156 research outputs found

    Fates of lignin and carbohydrates in Siberian soils

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    Permafrost-affected soils contain a huge reservoir of organic matter (OM) which, in the past, was largely persistent against microbial decomposition as consequence of cool and waterlogged conditions in the active layer, and freezing in the permafrost layer. Knowing the composition and degree of decomposition at molecular level of soil organic matter (SOM) is relevant to assess their vulnerability under impacts of climate change. This thesis investigated two major constituents of SOM, lignin and carbohydrates, across a west-east gradient in northern Siberia (longitudinal transect) and along a north-south gradient in western Siberia (latitudinal transect), aiming at identifying their fate once permafrost is thawing. The longitudinal transect included three continuous permafrost sites, from Cherskiy (CH) in north-eastern, Logata (LG) in north-central, and Tazovskiy (TZ) in north-western Siberia, which principally differ in active layer thickness and soil mineralogical properties. The latitudinal transect included all major biomes (tundra, taiga, forest steppe and steppe) from arctic to temperate ecosystems, which vary in mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP), vegetation and soil properties. Lignin-derived phenols and neutral sugars within plant and soil samples at each horizon were analysed by CuO oxidation and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) extraction methods respectively. Along the longitudinal transect, the stage of lignin degradation, appeared to increase from TZ to CH site. The stronger degradation of lignin and neutral sugars at TZ is supposed to be due to the higher MAT and larger active layer thickness, coinciding with better aeration and/or better mobilization of OM. In addition, the larger contents of Fe and Al (hydr)oxides likely additionally stabilized lignin-derived phenols associated with the mineral phase at these sites. With respect to the latitudinal transect, the stage of lignin degradation appeared to increase from tundra to forest steppe, then decrease to steppe. The increasing degree of lignin decomposition from tundra to forest steppe is likely due to decreasing soil moisture and increasing temperature which might favor the activity and assimilation of lignin-degarded microoragnisms, while drought and high pH are responsible for the restrained lignin decomposition in the steppe biome. The restrained lignin decomposition, in turn impairs the degradation of plant-derived carbohydrates because of a chemical linkage in form of lignocelluloses. It can be expected that increasing soil temperature and consequently increasing active layer thickness as the result of climate warming, which can cause two different soil hydrological scenarios, i.e., warm drier and warm wetter conditions will likely promote lignin and carbohydrate decomposition. This thesis thus contributes to a better understanding of the impact of permafrost thaw on OM stabilization in high latitude, and a magnitude in the realease of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere under global warming

    Theoretical and experimental analysis of the exact receptance function of a clamped-clamped beam with concentrated masses

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    This paper establishes the exact receptance function of a clamped-clamped beam carrying concentrated masses. The derivation of exact receptance and the numerical simulations are provided. The proposed receptance function can be used as a convenient tool for predicting the dynamic response at arbitrary point of the beam acted by a harmonic force applied at arbitrary point. The influence of the concentrated masses on the receptance is investigated. The numerical simulations show that peak in the receptance will decrease when there is a mass located close to that peak position. The numerical results have been compared to the experimental results to justify the theory

    Aplicação do método da jurisprudência comentando em formação especializada em direito

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    The method of case law commenting is a method of teaching and training in the field of law that is widely applied in many advanced countries around the world. Different from the traditional lecture method, in the teaching method of case commenting, theoretical teaching will be carried out in parallel with precedents that are searched and selected to explain and illustrate the lesson. The article analyzes case law and the role of applying the method of case law commenting in law specialized training. On that basis, the article proposes the structure and method of implementing the case law commenting method in law specialized training.El método de comentario sobre jurisprudencia es un método de enseñanza y capacitación en el campo del derecho que se aplica ampliamente en muchos países avanzados de todo el mundo. Distintamente del método de exhibición tradicional, en el método de enseñanza del comentario de casos, la enseñanza teórica se llevará a cabo en paralelo con los precedentes que se investigan y seleccionan para explicar e ilustrar la lección. El artículo examina la jurisprudencia y el papel de la aplicación del método de la observación jurisprudencial en la formación especializada en Derecho. A partir de esto, el artículo propone la estructura y el método de implementación del método de comentario de la jurisprudencia en la formación especializada en derecho.O método de comentário de jurisprudência é um método de ensino e treinamento no campo do direito que é amplamente aplicado em muitos países avançados ao redor do mundo. Diferentemente do método expositivo tradicional, no método de ensino de comentário de casos, o ensino teórico será realizado em paralelo com precedentes que são pesquisados e selecionados para explicar e ilustrar a aula. O artigo analisa a jurisprudência e o papel da aplicação do método de comentário jurisprudencial na formação especializada em direito. Com base nisso, o artigo propõe a estrutura e o método de implementação do método de comentário de jurisprudência na formação especializada em direito

