19 research outputs found

    Deciphering the CA1 inhibitory circuits in sharp wave ripple complexes

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    Sharp wave-ripples (SWRs) are population oscillatory patterns in hippocampal LFPs during deep sleep and immobility, involved in the replay of memories acquired during wakefulness. SWRs have been extensively studied, but their exact generation mechanism is still unknown. A computational model has suggested that fast perisomatic inhibition may generate the high frequency ripples (~200 Hz). Another model showed how replay of memories can be controlled by various classes of inhibitory interneurons targeting specific parts of pyramidal cells (PC) and firing at particular SWR phases. Optogenetic studies revealed new roles for interneuronal classes and rich dynamic interplays between them, shedding new light in their potential role in SWRs. Here, we integrate these findings in a conceptual model of how dendritic and somatic inhibition may collectively contribute to the SWR generation. We suggest that sharp wave excitation and basket cell (BC) recurrent inhibition synchronises BC spiking in ripple frequencies. This rhythm is imposed on bistratified cells which prevent pyramidal bursting. Axo-axonic and stratum lacunosum/moleculare interneurons are silenced by inhibitory inputs originating in the medial septum. PCs receiving rippling inhibition in both dendritic and perisomatic areas and excitation in their apical dendrites, exhibit sparse ripple phase-locked spiking

    Influence of slow oscillation on hippocampal activity and ripples through cortico-hippocampal synaptic interactions, analyzed by a cortical-CA3-CA1 network model

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    Hippocampal sharp wave-ripple complexes (SWRs) involve the synchronous discharge of thousands of cells throughout the CA3-CA1-subiculum-entorhinal cortex axis. Their strong transient output affects cortical targets, rendering SWRs a possible means for memory transfer from the hippocampus to the neocortex for long-term storage. Neurophysiological observations of hippocampal activity modulation by the cortical slow oscillation (SO) during deep sleep and anesthesia, and correlations between ripples and UP states, support the role of SWRs in memory consolidation through a cortico-hippocampal feedback loop. We couple a cortical network exhibiting SO with a hippocampal CA3-CA1 computational network model exhibiting SWRs, in order to model such cortico-hippocampal correlations and uncover important parameters and coupling mechanisms controlling them. The cortical oscillatory output entrains the CA3 network via connections representing the mossy fiber input, and the CA1 network via the temporoammonic pathway (TA). The spiking activity in CA3 and CA1 is shown to depend on the excitation-to-inhibition ratio, induced by combining the two hippocampal inputs, with mossy fiber input controlling the UP-state correlation of CA3 population bursts and corresponding SWRs, whereas the temporoammonic input affects the overall CA1 spiking activity. Ripple characteristics and pyramidal spiking participation to SWRs are shaped by the strength of the Schaffer collateral drive. A set of in vivo recordings from the rat hippocampus confirms a model-predicted segregation of pyramidal cells into subgroups according to the SO state where they preferentially fire and their response to SWRs. These groups can potentially play distinct functional roles in the replay of spike sequences

    Local Field Potentials Encode Place Cell Ensemble Activation during Hippocampal Sharp Wave Ripples

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    Whether the activation of spiking cell ensembles can be encoded in the local field potential (LFP) remains unclear. We address this question by combining in vivo electrophysiological recordings in the rat hippocampus with realistic biophysical modeling, and explore the LFP of place cell sequence spiking (“replays”) during sharp wave ripples. We show that multi-site perisomatic LFP amplitudes, in the ∼150–200 Hz frequency band, reliably reflect spatial constellations of spiking cells, embedded within non-spiking populations, and encode activation of local place cell ensembles during in vivo replays. We find spatiotemporal patterns in the LFP, which remain consistent between sequence replays, in conjunction with the ordered activation of place cell ensembles. Clustering such patterns provides an efficient segregation of replay events from non-replay-associated ripples. This work demonstrates how spatiotemporal ensemble spiking is encoded extracellularly, providing a window for efficient, LFP-based detection and monitoring of structured population activity in vivo

    Extracellular field signatures of CA1 spiking cell assemblies during sharp wave-ripple complexes

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    Although postsynaptic and transmembrane currents over local neuronal populations are considered the main factors for shaping local field potential (LFP) and current source density (CSD) fluctuations [1], high-frequency oscillatory LFPs can also be shaped by extracellular action potentials of pyramidal cell populations [2]. Sharp wave-ripple complexes (SWRs) are typical examples of such high-frequency oscillatory events, observed in hippocampal LFPs during deep sleep and awake immobility. They consist of an extensive depolarization in the CA1 dendritic layer (sharp wave) arising from population bursts in CA3, accompanied by a ~150-200 Hz LFP oscillation in the CA1 pyramidal layer (ripple). During SWRs, temporal firing patterns of correlated place cells, acquired during wakeful exploration, are replayed in fast-scale, providing a strong indication for the participation of SWRs in memory consolidation. Yet the particular effects of these pattern replays on the hippocampal extracellular field are largely unknown. How are the different ensembles of spiking cells encoded in the emerging ripple-LFPs? Here, we study this association through both a modeling and an experimental approach

    Reduced Prefrontal Synaptic Connectivity and Disturbed Oscillatory Population Dynamics in the CNTNAP2 Model of Autism

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    Loss-of-function mutations in CNTNAP2 cause a syndromic form of autism spectrum disorder in humans and produce social deficits, repetitive behaviors, and seizures in mice. However, the functional effects of these mutations at cellular and circuit levels remain elusive. Using laser-scanning photostimulation, whole-cell recordings, and electron microscopy, we found a dramatic decrease in excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs onto L2/3 pyramidal neurons of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of Cntnap2 knockout (KO) mice, concurrent with reduced spines and synapses, despite normal dendritic complexity and intrinsic excitability. Moreover, recording of mPFC local field potentials (LFPs) and unit spiking in vivo revealed increased activity in inhibitory neurons, reduced phase-locking to delta and theta oscillations, and delayed phase preference during locomotion. Excitatory neurons showed similar phase modulation changes at delta frequencies. Finally, pairwise correlations increased during immobility in KO mice. Thus, reduced synaptic inputs can yield perturbed temporal coordination of neuronal firing in cortical ensembles