23 research outputs found

    Исследование зон усталостного разрушения шнеков

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    Шнек - основной рабочий орган машин для переработки отходов - экструдеров. От качества его изготовления зависит производительность цеха и целостность корпуса машины. При переработке многокомпонентного сырья, которым является Refuse Derived Fuel - это общее название альтернативных видов топлива, получаемых при переработке отходов. В качестве сырья используется практически любой органический материал: целлюлоза, резина, пластик, кожа, дерево, пищевые заменители. В исследовании использован пример на базе работы с RDF-сырьем Мусороперерабатывающего комбината "Янино", Ленинградская область. Именно при работе с такими высокоабразивными отходами возникает необходимость многократно повышать ресурс шнеков за счет использования новых технологий обработки металлов, так как в составе данного сырья могут встречаться металлические компоненты и трудно размалываемые силикаты.Screw - the main working organ of machines for processing waste - extruders. From the quality of its production depends the productivity of the shop and the integrity of the machine body. When refining a multicomponent raw material, which is Refuse Derived Fuel - this is the general name for alternative fuels obtained from recycling. As raw material, almost any organic material is used: cellulose, rubber, plastic, leather, its substitutes. The study used an example based on work with RDF-raw materials of the Janino Refuse Processing Plant. Leningrad region. It is when working with such highly abrasive waste that it becomes necessary to increase the service life of screw augmentedly by using new processing technologies, since metal components and hard-to-break silicates can occur in the composition of this raw material

    Morphologic proof of the toxicity of mitomycin C on the ciliary body in relation to different application methods

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    Background: Since postoperative hypotony has been a frequent complication of glaucomatous filtration surgery with adjunctive use of mitomycin C (MMC), the question arises of whether there may be another application method which can minimize this side effect. The purpose of this study was to establish the morphologic side effects of different application methods. Methods: MMC 0.2 mg/ml was applied to the episclera of nine eyes of six pigmental rabbits at random via collagen shield (CS), soft contact lens (CL), or lyophilisate (20 mu g; LY) for 5 min. Two eyes (controls) had a subconjunctival injection of BSS only. Another control eye was left untreated (no injection). No trabeculectomy was performed. One hour later the amounts of MMC in the conjunctiva and aqueous were analyzed by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. Ciliary bodies were dissected from the enucleated eyes, embedded and investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Cell height of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium was morphometrically assessed by means of computer-assisted image analysis. Results: The light-microscopic analysis of the sectioned cell area revealed reduction of the cell height of the non-pigmented ciliary epithelium (NPCE) after application with soft contact lens (foufold) and collagen shield (2.5-fold) but not with lyophilisate compared to the untreated eye. The following ultrastructural changes were seen: loss of apical microvilli (CS, CL, LY), disintegrating melanin granules within NPCE (CS), lysis of entire areas with NPCE cells (CS), myelin figures within mitochondria (LY), intracellular vacuoles (CS, CL), lysis of myelinated nerves (CS), myelin figures in mitochondria of endothelial cells (LY), and lysis of stromal fibrocytes (CS). In the control eyes (injection of BSS) none of these ultrastructural changes were detected in the cylindrical NPCE cells. The concentration of mitomycin in the aqueous humor after topical application of MMC on the episclera for 5 min were all below the detection limit (<10 ng/ml). The concentration of MMC in the conjunctiva ranged from 2.1 to 3.7 mu g/g. Conclusion: Severe morphologic alterations were seen at the electron-microscopic level after application of MMC 0.2 mg/ml with a collagen shield and with a soft contact lens. They were mildest with lyophilisate and absent in the BSS controls. A new administration device is needed if trabeculectomy is to be performed successfully using MMC in human glaucomatous eyes