1,329 research outputs found

    Learning English and Smartness : Refugee Students Negotiate Language, Reception, and Ability in School

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    This article analyzes how Southeast Asian refugee high school students negotiated “smartness” and language learning at a low-performing, urban high school in the U.S. southeast. Findings are drawn from a year-long qualitative study that examined the identities of refugee students from Vietnam’s Central Highlands. The conceptual framework is built on sociocultural theories of identity and language learning (Bourdieu, 1991; Holland, Skinner, Lachicotte & Cain, 1998) and illuminates the contextual and relational nature of students’ identity articulation in school. Findings underscore the ways in which racialized discourses perpetuated by teachers and peers simultaneously positioned them as model minorities and undermined their learning, and self-identities. Implications for policy and practices, as well as theoretical perspectives that deepen understandings of refugee identity and performance in school are proposed

    Exercise and Functional Performance in Middle-aged Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

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    The overall purpose of this thesis was to explore the impact of exercise and functional performance on development and treatment of knee osteoarthritis in the middle aged. In this thesis, I have studied a population based cohort of middle-aged subjects (35-54 years, 42 % women) with chronic knee pain at baseline, to evaluate the longitudinal effect of muscle weakness on knee osteoarthritis development, the relationship between muscle function and joint load and the effects of exercise on joint load. I have also studied the effect of exercise on pain and function in another middle-aged cohort (36-65 years, 51 % women) with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis, and explored their conceptions of exercise as treatment. In the first study, 148 subjects with chronic knee pain underwent radiographic examination and tests of functional performance at baseline. 94 of them had no radiographic signs of knee osteoarthritis. Five years later they had new radiographs taken and 41/94 (44 %) had developed incident knee osteoarthritis. I found that reduced functional performance, assessed by maximum number of one-leg rises from a stool, predicted knee osteoarthritis development. The result was controlled for the previously known risk factors of age, BMI and pain. In the second study, I used 3-dimensional motion analysis to explore the possibility of altering joint load by exercise. The medial compartment joint load (peak adduction moment) during maximum number of one-leg rises was assessed in 13 subjects with early radiographic signs of knee osteoarthritis from the cohort in study one, before and after 8 weeks of exercise. Two subjects were lost to follow up for reasons not related to the knee. The peak adduction moment could be reduced by exercise, and a high maximum number of one-leg rises was associated with lower levels of peak adduction moment. The third study included 61 subjects with moderate to severe radiographic knee osteoarthritis. They were randomized to 6 weeks of intensive exercise or to a control group. The effects of exercise were assessed using questionnaires. No effects were seen on pain or self estimated function, however, the quality of life improved. The individual response to exercise ranged from clinically significant improvement to clinically significant worsening. As an attempt to understand this large inter individual response to exercise, I designed the fourth study, where I interviewed 16 of the 30 patients in the exercise group about their conceptions of exercise as treatment. The interviews were analysed using qualitative methodology, and it was revealed that all patients were aware of the general health benefits of exercise, but had doubts about exercise as treatment of osteoarthritis even if they had perceived pain relief and improvement in physical function from the exercise intervention. The pain experienced during exercise caused the patients to believe that exercise was harmful to their knees, and some of them would prefer not to exercise at all. They thought that exercise should be introduced early during the course of the disease, and all of them expressed the need of continuous encouragement and support to adhere to exercise. From this thesis I conclude that reduced muscle function is a risk factor of knee osteoarthritis development among middle aged subjects with knee pain. Reduced muscle function is associated with increased joint load, which seem to be modifiable by exercise. Initial pain when starting exercise, or occasional pain from exercise, should be treated by combining exercise with pain relief such as analgesics or acupuncture. Pain contributes to the difficulty patients have determining the degree of benefit or damage related to exercise, and thus causes feelings of anxiety and helplessness (paper IV). Pain also seems to interfere with the possibility of achieving increased functional performance (paper II, III, IV)

