207 research outputs found

    Empirical Study of Travel Time Estimation and Reliability

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    This paper explores the travel time distribution of different types of urban roads, the link and path average travel time, and variance estimation methods by analyzing the large-scale travel time dataset detected from automatic number plate readers installed throughout Beijing. The results show that the best-fitting travel time distribution for different road links in 15 min time intervals differs for different traffic congestion levels. The average travel time for all links on all days can be estimated with acceptable precision by using normal distribution. However, this distribution is not suitable to estimate travel time variance under some types of traffic conditions. Path travel time can be estimated with high precision by summing the travel time of the links that constitute the path. In addition, the path travel time variance can be estimated by the travel time variance of the links, provided that the travel times on all the links along a given path are generated by statistically independent distributions. These findings can be used to develop and validate microscopic simulations or online travel time estimation and prediction systems

    Time-series modeling and prediction of global monthly absolute temperature for environmental decision making

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    A generalized, structural, time series modeling framework was developed to analyze the monthly records of absolute surface temperature, one of the most important environmental parameters, using a deterministicstochastic combined (DSC) approach. Although the development of the framework was based on the characterization of the variation patterns of a global dataset, the methodology could be applied to any monthly absolute temperature record. Deterministic processes were used to characterize the variation patterns of the global trend and the cyclic oscillations of the temperature signal, involving polynomial functions and the Fourier method, respectively, while stochastic processes were employed to account for any remaining patterns in the temperature signal, involving seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) models. A prediction of the monthly global surface temperature during the second decade of the 21st century using the DSC model shows that the global temperature will likely continue to rise at twice the average rate of the past 150 years. The evaluation of prediction accuracy shows that DSC models perform systematically well against selected models of other authors, suggesting that DSC models, when coupled with other ecoenvironmental models, can be used as a supplemental tool for short-term (similar to 10-year) environmental planning and decision making

    Adopting higher-yielding varieties to ensure Chinese food security under climate change in 2050

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    AbstractChallenges of ensuring food security under climate change require urgent and substantial increase in the focus of research, innovation, transformation of knowledge, and rapid adoption of available technologies. Here we simulate the effects of the adoption of higher-yielding varieties of rice, wheat and maize crops into the food production systems on China's food security index (FSI, or relative food surplus per capita) in 2050, using the CERES crop models, climate change and a range of socio- economic and agronomic scenarios which were developed following two contrasting development pathways in line with the IPCC A2 and B2 emission scenarios, respectively. The obtained results predict a slightly positive effect of climate change on the FSI, but the magnitude of this positive effect cannot compensate the negative effects of population growth, urbanization rate and the rising affluence on the future trends of the FSI. The outcomes of the adoption of higher-yielding varieties show that a systematic adoption of higher-yielding varieties can raise the average FSI values by a margin of 16 and 27 units under the A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively, during the 2030-2050 period, compared to the average predicted FSI values of -2 and 8 percentage points under A2 and B2 during the same period. This suggests that systematic adoption of higher-yield varieties is an effective measure for Chinese agriculture not only to ensure food security but also to build adaptive capacity to climate change in 2050

    Climate change impact on China food security in 2050

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    Climate change is now affecting global agriculture and food production worldwide. Nonetheless the direct link between climate change and food security at the national scale is poorly understood. Here we simulated the effect of climate change on food security in China using the CERES crop models and the IPCC SRES A2 and B2 scenarios including CO2 fertilization effect. Models took into account population size, urbanization rate, cropland area, cropping intensity and technology development. Our results predict that food crop yield will increase +3-11 % under A2 scenario and +4 % under B2 scenario during 2030-2050, despite disparities among individual crops. As a consequence China will be able to achieve a production of 572 and 615 MT in 2030, then 635 and 646 MT in 2050 under A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively. In 2030 the food security index (FSI) will drop from +24 % in 2009 to -4.5 % and +10.2 % under A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively. In 2050, however, the FSI is predicted to increase to +7.1 % and +20.0 % under A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively, but this increase will be achieved only with the projected decrease of Chinese population. We conclude that 1) the proposed food security index is a simple yet powerful tool for food security analysis; (2) yield growth rate is a much better indicator of food security than yield per se; and (3) climate change only has a moderate positive effect on food security as compared to other factors such as cropland area, population growth, socio-economic pathway and technology development. Relevant policy options and research topics are suggested accordingly

    Modeling impacts of carbon sequestration on net greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils in China

