7 research outputs found

    The HST Cosmos Project: Contribution from the Subaru Telescope

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    The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) is a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) treasury project.The COSMOS aims to perform a 2 square degree imaging survey of an equatorial field in II(F814W) band, using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). Such a wide field survey, combined with ground-based photometric and spectroscopic data, is essential to understand the interplay between large scale structure, evolution and formation of galaxies and dark matter. In 2004, we have obtained high-quality, broad band images of the COSMOS field (B,V,r,i,B, V, r^\prime, i^\prime, and z z^\prime) using Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope, and we have started our new optical multi-band program, COSMOS-21 in 2005. Here, we present a brief summary of the current status of the COSMOS project together with contributions from the Subaru Telescope. Our future Subaru program, COSMOS-21, is also discussed briefly.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the 6th East Asian Meeting on Astronomy, JKAS, 39, in pres

    COSMOS2020: Identification of High-z Protocluster Candidates in COSMOS

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    We conduct a systematic search for protocluster candidates at z6z \geq 6 in the COSMOS field using the recently released COSMOS2020 source catalog. We select galaxies using a number of selection criteria to obtain a sample of galaxies that have a high probability of being inside a given redshift bin. We then apply overdensity analysis to the bins using two density estimators, a Weighted Adaptive Kernel Estimator and a Weighted Voronoi Tessellation Estimator. We have found 15 significant (>4σ>4\sigma) candidate galaxy overdensities across the redshift range 6z7.76\le z\le7.7. The majority of the galaxies appear to be on the galaxy main sequence at their respective epochs. We use multiple stellar-mass-to-halo-mass conversion methods to obtain a range of dark matter halo mass estimates for the overdensities in the range of 101113M\sim10^{11-13}\,M_{\rm \odot}, at the respective redshifts of the overdensities. The number and the masses of the halos associated with our protocluster candidates are consistent with what is expected from the area of a COSMOS-like survey in a standard Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. Through comparison with simulation, we expect that all the overdensities at z6z\simeq6 will evolve into a Virgo-/Coma-like clusters at present (i.e., with masses 10141015M\sim 10^{14}-10^{15}\,M_{\rm \odot}). Compared to other overdensities identified at z6z \geq 6 via narrow-band selection techniques, the overdensities presented appear to have 10×\sim10\times higher stellar masses and star-formation rates. We compare the evolution in the total star-formation rate and stellar mass content of the protocluster candidates across the redshift range 6z7.76\le z\le7.7 and find agreement with the total average star-formation rate from simulations.Comment: 52 pages, 32 figues, 18 tables, main text is 30 pages, appendix is 22 pages, to be published in Ap

    Two Massive, Compact, and Dust-obscured Candidate z ≃ 8 Galaxies Discovered by JWST

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    We present a search for extremely red, dust-obscured, z > 7 galaxies with JWST/NIRCam+MIRI imaging over the first 20 arcmin(2) of publicly available Cycle 1 data from the COSMOS-Web, CEERS, and PRIMER surveys. Based on their red color in F277W-F444W (similar to 2.5 mag) and detection in MIRI/F770W (similar to 25 mag), we identify two galaxies, COS-z8M1 and CEERS-z7M1, that have best-fit photometric redshifts of z = 8.4(-0.4)(+0.3) and 7.6(-0.1)(+0.1), respectively. We perform spectral energy distribution fitting with a variety of codes (including BAGPIPES, PROSPECTOR, BEAGLE, and CIGALE) and find a >95% probability that these indeed lie at z > 7. Both sources are compact (R-eff less than or similar to 200 pc) and highly obscured (A(V) similar to 1.5-2.5) and, at our best-fit redshift estimates, likely have strong [O III]+H beta emission contributing to their 4.4 mu m photometry. We estimate stellar masses of similar to 10(10) M-circle dot for both sources; by virtue of detection in MIRI at 7.7 mu m, these measurements are robust to the inclusion of bright emission lines, for example, from an active galactic nucleus. We identify a marginal (2.9 sigma) Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array detection at 2 mm within 0 ''.5 of COS-z8M1, which, if real, would suggest a remarkably high IR luminosity of similar to 10(12) L-circle dot. These two galaxies, if confirmed at z similar to 8, would be extreme in their stellar and dust masses and may be representative of a substantial population of highly dust-obscured galaxies at cosmic dawn.Peer reviewe


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    We investigate the relationships between stellar mass, gas-phase oxygen abundance (metallicity), star formation rate (SFR), and dust content of star-forming galaxies at z similar to 1.6 using Subaru/FMOS spectroscopy in the COSMOS field. The mass-metallicity (MZ) relation at z similar to 1.6 is steeper than the relation observed in the local universe. The steeper MZ relation at z similar to 1.6 is mainly due to evolution in the stellar mass where the MZ relation begins to turnover and flatten. This turnover mass is 1.2 dex larger at z similar to 1.6. The most massive galaxies at z similar to 1.6 (similar to 10(11) M-circle dot) are enriched to the level observed in massive galaxies in the local universe. The MZ relation we measure at z similar to 1.6 supports the suggestion of an empirical upper metallicity limit that does not significantly evolve with redshift. We find an anti-correlation between metallicity and SFR for galaxies at a fixed stellar mass at z similar to 1.6, which is similar to trends observed in the local universe. We do not find a relation between stellar mass, metallicity, and SFR that is independent of redshift; rather, our data suggest that there is redshift evolution in this relation. We examine the relation between stellar mass, metallicity, and dust extinction, and find that at a fixed stellar mass, dustier galaxies tend to be more metal rich. From examination of the stellar masses, metallicities, SFRs, and dust extinctions, we conclude that stellar mass is most closely related to dust extinction