312 research outputs found

    Morpholinium hydrogen chloranilate methanol monosolvate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C4H10NO+·C6HCl2O4 −·CH4O, the components are held together by bifurcated O—H⋯(O,O), O—H⋯(O,Cl) and N—H⋯(O,O) hydrogen bonds into a centrosymmetric 2+2+2 aggregate. The aggregates are further connected by another bifurcated N—H⋯(O, O) hydrogen bond, forming a double-tape structure along the b axis. A weak C—H⋯O inter­action is observed between the tapes

    Design method for large-scale wide field-of-view monochromatic metalenses

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    We propose a novel design method for wide field-of-view monochromatic metalenses. The proposed technique partitions the outer region of a metalens into supercells, which are generated by dividing the outer region into intervals along the radial direction, where the target phase changes by 2π, and along the angular direction with a constant angular periodicity. Therefore, the shape of each supercell can be approximated as a rectangle with its size comparable to a wavelength. The arrangement of pillars within this supercell is determined by metagrating optimization via the adjoint method. The optimization process considers both inter-pillar couplings and the range of incidence angles. This makes the design of large-scale wide field-of-view high-efficiency metalenses more tractable than the conventional unit-cell-based method, which is prone to efficiency decrease especially near the lens periphery. Furthermore, it has a potential advantage in terms of computational cost over other recently proposed optimization-based methods


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    ジャコウネズミ(スンクス)足指におけるパチニー小体の形態と分布を光学顕微鏡および電子顕微鏡を用いて調べた.パチニー小体は長径約260μm,幅径約130μmの卵円体ないし楕円体である.形態学的にはネコやヒトの関節包にみられる小型の小体に類似する.周縁は10層程度の神経周膜細胞の層板(外棍)からなり,その内部には30ないし40の細胞質層板からなる内棍と神経終末部が含まれる.パチニー小体は指の屈筋腱と指骨の間の深部結合組織中に両側性に局在し,他の部位には認められない.位置関係から,これらのパチニー小体は指屈筋腱の緊張に曝されていると考えられる.すなわち,ヒトなどの比較的大型のほ乳類と同様に,ジャコウネズミにおいても,指のパチニー小体は体肢の筋活動の反射的制御に関与していることが示唆される.The distribution and morphology of the digital Pacinian corpuscles in the laboratory house musk shrew, Suncus murinus, were examined by light and electron microscopes. The Pacinian corpuscles occurred bilaterally along the digital nerves in the connective tissue between the flexor digitorum tendons and palmar aspects of the phalanges. They were oval or ellipsoidal in shape and were small, bearing structural resemblance to those occurring in the articular capsules of the cat and man. The outer core of each corpuscle is comprised of approximately 10 layers of perineural lamellae. Because the digital Pacinian corpuscles are exposed to tendinous activity, they may be involved in the regulation of muscle tonus of the limbs in the house musk shrew

    Association of Lifestyle with Physical and Mental Health in Japanese Radiological Technologists

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    To elucidate the effects of low-dose radiation exposure and lifestyle on physical health and mental health, we evaluated the relationship of age, cumulative radiation dose, and lifestyle (cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and physical exercise) to physical and mental health in Japanese radiological technologists. The study subjects were 932 Japanese radiological technologists who participated in a health study from 1981 to 1985. A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to each subject to obtain information on the items listed above. Items that measured the status of physical and mental health were summarized as several indices and several categories based on the principal component analysis and quantification method III, respectively. The association of age, cumulative radiation dose and respective categories of lifestyle with summarized indices for physical health and summarized categories for mental health were analyzed using multivariate linear regression and multiple linear logistic regression, respectively. A significant decrease with age was observed in physical health but not in mental health except for stress and physical complaints. No significant effects of cumulative radiation dose were observed on physical or mental health. Unfavorable effects of current-smoking were observed in some categories of physical health and mental health. In contrast to cigarette smoking, current alcohol drinking, especially lightdrinking, showed favorable effects in several categories of physical health and mental health, while ex-drinking showed unfavorable effects in some categories of mental health. Favorable effects of physical exercise, especially of high-intensity exercise were observed on both physical and mental health. Effects of occupational exposure to radiation may be negligible in Japanese radiological technolo- gists and improvement of lifestyle is the essential factor for enhancing physical and mental health conditions