    Energieffektivisering av dricksvattendistribution

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    This project investigates the efficiency of the water distribution system from Görväln's pumping station to Norrvatten's central consumption zone. The goal is to propose actions that lead to enhanced energy efficiency. The project evaluates the operation of the pumps that transport the drinking water, and simulates the distribution with a focus on Tunberget's high reservoir. The analysis is done using a dense dataset of measurement from pressure, flow and level sensors in the system. First, the pumps have been analyzed individually as far as possible. Further, all possible combinations of the six pumps used are also analyzed. The modeling of the system is done in MatLab Simulink and adjusted to the empirical conditions that apply to the real system. The project also investigates the possibilities of create consumption forecasts with machine learning algorithms and using these to improve the distribution system. The results shows that there exists a potential for energy efficiency. The greatest potential is found in the pump operation and in the choice of favorable pump combinations. The implementation of consumption forecasts increases delivery security but also reduce energy consumption to a certain extent. The total energy efficiency improvement is estimated at 257 MWh annually, corresponding to 2.4 % of the water pumps' total energy consumption in 2019

    ‘I had a lump in my stomach’: Swedish gay and lesbian students' experiences of their time in school

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    Objectives: Gay and lesbian youth can experience ignorance and a lack of acknowledgement surrounding their sexual orientation during their time in school. This qualitative interview study describes how Swedish gay and lesbian students experience their secondary school years on the basis that society has heteronormative values. Methods: The data is based on eight telephone interviews with gay and lesbian young adults, aged 18–25 and was analysed using a qualitative narrative approach. Findings: The findings presented four themes: not fitting into the norm of heterosexuality, lacking confirmation of their own homosexuality, finding courage, seeing the school as a supportive or a non-supportive environment. Conclusions: A way to normalise homosexuality can be to discuss sexual development and attraction from a health-promoting perspective. Professionals working in school need to feel comfortable with issues such as sexuality in order to create a situation of confidence for the student

    The green oasis in the city : small public urban green spaces importance for psychological well-being

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    Syftet med denna uppsats var att få förståelse för vilka kvaliteter Petriplatsen i Lund och Rundelsparken i Malmö har samt om dessa små offentliga urbana grönytor utgör restorativa miljöer i den täta staden. Metoden som använts var platsanalyser med utgångspunkt i två olika observationstillfällen. Teorier och analysmetoder som använts för att analysera, förstå och dra slutsatser om det insamlade materialet är Patrik Grahns åtta parkkaraktärer samt ART (Attention Restoration Theory). Som underlag för observationerna användes en checklista med kriterier framtagen utifrån de åtta parkkaraktärerna och anpassade till denna studies syfte. Studien visade vilka karaktärer som är mest betydande för att utgöra restorativa miljöer med möjlighet för återhämtning och psykiskt välbefinnande. Vidare visade studien att Petriplatsen inte anses innehålla tillräckligt många karaktärer som har positiv inverkan på återhämtning för att anses vara en restorativ miljö. Rundelsparken kan anses ha restorativa värden i en bostadsnära kontext i den täta centrala staden. Studiens resultat tydde på att storleken på en grönyta i urban kontext kan ha betydelse för vilka karaktärer grönytan innehåller men det är inte av avgörande betydelse. Det handlar snarare om vilka karaktärer grönytan innehåller, hur den är utformad samt om den inrymmer vegetation. Små offentliga urbana grönytor bör vara jämnt fördelade över staden och fungera som komplement till stora parker och grönområden. Små urbana grönytor kan inte ses som en lösning för stigande psykiska ohälsa, dock kan och bör det vara en strategi på vägen mot socialt hållbara städer.The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of what qualities Petriplatsen in Lund and Rundelsparken in Malmö have and whether these small public urban green spaces contain restorative environments in the dense city. The method used in this study was site analysis based on two different observation occasions. Theories and analysis methods used in this study consist of Patrik Grahn ́s eight park characteristics and ART (Attention Restoration Theory) to analyse, understand and draw conclusions about the collected material. As a foundation for the observations, an adapted version of the criteria based on the theory of eight park characteristics has been made to make a checklist relating to the purpose of the study. The study revealed which characteristics are most significant for small urban green areas to be restorative with the possibility of mental recovery and psychological well-being. Furthermore, the results of the study showed that Petriplatsen is not considered to contain enough characteristics with positive impact on mental recovery to be considered as a restorative environment. On the other hand, Rundelsparken can be considered to have restorative values in a residential context in the dense city centre. The results of the study indicated that the size of a green space in an urban context can be of significance for which characteristics the green space contains, but it is not of crucial importance. Instead, the study found that it is rather about which characteristics the green space contains, how it is designed and whether it contains vegetation. In conclusion, small public urban green spaces should be evenly distributed across the city and function as a complement to large parks and green areas. Small urban green spaces cannot be seen as a solution for increased poor mental health, however, it can and should be a strategy on the way to socially sustainable cities

