29 research outputs found


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    Las proteínas son biomoléculas presentes en los organismos vivos y llevan a cabo gran parte de las actividades celulares. Estas biomoléculas están formadas por 20 aminoácidos (aa) específicos en diferentes proporciones, los cuales son requeridos en diversas cantidades para formar o sintetizar una proteína dada. En los humanos, el organismo puede sintetizar algunos aa sin necesidad de obtenerlos de afuera y son llamados aminoácidos no esenciales. Sin embargo algunos de estos aa no los puede producir por sí solo y necesita obtenerlos del exterior (la alimentación) para así poder sintetizar proteína. Los aa son requeridos por nuestro organismo en diferentes proporciones, según la edad, actividad física y condición fisiológica. Dado que el organismo sintetiza proteína corporal con todos los aminoácidos esenciales, basta que haya uno en poca cantidad o ausente, para que la síntesis se vea afectada. No obstante, la combinación de alimentos que contengan alguno de los aminoácidos faltantes así como su digestibilidad en el organismo dará una excelente aportación de estos nutrimentos al organismo. Palabras Clave: proteínas, aminoácidos esenciales, digestibilidad, proteínas alimentarias, Calidad de las proteínas.proteins, essentials amino acids, digestibility, diet protein, quality proteins.


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    Seminario Desarrollo de Emprendedores. 2012. Carrera Odontología.Empresa dedicada a la creación de artículos para la protección contra las radiaciones de los rayos X a partir del reciclaje del plomo y el reciclaje de piezas dentales naturales para realizar múltiples estudios. Los artículos de plomo son útiles para todos aquellos profesionales en el campo odontológico que trabajan como personal en clínicas, pues les brindará protección más integral contra los rayos X a las que se exponen. Ya que estos están elaborados a base del reciclaje de plomo, se disminuirá los costos de producción y comercialización de los diferentes artículos

    Cephalometric Evaluation of Maxillary Incisors Torque and Vertical Changes Utilizing Standard Edgewise Mechanics

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    In 1995 Gebeck & Merrifield studied a successful and unsuccessful treated Class I and Class IIÕs samples; they found a -1.33 mm intrusion in the former and a 0.80 mm extrusion in the latter. The purpose of this article was to perform a cephalometric evaluation of maxillary incisors torque and vertical changes. We studied a sample of 129 patients, 30 males and 99 females, taken from The Charles H. Tweed Foundation Long Term Study, at tretreatment mean age 12.93 years, posttreatment mean age 16.19 years and follow up post retention mean age 29.83 years, a 13.88 years interval. The records were collected from private practitioners across the North American continent who used Standard Edgewise Mechanics and were members of the Charles H. Tweed Foundation. All patients were Class I and II American whites treated with the extraction of 4 premolars. We found an Upper anterior incisal edge to PP vertical linear measurement 28.7 and 29.2 mm, +0.53 mm (p<0.019) from pretreatment to posttreatment. The average Upper 1 to SN angle was 103.2° at pretreatment and 100.1° at posttreatment, -3.2° (p<0.000), Upper 1 to PP 111.0° and 108.9°, -2.2° (p<0.000), the three of them statistically significant. Conversely, Upper 1 to commissure was not. The four measurements were also statistically significant posttreatment to follow up, upper anteriors kept losing torque after posttreatment, and less upper anteriors surface was below the commissure. Some torque loss and vertical extrusion can be expected while treating patients with extractions of four premolars, therefore, upper incisor inclination increase and vertical change by itself cannot determine the success of treatmen

    Expression, Characterization and Synergistic Interactions of Myxobacter Sp. AL-1 Cel9 and Cel48 Glycosyl Hydrolases

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    The soil microorganism Myxobacter Sp. AL-1 regulates in a differential manner the production of five extracellular cellulases during its life cycle. The nucleotide sequence of a cel9-cel48 cluster from the genome of this microorganism was recently obtained. Cel48 was expressed in Escherichia coli to generate a His6-Cel48 protein and the biochemical properties of the pure protein were determined. Cel48 was more efficient in degrading acid-swollen avicel (ASC) than carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). On the other hand, cel9 was expressed in Bacillus subtilis from an IPTG-inducible promoter. Zymogram analysis showed that after IPTG-induction, Cel9 existed in both the cell fraction and the culture medium of B. subtilis and the secreted protein was purified to homogeneity by FPLC-ionic exchange chromatography. The exocellobiohydrolase Cel48 showed a synergism of 1.68 times with the endocellulase Cel9 during ASC degradation using an 8.1-fold excess of Cel48 over Cel9. Western blot analysis revealed that both proteins were synthesized and secreted to the culture medium of Myxobacter Sp. AL-1. These results show that the cel9-cel48 cluster encodes functional endo- and exo-acting cellulases that allows Myobacter Sp. AL-1 to hydrolyse cellulose

    Engineering and Directed Evolution of a Ca2+ Binding Site A-Deficient AprE Mutant Reveal an Essential Contribution of the Loop Leu75–Leu82 to Enzyme Activity

