3 research outputs found

    Nonspecific membrane-matrix interactions influence diffusivity of lipid vesicles in hydrogels

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    The diffusion of extracellular vesicles and liposomes in vivo is affected by different tissue environmental conditions and is of great interest in the development of liposome-based therapeutics and drug-delivery systems. Here, we use a bottom-up biomimetic approach to better isolate and study steric and electrostatic interactions and their influence on the diffusivity of synthetic large unilamellar vesicles in hydrogel environments. Single-particle tracking of these extracellular vesicle-like particles in agarose hydrogels as an extracellular matrix model shows that membrane deformability and surface charge affect the hydrogel pore spaces that vesicles have access to, which determines overall diffusivity. Moreover, we show that passivation of vesicles with PEGylated lipids, as often used in drug-delivery systems, enhances diffusivity, but that this effect cannot be fully explained with electrostatic interactions alone. Finally, we compare our experimental findings with existing computational and theoretical work in the field to help explain the nonspecific interactions between diffusing particles and gel matrix environments

    Defining the process to literature searching in systematic reviews: a literature review of guidance and supporting studies

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    BACKGROUND: Systematic literature searching is recognised as a critical component of the systematic review process. It involves a systematic search for studies and aims for a transparent report of study identification, leaving readers clear about what was done to identify studies, and how the findings of the review are situated in the relevant evidence. Information specialists and review teams appear to work from a shared and tacit model of the literature search process. How this tacit model has developed and evolved is unclear, and it has not been explicitly examined before. The purpose of this review is to determine if a shared model of the literature searching process can be detected across systematic review guidance documents and, if so, how this process is reported in the guidance and supported by published studies. METHOD: A literature review. Two types of literature were reviewed: guidance and published studies. Nine guidance documents were identified, including: The Cochrane and Campbell Handbooks. Published studies were identified through 'pearl growing', citation chasing, a search of PubMed using the systematic review methods filter, and the authors' topic knowledge. The relevant sections within each guidance document were then read and re-read, with the aim of determining key methodological stages. Methodological stages were identified and defined. This data was reviewed to identify agreements and areas of unique guidance between guidance documents. Consensus across multiple guidance documents was used to inform selection of 'key stages' in the process of literature searching. RESULTS: Eight key stages were determined relating specifically to literature searching in systematic reviews. They were: who should literature search, aims and purpose of literature searching, preparation, the search strategy, searching databases, supplementary searching, managing references and reporting the search process. CONCLUSIONS: Eight key stages to the process of literature searching in systematic reviews were identified. These key stages are consistently reported in the nine guidance documents, suggesting consensus on the key stages of literature searching, and therefore the process of literature searching as a whole, in systematic reviews. Further research to determine the suitability of using the same process of literature searching for all types of systematic review is indicated

    Biomolecular condensates modulate membrane lipid packing and hydration

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    Abstract Membrane wetting by biomolecular condensates recently emerged as a key phenomenon in cell biology, playing an important role in a diverse range of processes across different organisms. However, an understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind condensate formation and interaction with lipid membranes is still missing. To study this, we exploited the properties of the dyes ACDAN and LAURDAN as nano-environmental sensors in combination with phasor analysis of hyperspectral and lifetime imaging microscopy. Using glycinin as a model condensate-forming protein and giant vesicles as model membranes, we obtained vital information on the process of condensate formation and membrane wetting. Our results reveal that glycinin condensates display differences in water dynamics when changing the salinity of the medium as a consequence of rearrangements in the secondary structure of the protein. Remarkably, analysis of membrane-condensates interaction with protein as well as polymer condensates indicated a correlation between increased wetting affinity and enhanced lipid packing. This is demonstrated by a decrease in the dipolar relaxation of water across all membrane-condensate systems, suggesting a general mechanism to tune membrane packing by condensate wetting