78 research outputs found
Fighting Through Community Participation Based on Vegetative Conservation Approach of Wonogiri Reservoir Sedimentation in Sub - Watershed of Keduang
Humans are the main trigger factors causes of sedimentation. It’s happened because of the farming and cultivation
system that is not based on the principles of sustainable development. These human activities causes in damage to
the environment in the region surrounding reservoir (hinterland), further more causing sedimentation that
deposited in the water body. The consequence of this circumstance, the capacity of reservoir is decreasing. In order
Humans are the main trigger factors causes of sedimentation. It’s happened because of the farming and cultivation
system that is not based on the principles of sustainable development. These human activities causes in damage to
n surrounding reservoir (hinterland), further more causing sedimentation that
The consequence of this circumstance, the capacity of reservoir is decreasing. In order
Humans are the main trigger factors causes of sedimentation. It’s happened because of the farming and cultivation
system that is not based on the principles of sustainable development. These human activities causes in damage to
n surrounding reservoir (hinterland), further more causing sedimentation that
The consequence of this circumstance, the capacity of reservoir is decreasing. In order to reduce the level of sedimentation, a proper conservation has to be done. The research concerning the related matter was conducted in Sub Water (Sub-catchment) Keduang which is constitute one of six sub-watershed in the rain catchment area of Wonogiri reservoir which is contributed the largest amount sedimentation silt in to reservoir. This study focused on vegetative conservation approaches and community involvement related to the five capials in relation to watershed conservation, namely: social capital (public power), human capital (community resources), financial capital (the physical condition of the land) and natural capital (natural forces); vegetative capital and government incentives.
The General purpose of this study was to find a relationship between the five capitals and government incentives as amotivating factor that may affected to the public (farmers who live in the catchment areas) in a participatiotory conservation for controlling sedimentation rate in the areas surronding reservoir. Te specific objectives of this study were as follows: (a) to find the amount of community participation in conservation, especially the education community, (b) to find a major role in the conservation of human resources, (c) to find the role of power / financial capital for conservation, (d) to find the magnitude of role of the physical condition in conservation activities; (e) to find major role for the conservation of natural resources, (f) to find the magnitude of the role of govrnment and NGOs in Keduang Sub watershed conservation.
The method used was survey method with a sample of 300 respondents was taken by using a purposive sampling in five villages, they are Gemawang Village (Ngadirojo SubDistrict); Sambirejo Village (Jatisrono SubDistrict);
Pingkuk Village (Jatiroto SubDistrict); Sukoboyo Village (Slogohimo SubDistric), and Sembukan village (Sidoharjo SubDistrict). Data collection techniques performed by using a questionnaire and Focus Group
Discussion. Data analysis was done by using the validity test: reliability Test, Multicollinearity Test:
Autocorrelation Test: heteroscedasticity Test; hypothesis testing performed by T test and F test, and coefficient of
determination analysis, in order to determine the amount of capital contribution of the influence of these five
variables and the government's decision to implement watershed conservation. The results showed that the five
capitals and government incentives are jointly significant effect on farmers' conservation decisions in the prevention of sedimentation in the sub-watershed of Keduang, while for the grass vegetation, in addition also having support to the economic value of conservation especially for supporting livestock and cattles.
Keywords: community participation, equity (capital) and government incentives, watershed conservation, reduction of sedimentation, Keduang Sub-Watershed
Pengaruh pencemaran lingkungan industri terhadap keanekaragaman plankton, gastropoda dan bivalvia pada komunitas hutan mangrove tepi kali donan cilacap=The Impact of Industrial Pollution on Plankton,Gastropods and Bivalv
.The purpose of this research was to study the pollution of water found in mangrove forest alongside Donan River, by examining Physico-Chemical parameters of the water pollution ,such as heavy metals (Hg and Cd), sediments, gastropod\u27s and bivalvia\u27s meat, and biodiversity of those invertebrate and plankton.
The research methods used for detecting heavy metals is Atomic Absorpsion Spectrophotometry (AAS), and biodiversity was identified according to Shannon Wiener. Charts were used for descriptive data analysis.
