503 research outputs found

    Enhancing capacity of coherent optical information storage and transfer in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Coherent optical information storage capacity of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate is examined. Theory of slow light propagation in atomic clouds is generalized to short pulse regime by taking into account group velocity dispersion. It is shown that the number of stored pulses in the condensate can be optimized for a particular coupling laser power, temperature and interatomic interaction strength. Analytical results are derived for semi-ideal model of the condensate using effective uniform density zone approximation. Detailed numerical simulations are also performed. It is found that axial density profile of the condensate protects the pulse against the group velocity dispersion. Furthermore, taking into account finite radial size of the condensate, multi-mode light propagation in atomic Bose-Einstein condensate is investigated. The number of modes that can be supported by a condensate is found. Single mode condition is determined as a function of experimentally accessible parameters including trap size, temperature, condensate number density and scattering length. Quantum coherent atom-light interaction schemes are proposed for enhancing multi-mode light propagation effects.Comment: 12pages. Laser Physics, in pres

    Investigación sobre la composición química, minerales y ácidos grasos de dos cultivares de almendra cultivados como orgánico y convencional en el sudeste de Turquía

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    Organic farming is a human and environment friendly production system that is based on soil fertility and food safety without using chemical fertilizers and pesticides in production, aiming to re-establish the deteriorated ecological balance as a result of harmful production practices. Organic products attract the interest of consumers as they are strongly perceived as healthier products compared to conventional food. This study aimed to determine the differences in chemical, mineral, and fatty acid characteristics between conventionally and organically cultivated Ferragnes and Ferraduel almond cultivars. When conventional and organic almonds were evaluated in terms of fatty acids, proximate compositions, and minerals, crude oil and Mg were statistically insignificant, while Cu was significant (P < 0.05) and all others were quite significant (P < 0.001). Total sugar was higher in organic samples compared to conventional samples in both cultivars. The crude oil and linoleic acid (12.93% for Ferragnes and 14.99% for Ferraduel) were higher in conventional samples but oleic acid (78.9% for Ferragnes and 81.08% for Ferraduel) was higher in organic samples. In addition, organic samples contained higher Mg and Fe but lower P, K, Ca, Na, Zn, Mn and Cu when compared with conventional samples. The results indicate that conventionally cultivated almonds present higher mineral content and lower fatty acid value compared to organically cultivated almonds.La agricultura orgánica es un sistema de producción amigable con el ser humano y el medio ambiente, basado en la fertilidad del suelo y la seguridad alimentaria. Este sistema suele prescindir del uso de fertilizantes químicos y pesticidas en la producción, con el objetivo de prefijar el equilibrio ecológico previamente destruido como resultado natural de prácticas de producción incorrectas. Los productos orgánicos están atrayendo cada vez más el interés de los consumidores ya que se perciben como productos más saludables en comparación con los alimentos convencionales. Este estudio tenía como objetivo determinar las diferencias en las características químicas, minerales y ácidos grasos existentes entre los cultivares de almendra de Ferragnes y de Ferraduel, cultivados tanto convencionalmente como orgánicamente. Cuando se evaluaron las almendras convencionales y las orgánicas en términos de ácidos grasos, composiciones proximal y minerales, el aceite crudo y el Mg fueron estadísticamente insignificantes, mientras que los valores de Cu fue significativo (P < 0.05) y todos los demás fueron bastante significativos (P < 0.001). El azúcar total fue mayor en muestras orgánicas en comparación con muestras convencionales en ambos cultivares. El aceite crudo y el ácido linoleico (12.93% para Ferragnes y 14.99% para Ferraduel) fue mayor en muestras convencionales, pero el ácido oleico (78.9% para Ferragnes y 81.08% para Ferraduel) fue mayor en muestras orgánicas. Además, las muestras orgánicas contenían mayor Mg y Fe pero menor P, K, Ca, Na, Zn, Mn y Cu cuando se compararon con las muestras convencionales. Los resultados indican que las almendras convencionales presentan mayor contenido mineral y menor valor de ácidos grasos en comparación con las cultivadas orgánicamente

