7 research outputs found

    Assessing mammal trapping standards in wild boar drop-net capture

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    Applying contemporary trapping standards when managing wildlife should no longer be an option, but a duty. Increasing wild boar populations originate a growing number of conflicts and hunting is the only cost-effective management option in most cases. However, new scenarios where hunting is unfeasible emerge and trapping necessities cope with lacking regulatory frameworks and technical guidelines. In this research, we evaluated drop nets, a capture method not considered by the international trapping standards, to capture Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa), a wildlife species not included in the list of mammal species under the scope of the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS). Less than 20% of the captured wild boars presented moderate or severe injuries attributable to the capture method, hence fulfilling the acceptance thresholds of the outdated AIHTS. Based on the new standards thresholds of acceptance, the humaneness of drop-nets in our study ranged 66-78%, under the 85% required. The capture success and selectivity were 100%, as ensured by operator-driven triggering, which should be considered the main strengths of this method, together with the minimization of animal suffering owing the short duration of the stressful situation. Additionally, in spite of the socially adverse environment, with people contrary to wild boar removal, no disturbances against the capture system or operations occurred. This is the first assessment of a drop-net capture method according to internationally accepted mammal trapping standards, with unconclusive results. However, there is a need for adapted procedures and thresholds of acceptance aimed at not-mechanical traps in general, and specifically at drop-nets. Compared to other live-capture methods, drop-nets minimize the duration of the stressful situation -at the expense of a strong adrenergic acute response-, maximize the probabilities of capturing entire sounders of prosocial species, which may be also considered as more humane, and has the ability to coordinate higher values of capture success, absolute selectivity and adaptability to difficult environments

    The local skin cellular immune response determines the clinical outcome of sarcoptic mange in Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica)

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    Sarcoptic mange, caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, is a disease with implications for wildlife conservation and management. Its severity depends on the host's local skin immune response, which is largely unknown in Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica), a mountain ungulate dramatically affected by mange. In this species, the clinical outcome of sarcoptic mange varies among individuals, and the local immune response could be key to controlling the infestation. This study aims to characterize the local cellular immune response and its relationship with the clinical outcome. Fourteen Iberian ibexes were experimentally infested with S. scabiei and six more served as controls. Clinical signs were monitored, and skin biopsies were collected from the withers at 26, 46, and 103 days post-infection (dpi). The presence and distribution of macrophages (including M1 and M2 phenotypes), T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, plasma cells, and interleukine 10 were quantitatively evaluated using immunohistochemical techniques. An inflammatory infiltrate that decreased significantly from 26 to 103 dpi was observed in all the infested ibexes. The predominant inflammatory cell population in the skin of the mangy ibexes was formed by macrophages (mainly the M2 phenotype) followed by T lymphocytes, with lower numbers of B lymphocytes and plasma cells. Three clinical courses were identified: total recovery, partial recovery, and terminal stage. The inflammatory infiltrates were less pronounced in the fully recovered ibexes than in those that progressed to the terminal stage throughout the study. The results suggest an exacerbated but effective Th1-type cellular immune response controlling mange in Iberian ibex. Furthermore, the local immune response appears to determine the variability of the clinical responses to S. scabiei infestation in this species. This first report on the progression of local skin immune cells is relevant not only for individuals but also for population management and conservation

    The local skin cellular immune response determines the clinical outcome of sarcoptic mange in Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica)

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    [EN] Introduction: Sarcoptic mange, caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, is a disease with implications for wildlife conservation and management. Its severity depends on the host’s local skin immune response, which is largely unknown in Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica), a mountain ungulate dramatically affected by mange. In this species, the clinical outcome of sarcoptic mange varies among individuals, and the local immune response could be key to controlling the infestation. This study aims to characterize the local cellular immune response and its relationship with the clinical outcome. Methods: Fourteen Iberian ibexes were experimentally infested with S. scabiei and six more served as controls. Clinical signs were monitored, and skin biopsies were collected from the withers at 26, 46, and 103 days post-infection (dpi). The presence and distribution of macrophages (including M1 and M2 phenotypes), T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, plasma cells, and interleukine 10 were quantitatively evaluated using immunohistochemical techniques. Results: An inflammatory infiltrate that decreased significantly from 26 to 103 dpi was observed in all the infested ibexes. The predominant inflammatory cell population in the skin of the mangy ibexes was formed by macrophages (mainly the M2 phenotype) followed by T lymphocytes, with lower numbers of B lymphocytes and plasma cells. Three clinical courses were identified: total recovery, partial recovery, and terminal stage. The inflammatory infiltrates were less pronounced in the fully recovered ibexes than in those that progressed to the terminal stage throughout the study. Discussion: The results suggest an exacerbated but effective Th1-type cellular immune response controlling mange in Iberian ibex. Furthermore, the local immune response appears to determine the variability of the clinical responses to S. scabiei infestation in this species. This first report on the progression of local skin immune cells is relevant not only for individuals but also for population management and conservation.SIThis project was funded by the Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía (project 173/2009/M/00;03/15/M/00; 861_11_M_00 and 2016/00014/M) and the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (projects CGL2012-40043-C02-01, CGL2012-40043-C02-02, and CGL2016-80543-P). The authors’ research activities are partially supported by the Plan Andaluz de Investigación (RNM-118 group). MV is supported by a FI-GENCAT Fellowship (2020_FI_B2_00049, which is cofinanced by the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca and the European Social Fund). GM is a Serra Húnter FellowThe authors would like to thank the Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía and in particular the Sierra Nevada Natural Space for their logistical support and the Sierra de Huétor Natural Park for the transfer of their experimental facilities. We also give special thanks to the park wardens and fieldworkers in the SNNS and above all to Apolo Sánchez, José López, Isidro Puga, Elías Martínez, Francisco Felipe, and Antonio Rodríguez for their professional and personal involvement in the study. The authors are also grateful to Manolo Herrera for the maintenance of the ibex and the facilities during the experimental phase, Emmanuel Serrano for advice, and the Service of Veterinary Pathology of the UAB for the histological preparation of samples. The technical and human support provided by Marta Silva is gratefully acknowledged