The results for water quality indicate that temperature was about 28.0 - 31.33° C, pH was about 7 - 7.83salinity of 29.33 - 30.67
L, each was still an the natural approximation. The turbidity was 10.64 - 24.88 FTU, dissolved oxsigen was 3.55 - 6.47 ppm and mineral oil not detected (n.d) - 0.935 ppm which according to the Governor Decree of Central Java No. 660.1/26/1990 and the State Minister for Enviroment Decree No. 02/1/88, was still proper to be used for biota.
The result for sea water indicates that mercury (Hg) was 0.0007 - 0.00312 ppm and cadmium (Cd) was 0.00345 - 0.03705 ppm. The contents had exceeded the limits of the standard quality of the sea biota established in the Governor Decree of Central Java No. 660.1/26/1990 and the State Minister for Environment Decree No. 02/1/88, the metals Hg was 5 0.003 ppm and Cd was 5 0.01 ppm.
The result of sediment analysis for heavy metal detection, Hg was 0.01387 - 0.0658 ppm and Cd was 0.38686 - 0.91838 ppm, while the natural limited level for the sediment recommended by Resau National d\u27Obsevation for the metals Hg was 0.02-0.35 ppm and Cd was 0.1 - 2 ppm.
The results of Gastropods (Nerita exuvia, Telescopium telescopium), and Bivalvia (Venus marcenaria, Lutraria australis) meat for heavy metals detection, gastropods Hg was 0.00128 -0.03555 ppm, Cd was 0.11042 - 0.54748 ppm and bivalvia Hg was 0.00809 - 0.04019 ppm and Cd was 0.20397 - 0.71496 ppm. The contents were still under the standard estabilished by Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan No. 03725/13/SK/V11/89, (for the metals was Hg 0.5 ppm and Cd was 1.0 ppm).
Diversity index of plankton, Gastropods and Bivalvia observation station of the mangrove forest alongside Donan River Cilacap, that was less than two (< 2), means that these waters are polluted.
Key. Words : Water Pollution, heavy metals Hg and Cd, diversity of plankton, gastropods and bivalvia
Evaluasi Prokasih Kali Surabaya (Kajian Penataan Hukum Industriawan)The Evaluation of Prokasih Kali Surabaya
The aim of this research is to figure out how industrialists comply with the laws, by establishing Waste Water Treatment Units in their industrial plants, and their efforts to reduce industrial pollution during the First Four Years of PROKASIH (the River Clean-Up Program) Kali Surabaya. In this research a study is carried out on how industrialists implement their compliance strategies, and then determine the most appropriate methods of how to achieve compliance through the effective use of administrative and civil instruments.This research was conducted at the East Java Provincial Region, with the research objects represented by 16 industries which are prioritized by PROKASIH Kali Surabaya. The parameters of effluent which were analyzed were BOD and COD. In this connection, compliance is based on the results of the evaluation depending on the quantity and the quality of the waste according to the regulations applicable to effluent standard. Data was grouped, selected and then analyzed with the use of normative qualitative method, that is, by giving due attention to the realities, and then corn-paring them with the theories which were obtained from the available literature. With the use of this method, it is expected that a picture about the objective of this research can ultimately be attained.The major results obtained from this research are the following:1. The compliance among the industrialists to provide the waste water treatment units in their plants, in terms of quantity, is remarkably good, whereas in terms of quality, it can be said that it is not as yet sufficient, that is50 percent, satisfactory, 18.75 percent, fair, and 31.25 percent, critical. Seen from the standpoint of the magnitude of pollution, the compliance of industrialists towards the management of liquid waste indicates a gradual improvement, although there are still some in-dustrieswhich have not yet achieved the set target of the waste water. If seen from the available data on the concentration of effluence, up to 87.5 percent of the industrialists have not yet fully complied with the Regulation on Effluent Standards. This condition leads to the conclusion that industry is a main potential source of pollution in Kali Surabaya, together with other sources like domestic waste, mining, and agriculture.2. The application of administrative measures by the go-vernment through the use of industrial licensing is still very low, although there are good reasons to take the appropriate action. The Statement Signed by the industrialists, is in reality more of a moral action of the industrialists, but as a legal means, that its effectiveness in controlling pollution is remarkably low.The Agreement on Pollution Control as a civil instrument, which is developed in this research, can be used to empower the compliance strategy, together with other
administrative measures.
