15 research outputs found

    Application of nanotechnology in mechanical engineering

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    New technological processes of hardening using nanotechnology have been developed, tested and used in the manufacture. In this case, an integrated approach is used in the study, which included constructive solutions at hardening, application of nano- and micro-sized coatings, the choice of material and processing technology. New technologies of hardening are effective for work in friction, corrosion and fatigue conditions

    Application of nanotechnology in mechanical engineering

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    New technological processes of hardening using nanotechnology have been developed, tested and used in the manufacture. In this case, an integrated approach is used in the study, which included constructive solutions at hardening, application of nano- and micro-sized coatings, the choice of material and processing technology. New technologies of hardening are effective for work in friction, corrosion and fatigue conditions

    Estimation of local inhomogeneity of multilayer nanostructured ZrN/ZrO₂ coating

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    Multilayer nanostructured ZrN/ZrO₂ coatings were applied to increase the operational resistance of various machinery parts by using vacuum-arc deposition in Bulat-type facility. To describe the structure formation, a new approach based on optical-mathematical method for processing metallographic images is proposed. The structure formation of the multilayer coating with an assessment of the degree of its inhomogeneity and diffusion processes between the layers is studied. For a reliable assessment, the changes in the horizontal and vertical directions of the images with the choice of optimal intervals were comparatively analyzed. It has been found that the most stable results are achieved using 20 and 25 dots (pixels).Для підвищення експлуатаційної стійкості деталей нанесено багатошарове наноструктурне покриття ZrN/ZrO₂. Для опису особливостей структуроутворення запропоновано новий підхід з використанням оптико-математичного методу обробки металографічних зображень. Вивчено структуроутворення багатошарового покриття з оцінкою ступеню його неоднорідності та дифузійних процесів між шарами. Для достовірної оцінки порівняльно проаналізовані зміни в горизонтальному та вертикальному напрямках зображень з вибором оптимальних інтервалів. Встановлено, що найбільш стабільні результати досягаються при використанні 20 та 25 точок (пікселів).Для повышения эксплуатационной стойкости деталей нанесено многослойное наноструктурное покрытие ZrN/ZrO₂. Для описания особенностей структурообразования предложен новый подход с использованием оптико-математического метода обработки металлографических изображений. Изучено структурообразование многослойного покрытия с оценкой степени его неоднородности и диффузионных процессов между слоями. Для достоверной оценки сопоставительно проанализированы изменения в горизонтальном и вертикальном направлениях изображений с выбором оптимальных интервалов. Установлено, что наиболее стабильные результаты достигаются при использовании 20 и 25 точек (пикселей)

    Effect of deposition parameters on microstructure and tribological properties of hard CA-PVD multi-component TiAlCrN and TiAlCrCN coatings

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    Multicomponent TiAlCrN and TiAlCrCN coatings were deposited using vacuum arc evaporation technique on AISI 430 stainless steel. The influence of working gas pressure, C ⁄ N ratio, bias voltage on the structure and tribomechanical properties of the obtained coatings has been studied. The surface morphology, chemical compound of the coatings obtained under the various conditions has been analyzed by SEM with EDX, XRD, and XRF analysis. The dry wear pad-on-disc tests against 100Cr6 counterbody at 20 N load have been carried out. It was established that Vickers micro-hardness was varied from 26 to 41 GPa depending on deposition parameters.Багатокомпонентні покриття TiAlCrN і TiAlCrCN були нанесені методом вакуумно-дугового осадження на нержавіючу сталь AISI 430. Вивчено вплив тиску робочого газу, відношення C ⁄ N, напруги зсуву на структуру і трібологічні властивості отриманих покриттів. Морфологія поверхні, хімічний і фазовий склади покриттів були досліджені за допомогою SEM з EDX-, XRD- і XRF-аналізів. Були проведені трибологічні випробування покриттів в умовах сухого тертя за схемою «диск-колодка» з контртілом зі сталі 100Cr6 при навантаженні 20 Н. Встановлено, що мікротвердість покриттів варіюється від 26 до 41 ГПа в залежності від параметрів осадження.Многокомпонентные покрытия TiAlCrN и TiAlCrCN были нанесены методом вакуумно-дугового осаждения на нержавеющую сталь AISI 430. Изучены влияния давления рабочего газа, отношения C ⁄ N, напряжения смещения на структуру и трибологические свойства полученных покрытий. Морфология поверхности, химический и фазовый составы покрытий были исследованы с помощью SEM с EDX-, XRD- и XRF-анализов. Были проведены трибологические испытания покрытий в условиях сухого трения по схеме «диск-колодка» с контртелом из стали 100Cr6 при нагрузке 20 Н. Установлено, что микротвердость покрытий варьируется от 26 до 41 ГПа в зависимости от параметров осаждения

