219 research outputs found

    Paleofluid evolution of the fractured basalt hydrocarbon reservoir in the ÜllĂ©s-Ruzsa-BordĂĄny area, SE Hungary

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    Abstract Volcanic successions of the Kecel Basalt Formation (KBF) occur in the southern part of the Pannonian Basin. As a result of periodic submarine eruptions, the basaltic and pyroclastic rock horizons were intercalated with layers of the Late Miocene Endrod Marl Formation, which is regarded as one of the most important hydrocarbon source rocks in the area. The KBF was discovered through almost 30 wells between 2,200 and 2,900 meters of depth. Due to the high fracture porosity, some parts of the formation show good reservoir characteristics and act as important migration pathways of hydrocarbon-bearing fluids. Since the reservoir is presumably fracture-controlled, this study concentrates on the evolution of fractures crosscutting the rock body. Based on textural and mineralogical features, four distinct vein types can be distinguished, of which the first three types are discussed in this paper. Beside calcite, quartz, feldspar, and chlorite, the veins are cemented by various zeolite minerals. The vertical dimension of the dominant zeolite zone indicates the burial-diagenetic type of zeolite zonation and suggests subsidence of the subaqueous basalt after formation

    FelsƑfokĂș szakkĂ©pzĂ©sek a Debreceni Egyetemen

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    TanulmĂĄnyom cĂ©lja a hazai felsƑfokĂș szakkĂ©pzĂ©s gazdasĂĄgi Ă©s tĂĄrsadalmi környezetĂ©nek valamint az ehhez tartozĂł fogalmi keretnek a bemutatĂĄsa. A kĂ©tĂ©ves kĂ©pzĂ©s fejlƑdĂ©sĂ©ben fontos mĂ©rföldkƑnek szĂĄmĂ­tott a bolognai rendszer 2006-ban törtĂ©nt bevezetĂ©se. Ez Ășj alapokra helyezte a kĂ©pzĂ©st Ă©s Ășj lehetƑsĂ©get, Ă©s teret nyitott meg a felsƑfokĂș szakkĂ©pzĂ©sekre jelentkezƑk szĂĄmĂĄra. Annak Ă©rdekĂ©ben, hogy a kĂ©pzĂ©s kialakulĂĄsĂĄt jobban megĂ©rthessĂŒk nemzetközi szintƱ, fƑkĂ©nt eurĂłpai kitekintĂ©st tettem. Ezen tĂ©mĂĄk mellett emlĂ­tĂ©si szinten foglalkozok az elmĂșlt 10-12 Ă©vben vĂ©gzett jelentƑs hazai felsƑfokĂș szakkĂ©pzĂ©si kutatĂĄsokkal /Többek között: (Hrubos, 2002), (FehĂ©rvĂĄri, 2009), GurbĂĄn (2009), Farkas É. (2009), Farkas P. (2009), Karsai (2011)/. KutatĂĄsomban elsƑsorban a Debreceni Egyetem elmĂșlt 12 Ă©vĂ©ben folytatott akkreditĂĄlt iskolarendszerƱ felsƑfokĂș szakkĂ©pzĂ©s Ă©s felsƑfokĂș szakkĂ©pzĂ©s törtĂ©netĂ©t, fejlƑdĂ©sĂ©t vizsgĂĄlom. Az egyetem Ă©s a felvi.hu statisztikai adataira alapozva mĂĄsodlagos elemzĂ©st vĂ©gzek. Úgy gondolom, hogy tanulmĂĄnyom egy olyan tĂ©mĂĄra vilĂĄgĂ­t rĂĄ, amely egyre nagyobb figyelmet kap, fƑkĂ©nt mostansĂĄg, hogy a kĂ©pzĂ©s elnevezĂ©se Ă©s szerkezete is vĂĄltozik. A vĂĄltozĂĄsok kapcsĂĄn Ă©rdekessĂ©gkĂ©nt emlĂ­tenĂ©m, hogy egyfajta ciklikussĂĄg figyelhetƑ meg a kĂ©pzĂ©sben, hiszen körĂŒlbelĂŒl hĂ©t Ă©vente egyfajta szerkezeti Ă©s nĂ©vbeli vĂĄltozĂĄson megy ĂĄt a kĂ©pzĂ©s (1997/98- AIFSZ, 2006-FSZ, 2013-FOSZ). The starting point in my thesis is the examination of economic and social milieu of the advanced level specialized education in Hungarian higher education. In the evolution of the two-year training the introducation of the Bologna System in 2006 was considered as a milestone event. This put the training on a new basis and opened up new opportunities for those who wanted to get specialized higher education. So as to understand the development of the new system I have done research mainly on the European situation. Besides the above mentioned topics I have carried out research on the significant work of academics produced in the past 10-12 years. Among others: (Hrubos, 2002), (FehĂ©rvĂĄri, 2009), GurbĂĄn (2009), Farkas É. (2009), Farkas P. (2009), Karsai (2011)/ Overall I think that my thesis pours light on a topic, which deserves more and more attention, especially nowadays as the name and the system are changing. I would like to mention as an interesting factor in connection with the changes that a certain cyclic tendency can be observred in the training as some kind of modification in name and structure can be observed once in seven years

    Primo Levi „arcvesztĂ©se” Auschwitzban Ă©s Auschwitz utĂĄn

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    Palaeofluid evolution in a fractured basalt hosted reservoir in the ÜllĂ©s-Ruzsa-BordĂĄny area, southern sector of the Pannonian Basin

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    Extensive Miocene volcanic activity produced basaltic and pyroclastic successions, which were penetrated by many wells in the area of ÜllĂ©s-Ruzsa-BordĂĄny, in the western and central part of the Great Hungarian Plain. The Kecel Basalt comprises primary porosity from a high proportion of vesicles and significant secondary fracture porosity, as well. Due to the significant fracture porosity, some depth intervals show good reservoir characteristics, although the fractures crosscutting the rock body are partly or entirely cemented by various minerals. Based on the textural and mineralogical features, four distinct vein types can be distinguished, named after their volumetrically most abundant cement phases, i.e. potassium-feldspar (Kfp-), calcite (Cal-), laumontite (Lmt-) and analcime (Anl-) types. This study focuses on probably the youngest of these vein types, the Anl-type. Based on the study of veins and mineral sequences, the direction of temperature changes cannot be given unequivocally for every stage of cementation, but crystallization of the Anl-type veins might have occurred at lower temperatures than the formation of the Lmt-type veins. Fluid inclusion studies suggest that hydrocarbon migration and accumulation took place after cementation of the first three vein types (Kfp-, Cal- and Lmt-types). In the newly opened fracture system, two types of hydrocarbon (HC1 and HC2)-bearing fluid inclusion assemblages were captured during precipitation of analcime and later zeolites. This refers to two stages of hydrocarbon migration in the fracture system. Observations of the fluorescence colours and low temperature behaviours of the hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions, the earlier HC1 petroleum-inclusions captured heavier (presumably less mature oils), while the later ones (HC2) lighter (presumably more mature) oils. The HC2 petroleum seems to be very similar to the crude oil sampled in a well in the area based on their fluorescence parameters.</p