Keywords: Effluent Standard, Implementing the Compliance Strategy: Administrative and Civil
Dalam konteks pemanfaatan teknologi nuklir sebagai penghasil energi, terdapat tiga permasalahan serius yang sekaligus menjadi isu utama perhatian masyarakat, yaitu: diversifikasi plutonium, keselamatan reaktor nuklir, dan masalah penyimpanan bahan bakar bekas. Indonesia yang sedang mempertimbangkan pembangunan beberapa PLTN dalam waktu dekat, diperkirakan akan menghadapi pula masalah penyimpanan bahan bakar bekas yang dihasilkan oleh PLTN -PLTN tersebut. Penelitian dalam tingkat simulasi telah dilakukan untuk menaksir dosis potensiai yang mungkin diterima penduduk yang bertempat tinggal di sekitar calon lokasi penyimpanan lestari di pulau Genting, Karimunjawa. Kurun waktu pemodelan adalah 50 tahun setelah berakhirnya masa pengawasan institusional. Data yang relevan dengan rencana pembangunan PLTN Indonesia dan desain calon fasilitas penyimpanan lestari menjadi dasar pemodelan yang dilakukan dengan paket program GENII-S rancangan Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico.
Pemodelan menghasilkan ramalan sebagai berikut: AEDE potensial sebesar 2,312x10 rem, CEDE potensial sebesar 2,926xle rem, dan CCEDE potensial sebesar 2,148x10-3 rem. Nuklida-nuklida kontributor utama dosis potensial adalah C-14, 1-I29, Th-234, Pa-233, dan Pa-234. Ketiga nuklida terakhir berasal dari rantai peluruhan U-238 dan Np-237. Jalur paparan dominan adalah air minurn yang berasal dari air tanah terkontaminasi dan jalur paparan eksternal adalah permukaan tanah terkontaminasi. Dosis tahunan maksimal potensial selama 50 tahun masa pemodelan berorde 1/1000 dari dosis yang umum diterima melalui paparan radiasi alarniah. Nilai-nilai dosis potensial yang dihasilkan dalam pemodelan ini, bukanlah perkiraan yang spesifik dan mutlak, melainkan hendaknya diinterpretasikan sebagai indikator peluang bahaya yang paling mungkin muncul dari kehadiran fasilitas penyimpanan lestari di pulau Genting, Karimunjawa
Kajian Vegetasi Sebagai Peredam Kebisingan Yang Ditimbulkan Oleh Kereta Api Di Kecamatan Gamping, Kabupaten Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta
The train makes alot of noise that disturbes the people in the form of noise pollution. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of the plant to eliminate the noise in Gamping, Sleman, D.1. Yogyakarta.The research was done by divided the study area. in 10 plots (10 m x 30 m) and each plot was divided into 3 sub plots. The plant in each sub plot was collected in order to determine the species and the plant parameter was measured. The level of the noise was measured by sound level meter at the distance of 10 m, 20 m, and 30 m from the railroad. The results of the research showed that the plant can eliminate the noise level ranging from 0,2 up to 6,0 dB(A). Based on the multiple regression analysis by backward model, it can be observed that the biggest contribution of plant parameter on the level of noise elimination was at 30 meters from the source of noise. The contribution was 58,4 %. Moreover, the crucial factor to eliminate the noise is the average of the stem hight and the average of canopy width.
Keywords : plant parameter, noise elimination, trai
Akumulasi Logam Berat Cr Dan Pb Pada Tum13uhan Mangrove...
