13 research outputs found

    Does cytological laboratory hold the responsibility for the low sensitivity of the Pap test in detecting endometrial cancer?

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    Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer but there is no economically justified screening method. Although we can detect endometrial cells in the sample using PAP test, many studies show low sensitivity and positive predictive value of PAP test for the diagnosis of endometrial cancer. The goal of this research was to determine significance of PAP test for the diagnostics of endometrial carcinoma. Sensitivity and specificity were analyzed with statistical parameters. VCE (vaginal, cervical, endocervical) smears of patients with histologically proven endometrial carcinoma were re-examined in order to determine the proportion of false negative results for endometrial cancer cells in the VCE samples. Study group consisted of all consecutive patients with PAP test performed at the Department of Clinical Cytology of the University Hospital Osijek from 2002. until the end of 2014. There was one inclusion criteria: subsequent hysterectomy or curettage within the six month after the PAP test, regardless of histological finding. From a total of 263 patients with previous PAP test and histologically proven endometrial cancer, endometrial cancer was cytologicaly diagnosed in 24.7% (including suspicious and positive findings), while 66.2% patients had normal cytological findings. The diagnostic value of PAP test in detection of endometrial cancer was statistically revealed with 25% sensitivity and 99% specificity. To determine false negative rate VCE samples were reviewed for patients with histologically proven endometrial cancer and negative VCE findings. There were a total of five negative results. In one case revision did not changed the original negative diagnosis, but benign endometrial cells, a lot of blood and inadequate cytohormonal status were found. In three out of four reviewed samples there were missed cells of endometrial adenocarcinoma. Review of remaining VCE sample upgraded the diagnosis from negative to suspicious for endometrial cancer. Proportion of error in the detection of endometrial cancer using cytological findings was 3.4% (true false negatives). Negative rate of the cytological findings in the detection of endometrial cancer was 66.2%. PAP test is not a suitable method for detection of endometrial carcinoma due to low sensitivity (25%). The main cause of negative findings in PAP test was lack of diagnostic cells in the sample

    Standardization of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) assay for measuring xylanase activity: detecting and solving problems

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    The 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) assay has been used for many years mainly to determine the enzymatic activity of xylanase. The assay is based on the detection of reduced sugars. Although the method is widely used, several recent studies have questioned the accuracy of the method. They mainly focused on the detection of side reactions that could lead to a false positive result of the assay. In this study, the basic components of the DNS assay such as buffer preparation, substrate source and concentration, incubation time, reagent preparation, and activity calculation were re-evaluated. Potential problems were detected and a new assay procedure was proposed. Compared to literature data, the new assay is shorter because it avoids the generation of a calibration curve and takes into account the enzyme and substrate amount when calculating enzyme activity, which is neglected in current assays

    Incidence of smokers among female handball players in eastern Croatia

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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio utvrditi učestalost puÅ”enja među rukometaÅ”icama na području istočne Hrvatske, te procijeniti njihove puÅ”ačke navike i utvrditi njihovo miÅ”ljenje o utjecaju puÅ”enja na njihovu fizičku spremu. U ovom su presječnom istraživanju ispitane registrirane rukometaÅ”ice klubova koji su igrali 3. hrvatsku rukometnu ligu Istok za žene u razdoblju od početka veljače do kraja svibnja 2015. godine. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimnim anketnim upitnikom na dobrovoljnoj osnovi, te je ispitanicama dano usmeno i pismeno objaÅ”njenje osnovnih podataka o istraživanju. Glavne pretpostavke za hipotezu ovoga rada su bile da rukometaÅ”ice klubova 3. hrvatske rukometne lige Istok ne puÅ”e, te da su dobro upoznate sa Å”tetnim učincima puÅ”enja. Od ukupno 100 ispitanica 27 (27%) ih puÅ”i, a od toga broja njih 13 (48,1%) ih redovito puÅ”i, a njih 14 (51,9%) puÅ”i ponekad. Od ispitanica koje redovito puÅ”e najveći broj (22,2%) puÅ”e 5 ā€“ 10 cigareta dnevno. Srednja vrijednost duljine puÅ”enja ispitanica iznosi 4 godine. Veći broj ispitanica (59,3%) puÅ”i cigarete s manje ili do 0,6 mg nikotina. Najveći broj ispitanica trenira rukomet viÅ”e od 10 godina, najčeŔće treniraju 3-4 puta tjedno. Ukupno 66 ispitanica je jako dobro upoznato sa Å”tetnim učincima puÅ”enja. Najveći broj ispitanica koje puÅ”e smatra da im puÅ”enje ne utječe na fizičku spremu. Veći broj ispitanica puÅ”i prije i nakon treninga/utakmice. Ovom studijom je dokazano da manji broj rukometaÅ”ica ispitane lige puÅ”i. Iste su jako dobro upoznate sa Å”tetnim učinkom puÅ”enja i smatraju kako puÅ”enje nema utjecaja na njihovu fizičku spremu.The main goal of this research was to determine the incidence of smokers in Eastern Croatia among female handball players, and to appraise smoking habits and establish certain opinions among female handball players of smoking effects on their physical fitness. This cross-sectional study poll covered registered handball players from 3rd Croatian Handball League East for women from the beginning of January till the end of May 2015. The research was conducted with anonymous questionnaires. The study group was given oral and written basic information about the research and all participants were volunteers. The leading hypothesis was that handball players of the 3rd Croatian Handball League East for women do not smoke and that the same participants are familiarized with the bad side effects of smoking. From a total of 100 participants 27 (27%) participants smoked. From a total number of smokers 13 (48.1%) participants smoked regularly and 14 (51.9%) smoked sometimes. Participants who smoked regularly usually smoked 5-10 cigarettes daily. The mean length of smoking age was 4 years. A greater number of participants (59.3%) smoked lighter cigarettes with 0.6 mg of nicotine or less. Most of the participants had been playing handball for more than 10 years and had trainings more than 3-4 times a week. A total of 66 participants was very well familiarized with the bad side effects of smoking. A greater number of smoking participants considered smoking to have no effect on their physical fitness. Most of the participants smoked before and after training/match. This study has proved that the smaller number of female handball players of 3rd Croatian Handball League were smokers. All female handball players were very well familiarized with the side effects of smoking and considered smoking to have no effect on their physical fitness

