133 research outputs found

    An explanation for the curious mass loss history of massive stars: from OB stars, through Luminous Blue Variables to Wolf-Rayet stars

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    The stellar winds of massive stars show large changes in mass-loss rates and terminal velocities during their evolution from O-star through the Luminous Blue Variable phase to the Wolf-Rayet phase. The luminosity remains approximately unchanged during these phases. These large changes in wind properties are explained in the context of the radiation driven wind theory, of which we consider four different models. They are due to the evolutionary changes in radius, gravity and surface composition and to the change from optically thin (in continuum) line driven winds to optically thick radiation driven winds.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Letter to the Editor

    Neon Abundances from a Spitzer/IRS Survey of Wolf-Rayet Stars

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    We report on neon abundances derived from {\it Spitzer} high resolution spectral data of eight Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars using the forbidden line of [\ion{Ne}{3}] 15.56 microns. Our targets include four WN stars of subtypes 4--7, and four WC stars of subtypes 4--7. We derive ion fraction abundances Îł\gamma of Ne^{2+} for the winds of each star. The ion fraction abundance is a product of the ionization fraction QiQ_{\rm i} in stage i and the abundance by number AE{\cal A}_E of element E relative to all nuclei. Values generally consistent with solar are obtained for the WN stars, and values in excess of solar are obtained for the WC stars.Comment: to appear in Astrophysical Journa

    Supernova Hosts for Gamma-Ray Burst Jets: Dynamical Constraints

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    I constrain a possible supernova origin for gamma-ray bursts by modeling the dynamical interaction between a relativistic jet and a stellar envelope surrounding it. The delay in observer's time introduced by the jet traversing the envelope should not be long compared to the duration of gamma-ray emission; also, the jet should not be swallowed by a spherical explosion it powers. The only stellar progenitors that comfortably satisfy these constraints, if one assumes that jets move ballistically within their host stars, are compact carbon-oxygen or helium post-Wolf-Rayet stars (type Ic or Ib supernovae); type II supernovae are ruled out. Notably, very massive stars do not appear capable of producing the observed bursts at any redshift unless the stellar envelope is stripped prior to collapse. The presence of a dense stellar wind places an upper limit on the Lorentz factor of the jet in the internal shock model; however, this constraint may be evaded if the wind is swept forward by a photon precursor. Shock breakout and cocoon blowout are considered individually; neither presents a likely source of precursors for cosmological GRBs. These envelope constraints could conceivably be circumvented if jets are laterally pressure-confined while traversing the outer stellar envelope. If so, jets responsible for observed GRBs must either have been launched from a region several hundred kilometers wide, or have mixed with envelope material as they travel. A phase of pressure confinement and mixing would imprint correlations among jets that may explain observed GRB variability-luminosity and lag-luminosity correlations.Comment: 17 pages, MNRAS, accepted. Contains new analysis of pressure-confined jets, of jets that experience oblique shocks or mix with their cocoons, and of cocoons after breakou

    Nonthermal gamma-ray and X-ray flashes from shock breakout in gamma-ray bursts/supernovae

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    Thermal X-ray emission which is simultaneous with the prompt gamma-rays has been detected for the first time from a supernova connected with a gamma-ray burst (GRB), namely GRB060218/SN2006aj. It has been interpreted as arising from the breakout of a mildly relativistic, radiation-dominated shock from a dense stellar wind surrounding the progenitor star. There is also evidence for the presence of a mildly relativistic ejecta in GRB980425/SN1998bw, based on its X-ray and radio afterglow. Here we study the process of repeated bulk Compton scatterings of shock breakout thermal photons by the mildly relativistic ejecta. During the shock breakout process, a fraction of the thermal photons would be repeatedly scattered between the pre-shock material and the shocked material as well as the mildly relativistic ejecta and, as a result, the thermal photons get boosted to increasingly higher energies. This bulk motion Comptonization mechanism will produce nonthermal gamma-ray and X-ray flashes, which could account for the prompt gamma-ray burst emission in low-luminosity supernova-connected GRBs, such as GRB060218. A Monte Carlo code has been developed to simulate this repeated scattering process, which confirms that a significant fraction of the thermal photons get "accelerated" to form a nonthermal component, with a dominant luminosity. This interpretation for the prompt nonthermal emission of GRB060218 may imply that either the usual internal shock emission from highly relativistic jets in these low-luminosity GRBs is weak, or alternatively, that there are no highly relativistic jets in this peculiar class of bursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; Introduction expanded, references added, conclusions unchanged; total 7 pages including 2 color figures and 1 tabl