Ekosistem mangrove cenderung dapat mengakumulasi unsur-unsur logam berat yang berada dalam periaran sekitar tumbuhan mengrove. Kajian ini dilakukan di muara sungai Babon, Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kemampuan tumbuhan mangrove, Avicennia marina, dalam mengakumulasi unsur logam berat Cr dan Pbmengetahui organ (akar, cabang, dan daun) yang paling banyak mengakumulasi unsur logam berat dan mengetahui peran turnbuhan mangrove dalam mengurangi kandungan logam berat (Cr dan Pb) yang ada di perairan muara sungai Babon.
Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahap, Tahap observasi pendahuluan ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang hidup di ekosistent mangrove dan menentukan keberadaan unsur logam berat dalam organ tumbuhan mangrove. Setelah observasi pendahuluan dapat ditentukan lokasi sampling yang ada tumbuhan mangrove A marina dan lokasi yang tidak ada tumbuhan tersebut. Penelitian utamam ditujukan untuk memperoleh data primer konsentrasi Cr dan Pb dengan cara mencuplik dari organ tumbuhan (akar, cabang dan daun), sedimen dan air. Cuplikan dibawa ke laboratorium untuk dikeringkan dengan Microwave Digestion MLS-1200 MEGA dan ditentukan kadar Cr dan Pbnya, Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara statistik Uji Non Parametric Kruskal Wallis dan Uji Two Test Kolmogorov Smirnov.
Hasil penelitian menampakkan Cr terakumulasi lebih banyak daripada Pb di tumbuhan mangrove. Kecepatan faktor biokonsentrasi untuk Cr adalah 1052.66 dan Pb adalah349.54. Tempat konsentrasi tertinggi Cr dan Pb dalam organ tumbuhan berturut-turut: akar, cabang dan dedaunan. Daun menyerap unsur Pb lebih besar daripada cabang. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Cr dan Pb di sedimen yang perairannya ditumbuhi mangrove lebili besar dari pada di sedimen yang perairannya tanpa ditumbuhi mangrove. Konsentrasi unsur logam berat dalam perairan yang ditumbuhi mangrove temyata tidak berbeda nyata dengan perairan yang tidak ditumbuhi mangrove.
Kata kunci: pencemaran sungai, logam berat, mangrov
Wooden furniture industry is an important industry sector in Indonesia, because many people’s welfare relyon this industry sector and the industry has a big social and environmental impacts. Many wooden furnitureindustries in Indonesia, especially in Central Java Province face problems related to the sustainability. The relationbetween wood suppliers and furniture industry is studied in this paper. A sustainable supply chain management (s-SCM) model is proposed as an approach for solutions for the problems. The approach is chosen due to the characteristics of the problems that related to economic, social, and environmental problems. This aim of this paper is to determine how much supply teak wood must be provided by PP to satisfy furniture industry demand, how much production capacity that must be increased and how large forest area that must be planted in order to achieve environmental and social goals without sacrificing economical goals much. Goal programming (GP) is chosen for solving the problems, because the goals are to maximize the total benefit,minimize the total loss and anticipate the conflicts between goals. Numerical trial based on observation in teak wooden furniture industry in Central Java was used to illustrate our findings. Using pareto efficient principle, the model can satisfy all goals that need to be achieved. Numerical results can be used by decision makers in teak wood industry to analyze the trade-off among several set of alternative solutions
Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pembuatan Sumur Resapan Air Hujan (Studi Kasus di Desa Minomartani dan Pakembinagun, Kabupaten Sleman)
This Research was intended to investigate the degree of knowledge, attitude, and community participation in building infiltration wells, and factors, infuencing them in Minomartani and Pakem-binangun villages, Sleman Regency, Province of Yogyakarta. Besides, the uniformity of measure and lay out of infiltration wells for community that had been built, was also studied.
Field research was undertaken by applying survey method, using questionnaire, interview, and observation to complete the collection of data. The data were analyzed using frequency tables, cross table analysis, multiple regression analysis, and correlation. Measure and lay out of infiltration wells were suitable with The Indonesian National Standard. The sampling technique was combination of purposive sampling and random sampling, each sampling consisted of 75 respondents in Minomartani village and 75 respondents in Pakembinangun village.