    Razvoj procesa kompostiranja biorazgradive frakcije komunalnog otpada u laboratorijskom mjerilu

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    Porast stanovniÅ”tva i ubrzana industrijalizacija svakodnevno dovode do nastanka velikih količina otpada čije zbrinjavanje predstavlja ekoloÅ”ki i ekonomski problem. Veliki udio otpada na odlagaliÅ”tima čini biorazgradivi otpad, a kao prihvatljiv način zbrinjavanja takvog otpada smatra se process kompostiranja. Kompostiranje je proces razgradnje organskih tvari pomoću mikroorganizama u aerobnim uvjetima pri čemu kao produkt nastaje kompost, prirodan i koristan dodatak tlu. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati provedbe procesa kompostiranja biorazgradive frakcije komunalnog otpada u laboratorijskom mjerilu na način da je proveden proces kompostiranja bez i proces kompostiranja s bioaugmentacijom, odnosno uz dodatak mikroorganizama izoliranih tijekom provedbe samog procesa kompostiranja. Tijekom procesa kompostiranja praćene su karakteristične procesne veličine poput C/N omjera, pH-vrijednosti, sadržaja vlage i hlapive tvari, a biorazgradnja je praćena i preko sastava eluate Å”to je omogućilo usporedbu provedenih procesa. Postavljen je i matematički model procesa kompostiranja, a rezultati simulacije matematičkog modela procesa upotrijebljeni su za optimizaciju procesnih uvjeta

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Učestalost puÅ”enja među rukometaÅ”icama istočne Hrvatske

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    The main goal of this research was to determine the incidence of smokers in Eastern Croatia among female handball players, and to appraise smoking habits and establish certain opinions among female handball players of smoking effects on their physical fitness. This cross-sectional study poll covered registered handball players from 3rd Croatian Handball League East for women from the beginning of January till the end of May 2015. The research was conducted with anonymous questionnaires. The study group was given oral and written basic information about the research and all participants were volunteers. The leading hypothesis was that handball players of the 3rd Croatian Handball League East for women do not smoke and that the same participants are familiarized with the bad side effects of smoking. From a total of 100 participants 27 (27%) participants smoked. From a total number of smokers 13 (48.1%) participants smoked regularly and 14 (51.9%) smoked sometimes. Participants who smoked regularly usually smoked 5-10 cigarettes daily. The mean length of smoking age was 4 years. A greater number of participants (59.3%) smoked lighter cigarettes with 0.6 mg of nicotine or less. Most of the participants had been playing handball for more than 10 years and had trainings more than 3-4 times a week. A total of 66 participants was very well familiarized with the bad side effects of smoking. A greater number of smoking participants considered smoking to have no effect on their physical fitness. Most of the participants smoked before and after training/match. This study has proved that the smaller number of female handball players of 3rd Croatian Handball League were smokers. All female handball players were very well familiarized with the side effects of smoking and considered smoking to have no effect on their physical fitness.Cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio utvrditi učestalost puÅ”enja među rukometaÅ”icama na području istočne Hrvatske, te procijeniti njihove puÅ”ačke navike i utvrditi njihovo miÅ”ljenje o utjecaju puÅ”enja na njihovu fizičku spremu. U ovom su presječnom istraživanju ispitane registrirane rukometaÅ”ice klubova koji su igrali 3. hrvatsku rukometnu ligu Istok za žene u razdoblju od početka veljače do kraja svibnja 2015. godine. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimnim anketnim upitnikom na dobrovoljnoj osnovi, te je ispitanicama dano usmeno i pismeno objaÅ”njenje osnovnih podataka o istraživanju. Glavne pretpostavke za hipotezu ovoga rada su bile da rukometaÅ”ice klubova 3. hrvatske rukometne lige Istok ne puÅ”e, te da su dobro upoznate sa Å”tetnim učincima puÅ”enja. Od ukupno 100 ispitanica 27 (27%) ih puÅ”i, a od toga broja njih 13 (48,1%) ih redovito puÅ”i, a njih 14 (51,9%) puÅ”i ponekad. Od ispitanica koje redovito puÅ”e najveći broj (22,2%) puÅ”e 5 ā€“ 10 cigareta dnevno. Srednja vrijednost duljine puÅ”enja ispitanica iznosi 4 godine. Veći broj ispitanica (59,3%) puÅ”i cigarete s manje ili do 0,6 mg nikotina. Najveći broj ispitanica trenira rukomet viÅ”e od 10 godina, najčeŔće treniraju 3-4 puta tjedno. Ukupno 66 ispitanica je jako dobro upoznato sa Å”tetnim učincima puÅ”enja. Najveći broj ispitanica koje puÅ”e smatra da im puÅ”enje ne utječe na fizičku spremu. Veći broj ispitanica puÅ”i prije i nakon treninga/utakmice. Ovom studijom je dokazano da manji broj rukometaÅ”ica ispitane lige puÅ”i. Iste su jako dobro upoznate sa Å”tetnim učinkom puÅ”enja i smatraju kako puÅ”enje nema utjecaja na njihovu fizičku spremu