19 research outputs found

    Financial and industrial clustering in Russia: The China experience

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    © Olga Andreeva, Ksenia Terenteva, Leisan Khakimova, 2014. In terms of the Russia's WTO assertion development of agricultural sector became particularly important. The main aim of this paper is to prove that it is necessary to create agro-financial cluster, which will help to maintain competitiveness and sustainable development of the Russian agricultural sector. The impact of the financial-industrial regional cluster on the economic potential of agriculture sector is analyzed in this paper. Conclusions and theoretical contributions of the study are: 1) in order to maintain the competitiveness of the agricultural sector it is necessary to attract private investors to this sector; 2) the cluster form of management creates favorable conditions for the interaction of financial institutions and the agricultural producers; 3) it is necessary to create in Russia the regional agro-financial clusters

    The issues of the efficiency of the student’s contests activity and the estimation of the professional competences of the graduating students, taking in account the international practice

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    Колледжи и техникумы Свердловской области, готовящие кадры для высокотехнологичных отраслей промышленности, применяют различные технологии обучения, в том числе неформальное дополнительное образование, добиваясь значительных результатов, которые признаются работодателями.Colleges and technical schools of the Sverdlovsk region, preparing the specialists for the high-tech industries, use various leaning technologies which include non-formal additional education, achieving the significant results which are recognized by the employers

    The results of network interaction of Popov’s Ural radio technical college

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    На сегодняшний день сетевым взаимодействием охвачены образовательные организации различного уровня, производственные предприятия разных сфер деятельности. Эффект сетевого взаимодействия проявляется в реализации возможности обсуждения стратегии развития системы подготовки кадров для экономики Уральского региона.Nowadays the different kinds of educational institutions and industrial enterprises are covered by the networking interaction. The effect of the network interaction comes out in realization of opportunity to discuss the development strategy of the training system for the economics of the Ural region

    Some methodological aspects of conducting and evaluating adult health check-up: a systematic review of regulatory public health documentation in the Russian Federation

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    Background. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws define the main postulates of the methodology for preventive measures as a priority in the field of public health. Sectoral regulatory legal acts, namely, orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia present the methodology as a system of principles and methods for organizing preventive activities, including health check-ups of the adult population. The effectiveness of the largest preventive measure of the Russian health care system — health check-ups of certain groups of the adult population — depends on the quality and validity of the methodological provisions of the regulatory legal act.Objective. To assess the completeness and objectivity of methodological approaches to conducting and evaluating medical check-ups of certain groups of the adult population, reflected in regulatory legal acts.Methods. The research methodology involved a systematic review of the regulatory documentation of the Russian Federation in the field of health care from January 2012 to December 2022 to verify the basics of the methodology for conducting and evaluating preventive measures for certain groups of the adult population. The information was searched in the database of the ConsultantPlus legal reference system and on the official website of the Ministry of Health (Russian Federation), as well as in the electronic databases of the CyberLeninka and eLIBRARY.RU scientific electronic libraries. The study involved the methods of content analysis, analytical generalization, analogies, and formalization. Data analysis was focused on the organization of the health check-up of the adult population, the evaluation of its performance and effectiveness in accordance with regulatory legal acts, as well as the assessment of the quality of data obtained during the check-up.Results. A dynamic retrospective study of the regulatory framework, including the orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia, both those that have expired and those that are currently in force, identified methodological shortcomings in conducting and evaluating medical check-ups. The methodology for health check-ups of the adult population is reflected in regulatory acts. However, their number exceeds one or several documents, thereby creating a certain complexity in their interpretation and use in practice. The methodology for assessing and monitoring the implementation of health check-ups appears to be poorly defined, since it is based on a single indicator — coverage of the population with preventive check-ups and clinical examinations, thereby failing to reflect the real effect of the largest preventive measure of the state health care system. The issue requires new methodological approaches to conducting and evaluating health check-ups as a whole. The study and evaluation of check-up results is based on the statistical data analysis with imperfect methodology for collecting the data. This negatively affects the quality of statistical data, thereby leading to inadequate interpretation of the data and, as a result, to erroneous management decisions made at all levels of the executive branch.Conclusion. It is advisable to develop general methodology for conducting medical check-ups, and to consider the feasibility of creating an integral indicator for evaluating them. Specialists in the field of health care, as well as in related fields, should be involved for this purpose. A medical health officer should be assigned to coordinate the development of a methodology for organizing, conducting and evaluating health check-ups

