56 research outputs found

    Examining intercultural differences in close friendship maintenance on Facebook: a relational dialectics perspective

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    Close friendship is a crucial and distinctive interpersonal tie that can survive a lifetime. Maintaining such friendships at a satisfactory level, even with the aid of social networking websites (SNS) such as Facebook, can be a challenging process. Previous research has shown that relationship satisfaction among close friends depends both upon relationship maintenance strategies (e.g., positivity, openness, supportiveness) and the management of dialectical contradictions (e.g., openness-closeness and autonomy-connection). Furthermore, cultural differences may also dictate how individuals choose to maintain close friendships online. Therefore, guided by the relational dialectic perspective, a key objective of this research was to determine whether the role of Facebook in friendship maintenance differs significantly across two cultures: the U.S. and Malaysia. All participants completed an online survey in which they were asked to think of a close friend with whom they communicated both face-to-face and on Facebook. Among others, findings showed that Malaysian respondents perceived their close friends as using certain maintenance strategies (i.e., positivity, interaction planning, openness, social information seeking, and avoidance) significantly more often than did Americans. Culture also influenced how relational dialectics moderate the relationship between maintenance strategies and relationship satisfaction among close friends. The implications of the findings for the role of Facebook in close friendship maintenance across culture, and the relational dialectics theory will be discussed

    Acceptance and Usage of Webcasting Among Users of Selected Cyber Cafés in Klang Valley, Malaysia

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    The Internet is the world’s largest interconnected network. With broadband Internet connection, the transfer of text, audio and video was made possible through the streaming technology. This resulted in the birth of webcasting technology in 1995. However, even though the technology has been available for more than ten years, there is a lack of information and research conducted on the technology, particularly on who are the early adopters, and what would be the most viable content for adoption. Hence, the aim of this study is to understand the usage of webcasting among users of webcasting. This study also aims for looking at the acceptance of webcasting from the perspective of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and to analyze the relationship between perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) with the behavioral intention (BI) to use webcasting among non-users of the technology.This study used the survey design and structured questionnaire as a means to gather data. A total of 221 respondents from a total of 15 cyber cafés in selected areas of the Klang Valley participated in this study. The respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 12). The statistical analysis used in the study consisted of descriptive analysis, Pearson’s correlations and the multiple regression. The results revealed the profile of webcasting users as male, young, students, educated with at least a diploma qualification but having no working experience. The most frequently used webcasting technology among webcasting users is the Internet radio. Since the technology is fairly new, the level of knowledge and skills in using the technology was moderate. The Internet is the most preferable source in becoming more aware of the technology. There is also acceptance of the technology among non-users of webcasting; perceived ease of use and usefulness was found to have a significant relationship with behavioral intention. The study partly validated and strengthened the basic TAM theory; non-users had more intention to use the webcasting technology if the perceptions towards the technology were positive. Finally, the study also proved that even though the usage of webcasting is still relatively low, the future of webcasting as an alternative media proves to be encouraging due to the acceptance of webcasting among non-users of the technology

    Examining intercultural differences in close friendship maintenance on Facebook: a relational dialectics perspective

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    Close friendship is a crucial and distinctive interpersonal tie that can survive a lifetime. Maintaining such friendships at a satisfactory level, even with the aid of social networking websites (SNS) such as Facebook, can be a challenging process. Previous research has shown that relationship satisfaction among close friends depends both upon relationship maintenance strategies (e.g., positivity, openness, supportiveness) and the management of dialectical contradictions (e.g., openness-closeness and autonomy-connection). Furthermore, cultural differences may also dictate how individuals choose to maintain close friendships online. Therefore, guided by the relational dialectic perspective, a key objective of this research was to determine whether the role of Facebook in friendship maintenance differs significantly across two cultures: the U.S. and Malaysia. All participants completed an online survey in which they were asked to think of a close friend with whom they communicated both face-to-face and on Facebook. Among others, findings showed that Malaysian respondents perceived their close friends as using certain maintenance strategies (i.e., positivity, interaction planning, openness, social information seeking, and avoidance) significantly more often than did Americans. Culture also influenced how relational dialectics moderate the relationship between maintenance strategies and relationship satisfaction among close friends. The implications of the findings for the role of Facebook in close friendship maintenance across culture, and the relational dialectics theory will be discussed

