732 research outputs found

    High-frequency two-input CMOS OTA for continuous-time filter applications

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.”A high-frequency fully differential CMOS operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) is presented for continuous-time filter applications in the megahertz range. The proposed design technique combines a linear cross-coupled quad input stage with an enhanced folded-cascode circuit to increase the output resistance of the amplifier. SPICE simulations show that DC-gain enhancement can be obtained without significant bandwidth limitation. The two-input OTA developed is used in high-frequency tuneable filter design based on IFLF and LC ladder simulation structures. Simulated results of parameters and characteristics of the OTA and filters in a standard 1.2 ÎŒm CMOS process (MOSIS) are presented. A tuning circuit is also discussed.Peer reviewe

    Ileostomy Adenocarcinoma : a case report

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    Proctocolectomy is the standard treatment for patients suffering from ulcerative colitis which is long-standing, refractory to pharmacotherapy or otherwise associated with complications. An ileal pouch with pouch-anal anastomosis is fashioned in the majority of cases; however, in some instances terminal ileostomy is preferable. Ileostomy cancer is rare but a number of cases have been reported over the past twenty years suggesting a rising incidence. We report a case that developed thirty years post-operatively.peer-reviewe

    Rotational Symmetry Breaking in Sodium Doped Cuprates

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    For reasonable parameters a hole bound to a Na^{+} acceptor in Ca_{2-x}Na_{x}CuO_{2}Cl_{2} has a doubly degenerate ground state whose components can be represented as states with even (odd) reflection symmetry around the x(y) -axes. The conductance pattern for one state is anisotropic as the tip of a tunneling microscope scans above the Cu-O-Cu bonds along the x(y)-axes. This anisotropy is pronounced at lower voltages but is reduced at higher voltages. Qualitative agreement with recent experiments leads us to propose this effect as an explanation of the broken local rotational symmetry.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Apparent electron-phonon interaction in strongly correlated systems

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    We study the interaction of electrons with phonons in strongly correlated solids, having high-T_c cuprates in mind. Using sum-rules, we show that the apparent strength of this interaction strongly depends on the property studied. If the solid has a small fraction (doping) delta of charge carriers, the influence of the interaction on the phonon self-energy is reduced by a factor delta, while there is no corresponding reduction of the coupling seen in the electron self-energy. This supports the interpretation of recent photoemission experiments, assuming a strong coupling to phonons.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 eps figure

    Efficacy of B-cell-targeted therapy with rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

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    BACKGROUND: An open-label study indicated that selective depletion of B cells with the use of rituximab led to sustained clinical improvements for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. To confirm these observations, we conducted a randomized, double-blind, controlled study. METHODS: We randomly assigned 161 patients who had active rheumatoid arthritis despite treatment with methotrexate to receive one of four treatments: oral methotrexate (> or =10 mg per week) (control); rituximab (1000 mg on days 1 and 15); rituximab plus cyclophosphamide (750 mg on days 3 and 17); or rituximab plus methotrexate. Responses defined according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR) were assessed at week 24 (primary analyses) and week 48 (exploratory analyses). RESULTS: At week 24, the proportion of patients with 50 percent improvement in disease symptoms according to the ACR criteria, the primary end point, was significantly greater with the rituximab-methotrexate combination (43 percent, P=0.005) and the rituximab-cyclophosphamide combination (41 percent, P=0.005) than with methotrexate alone (13 percent). In all groups treated with rituximab, a significantly higher proportion of patients had a 20 percent improvement in disease symptoms according to the ACR criteria (65 to 76 percent vs. 38 percent, P< or =0.025) or had EULAR responses (83 to 85 percent vs. 50 percent, P< or =0.004). All ACR responses were maintained at week 48 in the rituximab-methotrexate group. The majority of adverse events occurred with the first rituximab infusion: at 24 weeks, serious infections occurred in one patient (2.5 percent) in the control group and in four patients (3.3 percent) in the rituximab groups. Peripheral-blood immunoglobulin concentrations remained within normal ranges. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite methotrexate treatment, a single course of two infusions of rituximab, alone or in combination with either cyclophosphamide or continued methotrexate, provided significant improvement in disease symptoms at both weeks 24 and 48

