982 research outputs found

    Perceptions of banned drugs in athletics in relation to sport participation, gender, and socioeconomic status

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    The purpose of this study was to examine college athletes\u27 perceptions regarding illegal drugs in sport related to sport (team/individual), gender, and socioeconomic status. It was hypothesized that male, team sport, and higher socioeconomic athletes would view drug use in sport as more appropriate. A demographic data sheet and King Drug Doping in Sport Questionnaire (KDSQ) (King, 1991) was administered to 93 athletes in CHAMPS/Life Skills classes at an Eastern Division I institution. To scale reliability and construct validity, Cronbach\u27s alpha coefficients were obtained and a principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation was run. Findings revealed weak Cronbach alpha coefficients, and discrepancies related to factor loading. Two 2 x 2 MANOVAs (gender/sport and socioeconomic status/sport) were computed. Findings revealed no statistically significant differences in perceptions in relation to sport, gender, and socioeconomic status. The findings are discussed in relation to the existent literature on the perceptions of drug use in sport

    Brunetto Latini, Tresor.

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    Nuova edizione critica del testo antico-francese, con traduzione e commento. Sergio vatteroni ha curato e tradotto il libro terz


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    What is the final end of a human being? What is his supreme and ultimate good, his function in the world? In the history of Greek philosophy, all these questions have given birth to a doctrine that is at the heart of this dissertation: that of the telos. Such word was the starting point in Aristotle\u2019s Nicomachean Ethics, then becoming in Hellenism the technical term which all those who embarked on an ethical inquiry referred to. The problem of determining the telos of the human being is indeed the most crucial ethical question in ancient ethics after Aristotle: everything is consequent and subordinated to it. In this work, I present one possible answer to this crucial question, namely the Platonist one, which arose within a tradition as old as the ideal master Plato, albeit was put into words only around the I century BC. The Platonists of the I century BC began to formulate the telos by means of a formula borrowed from Plato, i.e. the expression homoi\u14dsis the\u14di kata to dynaton (\u201cassimilation to God as far as possible\u201d), which occurs in many of Plato\u2019s dialogues and in different contexts. This formulation of the telos was destined to become a Platonist hallmark for all the centuries thereafter. But, what is the meaning of the formula? What implications does it have on ethics? These are the interrogatives that I address in the course of the work, while dealing with the \u201cmany voices\u201d of Plato and his tradition. The dissertation opens with those passages from Plato that represented the basis for the doctrine (chapter 1). After this section I present the origins of the concept of the telos with regards to Aristotle\u2019s raising of the question in the Nichomachan Ethics, on the one hand, and of Stoic position, on the other (chapter 2 and 3). The very core of the dissertation is devoted to Early Imperial Platonism (I century BC \u2013 III century AD). I analyse all the appearances of the doctrine, moving from the short but extremely meaningful passage from Stobaeus\u2019s Anthologium, traditionally attributed to Eudorus, which is the first witness to this doctrine (chapter 5). I also take into consideration the enormous corpus of Philo of Alexandria (chapter 10), in which the topic of the assimilation to God occurs very often, Plutarch of Chaeronea\u2019s Moralia, and De sera numinis vindicta, De genio Socratis, De E apud Delphos and De Iside et Osiride in particular, as well as some passages form the Lives (chapter 11). Indeed, the main sources for my study are the two handbooks on Platonism, namely Alcinous\u2019 Didaskalikos (chapter 8) and Apuleius\u2019 De Platone et eius dogmate (chapter 9). I also consider the testimony in the Anonymous Commentary on Plato\u2019s Theaetetus (chapter 7), which is rather essential so as to understand the polemical context wherein the doctrine developed. A recurring motif in the dissertation is the discussion on two collateral topics that arise from the analyses of the testimonies. First, I insert the reception and the interpretation of the doctrine in the context of the problem of the two kinds of life, the practical and the contemplative (praxis and the\u14dria), so as to establish which one best represents the ideal of godlikeness, and to question the idea of Platonism as a completely ascetical and theological philosophy. Secondly, and strictly related to this, I discuss the idea of the divine in Middle Platonism in order to understand the meaning of God as an ethical paradigm and the consequences that this brings about in ancient ethics

    Fast method for the determination of short-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates (scl-PHAs) in bacterial samples by In Vial-Thermolysis (IVT)

