11 research outputs found

    Implementasi Regulasi dan Desain Kontrak Rahn (Gadai Syariah) Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS): Tentiyo Suharto

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    Tentiyo Suharto Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal Email: [email protected],                                                                                                                                                 Abstract To meet the urgent needs of life which are growing rapidly nowadays, rahn (sharia pawn) is an important concept and is easy to use in various financial transactions. Rahn has a significant role in driving the economy and providing positive solutions for individuals and companies in meeting their financial needs. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method because the amount of data obtained from books and library data and the internet in the form of articles, journals, theses, theses, dissertations and other supporting scientific works is qualitative data. With the aim of implementing the operational concept and basic regulations of Rahn in Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia.             The implementation of rahn in its operations is where rahin as (the customer) comes to the murtahin (shariah pawnshop institution) and enters into a contract by handing over marhun (collateral/Borg) as debt/financing coverage) to obtain marhun bih (loan or financing). Sharia pawnshops have a strong legal basis in Islam and have been used since the time of the Prophet Muhammad and national law in Indonesia. The rahn concept is based on sharia principles which prohibit the elements of riba (interest or additions in any form), Gharar (unclear/fraud) and Maysir (uncertainty/gambling) and encourages fairness and sustainability in healthy financial transactions. This concept allows individuals or companies to obtain financing by using valuable items as collateral (Borg) such as gold, diamonds, pearls, jewelry, vehicles, or electronics. Meanwhile, contract designs in sharia pawnshops that can be used in developing their business are by using the Qard (Loan without Return), Ba'I Al-Murabaha (Buy and Sell), Mudharabah (Profit Sharing System) and Ijarah (Rent) contracts. Pegadaian is an alternative for people who need fast funds for urgent or emergency needs, such as health, education, business or consumption costs and others. Keywords: Sharia Financial Institutions, Regulation, Islamic Law, Rahn,Qard, Bai al-Murabaha, Mudharabah, Ijarah, Guarantee. &nbsp

    Regulasi Kewenangan Pengawasan Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS) Di Indonesia: Tentiyo Suharto, Abdul Saman Nst

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    Regulasi Kewenangan Pengawasan Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS) Di Indonesia  Tentiyo Suharto1, Abdul Saman Nasution2 Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal Email: [email protected], [email protected]   Abstrak Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS) memiliki kewajiban untuk mengembangkan sistem tata kelola yang dapat menjamin terlaksananya prinsip-prinsip syariah pada seluruh produk, instrumen, operasi, praktek, dan manajemen LKS. Sistem tata kelola ini dibutuhkan oleh LKS demi menumbuhkan kepercayaan dari para stakeholders dan publik secara umum bahwa seluruh praktek dan aktivitas yang dilakukan sudah sesuai dengan syariah. Sistem tata kelola ini juga diperlukan untuk menghindari terjadinya risiko syariah (shariah risk), yaitu suatu bentuk risiko yang muncul karena disebabkan adanya ketidakpatuhan terhadap prinsip-prinsip syariah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajian kepustakaan (library research), penelitian yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi berdasarkan pengamatan. Peneliti juga menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research) sebagai pendukung literature untuk mendapatkan data-data dan informasi secara relevan terhadap buku atau sumber lain yang berkaitan dengan Regulasi Kewenangan Pengawasan pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah.      Lembaga yang berwenang dalam pengawasan pada lembaga keuangan syariah di Indonesia adalah Dewan Syariah Nasional Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI) dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Dengan Regulasi Undang-undang No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah, Lalu kemudian pada Pasal 26 Undang-Undang No.21 Tahun 2008 juga menjadi bentuk legalisasi Fatwa DSN-MUI sebagai peraturan Perbankan Syariah. Selain Undang-undang yang mengatur tenang Perbankan Syariah, Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (KHES) juga menjadi materi penunjang yang dijadikan acuan dalam penyelesaian perkara-perkara ekonomi syariah yang semakin hari semakin bertambah seiring perkembangan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah. Adapun wewenang pengawasan pada lembaga keuangan syariah adalah DPS dengan Tugas dan wewenang mengawasi pelaksanaan keputusan DSN-MUI di lembaga keuangan syariah. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) yang mempunyai fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang pengaturan, pengawasan, pemeriksaan dan penyelidikan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 tersebut. Tugas pengawasan industri keuangan non-bank dan pasar modal secara resmi beralih dari Kementerian Keuangan dan Bapepam-LK ke OJK pada 31 Desember 2012.   Kata Kunci: Ekonomi Syariah, Wewenang, Pengawasan,Hukum, Fatwa, Lembaga Keuangan, DSN-MUI, OJK

