17 research outputs found

    Humán chririogonadotropin (hCG), az „everything molecule”

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    Az angol szakirodalomban „everything molecule"-ként emlegetett hCG a 21. században reneszánszát éli. Nem csupán azért, mert molekulatömegéhez képest a legmagasabb cukortartalmú molekuláról van szó, hanem több, különböző biológiai funkcióval bíró formája van, szerepet játszva a humán terhesség kialakulásától a daganatos betegségekig. Típusait két csoportra oszthatjuk: (1) a lepényi syntytiotrophoblastok, valamint a hypophysis által termelt hCG hormonok, melyek hCG/LH receptoron hatva kiemelkedő jelentőségűek mind a fiziológiás menstruációs ciklus, mind az élettani terhesség létrejöttében, illetve (2) a lepényi cytotrophoblast sejtek, valamint a rossz¬indulatú daganatok által termelt hormonok, amelyek autokrin módon, TGF-J3 receptoron hatva kritikus szerepet töltenek be a daganatok progressziójában. Közleményünkben szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet ezen hCG-formák élettani jelentőségére, valamint a bennük rejlő távlati diagnosztikus és terápiás lehetőségekre

    Arthritis psoriaticával társuló középsúlyos és súlyos psoriasis betegségterhe Magyarországon

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    INTRODUCTION: Psoriasis is a frequent, chronic, systemic immune-mediated disease mainly affecting the skin and joints. AIM: To assess health related quality of life and cost-of-illness in moderate to severe psoriasis associated with psoriatic arthritis. METHOD: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted at two academic dermatology clinics in Hungary. RESULTS: Fifty-seven patients (65% males) completed the survey with a mean age of 54.3+/-11.6 years and mean EQ-5D score of 0.48+/-0.4. Mean annual total cost was euro8,977 per patient, of which 71% occurred due to biological therapy and 21% were indirect costs, respectively. Permanent work disability due to psoriasis accounted for euro1,775 (95% of the indirect costs). Per patient costs of subgroups not receiving systemic therapy (21%), traditional systemic therapy (32%), and biological systemic therapy (47%) amounted to the sum of euro1,729, euro1,799, and euro16,983, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Patients on biological therapy showed significantly better health related quality of life. As for health economics, the efficacy of systemic treatments is appropriate to be assessed together in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis associated with psoriatic arthritis, since actual health gain might exceed that reported in psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis separately. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(48), 1913-1921

    Expression and Functional Studies on the Noncoding RNA, PRINS.

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    PRINS, a noncoding RNA identified earlier by our research group, contributes to psoriasis susceptibility and cellular stress response. We have now studied the cellular and histological distribution of PRINS by using in situ hybridization and demonstrated variable expressions in different human tissues and a consistent staining pattern in epidermal keratinocytes and in vitro cultured keratinocytes. To identify the cellular function(s) of PRINS, we searched for a direct interacting partner(s) of this stress-induced molecule. In HaCaT and NHEK cell lysates, the protein proved to be nucleophosmin (NPM) protein as a potential physical interactor with PRINS. Immunohistochemical experiments revealed an elevated expression of NPM in the dividing cells of the basal layers of psoriatic involved skin samples as compared with healthy and psoriatic uninvolved samples. Others have previously shown that NPM is a ubiquitously expressed nucleolar phosphoprotein which shuttles to the nucleoplasm after UV-B irradiation in fibroblasts and cancer cells. We detected a similar translocation of NPM in UV-B-irradiated cultured keratinocytes. The gene-specific silencing of PRINS resulted in the retention of NPM in the nucleolus of UV-B-irradiated keratinocytes; suggesting that PRINS may play a role in the NPM-mediated cellular stress response in the skin

    A Rasch model analysis of two interpretations of ‘not relevant’ responses on the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI)

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    Purpose Eight of the ten items of the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) have a ‘not relevant’ response (NRR) option. There are two possible ways to interpret NRRs: they may be considered ‘not at all’ or missing responses. We aim to compare the measurement performance of the DLQI in psoriasis patients when NRRs are scored as ‘0’ (hereafter zero-scoring) and ‘missing’ (hereafter missing-scoring) using Rasch model analysis. Methods Data of 425 patients with psoriasis from two earlier cross-sectional surveys were re-analysed. All patients completed the paper-based Hungarian version of the DLQI. A partial credit model was applied. The following model assumptions and measurement properties were tested: dimensionality, item ft, person reliability, order of response options and diferential item functioning (DIF). Results Principal component analysis of the residuals of the Rasch model confrmed the unidimensional structure of the DLQI. Person separation reliability indices were similar with zero-scoring (0.910) and missing-scoring (0.914) NRRs. With zero-scoring, items 6 (sport), 7 (working/studying) and 9 (sexual difculties) sufered from item misft and item-level disordering. With missing-scoring, no misft was observed and only item 7 was illogically ordered. Six and three items showed DIF for gender and age, respectively, that were reduced to four and three by missing-scoring. Conclusions Missing-scoring NRRs resulted in an improved measurement performance of the scale. DLQI scores of patients with at least one vs. no NRRs cannot be directly compared. Our fndings provide further empirical support to the DLQI-R scoring modifcation that treats NRRs as missing and replaces them with the average score of the relevant items