104 research outputs found

    Photoionization and transient Wannier-Stark ladder in silicon: First-principles simulations versus Keldysh theory

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    Nonlinear photoionization of dielectrics and semiconductors is widely treated in the framework of the Keldysh theory whose validity is limited to photon energies that are small compared to the band gap and relatively low laser intensities. The time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) simulations, which are free of these limitations, enable one to gain insight into nonequilibrium dynamics of the electronic structure. Here we apply TDDFT to investigate the photoionization of silicon crystal by ultrashort laser pulses in a wide range of laser wavelengths and intensities and compare the results with predictions of the Keldysh theory. Photoionization rates derived from the simulations considerably exceed the data obtained with the Keldysh theory within the validity range of the latter. Possible reasons for the discrepancy are discussed and we provide fundamental data on the photoionization rates beyond the limits of the Keldysh theory. By investigating the features of the Stark shift as a function of photon energy and laser field strength, a manifestation of the transient Wannier-Stark ladder states is revealed, which become blurred with increasing laser field strength. Finally, it is shown that the TDDFT simulations can potentially provide reliable data on the electron damping time that is of high importance for large-scale modeling


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    Biological method of investigation is specified for the laboratory diagnostics of plague. Mastering of this method by the trainees within the frames of further vocational education is associated with the use of avirulent Yersinia pestis strains and vaccine Y. pestis strain EV line, which while providing safety does not allow for typical pathomorphological pattern on biomodels, as well as for isolation of microorganisms from internal organs. Objective of the study is to select avirulent Yersinia pestis strains and to conduct comparative analysis of the simulation techniques for plague on biomodels. Materials and methods. Utilized were Y. pestis strains. Virulence was evaluated both, in vitro (polymerase chain reaction) and in vivo (LD50 for white mice). Results and conclusions. Set forward have been avirulent Y. pestis strains, prospective in terms of mastering biological method of laboratory diagnostics of plague, and means of their application for simulating plague in biomodels. The designed approach allows for exercising biological methods of plague investigation to the fullest extent, enhancing biological safety of practical studies and reducing the time line for isolation and accumulation of pure bacterial culture

    Body Height of Children with Bronchial Asthma of Various Severities

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    © 2017 Tatiana I. Eliseeva et al. Influence of bronchial asthma (BA) severity on physical development in children patients was evaluated in comparison with healthy population. Materials and Methods. 1042 children and adolescents (768 boys) with atopic BA were evaluated. All children underwent standard examination in a clinical setting, including anthropometry. The control group included 875 healthy children of a comparable age (423 boys). Results. The fraction of patients with the normal, lower, and increased height among the whole group of patients with BA is close to the corresponding values in the healthy population (χ 2 =3.32, p=0.65). The fraction of BA patients with the reduced physical development is increased monotonically and significantly when the BA severity increases: healthy group, 8.2% (72/875), BA intermittent, 4.2% (6/144), BA mild persistent 9% (47/520), BA moderate persistent, 11.7% (36/308), and BA severe persistent, 24.3% (17/70) (χ 2 =45.6, p=0,0009). Conclusion. The fraction of the children with the reduced height is increased monotonically and significantly in the groups of increasing BA severities. At the same time, the fraction of such children in groups of intermittent and mild persistent BA practically does not differ from the conditionally healthy peers

    Route planning of raw materials transportation in the industrial hub of Mariupol city

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    Булгакова, Ю. В. Планирование маршрута доставки сырья в условиях Мариупольского промышленного узла / Ю. В. Булгакова, Т. А. Гуцал // Вісник Приазовського державного технічного університету : зб. наукових праць / ПДТУ. – Маріуполь, 2017. – Вип. 34. – С. 217–224. – (Серія : Технічні науки).На основании анализа транспортной системы Украины составлены возможные маршруты доставки железорудного концентрата (ЖРК) на металлургические комбинаты Мариуполя в смешанном сообщении. Учитывая особенности технологии поставок ЖРК, разработана модель многокритериального принятия решений для оценки и выбора оптимального маршрута доставки ЖРК, основанная на теории нечетких множеств. Модель реализована в программной среде MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Tool Box.На підставі аналізу транспортної системи України складено можливі маршрути доставки залізорудного концентрату (ЗРК)на металургійної комбінати Маріуполя в змішаному сполученні. Враховуючи особливості технології поставок ЗРК, розроблено модель багатокритеріального прийняття рішень для оцінки та вибору оптимального маршруту доставки ЗРК, засновану на теорії нечітких множин. Модель реалізована в програмному середовищі MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Tool Box.The multi-modal freight transportation routes planning problem is viewed in this paper. The case study of iron ore deliveries to the metallurgical enterprises of Mariupol from Kryvyi Rih is presented. Based on the analysis of Ukrainianrailroads and sea ports infrastructures six possible routes of multi-modal iron ore transportationare built. The paper presents a short review of route planning problem in multimodal freight transportations, which are use sea and land parts together, regarding decision support methods of routes evaluation and selection. The lack of studies dedicated to fuzzy logic theory application for solving the stated problems is identified. The relevance of fuzzy set application to the route planning problem is proved. Taking into account the peculiarities of iron ore transportations technology, the following criterions of routes evaluation are chosen: «transportation costs», «delivery times», «transportation risks». The model of multicriterion decision-making of routes evaluation and the optimal route selection, based on fuzzy logic theory, is developed. Criteria of routes evaluation are set by three terms Gaussian and sigmoidal membership functions. The approach to each function construction is practice-based and executed together with iron ore supply chain manager. The model is created in MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Tool Box environment using Mamdani’s fuzzy inference