    Vaksinasi Sebagai Penanggulangan Pandemi Covid-19 Perspektif Fiqh Islam

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    Indonesia is currently busy with various efforts in the prevention, treatment, and handling of the Covid-19 virus, one of the efforts made by the government is the covid-19 vaccination, the administration of this vaccine has reaped various responses, starting from receiving it totally, rejecting it. totally and accepting conditionally, the groups that refuse to be vaccinated have various backgrounds, ranging from reasons of health concerns to reasons of religion. This research is an analytic descriptive study using a normative juridical approach. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively with deductive and inductive thinking methods. In the end it can be concluded that the problem of Covid-19 vaccination, which is suspected to contain unclean elements, does not need to be questioned, as long as in medical tests it will not endanger human health or in maqashid language, as long as it reflects hifzh an-nafs or maintains the soul and hfzh an-nasl or maintain humans as a whole


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    Indonesian national  law derived  from western law, customary law and Islamic law. Given the efforts to  establish the  institution  of Islamic  law  in Indonesia experienced many  challenges and  Religious  Courts institutions is still lacking in authority. Prof. Dr. H. Busthanul Arifin, SH continue to think seriously to make Islamic law as an integral part of the national  legal system. In the end, he can implement his ideals. Based on the above background of this study  revealed three  issues,  namely  First, Is Arifin Busthanul  contribute ideas  about  the institutionalization of Islamic  law in the  national  legal system.  Second, Is Arifin Busthanul  thinking  about  the authority of the Religious Courts in the national  legal system.  Third, How implications Arifin Busthanul  thinking on the institutionalization of Islamic law and  the authority  of the Religious Courts in the national  legal system to the development of Islamic law in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was  that Muslims know  the figures that played  a major  role behind the  enactment of Law Number.  7 Year 1989 regarding the  enactment of the Religious and Islamic Law Compilation  (KHI).Theoretical  studies in this research is the theory of the formation of the institutionalization of Islamic law, the theory of the relation  between religion and state  law and political theory. This research is a research study of character with the historical approach, the approach of the Act, the conceptual approach, and the comparative approach and data analysis techniques using inductive method. The results  of this study explains  that Islamic  law referred to and  determined by the legislation  can  apply directly without  going through  traditional  law,  the  Republic  of Indonesia (the  Government) can  set  something of a problem in accordance with Islamic  law, all the  settings  that apply only to the  followers  of Islam and  results Busthanul  Arifin contribute ideas  about  the  institutionalization of Islamic  law  are:  1. draft  Law on  Religious Courts, 2. draft Compilation  of Islamic  Law. Privileges Religious Courts under  Act Number.  3 2006 was  in the field of civil law include:  marriage, inheritance wills, grants,  endowments, alms,  charity, donation and  sharia economy. Implications of thought  Busthanul  Arifin against  the  Islamic  law in Indonesia is the  emergence  of legislation  that comes from Islamic  law, for example the  Law on Hajj, Zakat, Infak, Endowments, Economic Regulation  Based Regional Shari’ah and religion


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    Education is an effort to create quality human beings and shape human character itself. This is what makes humans cannot be separated from education and makes education a necessity for all time. Education itself has a system that consists of input, process and output. The output of education is to create quality human beings, this can be measured by good learning achievement. Learning achievement is the maximum benchmark that has been achieved by students after conducting lecture activities for a predetermined time including the value of good student attitudes. Classdojo is a free internet-based application that provides many features and facilitates its users to find out student activities or the development of student attitudes in real time. The background of the problem in this research is how is the implementation of the Classdojo application in calculating student behavior? How is the change in student attitudes in implementing the Classdojo application? The theoretical studies in this research are Learning and Learning Media Development, Classdojo-Based Learning Media Development, Educational Technology Concepts, Assessment Theory, Attitude Change Theory. While the Type of Research This type of research is a qualitative research by conducting case studies to several State Universities in North Sumatra, including the State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Padangsidimpuan State Islamic Institute and the University of North Sumatra. This research is one of the most effective ways to develop and even advance an application system for assessing student attitudes.The results of the research from the analysis above, Attitudes in general are feelings, thoughts, and tendencies of a person who are more or less permanent in recognizing certain aspects in their environment. The components of attitude are knowledge. feelings, and tendencies to act. The response in question can be in the form of actions or actions that can be observed and can be in the form of intentions or intentions to perform certain actions in relation to the object of attitude. The application of the clasdojo application to the assessment of student attitudes both cognitively, affectively and conatively is very beneficial and the changes experienced by students, especially in the application of positive attitudes