    Lääkkeettömien kivunhoitomenetelmien käyttö kuntoutusosastolla

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa Varkauden kuntoutusosaston hoitohenkilökunnan lääkkeettömien kivunhoitomenetelmien käyttöä. Ehdotuksen opinnäytetyömme aiheeksi saimme työelämän edustajalta. Kuntoutusosasto on terveyskeskussairaalan akuuttisairaanhoitoa antava osasto, joka on erikoistunut erilaisten kuntoutusasiakkaiden kuntoutukseen ja hoitoon. Osastolla hoidetaan myös saattohoitopotilaita sekä sairaalahoitoa tarvitsevia pitkäaikaispotilaita. Kyselyn avulla kartoitimme kuntoutusosaston hoitohenkilökunnan lääkkeettömien kivunhoitomenetelmien käyttöä ja lisäkoulutuksen tarvetta. Kysely kohdistettiin 25 hoitajalle, joista 17 vastasi kyselyyn. Tavoitteenamme oli kyselyn avulla selvittää Varkauden kuntoutusosaston hoitohenkilökunnan mahdollista lisäkoulutuksen tarvetta lääkkeettömistä kivunhoitomenetelmistä. Tavoitteenamme oli myös, että Varkauden kuntoutusosaston hoitohenkilökunta saisi lisää tietoa lääkkeettömistä kivunhoitomenetelmistä. Teoriaosuudessa käsittelimme kipua yleisesti ja kivunhoitotyön eri osa-alueita. Lisäksi on koottu tietoa sekä fysikaalisista että kognitiivisista kivunhoitomenetelmistä. Valitsemistamme lääkkeettömistä kivunhoitomenetelmistä kerroimme, kuinka niitä käytetään, mitkä ovat menetelmien käyttö- ja vasta-aiheet. Lisäksi kerroimme kvantitatiivisesta tutkimusmenetelmästä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan kaikkia valitsemiamme lääkkeettömiä kivunhoitomenetelmiä oli kuntoutusosastolla käytetty, lukuun ottamatta akupunktiota. Käytetyimpiä lääkkeettömiä kivunhoitomenetelmiä olivat huumori, asentohoito ja kylmähoito. Lisäkoulutusta kaikkiin lääkkeettömiin kivunhoitomenetelmiin koettiin tarvittavan. Vähiten käytettyihin menetelmiin haluttiin eniten lisäkoulutusta, mutta myös paljon käytettyihin asento- ja kylmähoitoon kaivattiin lisäkoulutusta. Tutkimus osoittaa, että Varkauden kuntoutusosaston hoitohenkilökunnalla on halukkuutta käyttää lääkkeettömiä kivunhoitomenetelmiä sekä kehittää osaamistaan.The purpose of our thesis was to study nonpharmacological pain management techniques used by the nursing staff in the rehabilitation department of Varkaus Health Center Hospital (HCH). The topic of the thesis was proposed by a representative of working life. The rehabilitation department is a part of the Health Center Hospital providing acute health care and specializing in the care and physical rehabilitation of patients with various rehabilitation needs. The department also provides hospice and long-term care. Our aim was to survey possible needs for further training in nonpharmacological pain management techniques in the rehabilitation department and also provide the department with more information on the subject. To achieve this, a survey was conducted to investigate the current use of nonpharmacological pain management techniques and any need for further education on the subject. The survey was targeted at 25 nurses, 17 of whom responded. The theory part of the thesis focuses on pain in general and on different aspects of pain relief. We collated information on both physical and cognitive pain management techniques. Particular techniques were chosen for closer inspection. Details on how, when and when not to use these techniques are provided. The quantitative research method used is also discussed. According to our investigation all of the techniques covered had been used in the department, with the exception of acupuncture. The most common nonpharmacological techniques for pain management were humor, positioning and cryotherapy. Further training on all techniques was needed. Training and education on the techniques used less often was considered necessary, but also on the more commonly applied positioning and cryotherapy. The investigation points out that the nursing staff in the rehabilitation department of Varkaus HCH is interested in and will-ing to use and develop the use of nonpharmacological pain management techniques