    Factors Affecting the Profitability of Cement Manufacturing Enterprises in Tuyen Quang Province

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    This study focuses on analyzing the factors affecting the production and business efficiency of cement manufacturing enterprises in Tuyen Quang province. Production and business efficiency is measured by profitability ratios including return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on sales (ROS). Using a quantitative research method through estimating a linear regression model based on data of two cement manufacturing companies in the period 2019-2021, the research results show that the factors affecting business efficiency of cement manufacturing enterprises in Tuyen Quang province include size of enterprise, cost ratio, average collection period, inventory turnover, fixed assets turnover and debt ratio

    Phraseologisms Characterising Speech Communication in the Russian and Vietnamese Languages

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    Submitted on 30 May, 2018. Accepted on 31 October, 2018.Поступила в редакцию 30.05.2018. Принята к печати 31.10.2018.Статья посвящена изучению фразеологических единиц русского и вьетнамского языков, номинирующих и характеризующих язык и речь. Цель исследования — выявление национально значимых принципов русской и вьетнамской речевой коммуникации по данным фразеологии. Для достижения поставленной цели методом сплошной выборки из фразеологических словарей русского языка были извлечены устойчивые единицы, включающие слова язык, язычок. Предложена их тематическая классификация. С помощью методов и приемов лингвоаксиологического и лингвокультурологического анализа на примере устойчивых единиц, составляющих подгруппы «Красноречие» и «Косноязычие», отмечены прямые и сформулированы имплицитные ценностные суждения и установки, отражающие конвенциональные принципы русской речевой коммуникации. Опора на «Словарь вьетнамских фразеологизмов и пословиц» и «Новый большой вьетнамско-русский словарь» позволила спроецировать полученные выводы на фразеологическую подсистему вьетнамского языка, располагающую лишь отдельными устойчивыми единицами, в состав которых входит эквивалент русской лексемы язык. Конвенциональные принципы коммуникации, лежащие в основе вьетнамской лингвокультуры, были установлены на примере подгруппы фразеологизмов, обозначающих самоценность слова и оценивающих сложившиеся речевые практики. Проведенный на семантическом основании срезовый контрастивный анализ языкового материала способствовал выявлению актуальных для процедуры перевода трудностей, возникающих в процессе поиска межъязыковых фразеологических эквивалентов. В перспективе на базе сопоставления фразеологии двух языков можно сформировать целостное научное представление об одобряемых и не одобряемых носителями каждой лингвокультуры конвенционально заданных особенностях речевого коммуникативного взаимодействия, уточнить критерии национальной идентичности, выявить своеобразие лингвокультурных типажей.This article considers Russian and Vietnamese phraseological units which designate and characterise language and speech. The research aims at identifying the nationally significant principles of Russian and Vietnamese speech communication with reference to phraseology. Using the method of continuous selection, for the purpose of the research, the author chooses all the idioms containing words язык and язычок (tongue) from phraseological dictionaries. The author puts forward a thematic classification of these phraseological units. Using the methods and techniques of linguoaxiological and linguocultural analysis and referring to the units from the subgroups “Eloquence” and “Inarticulateness”, the author singles out direct and implicit value utterances, reflecting the conventional principles of Russian speech communication. Relying on the Dictionary of Vietnamese Idioms and Proverbs and the New Great Vietnamese-Russian Dictionary, the author projects the results of the analysis on the phraseological subsystem of the Vietnamese language, which only contains a few units with the equivalent of the word язык (tongue). The author singles out the conventional principles of communication underlying the Vietnamese linguistic culture with reference to the subgroup of phraseological units that denote the inherent worth of a word and evaluate the existing speech practices. The contrastive analysis of the linguistic material carried out on the semantic basis reveals the difficulties arising in the process of searching for phraseological equivalents during the translation procedure. In the future, it seems possible to form a holistic scholarly idea of conventional peculiarities of communicational interaction approved and disapproved of by the representatives of each linguistic culture relying on a comparison of the phraseology of the two languages, clarify the criteria of national identity, and reveal the peculiarities of linguocultural types

