoV-2-vastaainetasot laskivat keskimäärin puoleen. Jos potilas oli rokotettu ennen seuraavaa näytteenottoa, SARS-CoV-2-vasta-aineiden määrä nousi keskimäärin kaksinkertaiseksi. Yhtä lukuun ottamatta kaikilla alussa vasta-aineiden suhteen positiivisiksi todetuilla potilailla oli vasta-aineita yli positiivisen tuloksen raja-arvon myös 12 kk infektion jälkeen. Terveillä henkilöillä rokotuksen aiheuttama vasta-ainevaste oli samanlainen kuin potilailla oli taudin aiheuttama, mutta kaikkein korkeimmat SARS-CoV-2-vasta-ainetasot puuttuivat kahden ensimmäisen rokotuksen jälkeen. Tulosten perusteella on ymmärrettävää, miksi rokotuksia on täytynyt uusia useampaan kertaan. Samoin tulokset näyttävät, että rokotus tehostaa myös taudin sairastaneiden immuunivastetta. Henkilöiden välillä hyvin paljon eroava vasta-ainevaste kertoo, että pelkän virusdiagnostiikkatestin kehittämisen lisäksi tulevissa pandemioissa on hyvä kehittää myös vasta-ainetestejä ja käyttää niitä seuraamaan sekä rokotteen tehoa, että yksittäisten henkilöiden vasta-ainevastetta

    The prognostic and predictive roles of plasma C-reactive protein and PD-L1 in non-small cell lung cancer

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    Abstract Background: Anti-PD-(L)1 agents have revolutionized the treatment paradigms of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), while predictive biomarkers are limited. It has been previously shown that systemic inflammation, indicated by elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) level, is associated with a poor prognosis in anti-PD-(L)1 treated. The aim of the study was to analyze the prognostic and predictive value of CRP in addition to traditional prognostic and predictive markers and tumor PD-L1 score. Methods: We identified all NSCLC patients (n = 329) who had undergone PD-L1 tumor proportion score (TPS) analysis at Oulu University Hospital 2015–22. CRP levels, treatment history, immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy details, and survival were collected. The patients were categorized based on CRP levels (≤10 vs. >10) and PD-L1 TPS scores (<50 vs. ≥50). Results: In the whole cohort (n = 329), CRP level of ≤10 mg/L was associated with improved survival in univariate (HR 0.30, Cl 95% 0.22–0.41) and multivariate analyzes (HR 0.44, CI 95% 0.28–0.68). With ICI treated (n = 70), both CRP of ≤10 and PD-L1 TPS of ≥50 were associated with improved progression-free survival (PFS) in univariate (HR 0.51, CI 95% 0.27–0.96; HR 0.54, CI 95% 0.28–1.02) and multivariate (HR 0.48, CI 95% 0.26–0.90; HR 0.50, CI 95% 0.26–0.95) analyzes. The combination (PD-L1 TPS ≥50 and CRP >10) carried a high negative predictive value with a median PFS of 4.11 months (CI 95% 0.00–9.63), which was similar to patients with low PD-L1 (4.11 months, CI 95% 2.61–5.60). Conclusions: Adding plasma CRP levels to PD-L1 TPS significantly increased the predictive value of sole PD-L1. Furthermore, patients with high CRP beard little benefit from anti-PD-(L)1 therapies independent of PD-L1 score. The study highlights the combined evaluation of plasma CRP and PD-L1 TPS as a negative predictive marker for ICI therapies

    Evidence for three genetic loci involved in both anorexia nervosa risk and variation of body mass index

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    The maintenance of normal body weight is disrupted in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) for prolonged periods of time. Prior to the onset of AN, premorbid body mass index (BMI) spans the entire range from underweight to obese. After recovery, patients have reduced rates of overweight and obesity. As such, loci involved in body weight regulation may also be relevant for AN and vice versa. Our primary analysis comprised a cross-trait analysis of the 1000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the lowest P-values in a genome-wide association meta-analysis (GWAMA) of AN (GCAN) for evidence of association in the largest published GWAMA for BMI (GIANT). Subsequently we performed sex-stratified analyses for these 1000 SNPs. Functional ex vivo studies on four genes ensued. Lastly, a look-up of GWAMA-derived BMI-related loci was performed in the AN GWAMA. We detected significant associations (P-values <5 × 10-5, Bonferroni-corrected P<0.05) for nine SNP alleles at three independent loci. Interestingly, all AN susceptibility alleles were consistently associated with increased BMI. None of the genes (chr. 10: CTBP2, chr. 19: CCNE1, chr. 2: CARF and NBEAL1; the latter is a region with high linkage disequilibrium) nearest to these SNPs has previously been associated with AN or obesity. Sex-stratified analyses revealed that the strongest BMI signal originated predominantly from females (chr. 10 rs1561589; Poverall: 2.47 × 10-06/Pfemales: 3.45 × 10-07/Pmales: 0.043). Functional ex vivo studies in mice revealed reduced hypothalamic expression of Ctbp2 and Nbeal1 after fasting. Hypothalamic expression of Ctbp2 was increased in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice as compared with age-matched lean controls. We observed no evidence for associations for the look-up of BMI-related loci in the AN GWAMA. A cross-trait analysis of AN and BMI loci revealed variants at three chromosomal loci with potential joint impact. The chromosome 10 locus is particularly promising given that the association with obesity was primarily driven by females. In addition, the detected altered hypothalamic expression patterns of Ctbp2 and Nbeal1 as a result of fasting and DIO implicate these genes in weight regulation