    Controlling shot noise in double-barrier magnetic tunnel junctions

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    We demonstrate that shot noise in Fe/MgO/Fe/MgO/Fe double-barrier magnetic tunnel junctions is determined by the relative magnetic configuration of the junction and also by the asymmetry of the barriers. The proposed theoretical model, based on sequential tunneling through the system and including spin relaxation, successfully accounts for the experimental observations for bias voltages below 0.5V, where the influence of quantum well states is negligible. A weak enhancement of conductance and shot noise, observed at some voltages (especially above 0.5V), indicates the formation of quantum well states in the middle magnetic layer. The observed results open up new perspectives for a reliable magnetic control of the most fundamental noise in spintronic structures.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Electron-phonon interaction in the t-J model

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    We derive a t-J model with electron-phonon coupling from the three-band model, considering modulation of both hopping and Coulomb integrals by phonons. While the modulation of the hopping integrals dominates, the modulation of the Coulomb integrals cannot be neglected. The model explains the experimentally observed anomalous softening of the half-breathing mode upon doping and a weaker softening of the breathing mode. It is shown that other phonons are not strongly influenced, and, in particular, the coupling to a buckling mode is not strong in this model.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 eps figures; final version with minor correction

    The Role of Microstructural Variability on the Very High Cycle Fatigue Lifetime Variability of an

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    The fatigue behavior of structural components in the regime of very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) (10^6-10^9 cycles) has been attracting increased commercial interest as components are increasingly being called upon to perform in this regime of lifetimes. In VHCF, the applied stresses relative to the yield stress are very low. Therefore, it is presumed that a substantial portion of fatigue lifetime is consumed by the fatigue crack initiation process, and that cyclic plasticity only accumulates in microstructural neighborhoods that are susceptible to fatigue damage accumulation. Thus, microstructural heterogeneity is believed to significantly effect the fatigue lifetime variability. The very high cycle fatigue behavior of Ti-6246 has been investigated using ultrasonic fatigue techniques, and lifetimes ranging from 10^6-10^9 cycles have been observed. Fatigue cracks initiate by facet formation within αp grains. It has been found that the facets form in grains that are slightly larger than average and that the facets appear to form by a process of slip since the facet plane normals are oriented approximately 35-55° with respect to the tensile axis. Three characteristic fatigue crack initiation sites have been identified. These initiation sites, ranked in order of increasing fatigue resistance are: surface, subsurface with isolated facets, and subsurface with contiguous transgranular faceting. The texture of the material in these initiation regions is favorable for basal and prism slip. This texture is derived from the prior ÎČ texture, and a mechanism of fatigue crack initiation resulting from strain incompatibility has been proposed. Fatigue crack growth experiments have been completed to measure the influence of local texture on the ease of fatigue crack initiation and the resulting fatigue crack growth rates. These experiments have found that the controlling microstructural dimension is on the order of 20-25 ”m. The texture appears to affect initiation of fatigue cracks from notches as well. For notches placed within neighborhoods favorably oriented for basal slip, fatigue crack initiation will be encouraged. However, for notches placed within microstructural regions unfavorably oriented for basal slip, fatigue crack initiation will be inhibited.Ph.D.Materials Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61749/1/chrisski_1.pd

    Anomalous Spin and Charge Dynamics of the 2D t-J Model at low doping

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    We present an exact diagonalization study of the dynamical spin and density correlation function of the 2D t-J model for hole doping < 25%. Both correlation functions show a remarkably regular, but completely different scaling behaviour with both hole concentration and parameter values: the density correlation function is consistent with that of bosons corresponding to the doped holes and condensed into the lowest state of the noninteracting band of width 8t, the spin correlation function is consistent with Fermions in a band of width J. We show that the spin bag picture gives a natural explanation for this unusual behaviour.Comment: Revtex-file, 4 PRB pages + 5 figures attached as uu-encoded ps-files Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can also be obtained by e-mailing to: [email protected]