    La transición ediacárico-cámbrica: facies sedimentarias versus extinción

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    Recent analysis of the terminal Ediacaran, Rawnsley Quartzite, in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia, demonstrates that key taxa of the Ediacara biota are restricted to certain sedimentary facies and stratigraphic levels. The Rawnsley Quartzite consists of three members separated by disconformities: (i) the basal, shallow marine Chace Sandstone Member is unfossiliferous, but replete with textured organic surfaces; (ii) the overlying Ediacara Sandstone Member fills submarine incisions cut through the underlying Chace Quartzite Member and paralic Bonney Sandstone below the Rawnsley Quartzite; and (iii) the Ediacara Sandstone Member is incised by the less fossiliferous Nilpena Sandstone Member that caps the Rawnsley Quartzite.Un estudio reciente de la Cuarcita de Rawnsley, en el Ediacárico terminal Ediacaran de la Cordillera de Flinders, Australia meridional, demuestra cómo algunos taxones clave de la biota de Ediacara están restringidos a ciertas facies sedimentarias y determinados niveles estratigráficos. La Cuarcita de Rawnsleycomprende tres miembros separados por discotinuidades: (i) el Miembro basal de la Arenisca de Chace es somera y azoica, aunque destacan las superficies con texturas orgánicas; (ii) el Miemrbo de la Arenisca de Ediacara rellena un Sistema de incisiones submarinas que recortan el miembro inferior de Chace y la Arenisca parálica de Bonney, infrayacente a la Cuarcita de Rawnsley; y (iii) el Miembro de la Arenisca de Ediacara es asimismo recortada de forma erosiva por el Miembro de la Arenisca de Nilpena, menos fosilífera

    Direct observation of LO phonon-plasmon coupled modes in the infrared transmission spectra of n-GaAs and n-InxGa1-xAs epilayers

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    The infrared transmission spectrum of Si-doped molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)-grown GaAs epilayers, 2-2.5-mum thick, measured in the oblique (Berreman) geometry, revealed distinct minima in p polarization. Given epilayer thickness \u3c reststrahlen wavelength, the minima are identified as the zone-center transverse optic phonon (omega(TO)) and the high-frequency LO phonon-plasmon coupled mode (omega(+)). Analysis of the experimental data yielded free-carrier concentrations ranging from 2.5x10(17) to 1.4x10(18) cm(-3). The same technique with MBE-grown Si-doped In0.53Ga0.47As epilayers (0.5-1 mum thick) yielded omega(+) modes corresponding to free-carrier concentrations of 8.2x10(16)-2.7x10(19) cm(-3). The observations of the transmission minima in the Berreman geometry and their interpretation demonstrate a direct and simple method for deducing free-carrier concentrations over a wide range

    Firing deformation in large size porcelain tiles. Effect of compositional and process variables

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    Ponencia presentada en el XV Congreso Mundial de la Calidad Del Azulejo y del Pavimento Cerámico (QUALICER 18), celebrado en Castellón (Spain) los días 12 y 13 de febrero de 2018.The manufacture of porcelain stoneware has undergone a spectacular growth in the last years, as a result of the good technical and functional performance associated to the impervious feature of the sintered product, together with the great technological advance that the ceramic tile manufacturing sector is experiencing [1]. To such an extent, that today, porcelain stoneware is the most demanded product for use in flooring surfaces, but at the same time, it is becoming important to incorporate in other applications such as ventilated facades

    The structural, optical and morphological properties of CaF2 thin films by using Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA)

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    In this study, calcium fluoride (CaF2) thin films have been prepared by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) technique on glass substrates. In this technique CaF2 thin films are produced by condensing the plasma of anode material generated in the TVA setup under high vacuum conditions on glass substrates. Crystal structures as well as optical and surface properties of CaF2 antireflective (AR) coated thin films were investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements showed that amorphous CaF2 thin films were formed. Optical and surface properties of CaF2 films have been studied based on optical transmittance, reflectance, refractive index and atomic force microscopy imaging (AFM). Our results also show that CaF2 coated samples exhibit lower reflectance (R). From our optical studies, we have observed that CaF2 thin films have high AR properties.TUBITAK (108M608); ESOGU Scientific Research Commission (200819045

    Soap Froths and Crystal Structures

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    We propose a physical mechanism to explain the crystal symmetries found in macromolecular and supramolecular micellar materials. We argue that the packing entropy of the hard micellar cores is frustrated by the entropic interaction of their brush-like coronas. The latter interaction is treated as a surface effect between neighboring Voronoi cells. The observed crystal structures correspond to the Kelvin and Weaire-Phelan minimal foams. We show that these structures are stable for reasonable areal entropy densities.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 included eps figure

    The Role of Soil Beneficial Bacteria in Wheat Production: A Review

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    Free-living plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have favourable effect on plant growth, tolerance against stresses and are considered as a promising alternative to inorganic fertilizer for promoting plant growth, yield and quality. PGPR colonize at the plant root, increase germination rates, promote root growth, yield, leaf area, chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, protein content, tolerance to drought, shoot and root weight, and delayed leaf senescence. Several important bacterial characteristics, such as biological nitrogen fixation, solubilization of inorganic phosphate and mineralization of organic phosphate, nutrient uptake, 1-aminocydopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase activity and production of siderophores and phytohormones, can be assessed as plant growth promotion traits. By efficient use, PGPR is expected to contribute to agronomic efficiency, chiefly by decreasing costs and environmental pollution, by eliminating harmful chemicals. This review discusses various bacteria acting as PGPR, their genetic diversity, screening strategies, working principles, applications for wheat and future aspects in terms of efficiency, mechanisms and the desirable properties. The elucidation of the diverse mechanisms will enable microorganisms developing agriculture further