    Study of the spatial resolution of low-material GEM tracking detectors

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    The spatial resolution of GEM based tracking detectors has been simulated and measured. The simulation includes the GEANT4 based transport of high energy electrons with careful accounting for atomic relaxation processes including emission of fluorescent photons and Auger electrons and custom post-processing, including accounting for diffusion, gas amplification fluctuations, the distribution of signals on readout electrodes, electronics noise and a particular algorithm of the final coordinate calculation (center of gravity). The simulation demonstrates that a minimum of the spatial resolution of about 10 μm can be achieved with strip pitches from 250 μm to 300 μm. For larger pitches the resolution is quickly degrading reaching 80-100 μm at a pitch of 500 μm. The spatial resolution of low-material triple-GEM detectors for the DEUTRON facility at the VEPP-3 storage ring is measured at the extracted beam facility of the VEPP-4M collider. The amount of material in these detectors is reduced by etching the copper of the GEMs electrodes and using a readout structure on a thin kapton foil rather than on a glass fibre plate. The exact amount of material in one DEUTRON detector is measured by studying multiple scattering of 100 MeV electrons in it. The result of these measurements is X/X0 = 2.4×10−3 corresponding to a thickness of the copper layers of the GEM foils of 3 μm. The spatial resolution of one DEUTRON detector is measured with 500 MeV electrons and the measured value is equal to 35 ± 1 μm for orthogonal tracks

    Study of the spatial resolution of low-material GEM tracking detectors

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    The spatial resolution of GEM based tracking detectors has been simulated and measured. The simulation includes the GEANT4 based transport of high energy electrons with careful accounting for atomic relaxation processes including emission of fluorescent photons and Auger electrons and custom post-processing, including accounting for diffusion, gas amplification fluctuations, the distribution of signals on readout electrodes, electronics noise and a particular algorithm of the final coordinate calculation (center of gravity). The simulation demonstrates that a minimum of the spatial resolution of about 10 μm can be achieved with strip pitches from 250 μm to 300 μm. For larger pitches the resolution is quickly degrading reaching 80-100 μm at a pitch of 500 μm. The spatial resolution of low-material triple-GEM detectors for the DEUTRON facility at the VEPP-3 storage ring is measured at the extracted beam facility of the VEPP-4M collider. The amount of material in these detectors is reduced by etching the copper of the GEMs electrodes and using a readout structure on a thin kapton foil rather than on a glass fibre plate. The exact amount of material in one DEUTRON detector is measured by studying multiple scattering of 100 MeV electrons in it. The result of these measurements is X/X0 = 2.4×10−3 corresponding to a thickness of the copper layers of the GEM foils of 3 μm. The spatial resolution of one DEUTRON detector is measured with 500 MeV electrons and the measured value is equal to 35 ± 1 μm for orthogonal tracks

    Simulation of different options of the Inner Tracker for Novosibirsk Super Charm-Tau Factory Detector

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    Inner Tracker of Novosibirsk Super Charm-Tau Factory Detector has to measure momenta of soft hadrons, which do not reach the drift chamber; complement the drift chamber in measuring the momenta; detect secondary vertices of short-lived particles. Thus, proper choice of the option for the Inner Tracker is of significant interest. The simulation of charged pions propagation in the perpendicular direction to the beam axis was carried out with DD4HEP program based on GEANT4. Three options were considered: 4-layered Silicon microstrip detector, 4-layered cylindrical Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector and Time Projection Chamber (TPC). The simulated Detector was located in 1.5 T magnetic field directed along beam axis. The simulation shows that pions with initial momenta less than 50 MeV/c do not pass through the beampipe and cannot be registered. Pions with momenta above 65 MeV/c leave energy depositions in all 4 layers of the Inner Tracker based on Silicon, and their trajectories can be reconstructed. Cylindrical GEM detector provides reconstruction possibility (hits in 4 layers) for pions with momenta more than 60 MeV/c. TPC with thin inner wall provides reconstruction of pions with momenta higher than 55 MeV/c. However, in this case the reconstruction procedure will be much more complicated due to a large number of background particle tracks in the sensitive volume

    Simulation of different options of the Inner Tracker for Novosibirsk Super Charm-Tau Factory Detector

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    Inner Tracker of Novosibirsk Super Charm-Tau Factory Detector has to measure momenta of soft hadrons, which do not reach the drift chamber; complement the drift chamber in measuring the momenta; detect secondary vertices of short-lived particles. Thus, proper choice of the option for the Inner Tracker is of significant interest. The simulation of charged pions propagation in the perpendicular direction to the beam axis was carried out with DD4HEP program based on GEANT4. Three options were considered: 4-layered Silicon microstrip detector, 4-layered cylindrical Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector and Time Projection Chamber (TPC). The simulated Detector was located in 1.5 T magnetic field directed along beam axis. The simulation shows that pions with initial momenta less than 50 MeV/c do not pass through the beampipe and cannot be registered. Pions with momenta above 65 MeV/c leave energy depositions in all 4 layers of the Inner Tracker based on Silicon, and their trajectories can be reconstructed. Cylindrical GEM detector provides reconstruction possibility (hits in 4 layers) for pions with momenta more than 60 MeV/c. TPC with thin inner wall provides reconstruction of pions with momenta higher than 55 MeV/c. However, in this case the reconstruction procedure will be much more complicated due to a large number of background particle tracks in the sensitive volume