    TENTIYO SUHARTO Konsep Uang dan Kebijakan Moneter dalam Perpsektif Pemikiran Ibn Taimiyah dan John Maynard Keynes: Konsep Uang dan Kebijakan Moneter dalam Perpsektif Pemikiran Ibn Taimiyah dan John Maynard Keynes

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    AbstrakIndonesia memiliki beberapa pemikir yang ikut berperan serta dalammemajukan negara Indonesia. Para pemikir tersebut merupakan ahli diberbagai bidang. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan pendudukIslam terbesar didunia dan semua permasalahan ekonomi mau tidak maumembuat para tokoh ekonomi Indonesia turut campur, paling tidak sebagaiseorang pendidik yang mengajarkan ilmu-ilmu ekonomi pada generasi mudadalam perkembangan ekonomi di Indonesia sejak kemerdekaan Indonesiasampai sekarang.Metode penelitian merupakan sesuatu yang mesti ada dalam sebuahkarya ilmiah. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan objek penelitiansecara terstruktur serta untuk mendapatkan informasi secara benar dandapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalahpenelitian Studi Tokoh (penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajiankepustakaan (library research), yaitu mengkaji sumber-sumber tertulis dariberbagai rujukan pustaka dari karya tokoh tersebut, yang dilakukan dengancara mengumpulkan data, kemudian menelaah dan menganalisis data yangdiperoleh dari berbagai sumber tertulis.Adapun Pemikiran Ibn Taimiyah dan John Maynard Keynes tentang Uangdan Kebijakan Moneter adalah bertujuan untuk mencapai kesejahteraanekonomi bagi seluruh rakyat. Selanjutnya pada pos pengeluaran ataubelanja negara persamaannya adalah dalam hal penggunaan anggarannegara untuk menggaji para aparatur negara, membiayai pertahanan dankeamanan negara, untuk pembangunan fasilitas publik seperti jalan raya,jembatan, pelabuhan, dan pasar, serta pembangunan fasilitas pendidikandan kesehatan. Dari sisi sumber penerimaan negara terdapat persamaanpendapatan dari komponen bea cukai kegiatan ekspor-impor serta pajak.Berkaitan dengan intervensi atau peran negara dalam kebijakan keuanganpublik sama-sama berupaya untuk mengatasi pengangguran dan mengentaskan masyarakat. kemiskinan yang berdampak pada disposable income Kata Kunci: Ekonomi Islam, Syariah, Pemikiran, Kontribusi, Legal,Riba, Undang-Undang, Bunga Bank, Tokoh, Stabilitas,Bisni


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    Abstract History of the formation of Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning the Religious Courts is a long struggle by Muslim leaders and experts in Islamic law in Indonesia, one of whom is Prof. Dr. H. Busthanul Arifin, S.H continues to think seriously about making Islamic law an integral part of the national legal system. According to Prof. Dr. H. Busthanul Arifin, S.H. The Indonesian nation is said to be a country with a majority Muslim population, but the community has not been able to freely implement Islamic syari'at values ​​in public relations so that it can be said that Islamic syari'at values ​​are very difficult to convey. This type of research is library research (Library Research) and this research is a character study research with inductive descriptive analysis. According to Busthanul Arifin the authority and power of the Religious Courts by referring to the explanation of article 49 of Law Number 50 of 2009 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1989 and Amendments to Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Religious Courts are Marriage, Inheritance, Will, Grants, Endowments, Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah and Syari'ah Economics. With the Constitutional Court's decision, there will be no more dualism in the settlement of Islamic Banking disputes. This is in line with Law Number 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking. The Religious Courts are the only courts authorized to resolve sharia banking disputes.  Keywords: Law, Religious Courts, Islamic Law, Figure, Busthanul Arifin, National Law, Sharia, Disputes, Constitutional Court, Sharia Banking, Sharia Economic