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    Soil organic carbon (SOC) contents in many farmlands have been depleted because of the long-term history of intensive cultivation in China. Chinese farmers are encouraged to adopt alternative management practices on their farms to sequester SOC. On the basis of the availability of carbon (C) resources in the rural areas in China, the most promising practices are (1) incorporating more crop residue in the soils and (2) resuming traditional manure fertilizer. By implementing the alternative practices, increase in SOC content has been observed in some fields. This paper investigates how the C sequestration strategies could affect nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions from the agricultural soils in six selected sites across China. A process-based model, denitrification-decomposition or DNDC, which has been widely validated against data sets of SOC dynamics and N2O and CH4 fluxes observed in China, was adopted in the study to quantify the greenhouse gas impacts of enhanced crop residue incorporation and manure amendment under the diverse climate, soil, and crop rotation conditions across the six agroecosystems. Model results indicated that (1) when the alternative management practices were employed C sequestration rates increased, however, N2O or CH4 emissions were also increased for these practices; and (2) reducing the application rates of synthetic fertilizer in conjunction with the alternative practices could decrease N2O emissions while at the same time maintaining existing crop yields and C sequestration rates. The modeling approach could help with development of spatially differentiated best management practices at large regional scales

    Early-season crop mapping using improved artificial immune network (IAIN) and Sentinel data

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    Substantial efforts have been made to identify crop types by region, but few studies have been able to classify crops in early season, particularly in regions with heterogeneous cropping patterns. This is because image time series with both high spatial and temporal resolution contain a number of irregular time series, which cannot be identified by most existing classifiers. In this study, we firstly proposed an improved artificial immune network (IAIN), and tried to identify major crops in Hengshui, China at early season using IAIN classifier and short image time series. A time series of 15-day composited images was generated from 10 m spatial resolution Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. Near-infrared (NIR) band and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were selected as optimal bands by pair-wise Jeffries–Matusita distances and Gini importance scores calculated from the random forest algorithm. When using IAIN to identify irregular time series, overall accuracy of winter wheat and summer crops were 99% and 98.55%, respectively. We then used the IAIN classifier and NIR and NDVI time series to identify major crops in the study region. Results showed that winter wheat could be identified 20 days before harvest, as both the producer’s accuracy (PA) and user’s accuracy (UA) values were higher than 95% when an April 1–May 15 time series was used. The PA and UA of cotton and spring maize were higher than 95% with image time series longer than April 1–August 15. As spring maize and cotton mature in late August and September–October, respectively, these two crops can be accurately mapped 4–6 weeks before harvest. In addition, summer maize could be accurately identified after August 15, more than one month before harvest. This study shows the potential of IAIN classifier for dealing with irregular time series and Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 image time series at early-season crop type mapping, which is useful for crop management

    Simultaneous extraction and purification of alkaloids from Sophora flavescens Ait. by microwave-assisted aqueous two-phase extraction with ethanol/ammonia sulfate system

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    A rapid and effective method of integrating extraction and purification for alkaloids from Sophora flavescens Ait. was developed by microwave-assisted aqueous two-phase extraction (MAATPE) based on the high efficiency of microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and the demixing effect of aqueous two-phase extraction (ATPE). The aqueous two-phase system (ATPS), ethanol/ammonia sulfate was chosen from seven combinations of ethanol/salt systems, and its extraction properties were investigated in detail. Key factors, namely, the compositions of ATPS, solvent-to-materials ratio, and the extraction temperature were selected for optimization of the experimental conditions using response surface methodology (RSM) on the basis of the results of the single-factor experiment. The final optimized conditions were, the compositions of ATPS: ethanol 28% (w/w) and (NH4)2SO4 18% (w/w), solvent-to-material ratio 60:1, temperature 90 C, extraction time 5 min, and microwave power 780 W. MAATPE was superior to MAE, the latter using a single solvent, not only in extraction yield but also in impurity content. Moreover, compared with the combination of MAE and ATPE in the two-step mode, MAATP demonstrated fewer impurities, a better yield (63.78 ± 0.45 mg/g) and a higher recovery (92.09 ± 0.14%) in the extraction and purification of alkaloids. A continuous multiphase-extraction model of MAATPE was proposed to explicate the extraction mechanism. MAATPE revealed that the interaction between microwave and ATPS cannot only cause plant cell rupture but also accelerate demixing, improving mass-transfer from solid–liquid extraction to liquid– liquid purification. MAATPE simplified procedures also contributed to the lower loss occurrence, better extraction efficiency, and reduced impurity to target constituents.The Science and Technology Project of Guangzhou (No. 2008Z1-E301) and Faculty Development fund Project of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University (No. 52104109