    Celebrity-fan engagement on Instagram and its influence on the perception of hijab culture among Muslim women in Malaysia

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    Celebrities who use Instagram can influence their female followers in many ways, for instance, in influencing their perceptions on body image, adoption of healthy eating lifestyles, and persuading them to purchase products or services endorsed by these celebrities. Accordingly, this study aims to examine the influence of celebrity-fan engagement on Instagram on hijab culture among Muslim women in Malaysia. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among female university students from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (N = 630). In order to participate in the study, respondents completed an online survey and are instructed to think about a favourite female Muslim celebrity they follow on Instagram while completing the research instrument. Results indicate that almost one-third of the most popular Muslim celebrities among females Instagram users are non-traditional celebrities (i.e. bloggers/vloggers, YouTube personalities and social media influencers). Furthermore, attitude homophily and parasocial interaction with said celebrity may significantly influence the likelihood that the celebrity’s profile will be visited, and the number of likes on their photos. Finally, after controlling for the respondents’ religious educational background, this study found that those who had positive attitude and behaviour towards the hijab, and perceived a higher degree of parasocial bond with Muslim celebrities on Instagram tended to have a more positive perception towards the hijab culture. The repercussions of these findings on the parasocial interaction theory, and the influence of celebrity-fan engagement on social media over hijab culture are discussed

    Mixed method in political communication research: the study of media usage & voting behavior as a case analysis

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    The study of political communication has expanded in recent decades, concurrent with the emphasis on examining the state of the field, but neglecting the examination on the research methodology employed in the field. While previous work in this area has mainly utilised a particular single methodology of either a quantitative or a qualitative approach, this paper discusses the application of mixed methods in political communication, by reviewing an example from the authors’ empirical study conducted on media usage and voting behaviour among youth in Malaysia. This paper discusses the advantages of using the mixed methods approach in political communication research, processes as well as challenges related to mixed method in relation to media and voting behaviour study. Implications of mixed method in political communication research are also discussed

    Religiosity and its impact on Twitter use and viewing of Islamic reality television shows among university students in Malaysia

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    Islamic reality shows presents an alternative brand of entertainment for the Malaysian Muslim community. This television genre can also be perceived as an innovative form of da’wah. Through watching these shows, television viewers interested in faith-based content can increase their religious knowledge, educate themselves on the Islamic beliefs and practices, and identify with suitable Muslim role models featured on these shows. Thus, a major focus of this study is to examine use of social media and television viewing related to Islamic reality shows among Malaysian undergraduate students. The uses and gratification approach postulates that individual differences, such as viewer religiosity may influence media selection and use. Therefore, we propose that those who perceive religion more positively would be more interested in da’wah content, and would therefore be more likely to use Twitter to follow accounts related to the show. A cross-sectional survey is carried out among undergraduate students enrolled in introductory Islamic revealed knowledge and human sciences courses from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (N = 321). Among others, findings indicate that religious individuals are more likely to follow the Twitter account of their favorite Islamic reality show. Also, while viewer religiosity initially influenced frequency of viewing Islamic reality shows, those who tweeted frequently about the show is also more likely to view Islamic reality shows frequently. Finally, those who gratified their relaxation needs by following their favorite Islamic reality show personality on Twitter is more likely to view the show frequently. The repercussions of these findings on the role of religiosity and its effects on social media use and television viewing, based on the uses and gratification perspective is discussed in the paper

    Religiosity and Time Displacement: An Examination of the Effect of Social Media and Education Background on Islamic University Students’ Religiosity

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    This study explores the influence of increased social media activity on changes in conventional communication and time allocation. The excessive use of social media and its susceptibility to changes in religiosity are examined. At International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), students actively utilize social media as a means of communication and information gathering. This research aims to examine how social media usage duration and educational background among students contribute to the enhancement of religiosity. The research hypothesis is supported through statistical analysis in a quantitative approach, employing a cross-sectional online survey involving 321 IIUM students. The findings indicate a positive correlation between social media usage and Islamic religiosity among IIUM students. Consequently, these students are more inclined to access positive rather than negative content on social media. Significantly, the study found that IIUM students have a higher Islamic religiosity. The impact of social media usage among IIUM students is predominantly positive rather than negative. Furthermore, the research paper addresses the discussions and limitations and provides suggestions for further research