    Ecology of soil algae cenoses in Norway maple plantation in the recultivated territory of the Western Donbas (Ukraine)

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    The problem of the degradation of land ecosystems and their underlying basis – the soil – has a global character. In some regions of Ukraine, such as the Western Donbass, it becomes particularly topical. The damaged areas formed during coal mining are restored through reclamation. One of its directions is forest reclamation. Soil algae constitute an active autotrophic part of the microbiota. They are connected with all its autotrophic, heterotrophic components and with the soil. They play a great role in the accumulation and transformation of organic matter, contributing to the creation of soil fertility. This explains the importance of algae in the process of restoration of damaged soils. Algae participate in the formation of primary products for primary consumers of such soil saprophages as two-bipartite petioles, woodlice, earthworms, collembola, oribatei. These animals act as a natural soil-protecting biological factor, as well as the factor of naturalization of soils in the restoration of damaged areas. They cause redistribution of algae communities composition as a result of their selective eating, thus affecting the number of their communities. The selection of soil samples and forest litter has been carried out in the plantations of Norway maple in the experimental-production site of forest reclamation in the territory of the Western Donbas (Ukraine). The structure of the domination of algae complexes, the vital forms of the representatives of the coenoses of soil algae in the plantation of Acer platanoides L. on various stratigraphic variants of piled edaphotopes – on a variant with a potentially fertile terrain (non-humous loess loam) and on several chernozem variants with different stratigraphy has been studied. The representatives of green algae (Chlorophyta) predominate in the investigated re-cultivated area in the plantations of Norway maple. The participation of green algae in the composition of soil algae groupings shows the sylvatizative role of the tree plantations in the restored territories. In the plantations of Norway maple on the various stratigraphic variants of piled edaphotopes, an increase in the number of species from 8 in the area with the fill of loess loam up to 15 in a chernozem variant with a half-meter layer of sand has been noted. In general, for maple plantations on chernozem fills, a larger number of species (from 10 to 15) has been observed compared to the maple plantation on the loess loam fill. On the one hand, the small species variety indicates very rough conditions for the existence of soil algae flora, on the other hand, the appearance and occurring of species characteristic of forest ecosystems, indicates the processes of their naturalization in the re-cultivated territories

    Ecology of soil algae cenoses in Norway maple plantation in the recultivated territory of the Western Donbas (Ukraine)

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    The problem of the degradation of land ecosystems and their underlying basis – the soil – has a global character. In some regions of Ukraine, such as the Western Donbass, it becomes particularly topical. The damaged areas formed during coal mining are restored through reclamation. One of its directions is forest reclamation. Soil algae constitute an active autotrophic part of the microbiota. They are connected with all its autotrophic, heterotrophic components and with the soil. They play a great role in the accumulation and transformation of organic matter, contributing to the creation of soil fertility. This explains the importance of algae in the process of restoration of damaged soils. Algae participate in the formation of primary products for primary consumers of such soil saprophages as two-bipartite petioles, woodlice, earthworms, collembola, oribatei. These animals act as a natural soil-protecting biological factor, as well as the factor of naturalization of soils in the restoration of damaged areas. They cause redistribution of algae communities composition as a result of their selective eating, thus affecting the number of their communities. The selection of soil samples and forest litter has been carried out in the plantations of Norway maple in the experimental-production site of forest reclamation in the territory of the Western Donbas (Ukraine). The structure of the domination of algae complexes, the vital forms of the representatives of the coenoses of soil algae in the plantation of Acer platanoides L. on various stratigraphic variants of piled edaphotopes – on a variant with a potentially fertile terrain (non-humous loess loam) and on several chernozem variants with different stratigraphy has been studied. The representatives of green algae (Chlorophyta) predominate in the investigated re-cultivated area in the plantations of Norway maple. The participation of green algae in the composition of soil algae groupings shows the sylvatizative role of the tree plantations in the restored territories. In the plantations of Norway maple on the various stratigraphic variants of piled edaphotopes, an increase in the number of species from 8 in the area with the fill of loess loam up to 15 in a chernozem variant with a half-meter layer of sand has been noted. In general, for maple plantations on chernozem fills, a larger number of species (from 10 to 15) has been observed compared to the maple plantation on the loess loam fill. On the one hand, the small species variety indicates very rough conditions for the existence of soil algae flora, on the other hand, the appearance and occurring of species characteristic of forest ecosystems, indicates the processes of their naturalization in the re-cultivated territories