75 research outputs found

    Karakterizacija kolagena iz kože sahalinske mladice kao potencijalne biomase

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    Animal collagen has been widely utilized in foods, cosmetics and biomedical fields. The non-edible portion, such as fish skin and bones, are obtained during cooking. Most of them are currently discarded as wastes, although the nutritional value of the skin and bones is high. The non-edible portion needs to be reused in order to reduce environmental impact, as it is one of the sources of environmental pollution. Collagen was prepared by cold acetone treatment from Sakhalin taimen skin as a waste produced during cooking. Next, the colour, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, ultraviolet absorption, subunit composition, amino acid composition, denaturation temperature and attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analyses were conducted to explore the properties of the collagen. Lastly, we attempted to improve the functional properties of the collagen for future applications using chemical modification technique (succinylation). Cold acetone treatment easily removed the fats and pigments from the skin. The odourless and pure white collagen was obtained with high yield. The α3 chain did not exist in the collagen. Sakhalin taimen skin collagen had rich α-helix and low β-sheet structures. Succinylation caused the secondary structural changes of the collagen molecule. Moreover, it made it possible not only to increase the viscosity of the collagen solution but also to improve the solubility of the collagen under the physiological conditions around pH=6. This finding is the first report on the absence of the α3 chain from salmonid fish skin collagens. The succinylated collagen from Sakhalin taimen skins as useful biomass has potential to utilize in foods, cosmetics and related industries.Pozadina istraživanja. Kolagen životinjskog podrijetla uvelike se koristi u proizvodnji hrane, kozmetičkih i biomedicinskih proizvoda. Tijekom kuhanja se nejestivi dijelovi riba, kao što su kosti i koža, uglavnom odbacuju kao smeće, iako imaju veliku hranjivu vrijednost. S obzirom na to da taj otpad predstavlja izvor zagađenja, potrebno ga je iskoristiti da bi se smanjio njegov negativan utjecaj na okoliš. Eksperimentalni pristup. Kolagen je izdvojen iz kože sahalinske mladice, dobivene kao otpad pri kuhanju, nakon obrade ohlađenim acetonom. Zatim su ispitana sljedeća svojstva kolagena: boja, čistoća (pomoću poliakrilamid gel elektroforeze u prisutnosti natrijevog dodecil sulfata), apsorpcija ultraljubičastih zraka, sastav podjedinica, aminokiselinski sastav, temperatura denaturacije i struktura (pomoću prigušene totalne refleksije i infracrvene spektroskopije s Fourierovom transformacijom). Naposljetku smo kemijskom modifikacijom (sukcinilacijom) nastojali poboljšati funkcionalna svojstva kolagena za njegovu daljnju primjenu. Rezultati i zaključci. Obradom ohlađenim acetonom iz riblje kože su uspješno uklonjene masti i pigmenti. Dobiven je veliki prinos čistog bijelog kolagena bez mirisa, u kojem nije pronađen niti jedan α3-lanac. Kolagen iz kože sahalinske mladice sadržavao je velik udjel α-uzvojnica, a malen udjel β-ploča. Sukcinilacija je uzrokovala promjenu sekundarne strukture molekule kolagena. Osim toga, povećala se viskoznost otopine kolagena i poboljšala topljivost kolagena pri fiziološkim uvjetima pH-vrijednosti od otprilike 6. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Ovi rezultati po prvi put pokazuju da kolagen iz kože ribe iz porodice salmonida ne sadržava α3-lance. Sukcinilirani kolagen iz kože sahalinske mladice korisna je biomasa, koja se može primijeniti u prehrambenoj i kozmetičkoj industriji, te srodnim industrijama

    Unhealthy food intake restriction awareness and mortality

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    Background: Improving diets requires an awareness of the need to limit foods for which excessive consumption is a health problem. Since there are limited reports on the link between this awareness and mortality risk, we examined the association between awareness of limiting food intake (energy, fat, and sweets) and all-cause mortality in a Japanese cohort study. Methods: Participants comprised 58,772 residents (27,294 men; 31,478 women) aged 35–69 years who completed baseline surveys of the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study from 2004 to 2014. Hazard ratios (HRs) for all-cause mortality and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated by sex using a Cox proportional hazard model, with adjustment for related factors. Mediation analysis with fat intake as a mediator was also conducted. Results: The mean follow-up period was 11 years and 2,516 people died. Estimated energy and fat intakes according to the Food Frequency Questionnaire were lower in those with awareness of limiting food intake than in those without this awareness. Women with awareness of limiting fat intake showed a significant decrease in mortality risk (HR=0.73; 95% CI, 0.55 to 0.94). Mediation analysis revealed that this association was due to the direct effect of the awareness of limiting fat intake and that the total effect was not mediated by actual fat intake. Awareness of limiting energy or sweets intake was not related to mortality risk reduction. Conclusion: Awareness of limiting food intake had a limited effect on reducing all-cause mortality risk