    Netflix binge-watching, parasocial interaction, and loneliness among Malaysian university students during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Streaming service such as Netflix is becoming increasingly popular in Malaysia. Netflix offers a wide range of content that maybe of interest and binge-worthy to young adults, such as K-dramas, sitcoms, rom-coms, or reality television shows. Media theories such as uses and gratification (U & G) perspective predicts that heavy users will be more motivated to gratify various needs through frequent media consumption. Although there is an abundant number of research that has examined how the media audience assuage certain needs, such as loneliness and social interaction needs, through media content, research linking binge-watching behavior and relationships that the Netflix viewer forms with their favorite Netflix character is scarcer. Thus, this study seeks to examine how loneliness, parasocial interaction and motivation to binge-watch (MBW) influence binge-watching tendencies (BWT) among Malaysian university students during the COVID-19 lockdown. Restrictions on movements and being unable to leave the campus perhaps leaves no choice for many young adults but to fill their time by binge-watching Netflix to alleviate their boredom, reduce their loneliness, increase feelings of enjoyment, or to relieve stress brought about by the pandemic. Another focus on this research is to examine how relationships formed with media characters mediated the relationship between loneliness and BWT. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among IIUM students in October 2021 (N = 284). Findings revealed that on average, IIUM students preferred to binge-watch Western and Korean TV series alone, at least 3-4 times a week, with most using their own or family account to binge-watch. Also, consistent with the U & G perspective, certain MBW (I.e. enjoyment, stress relief, escape, and boredom) were able to predict frequency of Netflix binge-watching tendencies (BWT). Parasocial interaction mediated the relationship between loneliness and BWT. The implications of these findings on the U & G perspective, as well as how binge-watching behaviour, as a newer and recently popular form of media engagement will be discussed

    Acceptance and usage of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafes in Klang Valley

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    The Malaysian public now has access to the Internet not only at home and the workplace, but also at cyber cafés. This study aims to examine the level of acceptance of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. The specific objectives of the study are: to determine the profile of webcasting users and its usage; to determine the types of webcasting technology most frequently used, level of knowledge of webcasting and the main source of knowledge in becoming aware of webcasting; to determine the acceptance of webcasting among non-users of webcasting; and to determine the relationship between behavioral intention to use and the actual usage of webcasting among users of webcasting. This study used the survey design, using purposive sampling to select the cyber cafés and visitors of these cafés. The findings indicate that usage of webcasting is still relatively low among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. Users of webcasting were found to be mostly male, young and relatively well educated with at least a diploma as the highest level of education obtained

    Celebrity-fan engagement on instagram and its influence on the perception of hijab culture among Muslim women in Malaysia

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    Celebrities who use Instagram can influence their female followers in many ways, for instance, in influencing their perceptions on body image, adoption of healthy eating lifestyles, and persuading them to purchase products or services endorsed by these celebrities. Accordingly, this study aims to examine the influence of celebrity-fan engagement on Instagram on hijab culture among Muslim women in Malaysia. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among female university students from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (N = 630). In order to participate in the study, respondents completed an online survey and are instructed to think about a favourite female Muslim celebrity they follow on Instagram while completing the research instrument. Results indicate that almost one-third of the most popular Muslim celebrities among females Instagram users are non-traditional celebrities (i.e. bloggers/vloggers, YouTube personalities and social media influencers). Furthermore, attitude homophily and parasocial interaction with said celebrity may significantly influence the likelihood that the celebrity’s profile will be visited, and the number of likes on their photos. Finally, after controlling for the respondents’ religious educational background, this study found that those who had positive attitude and behaviour towards the hijab, and perceived a higher degree of parasocial bond with Muslim celebrities on Instagram tended to have a more positive perception towards the hijab culture. The repercussions of these findings on the parasocial interaction theory, and the influence of celebrity-fan engagement on social media over hijab culture are discussed