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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a classic autoimmune disease associated with the production of wide range of autoantibodies, and their detection has diagnostic and prognostic implication. The objective of this study was to estimate the diagnostic value of antibodies against modified citrullinated vimentin (AMCV) and nuclear antigen RA33 of the IgA rheumatoid factor (RF) versus the value of routinely used profile of autoantibodies in diagnostic work-up of RA. Material and methods. 253 patients with RA prehistory of varying duration were included into the study group. The control group was comprised of 92 patients, including patients with seronegative spondyloarthropathies and diffuse connective tissue diseases, as well as sex and age matched healthy controls. Serum levels of IgM and IgA RF, antibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide (ACCP), ACMV, anti-keratin antibodies (AKA), antibodies against RA33 antigen (ARA33) and antinuclear factor (ANF) were measured in all patients and controls. Results and discussion. Diagnostic sensitivity of AMCV equaled 78%, ACCP — 77%, IgM RF — 71%, IgA RF — 43%, AKA — 43%, ARA33 — 31% and ANF — 31%. All anti-citrullinic antibodies (AKA, ACCP, ACMV) were significantly more commonly associated with IgM RF. Among RF and ACCP seronegative patients ACMV were found in 24% cases with 20 IU/Ml detection threshold, and in 21% — with 30 IU/Ml, allowing to increase diagnostic specificity of the test up to 91% with the increment of diagnostic threshold. Incidence of ARA33 was not significantly different among the RF and ACCP positive or negative subgroups, thus making ARA33 an independent RA marker. Specificity of this marker was 87,9%, thus making it inferior to RF and ACCP by a composite of diagnostic characteristics. Conclusions. Integrated measurement of ACMV and ARA33 is a rational approach at the second stage of serologic testing work-up in suspected cases of RA onset, when initial RF and ACCP tests were negative