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    INTRODUCTION: Misdiagnosis of complete Achilles tendon ruptures has become increasingly common. The purpose of this ongoing research is to investigate clinical and functional consequences of earlier misdiagnosed and untreated complete Achilles tendon ruptures


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    Hamstring strains are common in sports. Recently, two different types of hamstring strain have been described, one related to sprinting, the other to stretching exercises (Askling et al., 2006). MRI showed that the sprint-related injury was situated in the long head of the biceps femoris muscle (Askling et al. 2007). Biomechanical modelling has been used to explore mechanisms of the sprint-related injury (Thelen et al. 2006). The purpose here was to contrast the stretch-related injury with the sprint-related one, with respect to injury location and biomechanics


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    INTRODUCTION: Proximal-to-distal sequencing (PDS) has been observed in full-swing golf shots as in most throwing and striking skills, where the main goal is to maximize speed in the most distal segment of an open-link system (Zheng et al., 2007). Although PDS primarily is associated with mechanical advantage when the speed requirement is high, this temporal order has also been found and ascribed various merits in relatively slow multi-joint movements (Furuya & Kinoshita, 2007). However, no research to date has examined the sequencing pattern in partial golf shots to submaximal distances. The purpose here was to investigate whether PDS is a common characteristic also in partial swing shots of skilled golf players. METHODS: A total of 47 golfers were investigated, 11 male tournament professionals, 23 male amateurs (HCP 0 ± 2 strokes), and 13 female amateurs (HCP -2 ± 2 strokes) performed partial shots with a wedge to targets at three discrete distances (40, 55 and 70 m), and full-swing shots with a five iron as well as a driver in the same direction for maximal distance. Pelvis, upper torso, and hand movement were recorded in 3D with an electromagnetic tracking system (Polhemus) at 240 Hz. The magnitude of the resultant angular velocity vector of each segment was used to examine the sequencing pattern and the angular speed of segment motions. Movement onset, peak amplitude and time for peak amplitude were analyzed in separate repeated-measure ANOVAs with pre-planned Bonferroni corrected pairwise comparisons. Significance level was set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: This study showed a significant proximal-to-distal temporal relationship of movement onset and maximum angular speed at the pelvis, upper torso and hand segments in the golf swing. The same temporal structure was evident in all test conditions, as well as among different genders and levels of expertise. However, the increment in angular speed from the upper torso to hand were significantly larger for male professionals than for female amateurs at all shot conditions and significantly larger for male amateurs than for female amateurs at full-swing shots. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: While there exists a body of evidence in support for PDS providing mechanical advantages when the highest possible ball speed is to be achieved, merits of PDS in partial golf shots are less evident. However, it has been proposed that a given torque or force can be more accurately generated by a stronger muscle than a weaker muscle (Hamilton et al., 2004) and a potential role of the observed sequencing pattern in partial shots of skilled golf players could be to improve accuracy and minimize the speed-accuracy tradeoff. REFERENCES: Zheng N., Barrentine S.W., Fleizig G.S., Andrews J.R. (2008). Kinematic analysis of swing in pro and amateur golfers, International Journal of Sports Medicine, 6, 487-493. Furuya S., Kinoshita H. (2007). Roles of proximal-to-distal sequential organization of the upper limb segments in striking the keys by expert pianists, Neuroscience Letters, 421, 264-269. Hamilton A., Jones K.E., Wolpert D.M. (2004). The scaling of motor noise with muscle strength and motor unit number in humans, Experimental Brain Research, 157, 417-430