178 research outputs found


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    Proses pembakaran membutuhkan sejumlah udara berlebih (excess air). Excess air digunakan untuk menjamin pembakaran berlangsung dengan baik.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh excess air terhadap kerugian flue gas dan pengaruhnya terhadap kuantitas produk flue gas berupa CO, CO2, SOx dan NOx di unit 2 PLTU Tanjung jati B.  Parameter yang digunakan untuk menghitung nilai excess air adalah O2 content. Metode perhitungan yang digunakan adalah metode ASME PTC 4.1 dan ASME PTC19.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai excess air terendah 15,395 % memiliki nilai kerugian dry flue gas sebesar 4,492 % dan nilai efisiensi sebesar 89,824 %. Sementara itu, nilai excess air tertinggi 23,207 % memiliki nilai kerugian flue gas sebesar 5,573% dan efisiensi sebesar 88,076 %.Pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari pasokan excess air terhadap kuantitas produk flue gas berupa CO dan CO2,memiliki tren penurunan terhadap penambahan excess air, tetapi bernilai sebanding terhadap produk flue gas SOx dan NOx.  Kata kunci :excess air,kerugian flue gas, kuantitas produk flue gas, efisiens


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    Abstrak – Pengetahuan dasar tentang pengenalan Tuhan sangat penting dalam pertumbuhan anak-anak yang beragama Kristen, karena firman Tuhan menjadi kebutuhan pokok bagi mereka. Kegiatan Sekolah Minggu telah disediakan untuk memfasilitasi pengetahuan anak-anak tentang pengenalan Tuhan. Namun, dalam proses pembelajaran, seringkali terdapat kendala seperti kurangnya media peraga dan kurangnya variasi kegiatan, yang dapat menghambat minat anak-anak dalam Sekolah Minggu. Game edukasi merupakan salah satu bentuk media digital yang dapat membantu kegiatan Sekolah Minggu dalam proses belajar dan mengajar. Game ini dapat menarik perhatian anak-anak dengan menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi game edukasi yang dapat memudahkan pengajar Sekolah Minggu dalam menyampaikan materi dengan baik, serta membantu pengajar untuk mengevaluasi pemahaman anak-anak tentang materi yang telah disampaikan. Aplikasi game ini dirancang dan dikembangkan menggunakan Adobe Animate dengan Action Script 3.0 dan metode prototyping. Hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi game Sekolah Minggu berbasis Android yang diberi judul "Sunday Fun-Day", yang dapat membantu pengajar Sekolah Minggu dalam memberikan gambaran langsung tentang materi yang disampaikan

    25 Model Analisis Statistik dengan SPSS 17

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    Program apliksi untuk analisis Statistik SPSS terus berkembang memperbarui dirinya. SPSS versi terbaru saat ini adalah SPSS 17. SPSS versi ini memiliki berbagai kelebihan dibandingkan dengan versi-versi sebelumnya,diantaranya peningkatan kemampuan user interface, peningkatan manajemen data output, serta peningkatan statistical dan programabilitas yang bermanfaat untuk penggunanya. Focus pembahasan buku ini adalah studi kasus 25 model analisis statistic. Kenapa studi kasus? Studi kasus merupakan model pembelajaran “learning by doing” yang disusun secara sistematis dan praktis sehingga diharapakan dapat mempermudah pembaca memahami dan menguasai teknik-teknik analisis statistic sampai pada contoh-contoh penerapannya. Buku ini cocok digunakan pelajar, mahasiswa, bahkan juga oleh pengajar yang sedang memperdalam teknik pengolahan data statstik dengan mudah. Juga cocok digunakan oleh praktisi atauumumnya yang sedang melakukan penelitian yang berhubungan dengan pengolahan data statistic. Pembahasan dalam buku mencakup: - Model analisis dengan prosedur frekuensi, deskriptif, crosstabs, explore dan ratio. - Model analisis dengan prosedur means, one-sample T Test, Paired Sample T Test, Independt-Sample T Test One Way Anova. - Model analisis korelasi Bivariat, korelasi partial, regresi linear, curve estimation, dan chi-square. - Model analisis dengan prosedur binominal, runsm one sample kolmogorov smirnov, two independent sample test. - Model analisis dengan prosedur two-related sample test, K-ealated sample test, cluster analysis, uji validitas dan uji reliabilia

    Effect of Superblock Supplementation to Native Grass Based Diet on Rumen Fermentation In Vitro

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    Superblock is the new generation of feed supplement which formulated from rice bran, molasses, soybean meal, urea, salt, and lacta-mineral. In vitro experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of Superblock, supplemented in native grass based diet. Treatments evaluated were: C (60% native grass + 40% rice bran ) and S (C + Superblock). Experimental design of this study was completely randomized design with two treatments and six replication. Gas production measurements were performed at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, and 48 h. Methane and carbondioxide concentration were measured after 48 h incubation. In vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), energy metabolism (EM) and total volatile fatty acids (TVFA) were calculated from the total gas production after 24 h incubation. Superblock supplementation in native grass based diet could increase optimum total gas production (13.37%), IVOMD (8.45%), EM (7.28%), TVFA (10.41%) and methane production (4.67%). It was concluded that Superblock supplementation to native grass basal diet increased total gas production, IVOMD, EM and TVFA production. However, methane production also increased which is unwilling result therefore more appropiate strategy is needed to overcome this problem