    Effects of SCMC mode and learner familiarity on peer feedback in L2 interaction

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    This study investigated the effects of synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC) mode and interlocutor familiarity on frequency and characteristics of peer feedback in L2 interaction. Fifty dyads of EFL learners were equally assigned into familiar (+/-) groups and performed an interactive task in two SCMC modes (text/video-chats). After their interactions, they were interviewed individually about the impact of SCMC mode and interlocutor familiarity on the provision of feedback. Learners’ text/video-chats were coded for feedback frequency and characteristics (e.g., type, linguistic focus, accuracy, and modified output). Results show that more instances of feedback were observed in the video- than text-chats; however, interlocutor familiarity did not affect the amount of feedback. Despite differences in types, feedback’s linguistic focus and accuracy, frequency and characteristics of modified output were relatively similar between two SCMC modes. Content-based analyses of the interviews revealed that learners attributed the differences in feedback occurrence to various characteristics of the SCMC modes rather than interlocutor unfamiliarity. The results suggest greater benefits of the video-chat over the text-chat in promoting peer feedback and emphasize the importance of establishing a positive relationship among learners during L2 SCMC interaction

    Determinants Influencing Knowledge Sharing Behavior A Case Study Among Banking Members in Vietnam

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    Due to the increasing competition of financial sector, banks are striving for their tangible and intangible benefits. Banks can get the sustainable competitive advantage in the market by enhancing their performance through knowledge sharing behavior. The study aims to evaluate different factors level influencing knowledge sharing behavior among banking members in Vietnam. The model and hypotheses are developed based on quantitative research. Data was collected through self-administered close-ended questionnaire from a sample of 432 banking members. For analysis purpose, SPSS 22 were used to confirm the validity concerns and determine the proposed relationship among selected variables. The output reveals that useage of social media are the strongest influencers of students’ satisfaction, followed by knowledge self-efficacy, management support, knowledge management, social trust and Personal use of IT infrastructure, while Reward System, Bank are found to have no impact on knowledge sharing behavior. This study provides a ‘snapshot’ to the management about the provision of current situation and proposes suggestions to improve the sharing culture within minimum resources to get the sustainable competitive advantage in the market. Keywords: Evaluation, knowledge sharing behavior, knowledge management, banking sector, banking members. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-8-02 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Factors Influencing Intention to Use Social Insurance Application (VssID) in Vietnam Through Technology Acceptance Model

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    Technology is becoming more and more popular in public services in general and social insurance in particular in Vietnam. Although the social insurance software has been used since November 2020, the number of users is still limited so far. Therefore, this study aims at investigating determinants of the intention to use social insurance management applications of Vietnamese people. Applying a combination of three models (TAM, TRA and TPB), the study identifies five determinants of technology acceptance of users in their intention to use this application in Vietnam’s Social Insurance, including Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Subjective norm, Perceived behavioral control, and Attitude towards usage. Data for the study were collected through a survey in three big Vietnamese cities: Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Da Nang. Research results show that users' technology acceptance intention in social insurance in Vietnam is positively influenced by all five factors. From the analysis results, the study proposes recommendations related to improving the performance of the application, propagandizing the high applicability of VssID to the public. Policies and guidelines for the government to promote user's habit of using the application are also recommended. Keywords: Social insurance, intention to use, technology acceptance, VssID DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-6-02 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Numerical and experimental studies for crack detection of a beam-like structure using element stiffness index distribution method

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    In this paper, numerical and experimental studies for crack detection of structures using "element stiffness index distribution" are presented. The element stiffness index distribution is defined as a vector of norms of sub-matrices corresponding to element stiffness matrices calculated from the reconstructed global stiffness matrix of the beam. When there is a crack at an element, the element stiffness index of that element will be changed. By inspecting the change in the element stiffness index distribution, the crack can be detected. A significant peak in the element stiffness index distribution is the indicator of the crack existence. The crack location is determined by the location of the peak and the crack depth can be determined from the height of the peak. The global stiffness matrix is calculated from the measured frequency response functions instead of mode shapes to avoid limitations of the mode shape-based methods for crack detection. Numerical simulation results for the cases of beam-like structures are provided. The experiment is carried out to justify the efficiency of the proposed method