    Diseases of Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica)

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    Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) is an ecologically and economically relevant medium-sized emblematic mountain ungulate. Diseases participate in the population dynamics of the species as a regulating agent, but can also threaten the conservation and viability of vulnerable population units. Moreover, Iberian ibex can also be a carrier or even a reservoir of pathogens shared with domestic animals and/or humans, being therefore a concern for livestock and public health. The objective of this review is to compile the currently available knowledge on (1) diseases of Iberian ibex, presented according to their relevance on the health and demography of free-ranging populations; (2) diseases subjected to heath surveillance plans; (3) other diseases reported in the species; and (4) diseases with particular relevance in captive Iberian ibex populations. The systematic review of all the information on diseases affecting the species unveils unpublished reports, scientific communications in meetings, and scientific articles, allowing the first comprehensive compilation of Iberian ibex diseases. This review identifies the gaps in knowledge regarding pathogenesis, immune response, diagnostic methods, treatment, and management of diseases in Iberian ibex, providing a base for future research. Moreover, this challenges wildlife and livestock disease and wildlife population managers to assess the priorities and policies currently implemented in Iberian ibex health surveillance and monitoring and disease management

    Evaluating hunting and capture methods for urban wild boar population management

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABWild ungulates are expanding in range and number worldwide leading to an urgent need to manage their populations to minimize conflicts and promote coexistence with humans. In the metropolitan area of Barcelona (MAB), wild boar is the main wildlife species causing a nuisance, from traffic accidents to health risks. Selective harvesting of specific sex and age classes and reducing anthropogenic food resources would be the most efficient approach to dealing with overpopulation. Nonetheless, there is a gap in knowledge regarding the age and sex selectivity of the capture methods currently applied in the MAB for wild boar population control. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the performance and age and sex bias of different hunting and capture methods and the seasonal patterns in their performance (number of captured individuals per event). From February 2014 to August 2022, 1454 wild boars were captured in the MAB using drop net, teleanaesthesia, cage traps, night stalks, and drive hunting. We applied generalized linear models (GLM) to compare the performance of these methods for the total number of wild boars, the wild boars belonging to each age category (i.e., adult, yearling, and juvenile), and for each season. The studied capture methods showed age-class bias and sex bias in adults (>2 years). Drive hunting and drop net removed mainly adult females and yearlings (1-2 years), with drive hunting having the highest performance for adult males. Instead, cage traps and drop net were the best methods to capture juveniles (<1 year). Overall, global performance was higher in summer, decreasingly followed by autumn and spring, winter being the worst performing season. Wildlife managers and researchers should consider the different performance and sex and age bias of each hunting and capture method, as well as the associated public cost, to improve efficiency and achieve the best results in wild boar population management

    Exposure of Dairy Cows to <i>Coxiella burnetii</i> in Greece: Surveillance Results and Association of Bacterial Presence with Environmental Variables

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    The exposure of dairy cows to Coxiella burnetii using molecular and serological techniques was investigated in this study. Bulk tank milk and serum samples were collected from various farms in Greece (mainly northern Greece). DNA extraction was performed on milk samples, and qPCR targeting the IS1111 insertion sequence was performed to detect bacterial pathogens. An ELISA was used to detect specific antibodies in bulk milk and individual serum samples. Data on farms were collected in the field using handheld Global Positioning System Garmin units. The collected data were analyzed using an Ecological Niche Model within the framework of a geographic information system. The results indicated that in more than half of the dairy farms (35/60, 58.3%), C. burnetii is present in milk. Specific antibodies were also detected in almost all milk samples (57/60, 95.0%). At least one seropositive animal was identified using ELISA in the majority of the examined farms (25/28, 89.3%). C. burnetii PCR-positive farms were located in the low-altitude zone with a mean value of 97 m above sea level (range: 2–681). The environmental variable with the highest gain when used in isolation is precipitation in the wettest quarter (28.3% contribution), which therefore appears to have the most useful information by itself. The environmental variable that decreases the gain the most when omitted is the minimal temperature of the coldest month (6.9% contribution). The analysis demonstrated that a mild climate with low precipitation favors a positive status. The exposure of dairy cattle farms to C. burnetii is massive, raising significant concerns regarding livestock production and public health implications