    The Neon Abundance of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars

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    The fast, dense winds which characterize Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars obscure their underlying cores, and complicate the verification of evolving core and nucleosynthesis models. Core evolution can be probed by measuring abundances of wind-borne nuclear processed elements, partially overcoming this limitation. Using ground-based mid-infrared spectroscopy and the 12.81um [NeII] emission line measured in four Galactic WR stars, we estimate neon abundances and compare to long-standing predictions from evolved-core models. For the WC star WR121, this abundance is found to be >~11x the cosmic value, in good agreement with predictions. For the three less-evolved WN stars, little neon enhancement above cosmic values is measured, as expected. We discuss the impact of clumping in WR winds on this measurement, and the promise of using metal abundance ratios to eliminate sensitivity to wind density and ionization structure.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 9 pages, 2 color figures, 4 table

    Chemical Abundances in the Secondary Star in the Black Hole Binary A0620-00

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    Using a high resolution spectrum of the secondary star in the black hole binary A0620-00, we have derived the stellar parameters and veiling caused by the accretion disk in a consistent way. We have used a chi^2 minimization procedure to explore a grid of 800 000 LTE synthetic spectra computed for a plausible range of both stellar and veiling parameters. Adopting the best model parameters found, we have determined atmospheric abundances of Fe, Ca, Ti, Ni and Al. The Fe abundance of the star is [Fe/H]=0.14 +- 0.20. Except for Ca, we found the other elements moderately over-abundant as compared with stars in the solar neighborhood of similar iron content. Taking into account the small orbital separation, the mass transfer rate and the mass of the convection zone of the secondary star, a comparison with element yields in supernova explosion models suggests a possible explosive event with a mass cut comparable to the current mass of the compact object. We have also analyzed the Li abundance, which is unusually high for a star of this spectral type and relatively low mass.Comment: 32 pages, 5 tables and 11 figures, uses rotate.st

    GRB 021004: A Possible Shell Nebula around a Wolf-Rayet Star Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitor

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    The rapid localization of GRB 021004 by the HETE-2 satellite allowed nearly continuous monitoring of its early optical afterglow decay, as well as high-quality optical spectra that determined a redshift of z3=2.328 for its host galaxy, an active starburst galaxy with strong Lyman-alpha emission and several absorption lines. Spectral observations show multiple absorbers at z3A=2.323, z3B= 2.317, and z3C= 2.293 blueshifted by 450, 990, and 3,155 km/s respectively relative to the host galaxy Lyman-alpha emission. We argue that these correspond to a fragmented shell nebula that has been radiatively accelerated by the gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow at a distance greater than 0.3 pc from a Wolf-Rayet star progenitor. The chemical abundance ratios indicate that the nebula is overabundant in carbon and silicon. The high level of carbon and silicon is consistent with a swept-up shell nebula gradually enriched by a WCL progenitor wind over the lifetime of the nebula prior to the GRB onset. The detection of statistically significant fluctuations and color changes about the jet-like optical decay further supports this interpretation since fluctuations must be present at some level due to inhomogeneities in a clumpy stellar wind medium or if the progenitor has undergone massive ejection prior to the GRB onset. This evidence suggests that the mass-loss process in a Wolf-Rayet star might lead naturally to an iron-core collapse with sufficient angular momentum that could serve as a suitable GRB progenitor.Comment: Replaced with version accepted by ApJ; 40 pages, 9 figure