    Controlling Synthesis of Polymer-Derived Carbon Molecular Sieve and Its Performance for CO2/CH4 Separation

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    Due to its specific micropore structure, carbon molecular sieve (CMS) can provide more selective properties than conventional activated carbon in adsorbing molecule from a gaseous mixture. In this research, preparation of CMS for CO2/CH4 separation has been developed by pyrolysis of specially synthesized polymeric resins as the precursor. This research was particularly focused on the development of precursor for the control of carbon microporosity to enhance the sieving properties. Precursor was synthesized through polymerization reaction of phenol with formaldehyde and p-tert-butyl phenol using acid catalyst in a batch reactor. Pyrolysis of the polymeric precursors was carried out in a retort at 450 - 850°C in flowing N2 inert gas at flow rate of 100 mL/h for 1.5 hours. The resulting micropore size and surface area of the carbon were characterized using N2-sorption analysis, whereas the carbon surface morphologies were observed using SEM. The carbons were further characterized for their uptake capacity and kinetic selectivity toward CO2 and CH4 gases. The results show that the porous carbon has suitable characteristic as sieving material for CO2/CH4 separation. In this work, CMS with kinetic selectivity (DCO2/DCH4) as high as 8, was produced

    Low Irradiation Dose for Sorghum Seed Sterilization: Hydroponic Fodder System and In Vitro Study

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    The purpose of this study was to to evaluate the influence of low gamma irradiation dose on growth performance, in vitro gas production and rumen fermentation product of sorghum hydroponic fodder (SHF) to utilize them in ruminant diets. Three polyethylene packages of Samurai 2 sorghum seeds were exposed at 25oC gamma irradiation in gamma cell (Co-60) at doses of 100, 200 and 300 Gy in the presence of air. Samples were then referigated (< 5oC) before planting. All seeds were planted in nutrient film technique hydroponic system. This study used Completely Randomized Design with four replications The observed parameters were total fresh yield, plant height and coversion ratio from seeds to SHF. In vitro gas test evaluation was done to compare all treatments with sorghum straw. The observed parameters were total gas production, kinetics gas, CH4 concentration, CO2 concentration and rumen fermentation products. Results showed that lower irradiation dose for seeds sterilization decreased plant height and total fresh yield on SHF production. In vitro total gas production of all SHF treatment was higher (p<0.05) than sorghum straw (control) at 2-48 h time of incubation. Gamma irradiation dose of 200 and 300 Gy on SHF seeds sterilization decreased (p<0.05) in vitro CH4 concentration for 19.51 and 15.43% respectively compared to SHF control (hypochlorite sterilization). In the same dose, seeds sterilization with gamma irradiation increased (p<0.05) CO2:CH4 ratio by 23.46 and 20.73% respectively compared to SHF control. The treatment of 100 Gy gamma irradiation for seed sterilization also increased (p<0.05) TVFA by 30.63% compared to sorghum straw. It was concluded that lower irradiation dose for seeds sterilization decreased growth performance of SHF. However, 100 Gy gamma irradiation increased in vitro total gas production

    The Changes of Nutrient Composition and In Vitro Evaluation on Gamma Irradiated Sweet Sorghum Bagasse

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    In vitro rumen fermentation study was done to evaluate the effects of gamma irradiation on nutrient compound changes and rumen fermentation product of sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB). The level doses 0, 50, 100 and 150 kGy from cobalt-60 gamma rays irradiator was used to treate sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB). Variables measured were nutrient values, gas production, methane (CH4) production, total volatile fatty acid (TVFA), ammonia (NH3), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) after 72 h in-vitro incubation times. Complete randomized design (CRD) (four treatments and four replications) was used to analyze data. The results showed that gamma irradiation doses of 50, 100 and 150 kGy were able to reduce neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (2.15; 3.29 and 5.44% respectively) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) (3.29; 4.58 and 4.58% respectively) and significantly different (P<0.05). Gamma irradiation was capable to increas total volatile fatty acid (TVFA), IVDMD and IVOMD (P<0.05). Irradiation doses of 100 and 150 kGy also increased protozoa population and CH4 production significantly (P<0.05). Gamma irradiation improved in vitro rumen performance represented in rumen fermentation products. Keywords : Gamma irradiation, In vitro fermentation, Nutrient composition, Sweet sorghum bagass

    Website-Based Online Job Training Application Design Using the Unified Modeling Language

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    Community demographic data based on work shows that there is a lot of work done by the community. This proves that the community's potential in the aspect of community resources is very good, but in the data it can also be seen that some people do not have a job or what we usually call unemployed. Unemployment rates will increase if proper evaluation is not carried out and will have a negative impact on community resources that are already good. So that unexpected things do not happen, we should dig up community data and manage existing community resources so that we can reduce unemployment so that it has a positive impact on increasing people's income. The purpose of this research is to build a job training application that can be used to collect data on skills and improve the skills possessed by the community while at the same time knowing the concept of improving digital community resource management that can be done and provide analysis of the application of online information communication. Job training applications are designed using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and by utilizing Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) technology, sophisticated computer simulation technology with massive open online course techniques, fast-adapting computer engineering education models
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