    Sonazoid-enhanced intraoperative ultrasonography in patients with gall bladder diseases: A preliminary study

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    Background:Ultrasonography using Sonazoid, a novel contrast agent containing microbubbles, is a useful diagnostic modality for intrahepatic mass lesions with specific characteristics in two phases: contrast enhancement of early vascular perfusion and perfusion defect of the lesion in the late phase. To improve the diagnostic accuracy of intraoperative ultrasonography (IOUS) in biliary neoplasms, particularly gall bladder, we investigated the usefulness of the Sonazoid contrast agent in a preliminary study.Subjects and Methods:We examined IOUS images of 23 patients with gall bladder disease. Sonazoid was administered intravenously, and early arterial and venous phase images of the tumor were obtained during laparotomy.Results:Tumors included the localized type of adenomyomatosis in the fundus of the gallbladder (GAM) in seven patients as benign controls, adenomatous diseases in three, and gallbladder carcinoma (GC) in 13. Sonazoid IOUS scanning was performed in all patients, with no adverse effects. Although GC showed high enhancement in 77% of the tumors, GAM and adenoma also showed mild enhancement in more than half of them. Pseudo-positivity was observed in one case of hyperplastic polyps, and pseudo-negativity was observed in two patients. Cholesterol polyps and a suspicious lesion of liver metastasis by the computed tomography were not enhanced with Sonazoid treatment.Conclusion:Although there remains a problem of pseud-positivity in the intracystic lesions, Sonazoid IOUS may be a useful tool to detect vascularity and its location or extension of gallbladder diseases; however, neither significance of differential diagnosis with benign diseases nor other clinical significance was found

    15. ゼミノームの放射線治療成績(第5回佐藤外科例会,第488回千葉医学会例会)

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    Performance of the MDSINE inference algorithms on simulated data with different sequencing depths. Simulations assumed an underlying dynamical systems model with ten species observed over 30 days with 27 time points sampled and an invading species at day 10. Performance of the four MDSINE inference algorithms, maximum likelihood ridge regression (MLRR), maximum likelihood constrained ridge regression (MLCRR), Bayesian adaptive lasso (BAL), and Bayesian variable selection (BVS), were compared. Algorithm performance was assessed using four different metrics: (a) root mean-square error (RMSE) for microbial growth rates; (b) RMSE for microbial interaction parameters; (c) RMSE for prediction of microbe trajectories on held-out subjects given only initial microbe concentrations for the held-out subject; and (d) area under the receiver operator curve (AUC ROC) for the underlying microbial interaction network. Lower RMSE values indicate superior performance, whereas higher AUC ROC values indicate superior performance. (PDF 182 kb

    Seven-plus hours of daily sedentary time and the subsequent risk of breast cancer : Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study

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    This study aimed to investigate the association between daily sedentary time and the risk of breast cancer (BC) in a large Japanese population. The participants were 36,023 women aged 35–69 years from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. Cox proportional hazards analysis was used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for BC incidence in relation to time spent sedentarily (categorical variables: <7 and ≥7 hours/day [h/d]). Additionally, the associations of BC incidence to the joint effect of sedentary time with each component of physical activity, such as leisure-time metabolic equivalents (METs), frequency of leisure-time physical activity, and daily walking time, were examined. During 315,189 person-years of follow-up, 554 incident cases of BC were identified. When compared to participants who spent <7 h/d sedentary, those who spent ≥7 h/d sedentary have a significantly higher risk of BC (HR, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.07–1.71). The corresponding HRs among participants who spent ≥7 h/d sedentary with more physical activity, such as ≥1 h/d for leisure-time METs, ≥3 days/week of leisure-time physical activity, and ≥1 h/d of daily walking were 1.58 (95% CI, 1.11–2.25), 1.77 (95% CI, 1.20–2.61), and 1.42 (95% CI, 1.10–1.83), respectively, compared with those who spent <7 h/d sedentary. This study found that spending ≥7 h/d of sedentary time is associated with the risk of BC. Neither leisure-time physical activity nor walking had a BC-preventive effect in those with ≥7 h/d of sedentary time

    Possible interpretations of the joint observations of UHECR arrival directions using data recorded at the Telescope Array and the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Regulation of intestinal Th17 and Treg cells by gut microbiota

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    Temperature Dependence of the Tensile Strength of Fish Myosin Gel

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