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    An aprE mutant from B. subtilis 168 lacking the connecting loop Leu75–Leu82 which is predicted to encode a Ca2+ binding site was constructed. Expression of the mutant gene (aprEΔLeu75–Leu82) produced B. subtilis colonies lacking protease activity. Intrinsic fluorescence analysis revealed spectral differences between wild-type AprE and AprEΔL75–L82. An AprEΔL75–L82 variant with reestablished enzyme activity was selected by directed evolution. The novel mutations Thr66Met/Gly102Asp located in positions which are predicted to be important for catalytic activity were identified in this variant. Although these mutations restored hydrolysis, they had no effect with respect to thermal inactivation of AprEΔL75–L82 T66M G102D. These results support the proposal that in addition to function as a calcium binding site, the loop that connects β-sheet e3 with α-helix c plays a structural role on enzyme activity of AprE from B. subtilis 168

    Benzimidazole derivatives as new and selective inhibitors of arginase from leishmania mexicana with biological activity against promastigotes and amastigotes

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    17 pags, 6 figs, 3 tabs, 2 schs. -- Supplementary materials are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/article/10 .3390/ijms222413613/s1.Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by parasites of the Leishmania genus that affects 98 countries worldwide, 2 million of new cases occur each year and more than 350 million people are at risk. The use of the actual treatments is limited due to toxicity concerns and the apparition of resistance strains. Therefore, there is an urgent necessity to find new drugs for the treatment of this disease. In this context, enzymes from the polyamine biosynthesis pathway, such as arginase, have been considered a good target. In the present work, a chemical library of benzimidazole derivatives was studied performing computational, enzyme kinetics, biological activity, and cytotoxic effect characterization, as well as in silico ADME-Tox predictions, to find new inhibitors for arginase from Leishmania mexicana (LmARG). The results show that the two most potent inhibitors (compounds 1 and 2) have an I50 values of 52 μM and 82 μM, respectively. Moreover, assays with human arginase 1 (HsARG) show that both compounds are selective for LmARG. According to molecular dynamics simulation studies these inhibitors interact with important residues for enzyme catalysis. Biological activity assays demonstrate that both compounds have activity against promastigote and amastigote, and low cytotoxic effect in murine macrophages. Finally, in silico prediction of their ADME-Tox properties suggest that these inhibitors support the characteristics to be considered drug candidates. Altogether, the results reported in our study suggest that the benzimidazole derivatives are an excellent starting point for design new drugs against leishmanisis.This research was funded by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT), grants 257848 (A.T.-V.) and 258694 (C.A.-D.). The work in Spain was funded by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Competitiveness PID2020-115331GB-100 to J.A.-H.Peer reviewe

    Experiencias en el aula: cuarto encuentro de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras.

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    Cuarto encuentro de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras, evento que se llevo a cabo los días 7 y 8 de Octubre de 2019

    Experiencias en el aula: cuarto encuentro de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras.

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    Cuarto encuentro de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras, evento que se llevo a cabo los días 7 y 8 de Octubre de 2019

    Computational Methods in Cooperation with Experimental Approaches to Design Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B Inhibitors in Type 2 Diabetes Drug Design: A Review of the Achievements of This Century

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    Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) dephosphorylates phosphotyrosine residues and is an important regulator of several signaling pathways, such as insulin, leptin, and the ErbB signaling network, among others. Therefore, this enzyme is considered an attractive target to design new drugs against type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cancer. To date, a wide variety of PTP1B inhibitors that have been developed by experimental and computational approaches. In this review, we summarize the achievements with respect to PTP1B inhibitors discovered by applying computer-assisted drug design methodologies (virtual screening, molecular docking, pharmacophore modeling, and quantitative structure&ndash;activity relationships (QSAR)) as the principal strategy, in cooperation with experimental approaches, covering articles published from the beginning of the century until the time this review was submitted, with a focus on studies conducted with the aim of discovering new drugs against type 2 diabetes. This review encourages the use of computational techniques and includes helpful information that increases the knowledge generated to date about PTP1B inhibition, with a positive impact on the route toward obtaining a new drug against type 2 diabetes with PTP1B as a molecular target

    Effects of Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract on Diabetes-Induced Alterations in Paraoxonase 1 and Catalase in Rats Analyzed through Progress Kinetic and Blind Docking

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    In our study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of Moringa oleifera leaves extract on rat paraoxonase 1 (rPON1) and catalase (rCAT) activities in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Our study included three groups; group C (control, n = 5); group D (diabetic, n = 5); and group DM (M. oleifera extract-supplemented diabetic rats, n = 5). Daily oral administration of M. oleifera extract at 200 mg/kg doses produced an increase in endogenous antioxidants. Serum rPON1 (lactonase) and liver cytosol catalase activities were determined by a spectrophotometric assay using progress curve analysis. We found a decrease in the Vm value of rPON1 in diabetic rats, but dihydrocoumarin (DHC) affinity (Km) was slightly increased. The value of Vm for the DM group was found to be reduced approximately by a factor of 3 compared with those obtained for group C, whereas Km was largely changed (96 times). Catalase activity was significantly higher in the DM group. These data suggest that the activation of rPON1 and rCAT activities by M. oleifera extracts may be mediated via the effect of the specific flavonoids on the enzyme structure. In addition, through molecular blind docking analysis, rPON1 was found to have two binding sites for flavonoids. In contrast, flavonoids bound at four sites in rCAT. In conclusion, the data suggest that compounds from M. oleifera leaves extract were able to influence the catalytic activities of both enzymes to compensate for the changes provoked by diabetes in rats