    Композитный дренаж в хирургии глаукомы

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    PURPOSE: To assess the hypotensive effectiveness, frequency and nature of intra- and postoperative complications in patients with various clinical manifestations of refractory glaucoma.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 196 patients (196 eyes) with various forms, stages and clinical manifestations of glaucoma. There were 142 patients with primary glaucoma, among them 120 with open-angle glaucoma and 22 with angle-closure glaucoma. Among the patients with primary glaucoma, 85 had pseudophakia (77 with openangle and 8 with angle-closure forms); 57 had a native lens (43 with open-angle and 14 with angle-closure forms of the disease). Secondary glaucoma was presented mainly by patients with neovascular (21) and postuveal (16) glaucoma. The intraocular pressure (IOP) level in the group as a whole ranged from 16 to 50 mm Hg (on average 30.1±2.6 mm Hg). In all presented cases of surgical intervention, the Glautex drainage was used, which is a bioresorbable composite biomaterial based on polylactic acid (polylactide) and polyethylene glycol (manufactured by “HiBiTech”, Russia). Standard methods of patient examination were used.RESULTS: In patients with POAG, the IOP averaged 13.7± 4.7 mm Hg one week after surgery and 16.1±3 mm Hg 12 months after surgery. The absolute success of the operation was noted in 71 patients with POAG (59.2%); the relative hypotensive effect — in 85.8%. In primary angle-closure glaucoma, the same indicators were 47.6 and 61.1%, respectively. In the group of patients with neovascular and postuveal glaucoma, the hypotensive effect was as expected lower and amounted to 42.8 and 50.0%, respectively. The restart of therapy at different periods of observation was done in 78.3%. Complications, their frequency and nature, noted by us in the operated patients, could be attributed to those typical for fistulizing operations in refractory glaucoma. The most common complication was ciliochoroidal detachment, which was seen in all groups, but percentage-wise was more common in patients with PACG, neovascular and postuveal glaucoma.CONCLUSION: Composite drainage based on polylactic acid (polylactide) and polyethylene glycol (glautex) is an effective and safe solution to the issue of surgical treatment of glaucoma. The antihypertensive effectiveness of the Glautex drainage implant depends on the severity of the glaucomatous process and the timeliness of the surgical intervention. The frequency and nature of complications depends on the degree of refractoriness of glaucoma, initial clinical characteristics of the process, and patients' multimorbidity.ЦЕЛЬ. Оценить гипотензивную эффективность, частоту и характер интра- и послеоперационных осложнений у пациентов с различными клиническими проявлениями рефрактерной глаукомы.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ. В исследование вошло 196 пациентов (196 глаз) с различными формами, стадиями и клиническими проявлениями глауком. С первичной глаукомой было 142 пациента, из них с открытоугольной формой — 120; с закрытоугольной — 22. Из числа больных с первичной глаукомой у 85 была псевдофакия (77 с открытоугольной и 8 с закрытоугольной формами); 57 имели нативный хрусталик (43 с открытоугольной и 14 — с закрытоугольной формами заболевания). Вторичная глаукома была представлена в основном пациентами с неоваскулярной (21) и постувеальной (16) глаукомой. Уровень внутриглазного давления (ВГД) в целом по группе колебался от 16 до 50 мм рт.ст. (в среднем 30,1±2,6 мм рт.ст.). Во всех представленных случаях хирургического вмешательства был использован дренаж Глаутекс, представляющий собой биорезорбируемый композитный биоматериал на основе полимолочной кислоты (полилактида) и полиэтиленгликоля (производство фирмы «HiBiTech», Россия). Использованы стандартные методы обследования пациентов.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. У пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ) через неделю после операции уровень офтальмотонуса составил в среднем 13,7± 4,7 мм рт.ст. Через 12 мес. после операции уровень ВГД составил 16,1±3 мм рт.ст. Абсолютный успех операции был отмечен у 71 пациента с ПОУГ (59,2%); относительный гипотензивный эффект составил 85,8%. При первичной закрытоугольной глаукоме (ПЗУГ) эти же показатели составили 47,6 и 61,1% соответственно. В группе больных с неоваскулярной и постувеальной глаукомой гипотензивный эффект был ожидаемо ниже. Он составил 42,8 и 50,0% соответственно. Рестарт терапии в разные сроки наблюдения составил 78,3%. Осложнения, их частота и характер, отмеченные нами у оперированных больных, можно было отнести к типичным для операций фистулизирующего типа при рефрактерной глаукоме. Наиболее частым осложнением была цилиохориоидальная отслойка. Она диагностирована во всех группах, но в процентном отношении чаще встречалась при ПЗУГ, неоваскулярной и постувеальной глаукомах.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Композитный дренаж на основе полимолочной кислоты (полилактида) и полиэтиленгликоля (Глаутекс) является эффективным и безопасным решением вопроса хирургического лечения глауком. Гипотензивная эффективность при имплантации дренажа Глаутекс зависит от тяжести глаукомного процесса и своевременности выполнения хирургического вмешательства. Частота и характер осложнений зависят от степени рефрактерности глаукомы, основных исходных клинических характеристик процесса, полиморбидности пациентов

    Программная иммуносорбция с регенерацией сорбционных колонок при лечении волчаночного нефрита

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    Programmed immunoadsorption (IA) with regeneration of adsoption columns is a promising and safe technique to treat lupus nephritis (LN) in case of ineffective immunosuppressive therapy and its severe adverse reactions. This technique makes it possible to control disease activity, to maintain kidney function, and to ensure a normal quality of life. Due to the reusability of IA columns, it is possible to remove any required amount of IgG and to reduce the cost of an extracorporeal procedure.The paper describes a clinical case of 3-year prolonged IA in a female patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and LN with the insufficient efficacy of drug therapy and related complications. Seventy IA sessions were performed during a follow-up period. Combined treatment with glucocorticoids, cytotoxic drugs, and IA resulted in improved clinical and laboratory parameters, lower SLE activity according to SELENA-SLEDAI scores, and better quality of life according to the SF-36 scale. No adverse reactions were recorded during IA sessions.Программная иммуносорбция с регенерацией колонок (ИСр) – перспективный и безопасный метод лечения волчаночного нефрита (ВН) при недостаточной эффективности и выраженных неблагоприятных реакциях иммуносупрессивной терапии. Этот метод позволяет контролировать активность заболевания, сохранять функцию почек, обеспечивать нормальное качество жизни. Благодаря многоразовому использованию иммуносорбционных колонок можно удалить любое необходимое количество IgG и снизить себестоимость экстракорпоральной процедуры.Представлено клиническое наблюдение 3-летней пролонгированной ИСр у больной системной красной волчанкой (СКВ) и ВН с недостаточной эффективностью и осложнениями медикаментозной терапии. За период наблюдения выполнено 70 ИСр. На фоне комбинированного лечения с использованием глюкокортикоидов, цитотоксических препаратов и ИСр наблюдается улучшение клинических и лабораторных показателей, уменьшение активности СКВ по SELENA-SLEDAI, улучшение качества жизни по шкале SF-36. Неблагоприятных реакций при проведении процедур ИСр не зарегистрировано