    Evidence for three genetic loci involved in both anorexia nervosa risk and variation of body mass index

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    The maintenance of normal body weight is disrupted in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) for prolonged periods of time. Prior to the onset of AN, premorbid body mass index (BMI) spans the entire range from underweight to obese. After recovery, patients have reduced rates of overweight and obesity. As such, loci involved in body weight regulation may also be relevant for AN and vice versa. Our primary analysis comprised a cross-trait analysis of the 1000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the lowest P-values in a genome-wide association meta-analysis (GWAMA) of AN (GCAN) for evidence of association in the largest published GWAMA for BMI (GIANT). Subsequently we performed sex-stratified analyses for these 1000 SNPs. Functional ex vivo studies on four genes ensued. Lastly, a look-up of GWAMA-derived BMI-related loci was performed in the AN GWAMA. We detected significant associations (P-values <5 × 10−5, Bonferroni-corrected P<0.05) for nine SNP alleles at three independent loci. Interestingly, all AN susceptibility alleles were consistently associated with increased BMI. None of the genes (chr. 10: CTBP2, chr. 19: CCNE1, chr. 2: CARF and NBEAL1; the latter is a region with high linkage disequilibrium) nearest to these SNPs has previously been associated with AN or obesity. Sex-stratified analyses revealed that the strongest BMI signal originated predominantly from females (chr. 10 rs1561589; Poverall: 2.47 × 10−06/Pfemales: 3.45 × 10−07/Pmales: 0.043). Functional ex vivo studies in mice revealed reduced hypothalamic expression of Ctbp2 and Nbeal1 after fasting. Hypothalamic expression of Ctbp2 was increased in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice as compared with age-matched lean controls. We observed no evidence for associations for the look-up of BMI-related loci in the AN GWAMA. A cross-trait analysis of AN and BMI loci revealed variants at three chromosomal loci with potential joint impact. The chromosome 10 locus is particularly promising given that the association with obesity was primarily driven by females. In addition, the detected altered hypothalamic expression patterns of Ctbp2 and Nbeal1 as a result of fasting and DIO implicate these genes in weight regulation

    Evidence for three genetic loci involved in both anorexia nervosa risk and variation of body mass index

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    The maintenance of normal body weight is disrupted in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) for prolonged periods of time. Prior to the onset of AN, premorbid body mass index (BMI) spans the entire range from underweight to obese. After recovery, patients have reduced rates of overweight and obesity. As such, loci involved in body weight regulation may also be relevant for AN and vice versa. Our primary analysis comprised a cross-trait analysis of the 1000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the lowest P-values in a genome-wide association meta-analysis (GWAMA) of AN (GCAN) for evidence of association in the largest published GWAMA for BMI (GIANT). Subsequently we performed sex-stratified analyses for these 1000 SNPs. Functional ex vivo studies on four genes ensued. Lastly, a look-up of GWAMA-derived BMI-related loci was performed in the AN GWAMA. We detected significant associations (P-values <5 × 10-5, Bonferroni-corrected P<0.05) for nine SNP alleles at three independent loci. Interestingly, all AN susceptibility alleles were consistently associated with increased BMI. None of the genes (chr. 10: CTBP2, chr. 19: CCNE1, chr. 2: CARF and NBEAL1; the latter is a region with high linkage disequilibrium) nearest to these SNPs has previously been associated with AN or obesity. Sex-stratified analyses revealed that the strongest BMI signal originated predominantly from females (chr. 10 rs1561589; Poverall: 2.47 × 10-06/Pfemales: 3.45 × 10-07/Pmales: 0.043). Functional ex vivo studies in mice revealed reduced hypothalamic expression of Ctbp2 and Nbeal1 after fasting. Hypothalamic expression of Ctbp2 was increased in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice as compared with age-matched lean controls. We observed no evidence for associations for the look-up of BMI-related loci in the AN GWAMA. A cross-trait analysis of AN and BMI loci revealed variants at three chromosomal loci with potential joint impact. The chromosome 10 locus is particularly promising given that the association with obesity was primarily driven by females. In addition, the detected altered hypothalamic expression patterns of Ctbp2 and Nbeal1 as a result of fasting and DIO implicate these genes in weight regulation