10 research outputs found

    Gyermekkori Langerhans-sejtes histiocytosissal szerzett magyarországi tapasztalataink

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    BACKGROUND: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) in children is relatively rare, and the long-term analysis of therapy results has not been done yet in Hungary. PURPOSE: In this review we summarise the incidence, clinical features, prognostic risk factors and treatment results of children's LCH in Hungary, using data from the National Childhood Cancer Registry in Hungary in a 20-year period between 1981 and 2000. RESULTS: From January 1981 to December 2000, 111 children under 18 years of age were newly diagnosed with LCH in Hungary. The male-female ratio was 1.36:1, the mean age: 4 years 11 months. The minimal and median follow-up time was 3.48 years and 10.98 years respectively. 38 children had single-system disease, while in 73 cases we found systemic dissemination already at the time of diagnosis. Twenty-two patients were treated only by local surgery, 7 by surgery with local irradiation and 5 children received only local irradiation. In two cases remission was obtained with local steroid administration. 75 patient received chemotherapy. During the twenty years 14 children died, 9 due to the progression of the disease. Sixteen of the 111 patients had relapse with a mean of 2.16+/-1.29 years after the first diagnosis. Three patients with relapse got chemotherapy generally used in lymphoma and remission was achieved. The overall survival of all patients (n=111) was 88.3+/-3.1% at 5 years and 87.3+/-3.2% at 10 and 20 years. CONCLUSION: Childhood LCH is a well treatable disease and the survival rate is high. Even disseminated diseases have a quite good prognosis in childhood

    The Hungarian ecosystem services assessment – an example for a national level science-policy interface

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    The 2nd target of the EU Biodiversity Strategy requires the member states to assess and map the most important ecosystem services (ES) and integrate these results into policy decisions. Led by the Ministry of Agriculture an EU-cofinanced project entitled „Strategic Investigations on the long-term preservation and development of natural heritage of Community Importance and on the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 objective” has started in Hungary in 2016 to fulfil these goals. The project has four main elements, focusing on 1) species and sites of Community Importance, 2) mapping and assessment of ES (MAES-HU), 3) defining landscape character types and methodology development for their protection, 4) planning of green-infrastructure development. The MAES-HU aims to build up spatial databases of ecosystems and ES in Hungary, and assess them using biophysical, economic and social indicators. To ensure broad scale scientific, policy and social credibility, the project puts high emphasis on participatory planning and stakeholder involvement. Prioritization of ESs for assessment was implemented in a series of workshops according to the main ecosystem categories: forests, water bodies and marshy areas, grasslands and arable fields (in a joint workshop but with separate evaluation) and urban ecosystems. Experts from different fields (8-14 per workshop) were invited to prioritise and shortlist the ES from CICES 4.3 based on expert consensus on their perceived societal importance in Hungary. After careful evaluation of the process and its outcomes, the MAES-HU working group finally chose 13 ES to map and assess during the remaining three years of the project until the end of 2020. The methodology of the assessment is built on the guidelines of the EU MAES working group and technical reports of former national assessments of several EU member states. The evaluation of the prioritized ES will be conducted in a four step process along the four levels of the cascade model: 1) condition of ecosystems, 2) capacity (potential supply) of the ecosystems for the selected ES, 3) actual use of the selected ES, 4) contributions of ES to human wellbeing. The assessment will last for about two years and will be performed by six expert working groups, involving around 40 experts from different fields. Graphical representations (i.e. mapping) will take place at all cascade levels using a detailed ecosystem map. Economic evaluation of specific ES is also planned. In the last year of the project, planning of different future scenarios will take place based on the joint evaluation of the assessed ES. The results of the MAES-HU project will hopefully assist the sustainable management of environmental resources, the development the green-infrastructure network, improved communication between different sectors, to incorporate the results into biodiversity and sectoral policies, and to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals.peerReviewe

    Gyermekkori Langerhans-sejtes histiocytosissal szerzett magyarországi tapasztalataink

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    Bevezetés: A gyermekkorban előforduló Langerhans-sejtes histiocytosis (LCH) viszonylag ritka betegség, és ezidáig a terápiás eredmények hosszú távú kiértékelése még nem történt meg hazánkban. Célkitűzés: Az Országos Gyermektumor Regiszter adatait felhasználva megvizsgáltuk az LCH incidenciáját, a klinikai paramétereket, a prognosztikai faktorokat és a terápiás eredményeket az 1981 és 2000 közötti 20 éves periódusban. Eredmények: 1981. január 1. és 2000. december 31. között 111 új, 18 év alatti gyermeket tartottunk nyilván Magyarországon LCH diagnózissal. A fiú – leány arány 1,36:1 volt, az átlagéletkor 4 év 11 hó. A minimális követési idő 3,48 év, a medián követési idő 10,98 év volt. 38 gyermeknél igazoltunk lokalizált betegséget, és 73 esetben már a diagnózis felállításakor több szervrendszer érintett volt. Lokalizált elváltozások közül 22 esetben csupán sebészeti beavatkozásra került sor, 7 gyermeknél a műtétet helyi sugárkezelés követte, 5 gyermek csak irradiációban részesült. 2 gyermeknél lokális szteroidadagolással sikerült remissziót elérni. Összesen 75 gyermek részesült kemoterápiás kezelésben. A fenti 20 éves periódusban 14 gyermeket veszítettünk el: 9 esetben az alapbetegség progressziója okozta a halált. 111 gyermek közül 16-nál észleltük az alapbetegség recidíváját átlagosan 2,16±1,29 évvel a primer diagnózist követően. A recidivált betegek közül három lymphoma esetén alkalmazott kemoterápiát kapott, mely hatására remissziót sikerült elérni. Az összes beteg (n=111) általános túlélése 5 évnél 88,3±3,1% és 10, illetve 20 évnél 87,3±3,2%. Összefoglalás: A gyermekkori LCH ritka, de jól kezelhető megbetegedés. A túlélési ráta magas, a prognózis még disszeminált betegség esetében is kedvező gyermekkorban. Background: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) in children is relatively rare, and the long-term analysis of therapy results has not been done yet in Hungary. Purpose: In this review we summarise the incidence, clinical features, prognostic risk factors and treatment results of children’s LCH in Hungary, using data from the National Childhood Cancer Registry in Hungary in a 20-year period between 1981 and 2000. Results: From January 1981 to December 2000, 111 children under 18 years of age were newly diagnosed with LCH in Hungary. The male-female ratio was 1.36:1, the mean age: 4 years 11 months. The minimal and median follow-up time was 3.48 years and 10.98 years respectively. 38 children had singlesystem disease, while in 73 cases we found systemic dissemination already at the time of diagnosis. Twenty-two patients were treated only by local surgery, 7 by surgery with local irradiation and 5 children received only local irradiation. In two cases remission was obtained with local steroid administration. 75 patient received chemotherapy. During the twenty years 14 children died, 9 due to the progression of the disease. Sixteen of the 111 patients had relapse with a mean of 2.16±1.29 years after the first diagnosis. Three patients with relapse got chemotherapy generally used in lymphoma and remission was achieved. The overall survival of all patients (n=111) was 88.3±3.1% at 5 years and 87.3±3.2% at 10 and 20 years. Conclusion: Childhood LCH is a well treatable disease and the survival rate is high. Even disseminated diseases have a quite good prognosis in childhood