    Networking as an Effective Tool For the Formation of Competencies Among College Students in the Context of Modernization of the Education System

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    Статья посвящена обобщению опыта сетевого взаимодействия между ГАПОУ СО УРТК им. А.С. Попова и филиалом Акционерного общества «Российский концерн по производству электрической и тепловой энергии на атомных станциях» «Белоярская атомная станция», а также Корпоративной Академией Росатом в целях подготовки обучающихся колледжа и специалистов в области радиоэлектроники.The article is devoted to the generalization of the experience of network interaction between the URTC A.S. Popova and the branch of the Company «Russian Concern for the Production of Electric and Thermal Energy at Nuclear Power Plants» «Beloyarskay Nuclear Power Plant», as well as the Rosatom Corporate Academy in order to train college students and specialists in the field of radio electronics

    The Experience of Providing Advanced Training of Specialists for High-Tech Sectors of the Economy Using the Method of Realizations of «Cross-Cutting” Tasks in Laboratory Works During the Mastering of the Professional Module "Settind and Regulation of Radio Engineering Systems, Devises and Units»

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    Статья посвящена обобщению опыта обеспечения опережающей подготовки специалистов для высокотехнологичных секторов экономики с использованием метода выполнения «сквозных» задач на лабораторных работах по профессиональному модулю «Настройка и регулировка радиотехнических систем, устройств и блоков» специальности 11.02.01 Радиоаппаратостроение в ГАПОУ СО «Уральский радиотехнический колледж им. А.С. Попова».The article is devoted to the summarizing of the experience of providing advanced training of specialists for high-tech sectors of the economy using the method of realization of «cross-cutting» tasks in laboratory work on the professional module «Setting and regulation of radio engineering systems, devices and units» for the specialty of «11.02.01 Radio engineering» in The Ural radio engineering college named after A.S. Popov

    Anomalies of the digestive system

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    Anomalies of the digestive system according to experts of the World Health Organization occupy one of the leading places, all this is due to the lifestyle of modern man (stress, irrational nutrition, inactivity, bad habits), environmental pollution, an increase in the diet of low-quality and genetically modified foods.Аномалии пищеварительной системы по данным экспертов Всемирной организации здравоохранения занимают одно из ведущих мест, все это обусловлено образом жизни современного человека (стресс, нерациональное питание, гиподинамия, вредные привычки) загрязнением окружающей среды, увеличение в рационе питания некачественных и генномодифицированных продуктов питани

    Financial and industrial clustering in Russia: The China experience

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    © Olga Andreeva, Ksenia Terenteva, Leisan Khakimova, 2014. In terms of the Russia's WTO assertion development of agricultural sector became particularly important. The main aim of this paper is to prove that it is necessary to create agro-financial cluster, which will help to maintain competitiveness and sustainable development of the Russian agricultural sector. The impact of the financial-industrial regional cluster on the economic potential of agriculture sector is analyzed in this paper. Conclusions and theoretical contributions of the study are: 1) in order to maintain the competitiveness of the agricultural sector it is necessary to attract private investors to this sector; 2) the cluster form of management creates favorable conditions for the interaction of financial institutions and the agricultural producers; 3) it is necessary to create in Russia the regional agro-financial clusters

    Financial and industrial clustering in Russia: The China experience

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    © Olga Andreeva, Ksenia Terenteva, Leisan Khakimova, 2014. In terms of the Russia's WTO assertion development of agricultural sector became particularly important. The main aim of this paper is to prove that it is necessary to create agro-financial cluster, which will help to maintain competitiveness and sustainable development of the Russian agricultural sector. The impact of the financial-industrial regional cluster on the economic potential of agriculture sector is analyzed in this paper. Conclusions and theoretical contributions of the study are: 1) in order to maintain the competitiveness of the agricultural sector it is necessary to attract private investors to this sector; 2) the cluster form of management creates favorable conditions for the interaction of financial institutions and the agricultural producers; 3) it is necessary to create in Russia the regional agro-financial clusters