The Result of this research showed that: (1) degree of knowledge, attitude, and community participation in building infiltration wells in Minomartani and Pakembinangun villages were low(2) attitude and community participation in building of infiltration wells were influenced by degree of knowledge, age, level of formal education, occupation, length of stay, tha building cost of infiltration wells and information given. It showed that correlation coefficient was 81% in Minomartani village and 70% in Pakembinangun village, determination coefficient was 66% in both of research villages. Among those factors, knowledge was the predominant one, that was 99,99% in level of significant T 0,005(3) measure and lay out of infiltration wells for community that had been built, fulfilled. The Indonesian National Standard in both of villages studied.
Keywords: Knowledge, attitude, participation, infiltration well
ABSTRAKEkosistem mangrove cenderung dapat mengakumulasi unsur-unsur logam berat yang berada dalam perairan sekitar tumbuhan mengrove. Kajian ini dilakukan di muara sungai Babon, Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kemampuan tumbuhan mangrove, Avicennia murina, dalam mengakumulasi unsur logam berat Cr dan Pb; mengetahui organ (akar, cabang, dan daun) yang paling banyak mengakumulasi unsur logam berat dan mengetahui peran tumbuhan mangrove dalam mengurangi kandungan logam berat (Cr dan Pb) yang ada di perairan muara sungai Babon. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahap. Tahap observasi pendahuluan ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang hidup di ekosistem mangrove dan menentukan keberadaan unsur logam berat dalam organ tumbuhan mangrove. Setelah observasi pendahuluan dapat ditentukan lokasi sampling yang ada tumbuhan mangrove A. marina dan lokasi yang tidak ada tumbuhan tersebut. Penelitian utama ditujukan untuk memperoleh data primer konsentrasi Cr dan Pb dengan cara mencuplik dari organ tumbuhan (akar, cabang dan daun), sedimen dan air. Cuplikan dibawa ke laboratorium untuk dikeringkan dengan Microwave Digestion MLS-1200 MEGA dan ditentukan kadar Cr dan Pbnya. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara statistik Uji Non Parametric Kruskal Wallis dan Uji Two Test Kolmogorov Smimov. Hasil penelitian menampakkian Cr terakumulasi lebih banyak daripada Pb di tumbuhan mlangrove. Kecepatan faktor biokonsentrasi untuk Cr adalah 1052.66 dan Pb adalah 349.54. Tempat konsentrasi tertinggi Cr dan Pb dalam organ tumbuhan berturut-turut: akar, cabang dan dedaunan. Daun menyerap unsur Pb lebih besar daripada cabang. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Cr dan Pb di sedimen yang perairannya ditumbuhi mangrove lebilr besar dari pada di sedimen yang perairannya tanpa ditumbuhi mangrove. Konsentrasi unsur logam berat dalam perairan yang ditumbuhi magrove. ABSTRACTMangrove have a tendency to accumulate heavy metal elements, which exist in the water ecosystem surrounds this plant life. This study is conducted in Babon River’s Estuari Semarang, Central Java and aimed to meet some goals as follows. First, to observe the mangrove plants capability, Avicennia marina, to accumulate heavy metal elements, e.g.: Cr and Pb. Second, to understand deeper observation of mangrove plant’s organs: the roots, branches, and leaves, according to accumulate heavy metal elements. Third, to observe the role of mangrove plant due to reduce heavy metal elements (Cr and Pb), which may pollute in Babon rivers Estuaries. The Mangrove research and observation is divided into two major stages: Preliminary Observation and Main Observation. The preliminary observation is aimed to identify the variuous types of Mangrove plant and determine the heavy metal element contained in Mangrove plant organ. Based on preliminary observation result then decided the designated location sample point (contain heavy metal elements) which represent the Mangrova A. marina plant existence and the absence. The main observation is conducted in order to determine primary data of Cr and Pb concentration by taking sample plant organ’s (roots, branches, and leaves), sediment, and water. The sample is then dried by Microwave Digestion MLS-1200 MEGA. The main data observation is analysed statistically by using Non parametric Kruskal Wallis test and Two sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. The accumulating capability of Mangrove plant describe that Cr element is more accumulate by Mangrove plant comparing to Pb element. The rate of Bio-concentration factor for Cr and Pb are 1052.66 and 349.54. The highest concentration level of Cr and Pb in Mangrove plant’s organ as in order : The roots, branches, and leaves. The leaves contain bigger Pb element in sediment, settled in the bottom of water, that present with Mangrove are quite bigger than location which Mangrove absences. On the other side, observation also describe that there is not significant metal element concentration differences in the water which present Mangrove or even in absence
