1,466 research outputs found

    Domestication and foreignization in the Finnish translation of Desperate Housewives

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    Abstract. The topic of this study is domestication and foreignization in the Finnish DVD translation of the American television series Desperate Housewives. The aim of this study is to see which translation approach, domestication or foreignization, is preferred in the translation, and how they are used to solve the transferring of American cultural elements to the Finnish audience. The material for the analysis was the first season (23 episodes) of Desperate Housewives. The culture-bound elements of the original text found in the first season were categorized into four main categories: 1) Culture, 2) Society, 3) Phrases and expressions, and 4) Money and measures. The translation methods were identified and analyzed with the help of Pedersen’s (2005) classification of translation methods. The division of the methods used in the translation was made based on Pedersen’s (2005) and Van Poucke’s (2012) divisions, and partly on the author’s assessment on the domesticating or foreignizing effect of the method. Domesticating methods are substitution and generalization, and foreignizing methods are retention and direct translation. In addition to these, there are translation methods called specification and official equivalent, which are more ambiguous translation methods. The results of this study show that mainly domesticating methods were used to translate the culture-bound elements of the first season of Desperate Housewives into Finnish. However, it was shown that also foreignizing translation methods were used a fair number of times in the translated material. Sometimes a combination of different methods was used to translate a culture-bound element. However, the shift in the way which audiovisual media is consumed, as well as the change in translation conventions, indicate that this might not be the case if the study was conducted on a newer translated version of this, or any other, series. Even though the result of this study was that domestication is preferred in this particular translation, the new trend in translation would seem to be more foreignizing.Tiivistelmä. Tämän tutkielman aiheena on vieraannuttavat ja kotouttavat käännöstavat Täydelliset naiset sarjan DVD-julkaisun suomennoksessa. Tarkoituksena on tutkia, kumpaa käännösmenetelmää käännöksessä suositaan, ja miten niitä on käytetty amerikkalaisten kulttuurisidonnaisten elementtien tuomiseksi suomenkieliseen käännökseen. Tutkittavana materiaalina käytettiin sarjan ensimmäistä tuotantokautta (23 jaksoa). Alkuperäisen tekstin kulttuurisidonnaiset elementit on jaettu neljään kategoriaan: 1) kulttuuri, 2) yhteiskunta, 3) sanonnat ja ilmaisut, sekä 4) raha ja mitat. Käännösmenetelmän määriteltiin ja analysoitiin Pedersenin (2005) luokituksen avulla. Käännösmenetelmien jaottelu kotouttaviin ja vieraannuttaviin perustui Pedersenin (2005) ja Van Poucken (2012) jaotteluihin, mutta myös osittain kirjoittajan arvioon menetelmän kotouttavasta tai vieraannuttavasta vaikutuksesta. Kotouttavia menetelmiä ovat korvaaminen ja yleistys; vieraannuttavia ovat säilyttäminen ja suora käännös. Näiden lisäksi on kaksi käännösmenetelmää, jotka eivät itsessään sovi kumpaankaan luokkaan, vaan ovat moniselitteisempiä. Tämän tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että kotouttavia menetelmiä käytettiin useammin kulttuurisidonnaisten elementtien käännökseen Täydelliset naiset sarjan ensimmäisen kauden suomennoksessa. Kuitenkin myös vieraannuttavia menetelmiä käytettiin usein. Joskus eri menetelmiä yhdisteltiin kulttuurisidonnaisen elementin käännöksessä. Siirtymä uudenlaisiin audiovisuaalisen median kulutustapoihin sekä muutos käännöskäytänteissä, kuitenkin viittaavat siihen, että tulokset voisivat olla erilaiset, mikäli tutkimuksen kohteena olisi jokin uudempi käännös tästä, tai mistä tahansa muusta, sarjasta. Vaikkakin tämän tutkielman tulos oli, että kotoutusta suosittiin Täydelliset naiset sarjan ensimmäisen tuotantokauden käännöksessä, käännöksen uusi trendi vaikuttaisi yleisesti olevan vieraannutus

    Fathers and other gifts| poems and translations

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    Lag time determination in DEC measurements with PTR-MS