    Apathy and suicide-related ideation 3 months after stroke: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Both apathy and suicide are common in poststroke patients. However, the association between poststroke apathy and suicide-related ideation (SI) in Chinese stroke patients is not clear and poorly understood. The aim of this study was to examine the association between apathy and SI in stroke. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the association in 518 stroke survivors from Acute Stroke Unit of the Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong. Geriatric Mental State Examination-Version A (GMS) and Neuropsychiatric Inventory-apathy subscale (NPI-apathy) were employed to assess poststroke SI and apathy, respectively. Patients’ clinical characteristics were obtained with the following scales: the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Results: Thirty-two (6.2%) stroke survivors reported SI. The SI group had a significantly higher frequency of NPI-apathy than the non-SI group (31.2% vs 5.3%, p \u3c 0.001). The SI group also had higher GDS scores (10.47 ± 3.17 vs 4.24 ± 3.71, p \u3c 0.001). Regression analysis revealed that NPI-apathy (OR 2.955, 95% CI 1.142-7.647, p = 0.025) was a significant predictor of SI. The GDS score also predicted SI (OR 1.436, 95% CI 1.284-1.606, p \u3c 0.001). Conclusions: The current findings show that poststroke apathy is an independent predictor of SI 3 months after stroke. Early screening for and intervention targeting apathy through medication and psychological treatments may be necessary to improve stroke patients’ apathy and reduce SI

    Generating accurate negative samples for landslide susceptibility mapping: A combined self-organizing-map and one-class SVM method

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    The accuracy of data-driven landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) is closely affected by the quality of non-landslide samples. This research proposes a method combining a self-organizing-map (SOM) and a one-class SVM (SOM-OCSVM) to generate more reasonable non-landslide samples. We designed two steps: first, a random selection, a SOM network, a one class SVM model, and a SOM-OCSVM model were used to generate non-landslide sample datasets. Second, four machine learning models (MLs)—namely logistic regression (LRG), multilayer perceptron (MLP), support vector machine (SVM), and random forest (RF)—were used to verify the effects of four non-landslide sample datasets on LSM. From the region along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, we selected 11 conditioning factors and 1186 investigated landslides to perform the aforementioned experiments. The results show that the SOM-OCSVM method achieves the highest AUC (>0.94) and minimum standard deviation (<0.081) compared with other methods. Moreover, RF achieves the best performance in different datasets compared with other ML models. The aforementioned results prove that the proposed method can enhance the performance of ML models to produce more reliable LSM

    Preparation, characterization and application of a molecularly imprinted polymer for selective recognition of Sulpiride

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    A novel molecular imprinting polymer (MIP) was prepared by bulk polymerization using sulpiride as the template molecule, itaconic acid (ITA) as the functional monomer and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) as the crosslinker. The formation of the MIP was determined as the molar ratio of sulpiride-ITA-EGDMA of 1:4:15 by single-factor experiments. The MIP showed good adsorption property with imprinting factor α of 5.36 and maximum adsorption capacity of 61.13 μmol/g, and was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and surface area analysis. With the structural analogs (amisulpride, tiapride, lidocaine and cisapride) and small molecules containing a mono-functional group (p-toluenesulfonamide, formamide and 1-methylpyrrolidine) as substrates, static adsorption, kinetic adsorption, and rebinding experiments were also performed to investigate the selective adsorption ability, kinetic characteristic, and recognition mechanism of the MIP. A serial study suggested that the highly selective recognition ability of the MIP mainly depended on binding sites provided by N-functional groups of amide and amine. Moreover, the MIP as solid-phase extractant was successfully applied to extraction of sulpiride from the mixed solution (consisted of p-toluenesulfonamide, sulfamethoxazole, sulfanilamide, p-nitroaniline, acetanilide and trimethoprim) and serum sample, and extraction recoveries ranged from 81.57% to 86.63%. The tentative tests of drug release in stimulated intestinal fluid (pH 6.8) demonstrated that the tablet with the MIP–sulpiride could obviously inhibit sulpiride release rate. Thus, ITA-based MIP is an efficient and promising alternative to solid-phase adsorbent for extraction of sulpiride and removal of interferences in biosample analysis, and could be used as a potential carrier for controlled drug releas
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