161 research outputs found

    Flutuação populacional de espécies de Anastrepha Schiner (Diptera: Tephritidae) na Região de Manaus, AM

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    The population fluctuation of Anastrepha Schiner (Diptera: Tephritidae) species captured in McPhail traps was examined. Specimens of Anastrepha were collected weekly over a period of 80 weeks, from May 1996 to December 1997. The traps were baited with sugarcane syrup (10%) and distributed in two localities along the BR 174 highway: km 23 and km 40, north of Manaus, AM, Brazil. Thirteen species were collected: A. striata Schiner, A. obliqua (Macquart), A. leptozona Hendel, A. serpentina (Wied), A. distincta Greene, A. bahiensis Lima, A. antunesi Lima, A. coronilli Carejo e Gonzalez, A. furcata Lima, A. atrigona Hendel, A. flavipennis Greene, A. zernyi Lima and Anastrepha sp. 2 (not identified). The decisive factor governing the occurrence and population fluctuation of fruit flies was found to be the presence of fruit hosts rather than the abiotic factors. There was low correlation (r = 0.074, P > 0.05) between the number of fly/trap/day (FTD) and the precipitation. The time of highest precipitation coincided with the peak period of fructification. Unmeasured factors, such as alternative hosts, natural enemies and host succession probably influence the population of flies. For our knowledge, this is the first record of A. zernyi in Northern of Brazil

    Comportamento de estridulação em Heilipus odoratus Vanin & Gaiger (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae)

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    Heilipus odoratus Vanin & Gaiger, 2005 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae) is considered the main plague of rosewood fruit. Being recently described, the biological aspects of this species are not very well known. This study aimed at contributing for the knowledge of this species' behavior and providing a method for sexing adults based on stridulation. Individuals were divided into two groups: stridulating and non-stridulating. After dissection, stridulation was associated with the sex of each individual. Most males (92.2 %, N= 115) emitted sound by stridulation due to the presence of stridulatory organs on the posterior internal surface of their elytra and penultimate tergite, while none of the females (N=92) have such organs. This result is the first report of stridulatory activity in H. odoratus

    Host plant of anastrepha pulchra (Diptera: Tephritidae) in central amazon, brazilmistaken identity resolved

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    Pouteria oblanceolata, the true natural host of Anastrepha pulchra, is reported in the state of Amazon, Brazil. Parasitoids attacking A. pulchra are also reported. Comments on a previous erroneous identification of the host plant of A. pulchra are also included. Copyright © 2011 BioOne All rights reserved

    Flutuação populacional de Willistoniella Mik e Ropalomera Wiedemann (Diptera: Ropalomeridae) na Amazônia Central

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    The populational fluctuation of flies of the genera Willistoniella Mik and Ropalomera Wiedemann (Diptera: Ropalomeridae) was studied using McPhail traps, with molasses (10%) as attractive bait, in two places in a mixed orchard of the families Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae, Anacardiaceae, Apocinaceae and Gutiferae, during 13 months (december of 1996 to december of 1997) in the Central Amazonia, Brazil. The total of 1,148 Willistoniella flies and 99 Ropalomera flies were captured. The abundance observed in the genera was larger during the dry months, however there was no correlation between flies caught in the traps and the rainfall in the two places

    Entomologia na Amazônia brasileira

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    A obra faz uma abordagem ampla sobre os estudos dos insetos sociais, e também os diferentes tópicos dos reguladores de crescimento para o controle de mosquitos vetores e a diversidade de flebotomíneos, e a domiciliação e a urbanização da leishmaniose no estado do Amazonas

    Entomologia na Amazônia brasileira Volume 2

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    Em sua segunda edição, a obra trata de alguns grupos de insetos classificados no grupo dos nocivos e no grupo dos benéficos. No primeiro grupo incrementa o conhecimento dos mosquitos hematófagos que causam problemas significativos na área de saúde pública, especialmente ao transmitir agentes patogênicos, que causam doenças como dengue, malária (os culicídeos) e Leishmaniose (os flebotomíneos). No segundo grupo incrementa o conhecimento das vespas ou cabas, das abelhas e das moscas varejeiras. A obra com uma linguagem simples e ilustrada, permitindo atingir um público amplo, abordando assuntos originais e inéditos com temas livres, tanto num grupo quanto noutro, com o objetivo de divulgar as dissertações, teses e trabalhos de professores, que muitas vezes são restritos a poucos, assim ganhando uma merecida divulgação

    Occurrence and damage of Hybolabus amazonicus Voss and Hybolabus columbinus (Erickson) (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) on Brazil nut, in the Amazon Region

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    The occurrence of Hybolabus amazonicus Voss and Hybolabus columbinus (Erickson) damaging leaves of the Brazil nut (Bertholietia excelsa, Lecythidaceae) is reported. Adults fed on the surface of the leaves causing damage, and females cut and rolled the young leaves for nest construction. Injuries were more visible in young plants than in old ones

    carapa guianensis aubl. and Carapa procera DC. (meliaceae)] by insects in Amazon

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    The objectives of this study were to identify the insects associated to seed predation of Carapa guianensis and Carapa procera, to evaluate the seeds damage potential of these insects and the occurrence of vertical stratification in the predation of Carapa seeds. The study was carried out in C. guianensis and C. procera plantations at Reserva Florestal Ducke, Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. The seed samples from the ground were taken weekly, and the canopy samples were taken monthly from three different heights. To evaluate the effect of predation on germination, 30 non-predated seeds and 30 predated seeds were collected monthly from the ground at each plot, and the germination was monitored during a month. The results showed that Hypsipyla grandella and H. ferrealis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) are the main insect species associated to seed predation in C. procera and C. guianensis, with predation mean rates of 39% to 61,96%, respectively. Fruit and seed predation were observed inside the canopy vertical stratification of the two Carapa species. The seed predation in C. procera and C. guianensis by Hypsipyla spp. reduced the germination process. This study produced information on the association between C. procera and C. guianensis and the species of Hypsipyla