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    The disjunct eddy covariance (DEC) method has emerged as a popular technique for micrometeorological flux measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It has usually been combined with proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS), an online technique for VOC concentration measurements. However, the determination of the lag time between wind and concentration measurements has remained an important challenge. To address this issue, we studied the effect of different lag time methods on DEC fluxes. The analysis was based on both actual DEC measurements with PTR-MS and simulated DEC data derived from high frequency H<sub>2</sub>O measurements with an infrared gas analyzer. Conventional eddy covariance fluxes of H<sub>2</sub>O served as a reference in the DEC simulation. The individual flux measurements with PTR-MS were rather sensitive to the lag time methods, but typically this effect averaged out when the median fluxes were considered. The DEC simulation revealed that the maximum covariance method was prone to overestimation of the absolute values of fluxes. The constant lag time methods, one based on a value calculated from the sampling flow and the sampling line dimensions and the other on a typical daytime value, had a tendency to underestimate. The visual assessment method and our new averaging approach utilizing running averaged covariance functions did not yield statistically significant errors and thus fared better than the habitual choice, the maximum covariance method. Given this feature and the potential for automatic flux calculation, we recommend using the averaging approach in DEC measurements with PTR-MS. It also seems well suited to conventional eddy covariance applications when measuring fluxes near the detection limit


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    Technical Note: Quantitative long-term measurements of VOC concentrations by PTR-MS ? measurement, calibration, and volume mixing ratio calculation methods

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    International audienceProton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) is a technique for online measurements of atmospheric concentrations, or volume mixing ratios, of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The aim of this paper is to give a detailed description of our measurement, calibration, and volume mixing ratio calculation methods, which have been designed for long-term stand-alone field measurements by PTR-MS. We also show how the information obtained from a calibration can be used to determine the instrument specific relative transmission curve, which enables quantitative mixing ratio calculation for VOCs which are not present in a calibration gas standard. To illustrate the functionality of our measurement, calibration, and calculation methods, we present a one-month period of ambient mixing ratio data measured in a boreal forest ecosystem at the SMEAR II station in southern Finland. During the measurement period 27 March?26 April 2007, the hourly averages of mixing ratios were 0.1?0.5 ppbv for formaldehyde, 0.2?3.0 ppbv for methanol, 0.04?0.39 ppbv for benzene, and 0.03?1.25 ppbv for monoterpenes

    Hydrocarbon fluxes above a Scots pine forest canopy: Measurements and modeling

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    International audienceWe measured the fluxes of several hydrocarbon species above a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stand using disjunct eddy covariance technique with proton transfer reaction ? mass spectrometry. The measurements were conducted during four days in July at SMEAR II research station in Hyytiälä, Finland. Compounds which showed significant emission fluxes were methanol, acetaldehyde, acetone, and monoterpenes. A stochastic Lagrangian transport model with simple chemical degradation was applied to assess the sensitivity of the above canopy fluxes to chemistry. According to the model, the chemical degradation had a minor effect on the fluxes measured in this study but has a major effect on the vertical flux profiles of more reactive compounds, such as sesquiterpenes. The monoterpene fluxes followed the traditional exponential temperature dependent emission algorithm but were considerably higher than the fluxes measured before at the same site. The normalized emission potential (30°C) was 2.5 ?g gdw?1 h?1 obtained using the temperature dependence coefficient of 0.09°C?1

    The role of age and digital competence on the use of online health and social care services : A cross-sectional population-based survey

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    Objective Online health and social care services are getting widespread which increases the risk that less advantaged groups may not be able to access these services resulting in digital exclusion. We examined the combined effects of age and digital competence on the use of online health and social care services. Methods We used a large representative population-based sample of 4495 respondents from Finland. Paper-based self-assessment questionnaire with an online response option was mailed to participants. The associations were analyzed using survey weighted logistic regression, exploring potential non-linear effects of age and controlling for potential sex differences. Results Higher age, starting from around the age of 60 was associated with a lower likelihood of using online services for receiving test results, renewing prescriptions and scheduling appointments. Good digital competence was able to hinder the age-related decline in online services use, but only up to around the age of 80. Conclusions Our results suggest that older adults are at risk of digital exclusion, and not even good digital competence alleviates this risk among the oldest. We suggest that health and social care providers should consider older users' needs and abilities more thoroughly and offer easy to use online services. More digital support and training possibilities should be provided for older people. It is equally important that face-to-face and telephone services will be continued to be provided for those older people who are not able to use online services even when supported.Peer reviewe

    Tracing the fate of microplastic carbon in the aquatic food web by compound-specific isotope analysis