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    none8siA new method based on the GC–MS analysis of thermolysis products obtained by treating bacterial samples at a high temperature (above 270 C) has been developed. This method, here named “In-Vial- Thermolysis” (IVT), allowed for the simultaneous determination of short-chain-length polyhydrox- yalkanoates (scl-PHA) content and composition. The method was applied to both single strains and microbial mixed cultures (MMC) fed with different carbon sources. The IVT procedure provided similar analytical performances compared to previous Py-GC–MS and Py- GC-FID methods, suggesting a similar application for PHA quantitation in bacterial cells. Results from the IVT procedure and the traditional methanolysis method were compared; the correlation between the two datasets was fit for the purpose, giving a R2 of 0.975. In search of further simplification, the rationale of IVT was exploited for the development of a “field method” based on the titration of thermolyzed samples with sodium hydrogen carbonate to quantify PHA inside bacterial cells. The accuracy of the IVT method was fit for the purpose. These results lead to the possibility for the on-line measurement of PHA productivity. Moreover, they allow for the fast and inexpensive quantification/characterization of PHA for biotechnological process control, as well as investigation over various bacterial communities and/or feeding strategies.mixedF. Abbondanzi; G. Biscaro; G. Carvalho; L. Favaro; P. Lemos; M. Paglione; C. Samorì; C. TorriF. Abbondanzi; G. Biscaro; G. Carvalho; L. Favaro; P. Lemos; M. Paglione; C. Samorì; C. Torr

    The impact of IVF on deep invasive endometriosis

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    Objective: Ovarian hyper-stimulation during IVF is associated with a significant raise in serum estrogens and one may expect detrimental effects on estrogen-dependent diseases such as endometriosis. However, available evidence from large case series of affected women performing IVF is generally reassuring with the possible exception of women carrying deep invasive lesions. On this basis we deemed important investigating more in depth whether women with deep invasive endometriosis could be a subgroup at higher risk of recurrence or disease progression during IVF. Study design: Women with endometriosis who underwent IVF and who had a second evaluation after 3\u20136 months from a failed cycle were retrospectively reviewed. The main inclusion criteria were the presence of deep invasive endometriosis and/or a history of surgery for this form of the disease. The primary aim of the study was to determine the frequency of endometriosis-related complications in the interval between the two evaluations. Secondary aims were pain symptoms and lesion size modifications. Results: Eighty-four women were ultimately selected: baseline ultrasound documented deep invasive lesions in 60 of them. One case of possible endometriosis-related complication was recorded, corresponding to a rate of 1.2% (95%: 0.05%\u20135.5%) for the whole cohort and 1.7% (95%CI: 0.08\u20137.6%) for the subgroup of women with ultrasound detected lesions. This rate appears similar to the reported frequency of endometriosis progression in women not receiving IVF. No significant modifications in pain symptoms or lesions size occurred. Conclusions: Women with deep invasive endometriosis who underwent IVF do not seem to be exposed to a substantially increased risk of recurrence/disease progression. Larger evidence from independent groups is however required for a definitive conclusion

    Immunometabolic status of covid-19 cancer patients

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    Cancer patients appear to be more likely to be diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This is supported by the understanding of immuno-metabolic pathways that intersect patients with infection and cancer. However, data derived by case series and retrospective studies do not offer a coherent interpretation, since data from China suggest an increased risk of COVID-19, while data from the United States and Italy show a prevalence of COVID-19 in cancer patients comparable with the general population. Noteworthy, cancer and COVID-19 exploit distinct patterns of macrophage activation that promote disease progression in the most severe forms. In particular, the alternative activation of M2-polarized macrophages plays a crucial role in cancer progression. In contrast, the macrophage-activation syndrome appears as the source of M1-related cytokine storm in severe COVID-19 disease, thus indicating macrophages as a source of distinct inflammatory states in the two diseases, nonethe-less as a common therapeutic target. New evidence indicates that NAMPT/NAD metabolism can direct both innate immune cell effector functions and the homeostatic robustness, in both cancer and infection. Moreover, a bidirectional relationship exists between the metabolism of NAD and the protective role that angiotensin converting enzyme 2, the COVID-19 receptor, can play against hyperinflammation. Within this immunometabolic framework, the review considers possible inter-ference mechanisms that viral infections and tumors elicit on therapies and provides an overview for the management of patients with cancer affected by COVID-19, particularly for the balance of risk and benefit when planning normally routine cancer treatments and follow-up appointments