    Green Finance: Analisis Implementasi Green Finance pada Perbankan Syariah Dalam Mewujudkan Suistainable Finance di Indonesia

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    Analisis Implementasi Green Finance pada Perbankan Syariah Dalam Mewujudkan Suistainable Finance di Indonesia   Tentiyo Suharto Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal Email: [email protected]                                                                                     Abstract The concept of green finance, which basically encourages every economic activity to minimize its impact on the environment, has also been adopted by the banking world. One of them is through the concept of green banking or green bank. This greening movement in the realm of banking is known as  green banking. Green banking is not only concerned with the world of  financing, but also other programs that are environmentally sound. cause or result in environmental pollution or damage. This type of research is a qualitative research with a library research approach, research conducted by collecting information based on observations. Researchers also use library research as supporting literature to obtain data and information relevant to books or other sources related to Green Finance and Sustainable Finance. There are three main roles in this “green finance” system, namely: Greening the banking system, Greening, bond markets, Greening institutional investors. With the enactment of the sharia banking law and as a result of the implementation of prudent banking principles and the issue of bank soundness, the sharia banking sector will certainly be very good to environmental issues. Developing Islamic banking in its foundation is carried out on the basis of goodness in muamalah and support from various elements, both the role of the community, entrepreneurs and banks in developing the concept of sustainable green economic development for a better life. The components to achieve Sustainability are: Bank Customer Segment, Value Proposition, Network, Relationship to customers, Revenue or profit sharing, Human Resources, Activities, Partners, Cost Structure.  Keywords: Implementation, Green Finance, Sustainable Finance,  Banking  Sharia, OJK, Sharia Economics, Financing, Environment, Green Bankin

    TENTIYO SUHARTO Konsep Syirkah (Musyarakah) Dalam Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Telaah Al-Qur’an Surah Shaad Ayat 24 Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah

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    Abstract Syirkah, also known as musharaka, is a business partnership that is jointly owned by two or more people. Types of Syirkah, Syirkah al 'Inan. Syirkah al Mufawadlah, Syirkah al A'maal. Based on the understanding of the interpretation of al-syirkah according to Ibn Kathir, it can be concluded that it is a transaction between two or more people. This transaction includes the collection of capital and the use of capital. Profits and losses are shared according to the agreement. However, capital is not always in the form of money but can take other forms. By ijma, the scholars agree that the law of shirkah is permissible. Based on the hadith that Allah's recommendation is to cooperate without betrayal and Allah's threat to those who enter into an alliance in which there is betrayal between the two parties. Sharia Financial Institutions in taking advantage of developing the principle of profit sharing. One of them is using the principle of syirkah. Syirkah is a cooperation contract between two or more parties for a particular business in which each party contributes (charity and expertise) with an agreement that the profits and risks will be shared according to the agreement. In the practice of sharia banking, this syirkah principle has become the prima donna, in terms of financing.  Keywords: Shirkah. Musyarakah, Tafsir, Capital, Transactions, Hadith, Sharia, Law, Cooperation, Economics, Contributions, Trade, Transactions, Loss

    Vaksinasi sebagai Penanggulangan Pandemi Covid-19 Perspektif Fiqh Islam

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    Indonesia is currently busy with various efforts in the prevention, treatment, and handling of the Covid-19 virus, one of the efforts made by the government is the covid-19 vaccination, the administration of this vaccine has reaped various responses, starting from receiving it totally, rejecting it. totally and accepting conditionally, the groups that refuse to be vaccinated have various backgrounds, ranging from reasons of health concerns to reasons of religion. This research is an analytic descriptive study using a normative juridical approach. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively with deductive and inductive thinking methods. In the end it can be concluded that the problem of Covid-19 vaccination, which is suspected to contain unclean elements, does not need to be questioned, as long as in medical tests it will not endanger human health or in maqashid language, as long as it reflects hifzh an-nafs or maintains the soul and hfzh an-nasl or maintain humans as a whole