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    Increasing abundance of microplastics (MP) in marine and freshwaters is currently one of the greatest environmental concerns. Since plastics are fairly resistant to chemical decomposition, breakdown and reutilization of MP carbon complexes requires microbial activity. Currently, only a few microbial isolates have been shown to degrade MPs, and direct measurements of the fate of the MP carbon are still lacking. We used compound-specific isotope analysis to track the fate of fully labelled 13C-polyethylene (PE) MP carbon across the aquatic microbial-animal interface. Isotopic values of respired CO2 and membrane lipids showed that MP carbon was partly mineralized and partly used for cell growth. Microbial mineralization and assimilation of PE-MP carbon was most active when inoculated microbes were obtained from highly humic waters, which contain recalcitrant substrate sources. Mixotrophic algae (Cryptomonas sp.) and herbivorous zooplankton (Daphnia magna) used microbial mediated PE-MP carbon in their cell membrane fatty acids. Moreover, heteronanoflagellates and mixotrophic algae sequestered MP carbon for synthesizing essential ω-6 and ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thus, this study demonstrates that aquatic micro-organisms can produce, biochemically upgrade, and trophically transfer nutritionally important biomolecules from PE-MP.Increasing abundance of microplastics (MP) in marine and freshwaters is currently one of the greatest environmental concerns. Since plastics are fairly resistant to chemical decomposition, breakdown and reutilization of MP carbon complexes requires microbial activity. Currently, only a few microbial isolates have been shown to degrade MPs, and direct measurements of the fate of the MP carbon are still lacking. We used compound-specific isotope analysis to track the fate of fully labelled C-13-polyethylene (PE) MP carbon across the aquatic microbial-animal interface. Isotopic values of respired CO2 and membrane lipids showed that MP carbon was partly mineralized and partly used for cell growth. Microbial mineralization and assimilation of PE-MP carbon was most active when inoculated microbes were obtained from highly humic waters, which contain recalcitrant substrate sources. Mixotrophic algae (Cryptomonas sp.) and herbivorous zooplankton (Daphnia magna) used microbial mediated PE-MP carbon in their cell membrane fatty acids. Moreover, heteronanoflagellates and mixotrophic algae sequestered MP carbon for synthesizing essential omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thus, this study demonstrates that aquatic micro-organisms can produce, biochemically upgrade, and trophically transfer nutritionally important biomolecules from PE-MP.Peer reviewe

    Lake eutrophication and brownification downgrade availability and transfer of essential fatty acids for human consumption

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    Fish are an important source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for birds, mammals and humans. In aquatic food webs, these highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) are essential for many physiological processes and mainly synthetized by distinct phytoplankton taxa. Consumers at different trophic levels obtain essential fatty acids from their diet because they cannot produce these sufficiently de novo. Here, we evaluated how the increase in phosphorus concentration (eutrophication) or terrestrial organic matter inputs (brownification) change EPA and DHA content in the phytoplankton. Then, we evaluated whether these changes can be seen in the EPA and DHA content of piscivorous European perch (Perca fluviatilis), which is a widely distributed species and commonly consumed by humans. Data from 713 lakes showed statistically significant differences in the abundance of EPA- and DHA-synthesizing phytoplankton as well as in the concentrations and content of these essential fatty acids among oligo-mesotrophic, eutrophic and dystrophic lakes. The EPA and DHA content of phytoplankton biomass (mg HUFA g(-1)) was significantly lower in the eutrophic lakes than in the oligo-mesotrophic or dystrophic lakes. We found a strong significant correlation between the DHA content in the muscle of piscivorous perch and phytoplankton DHA content (r = 0.85) as well with the contribution of DHA-synthesizing phytoplankton taxa (r = 0.83). Among all DHA-synthesizing phytoplankton this correlation was the strongest with the dinoflagellates (r = 0.74) and chrysophytes (r = 0.70). Accordingly, the EPA + DHA content of perch muscle decreased with increasing total phosphorus (r(2) = 0.80) and dissolved organic carbon concentration (r(2) = 0.83) in the lakes. Our results suggest that although eutrophication generally increase biomass production across different trophic levels, the high proportion of low-quality primary producers reduce EPA and DHA content in the food web up to predatory fish. Ultimately, it seems that lake eutrophication and brownification decrease the nutritional quality of fish for human consumers. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe