37 research outputs found

    The Middle East perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Middle East is gaining more importance than in the past. Although it still remains more about philanthropy and charity, it moves towards a more strategic approach which includes formalizing ways of giving, as a set of non-random actions, and focuses more on addressing social ills and environment, economic challenges, that are hindering development. However, the business in the region has not yet taken the step to fully integrate the CSR into their core business operations. The most common challenges that facing the CSR implementation are the lack of government requirements and incentives, spreading awareness, building CSR partnership model, going beyond the marketing and PR campaigns, and full integration of CSR into the business strategy. In this paper, we aim to introduce the current state of the CSR in the Middle East and its perspectives, besides reviewing its evaluation stages, motivations, and current challenges. Moreover, we aim to examine CSR common practices through examples from the financial sector. The research method applied in this research is based on secondary data sources and we have used desk research to illustrate most important points and findings on the topic

    An approach to the CSR activity of foreign banks in Jordan

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    The companies’ social responsibility (CSR) gains an increasing importance in Jordan after the State abandonment for many of its economic, social and service roles, where numerous companies seek to adopt social responsibility active programs taking into account the conditions and challenges facing the society. There is no doubt that the social responsibility is the main pillar and a significant instrument to alleviate the globalization dominance and financial and economic crises, also the interest in social responsibility has become a prerequisite for reducing poverty through the economic institutions engagement. In this study we intend to focus on the CSR activity from a general point of view of the state and also to emphasize its importance through the practice of some foreign banks in Jordan. The study found that foreign banks sector focuses on activities in the health and education areas where it took the largest share of support and take the partnership character with governmental organizations and specific local institutions with lack of mechanism for final assessment

    A Case Study on Human Resource Management Practice of a Sport Organization

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    Human resource with the adequate ability and skills is of decisive importance in all organizations, irrespective of the field of activity in which they operate. It is no different with the life of sports organizations. The human resource management of sports organizations is peculiar which is influenced by, on the one hand, the operating form of an organization, on the other hand, the nature of employment. Those well-known jobs can be also found in the sport organizations which are necessary to operate an organization and carry out the general tasks, at the same time, the amateur or professional athletes turn up as specific human resources. Aim of the study is to explore the specific characteristics of the human resource management of a particular organization, namely Debreceni Egyetem Atlétikai Club Sport Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. (University of Debrecen Athletic Sport Non-profit Public Benefit Purpose Ltd., hereinafter: DEAC Ltd.), primarily focusing on the traditional HR functions. After reviewing the domestic and international specialized literatures, the practice of the examined sport organization will be described by means of case study, document analysis and managerial interview methods. Based on the results, it can be determined that there is no separate HR manager in case of the examined sport organization, due to its size, but the managing director carries out the tasks as an economic and HR manager in one person. From the aspect of organizational operation, the practice of HR functions is similar to the practice of other SME business organizations, at the same time, the management of athletics as human resources means its specific characteristic where the managements of labour supply, career and talent has other interpretation

    The examination of managerial processes of civic organizations

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    Management becomes more and more highlighted nowadays. It is a result of a dynamic development and now management science includes different kinds of analysis. A functional aspect is well-known in this discipline, and in its framework the Institute of Management and Labour Sciences at the the University of Debrecen has worked out its private research program, which is called “The functional examination of corporate management”. We have carried out diverse examinations in the framework, the authors of this article are mainly specialized in the study of the management of civic organizations. Researches were started in 2009. Currently 66 thousands of nonprofit organizations are registered nationally. We have focused on classic civic organizations from inside, these include foundations and associations, whose ratio among the nonprofit organization is about two third. Though their economic importance is undisputed, still little information is known about their managerial characteristics. Some organizations are really successful, others vegetate, and many organization only exist formally, without real operation. We have examined general managerial functions and within that we also have studied the field of managerial operations: planning, decision making, organization and control. The subject of the research was the operating of the civic organizations of Hajdú-Bihar county, we have taken sample of civic managers and carried out a questionnaire survey. Results show that many managerial functions are incompletely fulfilled, among which the most important managerial task was the subject of organization. According to managers, it is really hard to plan for more than a year in this sphere. Considering decision making, the managers examined mainly decide by their private experiences. Although organizing the managerial tasks equally influence all tasks, still the organization of corporate management was emphasized by managers. Examining the importance and the process of control, we have found that those set objectives which were defined and registered at the formation were primarily emphasized, and these are maninly attended by the managers

