15 research outputs found

    A Methodological Evaluation of Meta-Analyses in tDCS - Motor Learning Research

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    With transcranial direct-current stimulation’s (tDCS) rising popularity both in motor learning research and as a commercial product, it is becoming increasingly important that the quality of evidence on its effectiveness be evaluated. Special attention should be paid to meta-analyses, as they usually have a larger impact than other types of studies. Here we provide a review of the methodological quality of meta-analyses estimating the effect of tDCS on motor learning

    RCT quality assessment for clinical psychologists

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    Bachelor Thesis

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    Messy data for my bachelor thesis including SPSS analysis files. The thesis itself can be accessed here: https://thesiscommons.org/mjvw

    Using Multilevel Regression and Poststratification to Efficiently Derive Accurate Norms

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    Probability sampling can no longer consistently deliver on the promise of representative samples: soaring nonresponse rates increasingly lead to deviations from the population and higher costs of implementation. This is problematic for psychological test norms as they are only useful to the extent that the norm samples are representative of the target population to which one wishes to generalise. Outside of psychology, Multilevel Regression and Poststratification (MRP) is one of the most widely used methods to correct for sampling bias of any type. MRP involves fitting a regularised prediction model to a large and diverse sample and weighting predicted scores by true population values (sourced from census data, for example). Here, we argue that MRP has the potential to make high-quality test norms more accessible to psychologists by substantially reducing the costs of sampling. Using IQ test data from the TwinLife study (N = 10,059, Culture Fair Test, CFT 20-R) as an example, we show that MRP yields IQ scores that differ by up to 19 IQ points (on average by 4.44 points) from those reported in the CFT 20-R manual, which were based on traditional sampling and norming methods. Differences of this magnitude will not infrequently lead to decision errors with potentially life-altering consequences (e.g., about intellectual disability). We contend that psychology could benefit from more widely available, high-quality norms for many aspects of research and practice and provide this tutorial to facilitate adopting MRP as a cost-efficient norming method

    MRP Norming

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    An aberrant abundance of Cronbach's values at .70

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    Early in the replication crisis, evidence of an excess of barely significant p-values provided evidence of widespread p-hacking (e.g., Masicampo and Lalande, 2012; Hartgerink et al. 2016). We highlight comparable excesses of Cronbach's alpha values at common rules of thumb (e.g. .70), suggesting that alpha-hacking is also occurring

    A fragmented field: Construct and measure proliferation in psychology

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    We examined the extent to which constructs and measures have proliferated in psychological science. We integrated two large databases obtained from the American Psychology Association (APA) that they have used to keep track of constructs, measures, and research in the psychological science literature for the past 30 years. Our descriptive analyses finds that (i) thousands of new constructs and measures are published each year, (ii) most measures are used very few times, and (iii) there is no trend towards consensus or standardization in the use of constructs and measures; in fact, there is a slight trend towards even greater fragmentation over time. That is, constructs and measures are proliferating. We conclude that measurement in the psychological science literature is fragmented, creating problems such as redundancy and confusion, and stifling cumulative scientific progress. We conclude by providing suggestions for what researchers can do about this problem