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    LBW児の新生児行動を正常出生児を基準としてみることは母親の不安を増大させる可能性がある.LBW児にはLBW児の新生児行動の特性があると考え,新生児行動評価(NBAS)を用いて検討した.103例のLBW児に対し,のべ316回のNBASを行った.NBASの評価項目の中から方位反応に関する6項目を抽出し,1)評価時期による相違,2)刺激する感覚による相違,3)刺激の質(生命刺激か非生命刺激か)の相違について統計処理を行った.結果として,1)換算45週以降群は各項目の得点が有意に高かった,2)視覚と聴覚の組み合わせによる刺激への反応が高かった,3)視覚および聴覚への単独刺激において生命刺激への反応が高かった.Mothers of low birthweight (LBW) infants often grow anxious as they compair the neonatal behavior of their infants with normal neonatal behavior. In this study, LBW infants were assessed concerning knowledge of a characteristic of neonatal behavior by using Brazelton\u27s Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS). The assessment was carried out a total of 316 times on 103 LBW infants. Six NBAS orientation items were chosen and were statistically analyzed by 1) difference in age at assessment (measured in terms of gestation), 2) difference in type of sensory stimulation, and 3) difference between inanimate and animate stimulation. Results were that: 1) the group aged at 45 weeks scored significantly higher on every item, 2) combination of visual and auditory stimulation evoked better reaction than other methods, 3) animate stimulation was better than inanimate stimulation in generating infant reaction to both visual and auditory stimulation


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    先天性表皮水疱症は厚生省による特定疾患治療研究対象疾患で,いわゆる「難病」指定疾患である.表皮水疱症では,日常生活で外力が加わる部位に反復する水疱を臨床症状の主体とし,軽微な外力による水疱発生が基本であるが,病変活発な時期では特に誘因なく発生する場合もあるという.著者らは,7年間にわたって表皮水疱症接合部型の男児に理学療法を実施してきた.体表面が外界と接触するということは乳幼児の感覚一運動学習過程において必要不可欠な体験であるにもかかわらず,水疱発生によってそのことが阻害され結果的に運動発達の遅れを呈した.今回,問題を残しながらも普通小学校への就学ゴールに達したので,これまでの理学療法経過と若干の考察を加えて報告する.The purpose of this paper is to report on the course and physical therapy for epidermolysis bullosa. Epidermolysis bullosa is designated as a specific rare disease by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The clinical feature is repeated blister formation that occurs following mechanical stimulation in daily living. The blisters may occur without cause especially at an active time of morbid change, although these are actually caused by slight stimulations. It is absolutely indispensable for sensori-motor learning in the baby that the body surface make contact with the environment. Motor learning is based on having experiences with the interaction between perception and motor. However, it is guessed that no comfort was experienced by the patient via sensory information from the skin. It is probable that he experienced of continuous pain and pruritus, felt as itching of the entire body. Therefore, it is inferred that biased perceptions would be generated and learned. In addition, blisters, erosions, and markedly fragile skin were actually aggravated by sensory inputs made to facilitate developmental intervention. Therapeutic exercise for the patient has been going on since four months from birth, but the patient has been continuing to exhibit retarded motor development. However, the patient was able to enter school normally in spite of having a few problems at present


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    長崎県内3校の理学療法学科に入学した新1年生102名を対象に,理学療法士に対するイメージと進学志望動機との関連について検討した.理学療法士イメージは学生の進学志望動機と性別に関係なく関連性があった.理学療法についての啓蒙活動の重要性の一端を示唆するものであった.また,進学志望動機については規定要因の関わりに性差を認めたが,その内容については今後の検討課題である.The present study was designed to clarify the correlation between physical therapist image and motives for entering school. The internal consistency of scales for physical therapist image and motives for entering school were Cronbach\u27s coefficient 0.88 and 0.87 repectively. We found that physical therapist image was related to motives for entering school (r=0.38, p<0.01), and that correlations determined by gender were absent. However difference by gender was found to be significant for motive for entering school (p=0.007), and this result is partially in accord with previous studies

    Wavefunction Analysis of STM Image: Surface Reconstruction of Organic Charge Transfer Salts

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    In this chapter, the wavefunction analysis is demonstrated, applied to the organic charge transfer salts composed of electron donor and electron acceptor molecules. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images of the surface donor layers in the three charge transfer salts, α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3, β-(BEDT-TTF)2I3, and (EDO-TTF)2PF6, are analyzed with the atomic π electron orbitals of sulfur, oxygen, and carbon atoms. We have deduced three different kinds of surface molecular reconstructions as follows: (1) charge redistribution in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3, (2) translational reconstruction up to 0.1 nm in β-(BEDT-TTF)2I3, and (3) rotational reconstruction transforming the 1D axis from the a axis to the b axis in (EDO-TTF)2PF6. Finally, it is concluded that the surface reconstruction is ascribed to the additional gain of the cohesive energy of the π electron system, provoked by the reduced steric hindrance with the anions of the missing outside double layer. The investigations of the surface states provide not only interesting behaviors of the surface cation layer, but also important insights into the electronic states of a lot of similar charge transfer crystals, as demonstrated in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3