    The most massive progenitors of neutron stars: CXO J164710.2-455216

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    The evolution leading to the formation of a neutron star in the very young Westerlund 1 star cluster is investigated. The turnoff mass has been estimated to be 35 Msun, indicating a cluster age ~ 3-5 Myr. The brightest X-ray source in the cluster, CXO J164710.2-455216, is a slowly spinning (10 s) single neutron star and potentially a magnetar. Since this source was argued to be a member of the cluster, the neutron star progenitor must have been very massive (M_zams > 40 Msun) as noted by Muno et al. (2006). Since such massive stars are generally believed to form black holes (rather than neutron stars), the existence of this object poses a challenge for understanding massive star evolution. We point out while single star progenitors below M_zams < 20 Msun form neutron stars, binary evolution completely changes the progenitor mass range. In particular, we demonstrate that mass loss in Roche lobe overflow enables stars as massive as 50-80 Msun, under favorable conditions, to form neutron stars. If the very high observed binary fraction of massive stars in Westerlund 1 (> 70 percent) is considered, it is natural that CXO J164710.2-455216 was formed in a binary which was disrupted in a supernova explosion such that it is now found as a single neutron star. Hence, the existence of a neutron star in a given stellar population does not necessarily place stringent constraints on progenitor mass when binary interactions are considered. It is concluded that the existence of a neutron star in Westerlund 1 cluster is fully consistent with the generally accepted framework of stellar evolution.Comment: 5 pages of text and 4 figures (submitted to Astrophysical Journal

    GeV emission from Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows

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    We calculate the GeV afterglow emission expected from a few mechanisms related to GRBs and their afterglows. Given the brightness of the early X-ray afterglow emission measured by Swift/XRT, GLAST/LAT should detect the self-Compton emission from the forward-shock driven by the GRB ejecta into the circumburst medium. Novel features discovered by Swift in X-ray afterglows (plateaus and chromatic light-curve breaks) indicate the existence of a pair-enriched, relativistic outflow located behind the forward shock. Bulk and inverse-Compton upscattering of the prompt GRB emission by such outflows provide another source of GeV afterglow emission detectable by LAT. The large-angle burst emission and synchrotron forward-shock emission are, most likely, too dim at high photon energy to be observed by LAT. The spectral slope of the high-energy afterglow emission and its decay rate (if it can be measured) allow the identification of the mechanism producing the GeV transient emission following GRBs.Comment: 8 pages, accepted by MNRA

    X1908+075: A Pulsar Orbiting in the Stellar Wind of a Massive Companion

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    We have observed the persistent but optically unidentified X-ray source X1908+075 with the PCA and HEXTE instruments on RXTE. The binary nature of this source was established by Wen, Remillard, & Bradt (2000) who found a 4.4-day orbital period in results from the RXTE ASM. We report the discovery of 605 s pulsations in the X-ray flux. The Doppler delay curve is measured and provides a mass function of 6.1 Msun which is a lower limit to the mass of the binary companion of the neutron star. The degree of attenuation of the low-energy end of the spectrum is found to be a strong function of orbital phase. A simple model of absorption in a stellar wind from the companion star fits the orbital phase dependence reasonably well and limits the orbital inclination angle to the range 38 to 72 degrees. These measured parameters lead to an orbital separation of 60 to 80 lt-s, a mass for the companion star in the range 9-31 Msun, and an upper limit to the size of the companion of ~22 Rsun. From our analysis we also infer a wind mass loss rate from the companion star of >~ 1.3 x 10^-6 Msun/yr and, when the properties of the companion star and the effects of photoionization are considered, likely >~ 4 x 10^-6 Msun/yr. Such a high rate is inconsistent with the allowed masses and radii that we find for a main sequence or modestly evolved star unless the mass loss rate is enhanced in the binary system relative to that of an isolated star. We discuss the possibility that the companion might be a Wolf-Rayet star that could evolve to become a black hole in 10^4 to 10^5 yr. If so, this would be the first identified progenitor of a neutron star--black hole binary.Comment: 16 pages, 11 Postscript figures (some different from those in original version), heavily revised second version includes extended stellar wind model analysis, accepted by Ap