    Civil szervezetek vezetési szempontból

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    A XXI. század elejére a hazai civil szervezetek száma meghaladta az ötvenezret. A modern társadalmakban a civil szervezetek jelenléte, működése mára általánossá vált. Szerepük azért értékelődött fel, mert olyan társadalmi-gazdasági problémák megoldására vállalkoznak, amelyek az állam és a társadalom számára fontosak, de más szervezetek nem képesek, vagy nem akarják felvállalni azokat. Jelentőségükhöz képest kevés figyelem irányult e szervezetek működési, szervezeti és vezetési problémáinak feltárására, elemzésére. A szerzők a Debreceni Egyetem Vezetés- és Szervezéstudományi Intézetének kutatási programja keretében 2009-től vizsgálják a civilek vezetésével kapcsolatos fontosabb vezetési feladatokat. Céljuk az volt, hogy feltárják a „civil menedzsment” sajátosságait, milyen tényezők hogyan hatnak a vezetési feladatokra, melyek kerülnek előtérbe, melyek azok, amelyek nem értékelhetők ezen a területen. Tanulmányukban érzékeltetni szeretnék a téma jelentőségét, és bemutatják a civil szervezetek természetéből adódó vezetési sajátosságokat. Eddigi kutatásaikból a vezetési területek és feladatok megítélésére, az emberierőforrás-gazdálkodásra és a döntési folyamat sajátosságaira vonatkozó eredményeiket ismertetik

    An approach to the CSR activity of foreign banks in Jordan

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    The companies’ social responsibility (CSR) gains an increasing importance in Jordan after the State abandonment for many of its economic, social and service roles, where numerous companies seek to adopt social responsibility active programs taking into account the conditions and challenges facing the society. There is no doubt that the social responsibility is the main pillar and a significant instrument to alleviate the globalization dominance and financial and economic crises, also the interest in social responsibility has become a prerequisite for reducing poverty through the economic institutions engagement. In this study we intend to focus on the CSR activity from a general point of view of the state and also to emphasize its importance through the practice of some foreign banks in Jordan. The study found that foreign banks sector focuses on activities in the health and education areas where it took the largest share of support and take the partnership character with governmental organizations and specific local institutions with lack of mechanism for final assessment

    Hagyományőrző íjászat újraértelmezése egy vidéki kistelepülésen

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    Egy vidéki kisváros jelentőségének ismertetése során a történelmi szerep, a múlt, a hagyományőrzés az első gondolatok között szokott szerepelni. A történelmi események, szereplők meg- és felidézése, valamint a hagyományőrző tevékenységek restaurációja, reneszánsza lehetőséget nyújthat a település fejlődéséhez, nem csupán a turisztikai jellegű potenciált erősítheti, de erősítheti a települési identitást, a sportot, a közösségi kohéziót. A sajátos vidéki összefüggések közepette ugyanakkor érdekeltségi viszonyok, a vidékiség, valamint forrásokkal kapcsolatos kérdések sok esetben vezetnek az alulról szerveződő kezdeményezések meghiúsulásához. A vizsgált település egy történelmi hangulatú kisváros, a vizsgált hagyományőrző tevékenység korábban már szervezett formában is létezett, ám a szervezeti háttér megszűnésével, egyes érdekek megváltozásával mára ez magánszemélyek alkalmi kikapcsolódási és sportlehetőségévé szorult vissza. Tanulmányunkban a hagyományőrző jellegű íjászat újraélesztésének, kibontakozásának és felemelkedésének lehetőségeit kívánjuk feltárni néhány lényeges szempont vizsgálatán keresztül

    Nyírbogát lakosságának sportérintettség vizsgálata

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    A sportérintettség nemcsak a sportolókat, hanem a sporteseményekre nézőként részt vevőket és médián keresztül érintetteket is vizsgálja. A vizsgálatban a sporttal közvetlen és közvetett kapcsolatot különítettünk el. Közvetlen kapcsolatnak tekin-tettük, ha az egyén sportol vagy foglalkozik a sporttal. Többféle módszerrel közelí-tettük meg a témát. Nyírbogát lakosai között kérdőíves vizsgálatot folytatunk és több célzott interjút készítetünk. A kutatás célja, feltárni és bemutatni a község közvetlen és közvetett kapcsolatát a sporttal, a válaszadók attitűdjét a spottal kap-csolatban. Választ kerestünk arra, melyek a legkedveltebb sportágak, klubcsapatok és sportolók. Külön vizsgáltuk a sporteseményekre kilátogatók véleményét a kü-lönböző sportszolgáltatásokkal kapcsolatba. Eredményeink alapján megállapítottuk, hogy a válaszadók és interjú alanyok nagyobb százalékának pozitív az attitűdje a spottal kapcsolatba, a sport elkötelezettjei. A szurkolóknak a legfontosabb tényező a sporteseményeken megfelelő körülmények biztosítása és a megfizethető belépő

    Szociális intézmények értékelési lehetőségeinek vizsgálata egy idősek ápoló-gondozó otthona példáján keresztül = Examination of social institutions evaluation possibilities through the example of a nursing an care home

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    In some rural areas the sustainability and operation of certain social institutions have become not only a professional, but rather a complex issue lately, from some points of view. Currently, beside providing various services, it has become a significant challenge to operate their infrastructures, maintain and supply the human background, and meet different evaluation expectations. This latest may only be carried out perfectly, which means that these organizations must meet legal requirements. In our study, we want emphasize this topic through an instance of an organization, which became highlighted from social-political points of view and it still tries to meet the various expectations. This study also tries to reveal the different evaluation methods, which are applied when experts, political decision makers try to assess the operation of this organization. It seems obvious that evaluation results may differ and the operation may not be examined from only one point of view