ABSTRAK Tujuan studi ini meliputi (1) menentukan kualitas lingkungan daerah pesisir dan tambak ikan, kualitas sedimen, dan komunitas meiobentos, (2) menemukan hubungan antara kualitas sedimen dan meiobentos, dan (3) menentukan tingkat produktivitas peikampungan tambak ikan berdasarkan jarak, tingkat polusi dan destruksi. Parameter kualitas air dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif-komparatif, sedangkan parameter sedimen dianalisis menggunakan PCA (Principal Component Analisys) untuk menentukan distribusi spasial pada setiap stasiun pemantauan dan lapisan kedalaman sedimen. Komunitas meiobentos diperiksa dengan menggunakan CA (Factorial Correspondence Analysis) untuk mendeteksi tingkat distribusi spasial yang juga berdasarkan stasiun pemantauan dan lapisan kedalaman sedimen. Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan korelasi dan regresi untuk memahami pengaruh parameter bebas terhadap produktivitas tambak ikan. Kemudian tes statistik non parametric dari Kruskall Wallis digunakan untuk membedakan produktivitas pada 3 desa berdasarkan jarak terhadap sumber pencemaran dan tingkat destruksi tambak ikan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa nilai parameter kualitas air (muddy, TSS NH3, NO2, beyond threshold level), negative redox potential (Eh) sediment value/reduction zone, and IMLP adalah moderat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi air di daerah penelitian tidak stabil. Penelitian juga menunjukkan nilai indeks diversitas yang rendah, dominasi organisme meiobentos tertentu, dan konformitas antar komunitas bentos. Hasil tes statistik Kruskall Wallis menunjukkan adanya signifikansi antara produktivitas tambak ikan dengan factor jarak dan tingkat destruksi diantara 3 desa dalam daerah penelitian yaitu Bedono, Sriwulan. Purwosari yaitu dengan nilai produktivitas 0.65,0.56, 0.41 ton/hektar/tahun. ABSTRACTThe objective of this study area to determine the environmental quality of coastal area and fish ponds which are on water quality, sediment quality, and Meiobentos community, to find out the relation between sediment quality and Meiobentos, and to determine the productivity level of fish ponds villages which are based on their distance, pollution level and destruction. The parameters of water quality were analyzed with descriptive comparative method, while the parameters of sediment were analyzed with principal component analysis (PCA) to find out its spatial distribution according at each monitoring station and the layer of sediment depth. Meiobentos community is to examined by factorial correspondence analysis (CA) to detect the level of its spatial distribution, which based on the monitoring station and the layer of sediment depth. Socio-economic parameters was collected by interviewing fish pond owners and tenant at the research area. It is analyzed with correlation regression to understand the influence of dependent parameter on independent parameter (the productivity of fish ponds). Then the nonparametric test statistic of Kruskall Wallis was used to differentiate the productivity at the three villages based on their distance from waste source and the destruction level of fish ponds. The research find out that water quality parameters (Muddy, TSS, NH3, NO2, beyond threshold level), negative redox potential (Eh) sediment value/reduction zone, and IMLP value are moderate. This shows the waters condition at the research area is still not stable. The results also show the low value of diversity index, the dominance of particular meiobentos organisms, and the conformity between meiobentos community. The results of Krskall Wallis statistical test point out that there is a significant differences between fish ponds productivity with the distance factor and the level of destruction in the three villages research areas, i.e Bedono, Sriwulan, Purwosari consercutively with productivity value 0.65, 0.56, 0.41 ton/hectare/year
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