    Life cycle assessment and energy balance of a novel polyhydroxyalkanoates production process with mixed microbial cultures fed on pyrolytic products of wastewater treatment sludge

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    A "cradle-to-grave" life cycle assessment is performed to identify the environmental issues of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) produced through a hybrid thermochemical-biological process using anaerobically digested sewage sludge (ADSS) as feedstock. The assessment includes a measure of the energy performance of the process. The system boundary includes: (i) Sludge pyrolysis followed by volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production; (ii) PHAs-enriched biomass production using a mixed microbial culture (MMC); (iii) PHAs extraction with dimethyl carbonate; and iv) PHAs end-of-life. Three scenarios differing in the use of the syngas produced by both pyrolysis and biochar gasification, and two more scenarios differing only in the external energy sources were evaluated. Results show a trade-off between environmental impacts at global scale, such as climate change and resources depletion, and those having an effect at the local/regional scale, such as acidification, eutrophication, and toxicity. Process configurations based only on the sludge-to-PHAs route require an external energy supply, which determines the highest impacts with respect to climate change, resources depletion, and water depletion. On the contrary, process configurations also integrating the sludge-to-energy route for self-sustainment imply more onsite sludge processing and combustion; this results in the highest values of eutrophication, ecotoxicity, and human toxicity. There is not a categorical winner among the investigated configurations; however, the use of a selected mix of external renewable sources while using sludge to produce PHAs only seems the best compromise. The results are comparable to those of both other PHAs production processes found in the literature and various fossil-based and bio-based polymers, in terms of both non-biogenic GHG emissions and energy demand. Further process advancements and technology improvement in high impact stages are required to make this PHAs production process a competitive candidate for the production of biopolymers on a wide scale

    Unveiling the Relationship Between Sea Surface Hydrographic Patterns and Tuna Larval Distribution in the Central Mediterranean Sea

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    Thunnus thynnus (Atlantic bluefin tuna, ABT) and other tuna species reproduce in the Mediterranean Sea during the summer period. Despite the Central Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Sicily in particular, being a key spawning site for many tuna species, little is known on the effects of oceanographic variability on their larval distribution in this area. The abundance and presence-absence of larval specimens for three tuna species (ABT, bullet tuna and albacore) were modeled in order to examine their relationships with environmental factors, by analysing historical in situ information collected during seven annual surveys (2010–2016). The results revealed that most tuna larvae for the three species were found in the easternmost part of the study area, south of Capo Passero. This area is characterized by a stable saline front and warmer nutrient-poor water, and it has different environmental conditions, compared with the surrounding areas. The models used to investigate the presence-absence and abundance of the three species showed that ABT was the most abundant, followed by bullet tuna and albacore. The presence and abundance data collected are comparable with those of other spawning areas in the Mediterranean. Regarding biological and physical parameters, the results suggest that temperature, salinity, and day of the year are the key factors for understanding the ecological mechanisms and geographical distribution of these species in this area. Temperature affects the presence of ABT larvae and salinity, which, with a physical barrier effect, is a key factor for the presence-absence of bullet and albacore and for albacore abundance

    Chemical Recycling of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) into Bio-Based Solvents and Their Use in a Circular PHB Extraction

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    Two novel protocols for the chemical valorization of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) were developed, aiming at the production of two bio-based molecules: methyl 3-hydroxybutyrate (MHB) and methyl 3-methoxybutyrate (MMB). Optimized reaction conditions were applied to pure PHB and PHB inclusions inside bacterial cells as starting materials. MHB was synthesized through a single-step catalytic methanolysis, while MMB was synthesized through a three-step process: thermolytic distillation to give crotonic acid (CA), esterification to give methyl crotonate (MC), and oxa-Michael addition of MeOH. The obtained MHB and MMB were tested as solvents for the recovery of PHB itself both from freeze-dried single strain cultures (SSC) and mixed microbial cultures (MMC) with low to medium contents of PHB (22-57 wt %). High PHB recovery was achieved: up to 96 ± 1% through MHB and up to 98 ± 1% through MMB. Extraction from MMC slurry (with a PHB content of 39% on dry weight) was also performed, recovering 77 ± 2% using MHB and 92 ± 2% using MMB. High purities and excellent molecular weights and polydispersity indexes of extracted PHB were obtained with both MHB and MMB. Solubility in water, octanol/water partition coefficients (log Kow), and aerobic ready biodegradability of both solvents were also evaluated
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